diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index cee60873f8f84859292fdaa345ece6dfb496cecb..d7470373d98664d0443f98f159fa996c28e3be1e 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -26,20 +26,35 @@ dune-2.6 ubuntu-18.04 clang-6-17:
   - dunecontrol --current make -j4 examples
-dune-git debian-10 gcc-8-17:
-  image: registry.dune-project.org/docker/ci/dune:git-debian-10-gcc-8-17
+  before_script:
+  - . /duneci/bin/duneci-init-job
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-common.git
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-geometry.git
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-localfunctions.git
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-uggrid.git
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-grid.git
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/core/dune-istl.git
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-typetree.git
+  - duneci-install-module https://gitlab.dune-project.org/staging/dune-functions.git
   - duneci-standard-test
   - dunecontrol --current make -j4 examples
+dune-git debian-10 gcc-8-17:
+  extends: .dune-git
+  image: registry.dune-project.org/docker/ci/debian:10
+  variables:
+    DUNECI_TOOLCHAIN: gcc-8-17
 dune-git debian-9 gcc-6-14:
-  image: registry.dune-project.org/docker/ci/dune:git-debian-9-gcc-6-14
-  script:
-  - duneci-standard-test
-  - dunecontrol --current make -j4 examples
+  extends: .dune-git
+  image: registry.dune-project.org/docker/ci/debian:9
+  variables:
+    DUNECI_TOOLCHAIN: gcc-6-14
 dune-git ubuntu-18.04 clang-6-17:
-  image: registry.dune-project.org/docker/ci/dune:git-ubuntu-18.04-clang-6-17
-  script:
-  - duneci-standard-test
-  - dunecontrol --current make -j4 examples
+  extends: .dune-git
+  image: registry.dune-project.org/docker/ci/ubuntu:18.04
+  variables:
+    DUNECI_TOOLCHAIN: clang-6-17
diff --git a/src/amdis/AdaptiveGrid.hpp b/src/amdis/AdaptiveGrid.hpp
index e9303e8c10c75b446273b23620e3862b28fa392c..a40fcf91dc2b5552109c420a4fc03da1a61728a0 100644
--- a/src/amdis/AdaptiveGrid.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/AdaptiveGrid.hpp
@@ -8,103 +8,132 @@
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
-#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
+#include <dune/common/hybridutilities.hh>
 #include <dune/common/timer.hh>
+#include <dune/common/version.hh>
+#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
 #include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/common/backuprestore.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/common/capabilities.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/common/grid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/utility/structuredgridfactory.hh>
-#include <amdis/common/ConceptsBase.hpp>
+#include <amdis/common/Concepts.hpp>
+#include <amdis/common/DefaultGridView.hpp>
 #include <amdis/common/SharedPtr.hpp>
 #include <amdis/Observer.hpp>
 #include <amdis/Output.hpp>
 namespace AMDiS
-  namespace Impl
-  {
-    template <class Grid, class... Args,
-    REQUIRES(std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<Grid>().loadBalance()), bool>::value)>
-    bool loadBalanceImpl(Grid& grid, Args&&... args)
-    {
-      return grid.loadBalance(FWD(args)...);
-    }
-    // Workaround for grids not adhering to the correct interface
-    template <class Grid, class... Args,
-    REQUIRES(not std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<Grid>().loadBalance()), bool>::value)>
-    bool loadBalanceImpl(Grid& grid, Args&&... args)
-    {
-      grid.loadBalance(FWD(args)...);
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
   namespace event
     /** Event generated from an AdaptiveGrid when calling preAdapt(). It contains the return value
      *  of preAdapt() as its 'mightCoarsen' member and is passed to registered observers after
      *  calling preAdapt on the underlying grid.
-     */
+     **/
     struct preAdapt { bool mightCoarsen; };
     /** Event generated from an AdaptiveGrid when calling adapt(). Its 'adapted' member contains the
      *  value true if either preAdapt() or adapt() returned true. This event is passed to registered
      *  observers after calling adapt on the underlying grid.
-     */
+     **/
     struct adapt { bool adapted; };
     /** Event generated from an AdaptiveGrid when calling postAdapt().This event is passed to
      *  registered observers after calling postAdapt on the underlying grid.
-     */
+     **/
     struct postAdapt {};
-  /** Wrapper class for Dune-grids that allows automatic signalling of events during grid adaptation
-   *  This class needs to be created after construction of the associated grid by calling the
-   *  instance method.
+  // forward declaration
+  template <class HostGrid>
+  class AdaptiveGridFamily;
+  /// \brief Wrapper class for Dune-grids that allows automatic signalling of events
+  /// during grid adaptation.
+  /**
    *  Calls to grid.preAdapt(), grid.adapt() and grid.postAdapt() need to be replaced by calls to
    *  the corresponding methods of this class to use the automatic update functionality.
-   */
-  template <class Grid>
+   *
+   * \tparam HG  Host grid to be wrapped. Must implement the dune grid interface.
+   **/
+  template <class HG>
   class AdaptiveGrid
-      : public Signals<event::preAdapt, event::adapt, event::postAdapt>
+      : public Dune::GridDefaultImplementation<
+          HG::dimension, HG::dimensionworld, typename HG::ctype, AdaptiveGridFamily<HG> >
+      , public Signals<event::preAdapt, event::adapt, event::postAdapt>
-    using Self = AdaptiveGrid<Grid>;
-    using Element = typename Grid::template Codim<0>::Entity;
-    struct HiddenStruct {};
+    using Self = AdaptiveGrid<HG>;
-    using HostGrid = Grid;
-    enum { dimension = HostGrid::dimension };
-    enum { dimensionworld = HostGrid::dimensionworld };
-    using LeafGridView = typename HostGrid::LeafGridView;
-    using LevelGridView = typename HostGrid::LevelGridView;
-    template <int cd>
-    struct Codim
-    {
-      using Geometry = typename HostGrid::template Codim<cd>::Geometry;
-      using Entity = typename HostGrid::template Codim<cd>::Entity;
-    };
-    using GlobalIdSet = typename HostGrid::GlobalIdSet;
-    using LocalIdSet = typename HostGrid::LocalIdSet;
-    using LevelIndexSet = typename HostGrid::LevelIndexSet;
-    using LeafIndexSet = typename HostGrid::LeafIndexSet;
+    using HostGrid   = HG;
+    using GridFamily = AdaptiveGridFamily<HG>;
+    using Traits     = typename GridFamily::Traits;
+    using Element    = typename Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity;
-    /// Constructor that may only be called indirectly via the instance method
-    explicit AdaptiveGrid(std::shared_ptr<HostGrid> grid, HiddenStruct)
-      : hostGrid_(std::move(grid))
+  public:
+    template <class HostGrid_,
+      Dune::disableCopyMove<Self, HostGrid_> = 0>
+    explicit AdaptiveGrid(HostGrid_&& hostGrid)
+      : hostGrid_(wrap_or_share(FWD(hostGrid)))
-    /// Unreachable constructor required to compile the unreachable branch in instance method
-    explicit AdaptiveGrid(std::shared_ptr<HostGrid const> grid, HiddenStruct)
-    {
-      error_exit("Cannot create AdaptiveGrid from const Grid.");
-    }
+    /// Return the underlying grid
+    std::shared_ptr<HostGrid> const& hostGrid() const { return hostGrid_; }
+  public:
+    /// Grid iterators
+    /// @{
+    /// Iterator to first entity of given codim on level
+    template <int codim, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pt = Dune::All_Partition>
+    auto lbegin(int level) const { return hostGrid_->levelGridView(level).template begin<codim,pt>(); }
+    /// one past the end on this level
+    template <int codim, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pt = Dune::All_Partition>
+    auto lend(int level) const { return hostGrid_->levelGridView(level).template end<codim,pt>(); }
+    /// Iterator to first leaf entity of given codim
+    template <int codim, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pt = Dune::All_Partition>
+    auto leafbegin() const { return hostGrid_->leafGridView().template begin<codim,pt>(); }
+    /// One past the end of the sequence of leaf entities
+    template <int codim, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pt = Dune::All_Partition>
+    auto leafend() const { return hostGrid_->leafGridView().template end<codim,pt>(); }
+    /// Obtain begin intersection iterator with respect to the level GridView
+    auto ilevelbegin(Element const& e) const { return hostGrid_->levelGridView(e.level()).ibegin(e); }
+    /// Obtain end intersection iterator with respect to the level GridView
+    auto ilevelend(Element const& e) const { return hostGrid_->levelGridView(e.level()).iend(e); }
+    /// Obtain begin intersection iterator with respect to the leaf GridView
+    auto ileafbegin(Element const& e) const { return hostGrid_->leafGridView().ibegin(e); }
+    /// Obtain end intersection iterator with respect to the leaf GridView
+    auto ileafend(Element const& e) const { return hostGrid_->leafGridView().iend(e); }
+    /// @}
+    /// Size methods
+    /// @{
+    /// Return maximum level defined in this grid.
     int maxLevel() const { return hostGrid_->maxLevel(); }
+    /// Number of grid entities per level and codim
     int size(int level, int codim) const { return hostGrid_->size(level, codim); }
     /// Return number of leaf entities of a given codim in this process
@@ -116,24 +145,32 @@ namespace AMDiS
     /// Return number of leaf entities per geometry type in this process
     int size(Dune::GeometryType type) const { return hostGrid_->size(type); }
-    auto numBoundarySegments () const { return hostGrid_->numBoundarySegments(); }
+    /// Returns the number of boundary segments within the macro grid
+    std::size_t numBoundarySegments() const { return hostGrid_->numBoundarySegments(); }
-    /// View for a grid level for All_Partition
-    LevelGridView levelGridView(int l) const { return hostGrid_->levelGridView(l); }
+    /// @}
-    /// View for the leaf grid for All_Partition
-    LeafGridView leafGridView() const { return hostGrid_->leafGridView(); }
-    GlobalIdSet const& globalIdSet() const { return hostGrid_->globalIdSet(); }
+    /// Access to index and id sets
+    /// @{
-    /// return const reference to the host grids local id set
-    LocalIdSet const& localIdSet() const { return hostGrid_->localIdSet(); }
+    /// Return const reference to the grids global id set
+    auto const& globalIdSet() const { return hostGrid_->globalIdSet(); }
-    /// return const reference to the host grids level index set for level level
-    LevelIndexSet const& levelIndexSet(int level) const { return hostGrid_->levelIndexSet(level); }
+    /// Return const reference to the host grids local id set
+    auto const& localIdSet() const { return hostGrid_->localIdSet(); }
-    /// return const reference to the host grids leaf index set
-    LeafIndexSet const& leafIndexSet() const { return hostGrid_->leafIndexSet(); }
+    /// Return const reference to the host grids level index set for level level
+    auto const& levelIndexSet(int level) const { return hostGrid_->levelIndexSet(level); }
+    /// Return const reference to the host grids leaf index set
+    auto const& leafIndexSet() const { return hostGrid_->leafIndexSet(); }
+    /// @}
+    /// Adaptivity and grid refinement
+    /// @{
     /// Refines all grid elements refCount times.
