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Added flat matrix and vector used for ElementMatrix and ElementVector

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#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace AMDiS
/// Dense matrix with row wise storage in flat data vector
template <class T>
/// Dense matrix with row-wise storage in flat data vector
template <class T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>>
class FlatMatrix
: public std::vector<T,Allocator>
using Super = std::vector<T,Allocator>;
using value_type = T;
using size_type = std::size_t;
using size_type = typename Super::size_type;
using reference = typename Super::reference;
using const_reference = typename Super::const_reference;
template <class Self>
/// Accessor to a row of the matrix.
template <class Vector>
struct AccessProxy
template <class S = Self, std::enable_if_t<not std::is_const<S>::value,int> = 0>
value_type& operator[](size_type col)
/// Access the column entry `col` of the row `row_` of this accessor.
/// @{
template <class V = Vector, std::enable_if_t<not std::is_const<V>::value,int> = 0>
reference operator[](size_type col)
return self_->data_[row_*self_->cols_ + col];
return (*vector_)[row_*cols_ + col];
value_type const& operator[](size_type col) const
const_reference operator[](size_type col) const
return self_->data_[row_*self_->cols_ + col];
return (*vector_)[row_*cols_ + col];
// @}
Self* self_;
Vector* vector_;
size_type row_;
size_type cols_;
/// Default constructor, creates an empty 0x0 matrix.
FlatMatrix() = default;
/// Construct a new matrix with rows `r` and columns `c` and all values
/// initialized by copies of value `v`.
FlatMatrix(size_type r, size_type c, value_type v = {})
: data_(r*c, v)
: Super(r*c, v)
, rows_(r)
, cols_(c)
/// Assign value `s` to all entries of the matrix
FlatMatrix& operator=(value_type s)
data_.assign(data_.size(), s);
Super::assign(Super::size(), s);
return *this;
/// Resizes the container to contain r x c elements.
* If the current `rows*cols` is greater than `r*c`, the container is reduced
* to its first `r*c` elements. If the current `rows*cols` is less than `r*c`,
* additional copies of value `v` are appended.
void resize(size_type r, size_type c, value_type v = {})
data_.resize(r*c, v);
Super::resize(r*c, v);
rows_ = r;
cols_ = c;
size_type rows() const
/// Return the number of rows of the matrix
size_type rows() const noexcept
return rows_;
size_type cols() const
/// Return the number of columns of the matrix
size_type cols() const noexcept
return cols_;
size_type size() const
return data_.size();
/// Return the number of entries in the matrix, i.e. `rows*cols`.
using Super::size;
AccessProxy<FlatMatrix> operator[](size_type row)
/// Return accessor to the `row` of the matrix, see \ref AccessProxy
/// @{
AccessProxy<Super> operator[](size_type row)
return AccessProxy<FlatMatrix>{this, row};
return AccessProxy<Super>{static_cast<Super*>(this), row, cols_};
AccessProxy<FlatMatrix const> operator[](size_type row) const
AccessProxy<Super const> operator[](size_type row) const
return AccessProxy<FlatMatrix const>{this, row};
return AccessProxy<Super const>{static_cast<Super const*>(this), row, cols_};
T const* data() const noexcept { return; }
T* data() noexcept { return; }
auto const begin() const { return data_.begin(); }
auto begin() { return data_.begin(); }
auto const end() const { return data_.end(); }
auto end() { return data_.end(); }
auto cbegin() { return data_.cbegin(); }
auto cend() { return data_.cend(); }
/// @}
std::vector<value_type> data_;
size_type rows_ = 0;
size_type cols_ = 0;