From 014e5191679f22f06168402353b3e857328e6cf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian Aland <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 08:23:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] PetscSolverNSCH added

 AMDiS/src/parallel/ | 446 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverNSCH.h  | 243 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 689 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 AMDiS/src/parallel/
 create mode 100644 AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverNSCH.h

diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e97da33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+// Software License for AMDiS
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology 
+// All rights reserved.
+// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
+// This file is part of AMDiS
+// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.
+#include "parallel/PetscSolverNSCH.h"
+#include "parallel/PetscHelper.h"
+#include "TransformDOF.h"
+namespace AMDiS {
+  using namespace std;
+  PetscErrorCode pcShell(PC pc, Vec b, Vec x) // solve Px=b
+  {FUNCNAME("PCApply()");
+  void *ctx;
+  PCShellGetContext(pc, &ctx);
+  CahnHilliardData2* data = static_cast<CahnHilliardData2*>(ctx);
+  /// extract vectors
+  Vec b1, b2, b34, b5, x1, x2, x34, x5, b3,b4;
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(b, 0+3, &b1);
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(b, 1+3, &b2);
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(b, 0, &b34, 2);  
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(b, 2, &b5);
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(x, 0+3, &x1);
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(x, 1+3, &x2);
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(x, 0, &x34, 2);  
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(x, 2, &x5);
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(b, 0, &b3, 1);  
+  data->globalMatrixSolver->extractVectorComponent(b, 1, &b4, 1);  
+  /// solve Cahn-Hilliard Preconditioner  
+    Vec y1, y2;
+     VecDuplicate(b1, &y1);
+     VecDuplicate(b2, &y2);
+     KSPSolve(data->kspMassCH, b1, y1); 			// M*y1 = b1    
+     MatMultAdd(data->matMinusDeltaK, y1, b2, x1); 	// -> x1 := b2-delta*K*y1
+     KSPSolve(data->kspLaplaceCH, x1, y2); 			// (M+eps*sqrt(delta))*y2 = x1
+     MatMult(data->matMassCH, y2, x1); 			// x1 := M*y2
+     KSPSolve(data->kspLaplaceCH, x1, x2);			// (M+eps*sqrt(delta))*x2 = x1
+     double factor = (*data->eps)/sqrt(*data->delta);
+     VecCopy(x2, x1); 					// x1 := x2
+     VecAXPBYPCZ(x1, 1.0, factor, -factor, y1, y2);	// x1 = 1*y1 + factor*y2 - factor*x1
+     VecDestroy(&y1);
+     VecDestroy(&y2);     
+    /**/ 
+  /// solve Navier-Stokes Preconditioner  
+  Vec tmp34, tmp5, tmp5_2, tmp34_2;
+  VecDuplicate(b34, &tmp34);
+  VecDuplicate(b34, &tmp34_2);
+  VecDuplicate(b5, &tmp5);
+  VecDuplicate(b5, &tmp5_2);
+  KSPSolve(data->kspVelocity, b34, tmp34);
+  VecScale(tmp34, -1.0);
+  MatMultAdd(data->matDiv, tmp34, b5, tmp5);  
+  /// approximierte Schur Komplement
+   KSPSolve(data->kspLaplace, tmp5, x5);