     void globalRefine(int refCount)
@@ -148,7 +185,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
-    /// Mark entity for refinement
+    /// Marks an entity to be refined/coarsened in a subsequent adapt
     bool mark(int refCount, Element const& e) { return hostGrid_->mark(refCount, e); }
     /// Return refinement mark for entity
@@ -161,7 +198,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
       mightCoarsen_ = hostGrid_->preAdapt();
       Dune::MPIHelper::getCollectiveCommunication().max(&mightCoarsen_, 1);
-      info(2,"preAdapt needed {} seconds", t.elapsed());
+      info(2,"AdaptiveGrid::preAdapt needed {} seconds", t.elapsed());
       return mightCoarsen_;
@@ -172,6 +209,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
       refined_ = hostGrid_->adapt();
       Dune::MPIHelper::getCollectiveCommunication().max(&refined_, 1);
       this->notify(event::adapt{mightCoarsen_ || refined_});
+      info(2,"AdaptiveGrid::adapt needed {} seconds", t.elapsed());
       return refined_;
@@ -182,126 +220,340 @@ namespace AMDiS
-      info(2,"postAdapt needed {} seconds", t.elapsed());
+      info(2,"AdaptiveGrid::postAdapt needed {} seconds", t.elapsed());
-    /** Calls loadBalance on the underlying grid.
-     *  Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid.
-     *  \return True if the grid has changed.
-     */
-    bool loadBalance()
+    /// Returns the grid change index, see \ref changeIndex.
+    unsigned long changeIndex() const
-      return Impl::loadBalanceImpl(*hostGrid_);
+      return changeIndex_;
-    /*  Calls loadBalance(handle) on the underlying grid.
-     *  Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid and moves the data.
-     *  \param data A data handle telling the method which data should be communicated
-     *  and how. Has to adhere to the interface described by Dune::CommDataHandleIf.
-     *  \return True if the grid has changed.
-     */
+    // @}
+    /// Parallel data distribution and communication
+    /// @{
+    /// Return const reference to a collective communication object.
+    auto const& comm() const { return hostGrid_->comm(); }
+    /// Communicate data of level gridView
     template <class DataHandle>
-    bool loadBalance (DataHandle& handle)
+    void communicate(DataHandle& handle, Dune::InterfaceType iftype,
+                     Dune::CommunicationDirection dir, int level) const
-      return Impl::loadBalanceImpl(*hostGrid_, handle);
+      hostGrid_->levelGridView(level).communicate(handle,iftype,dir);
-    /// Returns the grid change index, see \ref changeIndex.
-    unsigned long changeIndex() const
+    /// Communicate data of leaf gridView
+    template <class DataHandle>
+    void communicate(DataHandle& handle, Dune::InterfaceType iftype,
+                     Dune::CommunicationDirection dir) const
-      return changeIndex_;
+      hostGrid_->leafGridView().communicate(handle,iftype,dir);
-  private:
-    template <class Grid_>
-    static std::shared_ptr<Self>
-    instanceImpl(std::shared_ptr<Grid_> grid)
+    /// \brief Calls loadBalance on the underlying grid.
+    /**
+     *  Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid.
+     *
+     *  \return true if the grid has changed.
+     **/
+    bool loadBalance()
-      using mutex_type = std::shared_timed_mutex;
-      static mutex_type access_mutex;
-      // 1. Cleanup. Since the iterators may be invalidated only one accessor is allowed. Erases all
-      //    expired weak pointers (all pointers that no longer have valid instances attached).
-      std::unique_lock<mutex_type> write_lock(access_mutex);
-      for (auto it = adaptiveGrids_.begin(); it != adaptiveGrids_.end(); ++it)
-        if (it->expired())
-          it = adaptiveGrids_.erase(it);
-      write_lock.unlock();
-      std::shared_lock<mutex_type> read_lock(access_mutex);
-      // 2. Find matching observed grid object. We obtain a lock here to avoid complications with
-      //    insertions made by other threads in step 3.
-      auto it = find_if(adaptiveGrids_.begin(), adaptiveGrids_.end(),
-        [&](std::weak_ptr<Self>& wPtr) {
-          auto ag = wPtr.lock();
-          return ag->hostGrid_ == grid;
-        });
-      // 3. Register new object or return existing. In case of inserting a new instance we obtain a
-      //    write lock.
-      if (it == adaptiveGrids_.end())
-      {
-        test_exit(!std::is_const<Grid_>::value,
-          "No existing AdaptiveGrid found and no mutable grid passed to create a new instance");
-        auto ptr = std::make_shared<Self>(std::move(grid), HiddenStruct{});
-        read_lock.unlock();
-        write_lock.lock();
-        adaptiveGrids_.emplace_back(ptr);
-        return std::move(ptr);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        return it->lock();
-      }
+      return Dune::Hybrid::ifElse(
+        /* if */ std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<HG>().loadBalance()), bool>{},
+        [&](auto id) { return id(hostGrid_)->loadBalance(); },
+        [&](auto id) { id(hostGrid_)->loadBalance(); return true; });
-    // Do-nothing specialization if argument is already an AdaptiveGrid
-    static std::shared_ptr<Self> instanceImpl(std::shared_ptr<Self> grid) { return grid; }
-  public:
-    /** Returns the AdaptiveGrid associated to the grid passed.
-     *  If no AdaptiveGrid exists, this method creates a new one if the passed grid is mutable,
-     *  otherwise the call fails with an error.
-     */
-    template <class Grid_>
-    static std::shared_ptr<Self> instance(Grid_&& grid)
+    /// \brief Calls loadBalance(handle) on the underlying grid.
+    /**
+     *  Re-balances the load each process has to handle for a parallel grid and moves the data.
+     *
+     *  \param data  A data handle telling the method which data should be communicated
+     *               and how. Has to adhere to the interface described by Dune::CommDataHandleIf.
+     *  \return true if the grid has changed.
+     **/
+    template <class DataHandle>
+    bool loadBalance(DataHandle& handle)
-      return instanceImpl(wrap_or_share(FWD(grid)));
+      return Dune::Hybrid::ifElse(
+        /* if */ std::is_convertible<decltype(std::declval<HG>().loadBalance(handle)), bool>{},
+        [&](auto id) { return id(hostGrid_)->loadBalance(handle); },
+        [&](auto id) { id(hostGrid_)->loadBalance(handle); return true; });
-    // Test for equality of the grid pointers
-    bool operator==(AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> const& that) const
-    {
-      return (hostGrid_ == that.hostGrid_);
-    }
-    /// Return the underlying grid
-    std::shared_ptr<HostGrid> hostGrid() const { return hostGrid_; }
+    /// Return size of the overlap region for a given codim on the level grid view.
+    int overlapSize(int level, int codim) const { return hostGrid_->levelGridView(level).overlapSize(codim); }
+    /// Return size of the overlap region for a given codim on the leaf grid view.
+    int overlapSize(int codim) const { return hostGrid_->leafGridView().overlapSize(codim); }
+    /// Return size of the ghost region for a given codim on the level grid view.
+    int ghostSize(int level, int codim) const { return hostGrid_->levelGridView(level).ghostSize(codim); }
+    /// Return size of the ghost region for a given codim on the leaf grid view.
+    int ghostSize(int codim) const { return hostGrid_->leafGridView().ghostSize(codim); }
+    /// @}
+    /// Obtain Entity from EntitySeed of the HostGrid.
+    template <class EntitySeed>
+    auto entity(EntitySeed const& seed) const { return hostGrid_->entity(seed); }
-    /// List of previously created instances, indexed by address of the HostGrid.
-    /**
-     *  For each grid type Grid we maintain a list of instances handed out by the instance method.
-     *  We use weak pointers here that are valid as long as there is at least one other place where
-     *  the shared pointer to the instance is used. When the instance is no longer used the weak
-     *  pointers here do not hinder the object's destruction.
-     */
-    static std::list<std::weak_ptr<Self>> adaptiveGrids_;
     /// The underlying grid implementation
     std::shared_ptr<HostGrid> hostGrid_;
-    /// Flag set during \ref preAdapt(), indicating whether any element might be coarsened in \ref adapt()
+    /// Flag set during \ref preAdapt(), indicating whether any element might be
+    /// coarsened in \ref adapt()
     bool mightCoarsen_ = false;
     /// Flag set during \ref adapt() indicating that at least one entity was refined
     bool refined_ = false;
-    /// This index is incremented every time the grid is changed, e.g. by refinement or coarsening.
+    /// This index is incremented every time the grid is changed, e.g. by refinement
+    /// or coarsening.
     unsigned long changeIndex_ = 0;
-  template <class Grid>
-  std::list<std::weak_ptr<AdaptiveGrid<Grid>>> AdaptiveGrid<Grid>::adaptiveGrids_;
+  template <class HostGrid>
+  class AdaptiveGridFamily
+  {
+  public:
+    struct Traits : HostGrid::Traits
+    {
+      using Grid = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>;
+      using LeafGridView = Dune::GridView< AMDiS::DefaultLeafGridViewTraits<const Grid> >;
+      using LevelGridView = Dune::GridView< AMDiS::DefaultLevelGridViewTraits<const Grid> >;
+    };
+  };
+  /// Return a change index of a grid that is not an \ref AdaptiveGrid
+  template <class HostGrid>
+  unsigned long changeIndex(HostGrid const& /*hostGrid*/)
+  {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  /// Return a change index of an \ref AdaptiveGrid
+  template <class HostGrid>
+  unsigned long changeIndex(AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> const& grid)
+  {
+    return grid.changeIndex();
+  }
+  namespace Impl
+  {
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct AdaptiveGridImpl
+    {
+      using type = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>;
+    };
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct AdaptiveGridImpl<AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>>
+    {
+      using type = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>;
+    };
+  }
+  /// Always returning an \ref AdaptiveGrid. Returns the grid itself if it is
+  /// already an AdaptiveGrid.
+  template <class HostGrid>
+  using AdaptiveGrid_t = typename Impl::AdaptiveGridImpl<HostGrid>::type;
 } // end namespace AMDiS
+namespace Dune
+  /// Specialization of a \ref GridFactory to \ref AdaptiveGrid.
+  /// Provide a generic factory class for unstructured grids.
+  template <class HostGrid>
+  class GridFactory<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+      : public GridFactoryInterface<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+  {
+    using Self = GridFactory;
+    using GridType = AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>;
+    using HostGridFactory = GridFactory<HostGrid>;
+  public:
+    using ctype = typename GridType::ctype;
+    enum { dim = GridType::dimension };
+    enum { dimworld = GridType::dimensionworld };
+    template <class... Args,
+      Dune::disableCopyMove<Self, Args...> = 0>
+    GridFactory(Args&&... args)
+      : hostFactory_(FWD(args)...)
+    {}
+    /// Insert a vertex into the coarse grid
+    void insertVertex(FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> const& pos) override
+    {
+      hostFactory_.insertVertex(pos);
+    }
+    template <class F, class... Args>
+    using HasInsertElement = decltype(std::declval<F>().insertElement(std::declval<Args>()...));
+    /// Insert an element into the coarse grid
+    void insertElement(GeometryType const& type,
+                       std::vector<unsigned int> const& vertices) override
+    {
+      hostFactory_.insertElement(type, vertices);
+    }
+    using ElementParametrizationType = std::shared_ptr<VirtualFunction<FieldVector<ctype,dim>,FieldVector<ctype,dimworld> > >;
+    /// Insert a parametrized element into the coarse grid
+    void insertElement(GeometryType const& type,
+                       std::vector<unsigned int> const& vertices,
+                       ElementParametrizationType const& elementParametrization) override
+    {
+      using A0 = GeometryType;
+      using A1 = std::vector<unsigned int>;
+      using A2 = ElementParametrizationType;
+      Hybrid::ifElse(Std::is_detected<HasInsertElement, HostGridFactory, A0,A1,A2>{},
+        [&](auto id) { id(hostFactory_).insertElement(type, vertices, elementParametrization); },
+        [&](auto id) { AMDiS::error_exit("insertElement() not implemented for HostGrid type."); });
+    }
+    template <class F, class... Args>
+    using HasInsertBoundarySegment = decltype(std::declval<F>().insertBoundarySegment(std::declval<Args>()...));
+    //// Insert a boundary segment
+    void insertBoundarySegment(std::vector<unsigned int> const& vertices) override
+    {
+      hostFactory_.insertBoundarySegment(vertices);
+    }
+    using BoundarySegmentType = std::shared_ptr<BoundarySegment<dim,dimworld> >;
+    /// Insert an arbitrarily shaped boundary segment
+    void insertBoundarySegment(std::vector<unsigned int> const& vertices,
+                               BoundarySegmentType const& boundarySegment) override
+    {
+      using A0 = std::vector<unsigned int>;
+      using A1 = BoundarySegmentType;
+      Hybrid::ifElse(Std::is_detected<HasInsertBoundarySegment, HostGridFactory, A0,A1>{},
+        [&](auto id) { id(hostFactory_).insertBoundarySegment(vertices, boundarySegment); },
+        [&](auto id) { AMDiS::error_exit("insertBoundarySegment() not implemented for HostGrid type."); });
+    }
+    /// Finalize grid creation and hand over the grid
+    GridType* createGrid() override
+    {
+      std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> hostGrid(hostFactory_.createGrid());
+      return new GridType(std::move(hostGrid));
+    }
+    ToUniquePtr<GridType> createGrid() override
+    {
+      std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> hostGrid(hostFactory_.createGrid());
+      return makeToUnique<GridType>(std::move(hostGrid));
+    }
+  private:
+    HostGridFactory hostFactory_;
+  };
+  namespace Impl
+  {
+    template <class HostGrid, bool = Dune::Capabilities::hasBackupRestoreFacilities<HostGrid>::v>
+    class BackupRestoreFacilityImpl {};
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    class BackupRestoreFacilityImpl<HostGrid,true>
+    {
+      using Grid = AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>;
+      using HostBackupRestoreFacility = BackupRestoreFacility<HostGrid>;
+    public:
+      /// Backup the grid to file or stream
+      template <class Output>
+      static void backup(Grid const& grid, Output const& filename_or_stream)
+      {
+        HostBackupRestoreFacility::backup(*grid.hostGrid(), filename_or_stream);
+      }
+      /// Restore the grid from file or stream
+      template <class Input>
+      static Grid* restore(Input const& filename_or_stream)
+      {
+        std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> hostGrid(HostBackupRestoreFacility::restore(filename_or_stream));
+        return new Grid(std::move(hostGrid));
+      }
+    };
+  } // end namespace Impl
+  /// Specialization of \ref BackupRestoreFacility to \ref AdaptiveGrid.
+  /// Facility for writing and reading grids.
+  template <class HostGrid>
+  class BackupRestoreFacility<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>>
+      : public Impl::BackupRestoreFacilityImpl<HostGrid>
+  {
+  public:
+    using Impl::BackupRestoreFacilityImpl<HostGrid>::BackupRestoreFacilityImpl;
+  };
+  namespace Capabilities
+  {
+    template <class HostGrid, int codim>
+    struct hasEntity<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>, codim>
+        : hasEntity<HostGrid,codim>{};
+    template <class HostGrid, int codim>
+    struct hasEntityIterator<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>, codim>
+        : hasEntityIterator<HostGrid, codim> {};
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct isLevelwiseConforming<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+        : isLevelwiseConforming<HostGrid> {};
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct isLeafwiseConforming<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+        : isLeafwiseConforming<HostGrid> {};
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct hasSingleGeometryType<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+        : hasSingleGeometryType<HostGrid> {};
+    template <class HostGrid, int codim >
+    struct canCommunicate<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>, codim>
+        : canCommunicate<HostGrid, codim> {};
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct hasBackupRestoreFacilities<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+        : hasBackupRestoreFacilities<HostGrid> {};
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct threadSafe<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+        : threadSafe<HostGrid> {};
+    template <class HostGrid>
+    struct viewThreadSafe<AMDiS::AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> >
+        : viewThreadSafe<HostGrid> {};
+  } // end namespace Capabilities
+} // end namespace Dune
diff --git a/src/amdis/DOFVector.hpp b/src/amdis/DOFVector.hpp
index 7b1e3235fb02749daf580c6bddfaa6788dabbbdc..02c80990d05678f0216193f585b29efbc276baf0 100644
--- a/src/amdis/DOFVector.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/DOFVector.hpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     /// Constructor. Stores the shared_ptr of the basis and creates a new DataTransfer.
-    DOFVector(std::shared_ptr<GB> basis,
+    DOFVector(std::shared_ptr<GB> const& basis,
               DataTransferOperation op = DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE)
       : Super(basis)
       , Obs(basis)
diff --git a/src/amdis/MeshCreator.hpp b/src/amdis/MeshCreator.hpp
index 743ec9e01896399c720c618826ac5fe3ba6f40aa..432742d67497d37de570f3f1c3d24a0d38d7bdd9 100644
--- a/src/amdis/MeshCreator.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/MeshCreator.hpp
@@ -43,10 +43,11 @@ namespace AMDiS
     enum { dimworld = Grid::dimensionworld };
     using ctype = typename Grid::ctype;
+    using HostGrid = typename AdaptiveGrid_t<Grid>::HostGrid;
     /// Construct a new MeshCreator
-     * \param name  The name of the mesh used in the initifile
+     * \param name  The name of the mesh used in the initfile
     MeshCreator(std::string const& name)
       : name_(name)
@@ -64,11 +65,11 @@ namespace AMDiS
      * Otherwise tries to create a grid depending on the grid type.