+   { //project out constant Null-space
+      int vecSize;
+      VecGetSize(x5, &vecSize);
+      PetscScalar vecSum;
+      VecSum(x5, &vecSum);
+      vecSum = vecSum / static_cast<PetscScalar>(-1.0 * vecSize);
+      VecShift(x5, vecSum); 
+    }
+    MatMult(data->matConDif, x5, tmp5);
+    KSPSolve(data->kspMass, tmp5, x5);
+    VecScale(x5,-1.0);
+  MatMultAdd(data->matGrad, x5, b34, tmp34); 
+  KSPSolve(data->kspVelocity, tmp34, x34);
+  VecScale(x5,-1.0);
+  VecDestroy(&tmp34);
+  VecDestroy(&tmp5);
+  VecDestroy(&tmp5_2);
+  VecDestroy(&tmp34_2);
+  VecDestroy(&b1);
+  VecDestroy(&b2);
+  VecDestroy(&b34);
+  VecDestroy(&b5);
+  VecDestroy(&x1);
+  VecDestroy(&x2);
+  VecDestroy(&x34);
+  VecDestroy(&x5);
+  }
+  PetscSolverNSCH::PetscSolverNSCH(string name)
+  : PetscSolverGlobalMatrix(name),      
+  useOldInitialGuess(false),      
+  laplaceSolutionMode(0),
+  massMatrixSolverCH(NULL),
+  laplaceMatrixSolverCH(NULL), 
+  deltaKMatrixSolver(NULL),
+  pressureNullSpace(true),
+  velocitySolutionMode(0),
+  regularizeLaplace(0),
+  massSolutionMode(0),
+  massMatrixSolver(NULL),
+  laplaceMatrixSolver(NULL),
+  nu(NULL),
+  invTau(NULL),
+  solution(NULL),
+  phase(NULL)
+  {    
+    Parameters::get(initFileStr + "->use old initial guess", 
+		    useOldInitialGuess);
+    Parameters::get(initFileStr + "->navierstokes->velocity solver", 
+		    velocitySolutionMode);
+    Parameters::get(initFileStr + "->navierstokes->mass solver", 
+		    massSolutionMode);
+    Parameters::get(initFileStr + "->navierstokes->laplace solver", 
+		    laplaceSolutionMode);
+    Parameters::get(initFileStr + "->navierstokes->regularize laplace", 
+		    regularizeLaplace);
+  }
+  void PetscSolverNSCH::solvePetscMatrix(SystemVector &vec, 
+						  AdaptInfo *adaptInfo)
+  {
+    FUNCNAME("PetscSolverNSCH::solvePetscMatrix()");
+       if (useOldInitialGuess) {      
+          VecSet(getVecSolInterior(), 0.0);
+          for (int i = 0; i < solution->getSize(); i++)
+    	setDofVector(getVecSolInterior(), solution->getDOFVector(i), i, true);
+          vecSolAssembly();
+          KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(kspInterior, PETSC_TRUE);
+  }
+    PetscSolverGlobalMatrix::solvePetscMatrix(vec, adaptInfo);
+  }
+  void PetscSolverNSCH::initSolver(KSP &ksp)
+  {
+    FUNCNAME("PetscSolverNSCH::initSolver()");
+    // Create FGMRES based outer solver    
+    MSG("CREATE POS 1: %p\n", &ksp);
+    KSPCreate(domainComm, &ksp);
+    KSPSetOperators(ksp, getMatInterior(), getMatInterior(), SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN);
+    KSPMonitorSet(ksp, KSPMonitorTrueResidualNorm, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
+    petsc_helper::setSolver(ksp, "ch_", KSPFGMRES, PCSHELL, 1e-6, 1e-8, 10000);
+    setConstantNullSpace(ksp, componentSpaces[0]->getMesh()->getDim() , true);
+  }
+  void PetscSolverNSCH::initPreconditioner(PC pc)
+  {
+    FUNCNAME("PetscSolverNSCH::initPreconditioner()");
+    MPI::COMM_WORLD.Barrier();
+    double wtime = MPI::Wtime();
+    int dim = componentSpaces[0]->getMesh()->getDim();     
+    pressureComponent=dim;