-    std::shared_ptr<AdaptiveGrid<Grid>> create() const
+    std::shared_ptr<Grid> create() const
       auto filename = Parameters::get<std::string>(name_ + "->macro file name");
       auto structured = Parameters::get<std::string>(name_ + "->structured");
-      std::shared_ptr<Grid> gridPtr;
+      std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> gridPtr;
       if (filename) {
         // read a macro file
         gridPtr = create_unstructured_grid(filename.value());
@@ -83,26 +84,26 @@ namespace AMDiS
       } else {
         // decide by inspecting the grid type how to create the grid
-        gridPtr = create_by_gridtype<Grid>(Dune::PriorityTag<42>{});
+        gridPtr = create_by_gridtype<HostGrid>(Dune::PriorityTag<42>{});
-      return AdaptiveGrid<Grid>::instance(gridPtr);
+      return construct(std::move(gridPtr));
     /// Create a structured cube grid
-    std::unique_ptr<Grid> create_cube_grid() const
+    std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> create_cube_grid() const
       return create_structured_grid([](auto&& lower, auto&& upper, auto&& numCells)
-        return Dune::StructuredGridFactory<Grid>::createCubeGrid(lower, upper, numCells);
+        return Dune::StructuredGridFactory<HostGrid>::createCubeGrid(lower, upper, numCells);
     /// Create a structured simplex grid
-    std::unique_ptr<Grid> create_simplex_grid() const
+    std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> create_simplex_grid() const
       return create_structured_grid([](auto&& lower, auto&& upper, auto&& numCells)
-        return Dune::StructuredGridFactory<Grid>::createSimplexGrid(lower, upper, numCells);
+        return Dune::StructuredGridFactory<HostGrid>::createSimplexGrid(lower, upper, numCells);
@@ -119,9 +120,20 @@ namespace AMDiS
+    static std::shared_ptr<Grid> construct(std::unique_ptr<Grid> hostGrid)
+    {
+      return std::move(hostGrid);
+    }
+    template <class HG>
+    static std::shared_ptr<Grid> construct(std::unique_ptr<HG> hostGrid)
+    {
+      return std::make_shared<Grid>(std::move(hostGrid));
+    }
     // use the structured grid factory to create the grid
     template <class Size = unsigned int, class Factory>
-    std::unique_ptr<Grid> create_structured_grid(Factory factory) const
+    std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> create_structured_grid(Factory factory) const
       // Lower left corner of the domain
       Dune::FieldVector<ctype,int(dimworld)> lower(0);
@@ -137,16 +149,16 @@ namespace AMDiS
     // read a filename from `[meshName]->macro file name` and determine from the extension the fileformat
-    std::unique_ptr<Grid> create_unstructured_grid(std::string const& filename) const
+    std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> create_unstructured_grid(std::string const& filename) const
       filesystem::path fn(filename);
       auto ext = fn.extension();
       if (ext == ".msh") {
-        return read_gmsh_file<Grid>(filename, Dune::PriorityTag<42>{});
+        return read_gmsh_file<HostGrid>(filename, Dune::PriorityTag<42>{});
       else if (ext == ".1d" || ext == ".2d" || ext == ".3d" || ext == ".amc") {
-        return read_alberta_file<Grid>(filename, Dune::PriorityTag<42>{});
+        return read_alberta_file<HostGrid>(filename, Dune::PriorityTag<42>{});
       else {
         error_exit("Cannot read grid file. Unknown file extension.");
@@ -160,7 +172,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
       std::declval<std::shared_ptr<Dune::BoundarySegment<GridType::dimension, GridType::dimensionworld> >>()) );
     // use GmshReader if GridFactory supports insertBoundarySegments
-    template <class GridType = Grid,
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid,
       REQUIRES(Dune::Std::is_detected<SupportsGmshReader, GridType>::value)>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> read_gmsh_file(std::string const& filename, Dune::PriorityTag<1>) const
@@ -169,7 +181,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     // fallback if GmshReader cannot be used
-    template <class GridType = Grid>
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> read_gmsh_file(std::string const& filename, Dune::PriorityTag<0>) const
       error_exit("Gmsh reader not supported for this grid type!");
@@ -183,7 +195,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     using IsAlbertaGrid = decltype(std::declval<GridType>().alberta2dune(0,0));
     // construct the albertagrid directly from a filename
-    template <class GridType = Grid,
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid,
       REQUIRES(GridType::dimensionworld == DIM_OF_WORLD),
       REQUIRES(Dune::Std::is_detected<IsAlbertaGrid, GridType>::value)>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> read_alberta_file(std::string const& filename, Dune::PriorityTag<3>) const
@@ -192,7 +204,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     // use a gridfactory and the generic AlbertaReader
-    template <class GridType = Grid,
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid,
       REQUIRES(GridType::dimensionworld == DIM_OF_WORLD)>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> read_alberta_file(std::string const& filename, Dune::PriorityTag<2>) const
@@ -205,7 +217,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     // error if WORLDDIM not the same as Grid::dimensionworld
-    template <class GridType = Grid,
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid,
       REQUIRES(GridType::dimensionworld != DIM_OF_WORLD)>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> read_alberta_file(std::string const& filename, Dune::PriorityTag<1>) const
@@ -225,19 +237,19 @@ namespace AMDiS
     // albertagrid -> simplex
-    template <class GridType = Grid,
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid,
       REQUIRES(Dune::Std::is_detected<IsAlbertaGrid, GridType>::value)>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> create_by_gridtype(Dune::PriorityTag<3>) const
       return create_structured_grid([](auto&& lower, auto&& upper, auto&& numCells)
-        return MacroGridFactory<Grid>::createSimplexGrid(lower, upper, numCells);
+        return MacroGridFactory<GridType>::createSimplexGrid(lower, upper, numCells);
     // yasp grid -> cube
-    template <class GridType = Grid,
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid,
       class = typename GridType::YGrid>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> create_by_gridtype(Dune::PriorityTag<2>) const
@@ -250,27 +262,27 @@ namespace AMDiS
     template <int dim, class ct>
-    std::unique_ptr<Grid> create_yaspgrid(Types<Dune::YaspGrid<dim,Dune::EquidistantCoordinates<ct,dim>>>,
+    std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> create_yaspgrid(Types<Dune::YaspGrid<dim,Dune::EquidistantCoordinates<ct,dim>>>,
                                           int overlap, std::bitset<dimension> const& per) const
       return create_structured_grid<int>([&](auto&& /*lower*/, auto&& upper, std::array<int,dimension> const& numCells)
-        return std::make_unique<Grid>(upper, numCells, per, overlap);
+        return std::make_unique<HostGrid>(upper, numCells, per, overlap);
     template <int dim, class ct>
-    std::unique_ptr<Grid> create_yaspgrid(Types<Dune::YaspGrid<dim,Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<ct,dim>>>,
+    std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> create_yaspgrid(Types<Dune::YaspGrid<dim,Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<ct,dim>>>,
                                           int overlap, std::bitset<dimension> const& per) const
       return create_structured_grid<int>([&](auto&& lower, auto&& upper, std::array<int,dimension> const& numCells)
-        return std::make_unique<Grid>(lower, upper, numCells, per, overlap);
+        return std::make_unique<HostGrid>(lower, upper, numCells, per, overlap);
     template <int dim, class ct>
-    std::unique_ptr<Grid> create_yaspgrid(Types<Dune::YaspGrid<dim,Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<ct,dim>>>,
+    std::unique_ptr<HostGrid> create_yaspgrid(Types<Dune::YaspGrid<dim,Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<ct,dim>>>,
                                           int overlap, std::bitset<dimension> const& per) const
       error_exit("MeshCreator cannot create YaspGrid with TensorProductCoordinates.");
@@ -280,7 +292,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     // spgrid -> cube
-    template <class GridType = Grid,
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid,
       class = typename GridType::ReferenceCube,
       class = typename GridType::MultiIndex>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> create_by_gridtype(Dune::PriorityTag<1>) const
@@ -294,7 +306,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     // final fallback
-    template <class GridType = Grid>
+    template <class GridType = HostGrid>
     std::unique_ptr<GridType> create_by_gridtype(Dune::PriorityTag<0>) const
       error_exit("Don't know how to create the grid.");
diff --git a/src/amdis/Observer.hpp b/src/amdis/Observer.hpp
index 62383a9f5fe7a5737abd733bffffd117388db050..3bf146e71fe00c5d751c99bec14e2e8ba5cafcfc 100644
--- a/src/amdis/Observer.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/Observer.hpp
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <type_traits>
+#include <dune/common/typeutilities.hh>
 #include <amdis/common/ConceptsBase.hpp>
 #include <amdis/Output.hpp>
@@ -12,135 +14,128 @@ namespace AMDiS
   namespace Impl
-    // Forward declaration
+    // forward declaration
     template <class Event>
-    class SignalInterface;
+    class ObserverInterface;
     template <class Event>
-    class ObserverInterface
+    class SignalBase
-      virtual ~ObserverInterface() = default;
-      /// Attach the observer to a subject. It will then receive notifications from the subject when
-      /// an event of type Event it triggered.
-      void attach(std::shared_ptr<SignalInterface<Event>> const& subject)
+      /// Attaches an observer to this class. This method will be called by all observers with
+      /// with themselves as argument.
+      void attachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) const
-        subject->attachObserver(this);
+        observers_.push_back(o);
-      /// Detach the observer from the subject. It will then no longer receive notifications. This
-      /// must be called before the observer is deleted.
-      void detach(std::shared_ptr<SignalInterface<Event>> const& subject)
+      /// Detaches an observer to this class. This method will be called by all observers with
+      /// with themselves as argument.
+      void detachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) const
-        subject->detachObserver(this);
+        auto it = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), o);
+        if (it != observers_.end())
+          observers_.erase(it);
-      /// This method will be called by the subject when triggering the event.
-      virtual void update(Event const&)
+      /// Notify all observers that have called attachObserver but have not called detachObserver
+      void notify(Event const& e) const
-        error_exit("Method must be overridden by derived class");
+        for (ObserverInterface<Event>* o : observers_)
+          o->update(e);
-    };
-    template <class Event>
-    class SignalInterface
-    {
-    public:
-      virtual ~SignalInterface() = default;
-      /// Attaches an observer to this class. This method will be called by all observers with
-      /// with themselves as argument.
-      virtual void attachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>*) = 0;
-      /// Detaches an observer to this class. This method will be called by all observers with
-      /// with themselves as argument.
-      virtual void detachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>*) = 0;
-      /// Notify all observers that have called attachObserver but have not called detachObserver
-      virtual void notify(Event const&) const = 0;
+    private:
+      /// List of observers that need to be notified in case of an event
+      // NOTE: this list is mutable, since the notification list itself is not part
+      //       of the internal state of the object signaling the event.
+      mutable std::list<ObserverInterface<Event>*> observers_;
     template <class Event>
-    class SignalsImpl
-        : virtual public SignalInterface<Event>
+    class ObserverInterface
-      virtual ~SignalsImpl() = default;
+      virtual ~ObserverInterface() = default;
-      void attachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) override
+      /// Attach the observer to a subject. It will then receive notifications from the subject when
+      /// an event of type Event it triggered.
+      void attach(std::shared_ptr<SignalBase<Event> const> const& subject)
-        observers_.push_back(o);
+        if (bool(subject))
+          subject->attachObserver(this);
-      void detachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) override
+      /// Detach the observer from the subject. It will then no longer receive notifications. This
+      /// must be called before the observer is deleted.
+      void detach(std::shared_ptr<SignalBase<Event> const> const& subject)
-        auto it = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), o);
-        if (it != observers_.end())
-          observers_.erase(it);
+        if (bool(subject))
+          subject->detachObserver(this);
-      void notify(Event const& e) const override
+      /// This method will be called by the subject when triggering the event.
+      virtual void update(Event const&)
-        for (ObserverInterface<Event>* o : observers_)
-          o->update(e);
+        error_exit("Method must be overridden by derived class");
-    private:
-      std::list<ObserverInterface<Event>*> observers_;
-    template <class Event>
-    class SignalsDummy
-        : virtual public SignalInterface<Event>
-    {
-    public:
-      virtual ~SignalsDummy() = default;
-      void attachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) override {}
-      void detachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) override {}
-      void notify(Event const& e) const override {}
-    };
     template <class Event>
-    class ObserverImpl
+    class ObserverBase
         : virtual public ObserverInterface<Event>
-      using Self = ObserverImpl;
+      using Self = ObserverBase;
-      ObserverImpl()
-        : subject_(std::make_shared<SignalsDummy<Event>>())
-      {}
+    private:
+      ObserverBase() = default;
-    public:
-      ObserverImpl(std::shared_ptr<SignalInterface<Event>> subject)
+      // use subject if Event is handled directly
+      template <class S,
+        REQUIRES(std::is_base_of<SignalBase<Event>, S>::value)>
+      ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<S const> subject, Dune::PriorityTag<2>)
         : subject_(std::move(subject))
-      // Get next subject in hierarchy if Event is not handled
-      template <class Subject,
-        REQUIRES(!std::is_convertible<std::shared_ptr<Subject>, std::shared_ptr<SignalInterface<Event>>>::value)>
-      ObserverImpl(std::shared_ptr<Subject> subject)
-        : Self(subject->getSubject())
+      // get next subject in hierarchy if Event is not handled
+      template <class Observer,
+        class = void_t<decltype(std::declval<Observer>().subject_)> >
+      ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<Observer const> const& o, Dune::PriorityTag<1>)
+        : ObserverBase(o->subject_)
+      {}
+      // non-observable type
+      template <class T>
+      ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<T const> const& other, Dune::PriorityTag<0>)
+      {
+        /* fallback implementation */
+      }
+    public:
+      template <class T>
+      ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<T const> const& arg)
+        : ObserverBase(arg, Dune::PriorityTag<42>{})
       /// Copy constructor
-      ObserverImpl(Self const& that)
+      ObserverBase(Self const& that)
         : subject_(that.subject_)
       /// Move constructor
-      ObserverImpl(Self&& that)
-        : ObserverImpl()
+      ObserverBase(Self&& that)
         swap(*this, that);
       /// Destructor. Detaches observer from the subject
-      virtual ~ObserverImpl()
+      ~ObserverBase() override
@@ -165,11 +160,14 @@ namespace AMDiS
       /// The observed subject
-      std::shared_ptr<SignalInterface<Event>> subject_;
+      std::shared_ptr<SignalBase<Event> const> subject_ = nullptr;
-  }
-  /** Mixin for signaling of certain events.
+  } // end namespace Impl
+  /// \brief Mixin for signaling of certain events.
+  /**
    *  Derived classes T can emit a signal e by calling notify(e). This will send the signal to all
    *  classes U... deriving from Observer<S, Events...> if
    *  - the type of the event is included in Events,
@@ -179,54 +177,56 @@ namespace AMDiS
   template <class Event, class... Events>
   class Signals
-      : public Impl::SignalsImpl<Event>
+      : public Impl::SignalBase<Event>
       , public Signals<Events...>
-    using Impl::SignalsImpl<Event>::notify;
+    using Impl::SignalBase<Event>::notify;
     using Signals<Events...>::notify;
   template <class Event>
   class Signals<Event>
-      : public Impl::SignalsImpl<Event>
+      : public Impl::SignalBase<Event>
-    using Impl::SignalsImpl<Event>::notify;
+    using Impl::SignalBase<Event>::notify;
-  /** Mixin for reacting to certain events
-   *  Derived classes T can react to events by implementing the functions update(Event& e) for
+  /// \brief Mixin for reacting to certain events.
+  /**
+   *  Derived classes can react to events by implementing the functions `update(Event)` for
    *  all Events specified in the template parameter list, whose origin is an instance of class
-   *  Subject specified in the constructor to Observer and any indirectly observed class instances.
+   *  `Subject` specified in the constructor to Observer and any indirectly observed class instances.
    *  Observed instances may include:
-   *  - the instance of class Subject passed to the constructor
-   *  - the instance passed to the constructor of Subject::Observer<S> if Subject inherits from
-   *      Observer<S>
-   *  - all other instances indirectly accesible in the above way
-   *  For each event E the first object in the above hierarchy that implements Signals<Es> with E
-   *  included in Es will be observed by this class.
+   *  - the instance of class `Subject` passed to the constructor
+   *  - the instance passed to the constructor of `Subject::Observer<S>` if Subject inherits from
+   *    \ref Observer<S>
+   *  - all other instances indirectly accessible in the above way
+   *
+   *  For each event E the first object in the above hierarchy that implements \ref Signals<Es...> with E
+   *  included in Es... will be observed by this class.
   template <class Subject, class... Events>
   class Observer
-      : public Impl::ObserverImpl<Events>...
+      : public Impl::ObserverBase<Events>...
     template <class E>
-    friend class Impl::ObserverImpl;
+    friend class Impl::ObserverBase;
-    Observer(std::shared_ptr<Subject> s)
-      : Impl::ObserverImpl<Events>(s)...
+    Observer(std::shared_ptr<Subject const> const& s)
+      : Impl::ObserverBase<Events>(s)...
       , subject_(std::move(s))
-  private:
-    /// Get the direct subject of this instance. Used by the implementation to move upwards in the
-    /// observer hierarchy.
-    std::shared_ptr<Subject> const& getSubject() { return subject_; }
+    Observer(std::shared_ptr<Subject> const& s)
+      : Observer(std::const_pointer_cast<Subject const>(s))
+    {}
-    std::shared_ptr<Subject> subject_;
+  private:
+    std::shared_ptr<Subject const> subject_ = nullptr;
 } // end namespace AMDiS
diff --git a/src/amdis/ProblemStat.hpp b/src/amdis/ProblemStat.hpp
index e44a627aa8cdd29ded5be325c862e205dd7ddf79..b50009b1bb24f000c20a981e662b8d69d710bb26 100644
--- a/src/amdis/ProblemStat.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/ProblemStat.hpp
@@ -66,9 +66,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     using GlobalBasis = typename Traits::GlobalBasis;
     using GridView    = typename GlobalBasis::GridView;
-    // TODO(FM): Make this GridView::Grid::HostGrid as soon as AdaptiveGrid is a complete metagrid
-    using HostGrid    = typename GridView::Grid;
-    using Grid        = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>;
+    using Grid        = AdaptiveGrid_t<typename GridView::Grid>;
     using Element     = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
     using WorldVector = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
     using WorldMatrix = FieldMatrix<typename WorldVector::field_type, WorldVector::dimension, WorldVector::dimension>;
@@ -102,13 +100,13 @@ namespace AMDiS
     ProblemStat(std::string const& name, Grid_&& grid)
       : ProblemStat(name)
-      adoptGrid(Grid::instance(FWD(grid)));
+      adoptGrid(wrap_or_share(FWD(grid)));
     /// \brief Constructor taking a grid and basis
     /// Wraps both in shared pointers.
-    template <class Grid_, class GB>
-    ProblemStat(std::string const& name, Grid_&& grid, GB&& globalBasis)
+    template <class Grid_, class Basis_>
+    ProblemStat(std::string const& name, Grid_&& grid, Basis_&& globalBasis)
       : ProblemStat(name, FWD(grid))
@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
      * Adds an operator to the list of boundary operators to be assembled in
      * quadrature points on the boundary intersections.
-     * \param b    Boundary indentifier where to assemble this operator. Can be
+     * \param b    Boundary identifier where to assemble this operator. Can be
      *             constructed from an integer. \see BoundaryType
      * \param op   A (pre-) local operator, \see LocalOperator, \see GridFunctionOperator
      * \param row  TreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree
@@ -212,7 +210,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
      * Adds an operator to the list of boundary operators to be assembled in
      * quadrature points on the boundary intersections.
-     * \param b     Boundary indentifier where to assemble this operator. Can be
+     * \param b     Boundary identifier where to assemble this operator. Can be
      *              constructed from an integer. \see BoundaryType
      * \param op    A (pre-) local operator, \see LocalOperator, \see GridFunctionOperator
      * \param path  TreePath identifying the sub-basis in the global basis tree
@@ -373,60 +371,40 @@ namespace AMDiS
   public: // set-methods
     /// Set a new linear solver for the problem
-    void setSolver(std::shared_ptr<LinearSolverType> solver)
+    template <class Solver_>
+    void setSolver(Solver_&& solver)
-      linearSolver_ = solver;
-    }
-    /// Wrap the solver reference into a non-destroying shared_ptr, or move it
-    /// into a new shared_ptr if it is a temporary.
-    template <class S,
-      REQUIRES(std::is_base_of<LinearSolverType, remove_cvref_t<S>>::value)>
-    void setSolver(S&& solver)
-    {
-      setSolver(Dune::wrap_or_move(FWD(solver)));
+      linearSolver_ = wrap_or_share(FWD(solver));
     /// Set the grid. Stores pointer and initializes feSpaces
     /// matrices and vectors, as well as markers and file-writers.
-    void setGrid(std::shared_ptr<Grid> grid)
+    /// If grid is given as reference, wrap it into a non-destroying shared_ptr
+    template <class Grid_>
+    void setGrid(Grid_&& grid)
-      adoptGrid(std::move(grid));
+      adoptGrid(wrap_or_share(FWD(grid)));
-    /// Wrap the grid into a non-destroying shared_ptr
-    template <class Grid_>
-    void setGrid(Grid_&& grid)
-    {
-      setGrid(Grid::instance(FWD(grid)));
-    }
     /// Store the shared_ptr and the name of the marker in the problem
      * Note: multiple markers can be added but must have different names
-    void addMarker(std::shared_ptr<Marker<Grid>> marker)
+    template <class Marker_>
+    void addMarker(Marker_&& m)
-      auto it = marker_.emplace(marker->name(), std::move(marker));
+      auto marker = wrap_or_share(FWD(m));
+      auto it = marker_.emplace(marker->name(), marker);
       if (marker_.size() > 1)
-    /// Wrap the reference into a non-destroying shared_ptr or move it into a
-    /// new shared_ptr if it is a temporary.
-    template <class M,
-      REQUIRES(std::is_base_of<Marker<Grid>, remove_cvref_t<M>>::value)>
-    void addMarker(M&& marker)
-    {
-      addMarker(Dune::wrap_or_move(FWD(marker)));
-    }
     /// Remove a marker with the given name from the problem
     void removeMarker(std::string name)
@@ -456,7 +434,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
-    void adoptGrid(std::shared_ptr<Grid> grid,
+    void adoptGrid(std::shared_ptr<Grid> const& grid,
                    std::shared_ptr<BoundaryManager<Grid>> const& boundaryManager)
       grid_ = grid;
@@ -464,8 +442,14 @@ namespace AMDiS
       Parameters::get(name_ + "->mesh", gridName_);
-    void adoptGrid(std::shared_ptr<Grid> grid)
+    void adoptGrid(std::shared_ptr<Grid> const& grid)
+    {
+      adoptGrid(grid, std::make_shared<BoundaryManager<Grid>>(grid));
+    }
+    void adoptGrid(std::shared_ptr<typename Grid::HostGrid> const& hostGrid)
+      auto grid = std::make_shared<Grid>(hostGrid);
       adoptGrid(grid, std::make_shared<BoundaryManager<Grid>>(grid));
diff --git a/src/amdis/ProblemStat.inc.hpp b/src/amdis/ProblemStat.inc.hpp
index 163d9413c5fae1dee13723d7044b6d43f538e592..ab4699a61c3ff29589069d455a847933381b2bd0 100644
--- a/src/amdis/ProblemStat.inc.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/ProblemStat.inc.hpp
@@ -136,11 +136,14 @@ restore(Flag initFlag)
   test_exit(filesystem::exists(grid_filename), "Restore file '{}' not found.", grid_filename);
   test_exit(filesystem::exists(solution_filename), "Restore file '{}' not found.", solution_filename);
+  // TODO(SP): implement BAckupRestore independent of wrapped grid
+  using HostGrid = typename Grid::HostGrid;
   // restore grid from file
   if (Dune::Capabilities::hasBackupRestoreFacilities<HostGrid>::v)
-    adoptGrid(Grid::instance(std::unique_ptr<HostGrid>(Dune::BackupRestoreFacility<HostGrid>::restore(grid_filename))));
+    adoptGrid(std::shared_ptr<HostGrid>(Dune::BackupRestoreFacility<HostGrid>::restore(grid_filename)));
-    adoptGrid(Grid::instance(std::unique_ptr<HostGrid>(BackupRestoreByGridFactory<HostGrid>::restore(grid_filename))));
+    adoptGrid(std::shared_ptr<HostGrid>(BackupRestoreByGridFactory<HostGrid>::restore(grid_filename)));
   // create fespace
   if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_FE_SPACE) || initFlag.isSet(INIT_SYSTEM))
@@ -173,7 +176,8 @@ template <class Traits>
 void ProblemStat<Traits>::createGrid()
   Parameters::get(name_ + "->mesh", gridName_);
-  MeshCreator<HostGrid> creator(gridName_);
+  MeshCreator<Grid> creator(gridName_);
   grid_ = creator.create();
   Dune::Timer t;
@@ -211,8 +215,7 @@ template <class Traits>
 void ProblemStat<Traits>::createGlobalBasisImpl(std::true_type)
   assert( bool(grid_) );
-  // TODO(FM): Replace HostGrid -> Grid once AdaptiveGrid is full metagrid
-  static_assert(std::is_same<GridView, typename HostGrid::LeafGridView>::value, "");
+  static_assert(std::is_same<GridView, typename Grid::LeafGridView>::value, "");
   auto basis = Traits::create(name_, grid_->leafGridView());
   globalBasis_ = std::make_shared<GlobalBasis>(std::move(basis));
diff --git a/src/amdis/ProblemStatTraits.hpp b/src/amdis/ProblemStatTraits.hpp
index 87393b725798540abd9fd9e02645d196588e86dc..b5a297f9d3741f10a7b1fad091bfe21edad9e911 100644
--- a/src/amdis/ProblemStatTraits.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/ProblemStatTraits.hpp
@@ -67,10 +67,12 @@ namespace AMDiS
-  template <class Grid, class PreBasisCreator, class T = double>
+  template <class HostGrid, class PreBasisCreator, class T = double>
   struct DefaultBasisCreator
+    using Grid = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>;
     using GridView = typename Grid::LeafGridView;
     static auto create(std::string const& name, GridView const& gridView)
       return makeGlobalBasis(name, gridView, PreBasisCreator::create());
diff --git a/src/amdis/common/CMakeLists.txt b/src/amdis/common/CMakeLists.txt
index 32b15cb34d62007698ba72b1844924f8b0c2767d..8f345538998147c05d1ff8860127b303f2d565b4 100644
--- a/src/amdis/common/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/amdis/common/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ install(FILES
+    DefaultGridView.hpp
diff --git a/src/amdis/common/DefaultGridView.hpp b/src/amdis/common/DefaultGridView.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a620e3ea78858de4213e416be578fdc5c08ad0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/amdis/common/DefaultGridView.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
+#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/common/capabilities.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/common/gridview.hh>
+namespace AMDiS
+  /*
+   * NOTE: this is a modification of dune/grid/common/defaultgridview.hh since we
+   * want all implementation specific methods to be put into the grid class and not
+   * into the entity class. See ibegin(), iend().
+   */
+  template <class GridImp>
+  class DefaultLevelGridView;
+  template <class GridImp>
+  class DefaultLeafGridView;
+  template <class GridImp>
+  struct DefaultLevelGridViewTraits
+  {
+    using GridViewImp = DefaultLevelGridView<GridImp>;
+    /// type of the grid
+    using Grid = std::remove_const_t<GridImp>;
+    /// type of the index set
+    using IndexSet = typename Grid::Traits::LevelIndexSet;
+    /// type of the intersection
+    using Intersection = typename Grid::Traits::LevelIntersection;
+    /// type of the intersection iterator
+    using IntersectionIterator = typename Grid::Traits::LevelIntersectionIterator;
+    /// type of the collective communication
+    using CollectiveCommunication = typename Grid::Traits::CollectiveCommunication;
+    template <int cd>
+    struct Codim
+    {
+      using Entity = typename Grid::Traits::template Codim<cd>::Entity;
+      using Geometry = typename Grid::template Codim<cd>::Geometry;
+      using LocalGeometry = typename Grid::template Codim<cd>::LocalGeometry;
+      /// Define types needed to iterate over entities of a given partition type
+      template <Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit>
+      struct Partition
+      {
+        /// iterator over a given codim and partition type
+        using Iterator = typename Grid::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<pit>::LevelIterator;
+      };
+      using Iterator = typename Partition<Dune::All_Partition>::Iterator;
+    };
+    enum { conforming = Dune::Capabilities::isLevelwiseConforming<Grid>::v };
+  };
+  template <class GridImp>
+  class DefaultLevelGridView
+  {
+  public:
+    using Traits = DefaultLevelGridViewTraits<GridImp>;
+    using Grid = typename Traits::Grid;
+    using IndexSet = typename Traits::IndexSet;
+    using Intersection = typename Traits::Intersection;
+    using IntersectionIterator = typename Traits::IntersectionIterator;
+    using CollectiveCommunication = typename Traits::CollectiveCommunication;
+    template <int cd>
+    using Codim = typename Traits::template Codim<cd>;
+    enum { conforming = Traits::conforming };
+  public:
+    DefaultLevelGridView(Grid const& grid, int level)
+      : grid_(&grid)
+      , level_(level)
+    {}
+    /// Obtain a const reference to the underlying hierarchic grid
+    Grid const& grid() const
+    {
+      assert(grid_);
+      return *grid_;
+    }
+    /// Obtain the index set
+    IndexSet const& indexSet() const
+    {
+      return grid().levelIndexSet(level_);
+    }
+    /// Obtain number of entities in a given codimension
+    int size(int codim) const
+    {
+      return grid().size(level_, codim);
+    }
+    /// Obtain number of entities with a given geometry type
+    int size(Dune::GeometryType const& type) const
+    {
+      return grid().size(level_, type);
+    }
+    /// Obtain begin iterator for this view
+    template <int cd, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit = Dune::All_Partition>
+    typename Codim<cd>::template Partition<pit>::Iterator begin() const
+    {
+      return grid().template lbegin<cd, pit>(level_);
+    }
+    /// Obtain end iterator for this view
+    template <int cd, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit = Dune::All_Partition>
+    typename Codim<cd>::template Partition<pit>::Iterator end() const
+    {
+      return grid().template lend<cd, pit>(level_);
+    }
+    /// Obtain begin intersection iterator with respect to this view
+    IntersectionIterator ibegin(typename Codim<0>::Entity const& entity) const
+    {
+      return grid().ilevelbegin(entity);
+    }
+    /// Obtain end intersection iterator with respect to this view
+    IntersectionIterator iend(typename Codim<0>::Entity const& entity) const
+    {
+      return grid().ilevelend(entity);
+    }
+    /// Obtain collective communication object
+    CollectiveCommunication const& comm() const
+    {
+      return grid().comm();
+    }
+    /// Return size of the overlap region for a given codim on the grid view.
+    int overlapSize(int codim) const
+    {
+      return grid().overlapSize(level_, codim);
+    }
+    /// Return size of the ghost region for a given codim on the grid view.
+    int ghostSize(int codim) const
+    {
+      return grid().ghostSize(level_, codim);
+    }
+    /// Communicate data on this view
+    template <class DataHandleImp, class DataType>
+    void communicate(Dune::CommDataHandleIF<DataHandleImp, DataType>& data,
+                     Dune::InterfaceType iftype,
+                     Dune::CommunicationDirection dir) const
+    {
+      return grid().communicate(data, iftype, dir, level_);
+    }
+  private:
+    Grid const* grid_;
+    int level_;
+  };
+  template <class GridImp>
+  struct DefaultLeafGridViewTraits
+  {
+    using GridViewImp = DefaultLeafGridView<GridImp>;
+    /// type of the grid
+    using Grid = std::remove_const_t<GridImp>;
+    /// type of the index set
+    using IndexSet = typename Grid::Traits::LeafIndexSet;
+    /// type of the intersection
+    using Intersection = typename Grid::Traits::LeafIntersection;
+    /// type of the intersection iterator
+    using IntersectionIterator = typename Grid::Traits::LeafIntersectionIterator;
+    /// type of the collective communication
+    using CollectiveCommunication = typename Grid::Traits::CollectiveCommunication;
+    template <int cd>
+    struct Codim
+    {
+      using Entity = typename Grid::Traits::template Codim<cd>::Entity;
+      using Geometry = typename Grid::template Codim<cd>::Geometry;
+      using LocalGeometry = typename Grid::template Codim<cd>::LocalGeometry;
+      /// Define types needed to iterate over entities of a given partition type
+      template <Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit>
+      struct Partition
+      {
+        /// iterator over a given codim and partition type
+        using Iterator = typename Grid::template Codim<cd>::template Partition<pit>::LeafIterator;
+      };
+      using Iterator = typename Partition<Dune::All_Partition>::Iterator;
+    };
+    enum { conforming = Dune::Capabilities::isLeafwiseConforming<Grid>::v };
+  };
+  template <class GridImp>
+  class DefaultLeafGridView
+  {
+  public:
+    using Traits = DefaultLeafGridViewTraits<GridImp>;
+    using Grid = typename Traits::Grid;
+    using IndexSet = typename Traits::IndexSet;
+    using Intersection = typename Traits::Intersection;
+    using IntersectionIterator = typename Traits::IntersectionIterator;
+    using CollectiveCommunication = typename Traits::CollectiveCommunication;
+    template <int cd>
+    using Codim = typename Traits::template Codim<cd>;
+    enum { conforming = Traits::conforming };
+  public:
+    DefaultLeafGridView(Grid const& grid)
+      : grid_(&grid)
+    {}
+    /// obtain a const reference to the underlying hierarchic grid
+    Grid const& grid() const
+    {
+      assert(grid_);
+      return *grid_;
+    }
+    /// Obtain the index set
+    IndexSet const& indexSet() const
+    {
+      return grid().leafIndexSet();
+    }
+    /// Obtain number of entities in a given codimension
+    int size(int codim) const
+    {
+      return grid().size(codim);
+    }
+    /// Obtain number of entities with a given geometry type
+    int size(Dune::GeometryType const& type) const
+    {
+      return grid().size(type);
+    }
+    /// Obtain begin iterator for this view
+    template <int cd, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit = Dune::All_Partition>
+    typename Codim<cd>::template Partition<pit>::Iterator begin() const
+    {
+      return grid().template leafbegin<cd, pit>();
+    }
+    /// Obtain end iterator for this view
+    template <int cd, Dune::PartitionIteratorType pit = Dune::All_Partition>
+    typename Codim<cd>::template Partition<pit>::Iterator end() const
+    {
+      return grid().template leafend<cd, pit>();
+    }
+    /// Obtain begin intersection iterator with respect to this view
+    IntersectionIterator ibegin(typename Codim<0>::Entity const& entity) const
+    {
+      return grid().ileafbegin(entity);
+    }
+    /// Obtain end intersection iterator with respect to this view
+    IntersectionIterator iend(typename Codim<0>::Entity const& entity) const
+    {
+      return grid().ileafend(entity);
+    }
+    /// Obtain collective communication object
+    CollectiveCommunication const& comm() const
+    {
+      return grid().comm();
+    }
+    /// Return size of the overlap region for a given codim on the grid view.
+    int overlapSize(int codim) const
+    {
+      return grid().overlapSize(codim);
+    }
+    /// Return size of the ghost region for a given codim on the grid view.
+    int ghostSize(int codim) const
+    {
+      return grid().ghostSize(codim);
+    }
+    /// Communicate data on this view
+    template <class DataHandleImp, class DataType>
+    void communicate(Dune::CommDataHandleIF<DataHandleImp, DataType>& data,
+                     Dune::InterfaceType iftype,
+                     Dune::CommunicationDirection dir) const
+    {
+      return grid().communicate(data, iftype, dir);
+    }
+  private:
+    Grid const* grid_;
+  };
+} // end namespace AMDiS
diff --git a/src/amdis/functions/ParallelGlobalBasis.hpp b/src/amdis/functions/ParallelGlobalBasis.hpp
index 81ca2ab80ec301e6f68da710681a33f69089bc26..47f278732d0223d55d56e775e3ae3478ebab9a96 100644
--- a/src/amdis/functions/ParallelGlobalBasis.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/functions/ParallelGlobalBasis.hpp
@@ -50,11 +50,8 @@ namespace AMDiS
     template <class B>
     struct basisUpdate
-      basisUpdate(B const& b_)
-        : basis(b_)
-      {}
-      B const& basis;
+      using Basis = B;
+      Basis const& basis;
@@ -68,11 +65,11 @@ namespace AMDiS
   template <class PB>
   class ParallelGlobalBasis
-        : public Observer<AdaptiveGrid<typename PB::GridView::Grid>, event::adapt>
-        , public Signals<event::basisUpdate<ParallelGlobalBasis<PB>>>
+      : public Observer<typename PB::GridView::Grid, event::adapt>
+      , public Signals<event::basisUpdate<ParallelGlobalBasis<PB>>>
-    using Subject = AdaptiveGrid<typename PB::GridView::Grid>;
-    using Obs = Observer<Subject, event::adapt>;
+    using Subject = typename PB::GridView::Grid;
+    using Super = Observer<Subject, event::adapt>;
     using Self = ParallelGlobalBasis<PB>;
     struct DummyImpl {};
@@ -87,8 +84,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     /// The grid view that the FE space is defined on
     using GridView = typename PreBasis::GridView;
-    // using Grid = typename GridView::Grid; // TODO(FM): Use once AdaptiveGrid is complete Metagrid
-    using Grid = Subject;
+    using Grid = typename GridView::Grid;
     /// Type used for global numbering of the basis vectors
     using MultiIndex = typename PreBasis::MultiIndex;
@@ -106,7 +102,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     /// Node index set provided by PreBasis
     using NodeIndexSet = typename PreBasis::template IndexSet<PrefixPath>;
-    /// Type of local indixes set exported by localIndexSet()
+    /// Type of local index set exported by localIndexSet()
     using LocalIndexSet = Dune::Functions::DefaultLocalIndexSet<LocalView, NodeIndexSet>;
@@ -115,51 +111,48 @@ namespace AMDiS
     using ADH = Dune::AdaptDataHandle<Grid, DummyImpl>;
+  public:
+    /// Construct this global basis with given name and grid, and constructing a preBasis.
-     * \brief Constructor
-     *
-     * \tparam T Argument list for PreBasis
-     * \param s The AdaptiveGrid providing the GridView for this basis
-     * \param t Argument list for PreBasis
+     * \param grid     The Grid providing the GridView for this basis
+     * \param args...  Argument list for PreBasis
      * This will forward all arguments to the constructor of PreBasis
-    template<class... T,
-      Dune::Functions::enableIfConstructible<PreBasis, T...> = 0>
-    ParallelGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, std::shared_ptr<Subject> s, T&&... t)
-      : Obs(std::move(s))
-      , preBasis_(FWD(t)...)
-      , prefixPath_()
+    template <class... Args,
+      Dune::Functions::enableIfConstructible<PreBasis, Args...> = 0>
+    ParallelGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, Grid const& grid, Args&&... args)
+      : Super(Dune::stackobject_to_shared_ptr(grid))
+      , preBasis_(FWD(args)...)
       static_assert(Dune::models<Dune::Functions::Concept::PreBasis<GridView>, PreBasis>(),
         "Type passed to ParallelGlobalBasis does not model the PreBasis concept.");
       comm_ = CommunicationCreator<Comm>::create(*this, name + "->solver");
-    template <class... T>
-    ParallelGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, Subject& s, T&&... t)
-      : ParallelGlobalBasis(name, Dune::stackobject_to_shared_ptr(s), FWD(t)...)
-    {}
-    template <class S, class... T,
-    REQUIRES(Concepts::Same<Underlying_t<S>, Subject>)>
-    ParallelGlobalBasis(S&& s, T&&... t)
-      : ParallelGlobalBasis("", FWD(s), FWD(t)...)
+    /// Construct this global basis with empty name
+    template <class... Args,
+      Dune::Functions::enableIfConstructible<PreBasis, Args...> = 0>
+    ParallelGlobalBasis(Grid const& grid, Args&&... args)
+      : ParallelGlobalBasis(std::string(""), grid, FWD(args)...)
-    /** Converting constructor from Dune::DefaultGlobalBasis<PB>.
+    /// Converting constructor from Dune::DefaultGlobalBasis<PB>.
+    /**
      *  This will create a new ParallellGlobalBasis. The pre-basis is copied from the constructor
      *  argument and a new communication object is built.
     // TODO(FM): Replace explicit type with concept
     ParallelGlobalBasis(Dune::Functions::DefaultGlobalBasis<PB>&& from)
-      : Obs(Subject::instance(from.gridView().grid()))
-      , preBasis_(from.preBasis())
-      , prefixPath_(from.prefixPath())
-    {
-      comm_ = CommunicationCreator<Comm>::create(*this);
-    }
+      : ParallelGlobalBasis(std::string(""), from.gridView().grid(), from.preBasis())
+    {}
+  public:
     /// Obtain the grid view that the basis is defined on
     GridView const& gridView() const
@@ -182,17 +175,15 @@ namespace AMDiS
     /// Updates the underlying basis when event::adapt is triggered by the observed grid
     void update(event::adapt const& e) override
-      if (e.adapted)
-      {
+      if (e.adapted) {
         event::basisUpdate<Self> eNew{*this};
+    /// \brief Update the stored grid view
-     * \brief Update the stored grid view
-     *
      * This will update the indexing information of the global basis as well as the communicator.
      * It is called automatically if the grid has changed.
@@ -216,7 +207,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     /// Return number of possible values for next position in multi index
-    size_type size(const SizePrefix& prefix) const
+    size_type size(SizePrefix const& prefix) const
       return preBasis_.size(prefix);
@@ -239,12 +230,15 @@ namespace AMDiS
       return prefixPath_;
-    /// Return the communicator.
-    /// This provides the means to communicate data associated to the basis with other processes.
+    /// \brief Return the communicator.
+    /**
+     * This provides the means to communicate data associated to the basis with
+     * other processes.
+     **/
     Comm const& communicator() const  { return *comm_; }
     Comm&       communicator()        { return *comm_; }
-    ADH& globalRefineCallback() const
+    ADH globalRefineCallback() const
       // TODO(FM): Implement
       error_exit("Not implemented: ParallelGlobalBasis::globalRefineCallback()");
@@ -253,41 +247,34 @@ namespace AMDiS
     PreBasis preBasis_;
-    PrefixPath prefixPath_;
+    PrefixPath prefixPath_ = {};
     std::unique_ptr<Comm> comm_;
-  template<class MultiIndex, class GridView, class PreBasisFactory>
-  auto makeGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, GridView const& gridView,
-                       PreBasisFactory&& preBasisFactory)
+  template <class MultiIndex, class GV, class PBF>
+  auto makeGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, GV const& gridView, PBF&& preBasisFactory)
     auto preBasis = preBasisFactory.template makePreBasis<MultiIndex>(gridView);
-    using PreBasis = std::decay_t<decltype(preBasis)>;
-    using Grid = typename GridView::Grid;
-    auto ag = AdaptiveGrid<Grid>::instance(gridView.grid());
-    return ParallelGlobalBasis<PreBasis>(name, std::move(ag), std::move(preBasis));
+    return ParallelGlobalBasis<TYPEOF(preBasis)>(name, gridView.grid(), std::move(preBasis));
-  template<class GridView, class PreBasisFactory>
-  auto makeGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, GridView const& gridView,
-                       PreBasisFactory&& preBasisFactory)
+  template <class GV, class PBF>
+  auto makeGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, GV const& gridView, PBF&& preBasisFactory)
-    using RawPreBasisFactory = std::decay_t<PreBasisFactory>;
+    using RawPreBasisFactory = remove_cvref_t<PBF>;
     using MultiIndex = std::conditional_t<
       (RawPreBasisFactory::requiredMultiIndexSize == 1),
       Dune::ReservedVector<std::size_t, RawPreBasisFactory::requiredMultiIndexSize>>;
-    return makeGlobalBasis<MultiIndex, GridView, PreBasisFactory>(name, gridView,
-      FWD(preBasisFactory));
+    return makeGlobalBasis<MultiIndex, GV, PBF>(name, gridView, FWD(preBasisFactory));
-  template<class GridView, class PreBasisFactory>
-  auto makeGlobalBasis(GridView const& gridView, PreBasisFactory&& preBasisFactory)
+  template <class GV, class PBF>
+  auto makeGlobalBasis(GV const& gridView, PBF&& preBasisFactory)
-    return makeGlobalBasis("", gridView, FWD(preBasisFactory));
+    return makeGlobalBasis(std::string(""), gridView, FWD(preBasisFactory));
 } // end namespace AMDiS
diff --git a/src/amdis/io/FileWriterCreator.hpp b/src/amdis/io/FileWriterCreator.hpp
index 52f62913a21c5014bd55608d69de465409c1db73..1193f19b924e2c56e835c715592cd26212666fe1 100644
--- a/src/amdis/io/FileWriterCreator.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/io/FileWriterCreator.hpp
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
     using GlobalBasis  = typename SystemVector::GlobalBasis;
     using GridView     = typename GlobalBasis::GridView;
-    using Grid         = typename GlobalBasis::Grid;
-    //using Grid = typename GridView::Grid; // TODO(FM): Use once AdaptiveGrid is complete Metagrid
+    using Grid         = typename GridView::Grid;
     /// Constructor. Stores the pointer to the systemVector and to the (optional) boundaryManager.
diff --git a/src/amdis/linearalgebra/petsc/MatrixNnzStructure.inc.hpp b/src/amdis/linearalgebra/petsc/MatrixNnzStructure.inc.hpp
index 29e493b6c32f2dbf8048d00bbc883797735637cd..df56ecafd0ad12d7e6fd30d3bf37f4dc81b66be0 100644
--- a/src/amdis/linearalgebra/petsc/MatrixNnzStructure.inc.hpp
+++ b/src/amdis/linearalgebra/petsc/MatrixNnzStructure.inc.hpp
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 template <class Basis>
 void MatrixNnzStructure::update(Basis const& basis)
-  using Grid = AdaptiveGrid<typename Basis::GridView::Grid>;
-  unsigned long newChangeIndex = Grid::instance(basis.gridView().grid())->changeIndex();
+  unsigned long newChangeIndex = changeIndex(basis.gridView().grid());
   bool gridChanged = newChangeIndex > changeIndex_;
   changeIndex_ = newChangeIndex;
diff --git a/test/AdaptiveGridTest.cpp b/test/AdaptiveGridTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4436e81e8820601cec2d8ea96304fc83aa95949c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/AdaptiveGridTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/test/gridcheck.hh>
+#include <amdis/AdaptiveGrid.hpp>
+#include "Tests.hpp"
+using namespace AMDiS;
+// test IdentityGrid for given dimension
+template <int dim>
+void testDim()
+  using HostGrid = Dune::YaspGrid<dim>;
+  std::array<int,dim> n;
+  std::fill(n.begin(), n.end(), 1 << (5 - dim));
+  Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> extension(1.0);
+  HostGrid grid(extension,n);
+  grid.globalRefine(1);
+  AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> adaptiveGrid(grid);
+  adaptiveGrid.globalRefine(1);
+  gridcheck(adaptiveGrid);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  Environment env(argc, argv);
+  testDim<2>();
+  testDim<3>();
+  return report_errors();
diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 046593ecb00fe01dff83394043b62ff0c251510b..ddbc3c4c80cae1ff2099720d9745595327f83053 100644
--- a/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ dune_add_test(SOURCES AccessTest.cpp
 dune_add_test(SOURCES AdaptInfoTest.cpp
+dune_add_test(SOURCES AdaptiveGridTest.cpp
 foreach(_GRID RANGE 7)
   dune_add_test(NAME "BackupRestoreTest_${_GRID}"
     SOURCES BackupRestoreTest.cpp
diff --git a/test/DOFVectorTest.cpp b/test/DOFVectorTest.cpp
index 7a448f56947f2da4182c3c53c4d205d0df3cbb40..e673e38b9423aa7956b64af26f6d76aa658ffd8e 100644
--- a/test/DOFVectorTest.cpp
+++ b/test/DOFVectorTest.cpp
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
   Dune::FieldVector<double, 2> L; L = 1.0;
   auto s = Dune::filledArray<2>(1);
   HostGrid hostGrid(L, s);
-  auto grid = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>::instance(hostGrid);
-  auto const& gridView = grid->leafGridView();
+  AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> grid(hostGrid);
+  auto const& gridView = grid.leafGridView();
   // create basis
   auto preBasis = composite(power<2>(lagrange<2>(), flatInterleaved()),
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
     for (auto const& e : elements(gridView))
-      grid->mark(1, e);
-    grid->preAdapt();
-    grid->adapt();
-    grid->postAdapt();
+      grid.mark(1, e);
+    grid.preAdapt();
+    grid.adapt();
+    grid.postAdapt();
     std::size_t newSize = basis.dimension();
     AMDIS_TEST_EQ(vec1.localSize(), newSize);
     AMDIS_TEST_EQ(vec2.localSize(), newSize);
diff --git a/test/GradientTest.cpp b/test/GradientTest.cpp
index 7d6d1ef3f2deff5a8c3a6428e1971e733ec1dcba..85023b41db963f41436db89d44048ac188df3ab2 100644
--- a/test/GradientTest.cpp
+++ b/test/GradientTest.cpp
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ void test()
   using Basis1 = LagrangeBasis<HostGrid,p,p>;
   HostGrid hostGrid({1.0, 1.0}, {16,16});
-  auto grid = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>::instance(hostGrid);
-  auto const& gridView = grid->leafGridView();
+  AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> grid(hostGrid);
+  auto const& gridView = grid.leafGridView();
   auto basis = Basis1::create(gridView);
diff --git a/test/ISTLCommTest.cpp b/test/ISTLCommTest.cpp
index c2cdcb858b29d2a5ecc56c31a05730c546070d70..a8b5791202f91a8673e1c2ac0615e87a6ac17672 100644
--- a/test/ISTLCommTest.cpp
+++ b/test/ISTLCommTest.cpp
@@ -76,22 +76,22 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
     YaspGrid2d hostGrid(lower2d, upper2d, nElements2d, std::bitset<2>(), ovlp);
-    auto grid = AdaptiveGrid<YaspGrid2d>::instance(hostGrid);
+    AdaptiveGrid<YaspGrid2d> grid(hostGrid);
-    auto l1 = LagrangeBasis<YaspGrid2d, 1>::create(grid->leafGridView());
+    auto l1 = LagrangeBasis<YaspGrid2d, 1>::create(grid.leafGridView());
     AMDIS_TEST(test(l1, "Yasp2d_L1_Ovlp"));
-    auto th = TaylorHoodBasis<YaspGrid2d, 1>::create(grid->leafGridView());
+    auto th = TaylorHoodBasis<YaspGrid2d, 1>::create(grid.leafGridView());
     AMDIS_TEST(test(th, "Yasp2d_TH_Ovlp"));
     YaspGrid3d hostGrid(lower3d, upper3d, nElements3d, std::bitset<3>(), ovlp);
-    auto grid = AdaptiveGrid<YaspGrid3d>::instance(hostGrid);
+    AdaptiveGrid<YaspGrid3d> grid(hostGrid);
-    auto l1 = LagrangeBasis<YaspGrid3d, 1>::create(grid->leafGridView());
+    auto l1 = LagrangeBasis<YaspGrid3d, 1>::create(grid.leafGridView());
     AMDIS_TEST(test(l1, "Yasp3d_L1_Ovlp"));
-    auto th = TaylorHoodBasis<YaspGrid3d, 1>::create(grid->leafGridView());
+    auto th = TaylorHoodBasis<YaspGrid3d, 1>::create(grid.leafGridView());
     AMDIS_TEST(test(th, "Yasp3d_TH_Ovlp"));
diff --git a/test/MarkerTest.cpp b/test/MarkerTest.cpp
index bc931654c48512dd8e9260c805342a4b15def61c..e2fa701ccea151ddc3c0fadf221bf35ff7e5b0a0 100644
--- a/test/MarkerTest.cpp
+++ b/test/MarkerTest.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  AMDIS_TEST_EQ(prob.solutionVector()->localSize(), prob.globalBasis()->dimension());
diff --git a/test/ProblemStatTest.cpp b/test/ProblemStatTest.cpp
index 9d44993f3fc5d15f6383e224c6ea8d6a3cc1934f..4d99b534071c29c8699a7ff3fe13c412dd578564 100644
--- a/test/ProblemStatTest.cpp
+++ b/test/ProblemStatTest.cpp
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ void test()
   // use T as coordinate type
   using HostGrid = Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::EquidistantCoordinates<T,2>>;
   HostGrid hostGrid({T(1), T(1)}, {8,8});
-  auto grid = AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid>::instance(hostGrid);
+  AdaptiveGrid<HostGrid> grid(hostGrid);
   // use T as range type for basis
   using namespace Dune::Functions::BasisFactory;
-  auto basis = makeGlobalBasis(grid->leafGridView(), power<1>(lagrange<1>(), flatLexicographic()));
+  auto basis = makeGlobalBasis(grid.leafGridView(), power<1>(lagrange<1>(), flatLexicographic()));
-  auto basis = makeGlobalBasis(grid->leafGridView(), power<1>(lagrange<1,T>(), flatLexicographic()));
+  auto basis = makeGlobalBasis(grid.leafGridView(), power<1>(lagrange<1,T>(), flatLexicographic()));
   using Basis = decltype(basis);