+    const FiniteElemSpace *cahnHilliardFeSpace = componentSpaces[0+3];
+    const FiniteElemSpace *velocityFeSpace= componentSpaces[0];
+    const FiniteElemSpace *pressureFeSpace = componentSpaces[pressureComponent];
+    PCSetType(pc, PCSHELL);
+    PCShellSetApply(pc, pcShell);
+    PCShellSetContext(pc, &matShellContext);
+    matShellContext.globalMatrixSolver = (this);
+    matShellContext.mpiCommGlobal= &(meshDistributor->getMpiComm(0));
+    /// Init Cahn-Hilliard part
+    DOFMatrix laplaceMatrixCH(cahnHilliardFeSpace, cahnHilliardFeSpace);
+    Operator laplaceOpCH(cahnHilliardFeSpace, cahnHilliardFeSpace);
+    DOFMatrix massMatrixCH(cahnHilliardFeSpace, cahnHilliardFeSpace);
+    Operator massOpCH(cahnHilliardFeSpace, cahnHilliardFeSpace);
+    DOFMatrix deltaKMatrix(cahnHilliardFeSpace, cahnHilliardFeSpace);
+    Operator laplaceOp2(cahnHilliardFeSpace, cahnHilliardFeSpace);
+    { 
+      Simple_ZOT zot;
+      massOpCH.addTerm(&zot);
+      laplaceOpCH.addTerm(&zot); // M
+      Simple_SOT sot2((*eps)*sqrt(*delta));
+      laplaceOpCH.addTerm(&sot2); // eps*sqrt(delta)*K
+      Simple_SOT sot(-(*delta));    
+      laplaceOp2.addTerm(&sot); // -delta*K
+      massMatrixCH.assembleOperator(massOpCH);        
+      massMatrixSolverCH = createSubSolver(0+3, "mass_");       
+      massMatrixSolverCH->fillPetscMatrix(&massMatrixCH);     
+      // === matrix (M + eps*sqrt(delta)*K) ===
+      laplaceMatrixCH.assembleOperator(laplaceOpCH);
+      laplaceMatrixSolverCH = createSubSolver(0+3, "laplace_");
+      laplaceMatrixSolverCH->fillPetscMatrix(&laplaceMatrixCH);     
+      // === matrix (-delta*K) ===
+      deltaKMatrix.assembleOperator(laplaceOp2);
+      deltaKMatrixSolver = createSubSolver(0+3, "laplace2_");
+      deltaKMatrixSolver->fillPetscMatrix(&deltaKMatrix);      
+    }
+    // === Setup solver ===
+    matShellContext.kspMassCH = massMatrixSolverCH->getSolver();
+    matShellContext.kspLaplaceCH = laplaceMatrixSolverCH->getSolver();
+    matShellContext.matMassCH = massMatrixSolverCH->getMatInterior();    
+    matShellContext.matMinusDeltaK = deltaKMatrixSolver->getMatInterior();   
+    matShellContext.eps = eps;
+ = delta;
+    petsc_helper::setSolver(matShellContext.kspMassCH, "", KSPCG, PCJACOBI, 0.0, 1e-14, 2);
+    petsc_helper::setSolver(matShellContext.kspLaplaceCH, "laplace_", KSPRICHARDSON, PCHYPRE, 0.0, 1e-14, 1);
+    /// Init Navier-Stokes part
+    DOFMatrix massMatrix(pressureFeSpace, pressureFeSpace);
+      Operator massOp(pressureFeSpace, pressureFeSpace);
+      ZeroOrderTerm *massTerm = new Simple_ZOT;
+      massOp.addTerm(massTerm);
+      massMatrix.assembleOperator(massOp);
+      delete massTerm;
+    massMatrixSolver = createSubSolver(pressureComponent, "mass_");
+    massMatrixSolver->fillPetscMatrix(&massMatrix);
+    matShellContext.kspMass = massMatrixSolver->getSolver();   
+    DOFMatrix laplaceMatrix(pressureFeSpace, pressureFeSpace);    
+      Operator laplaceOp(pressureFeSpace, pressureFeSpace);
+      SecondOrderTerm *laplaceTerm = new Simple_SOT;
+      laplaceOp.addTerm(laplaceTerm);
+      laplaceMatrix.assembleOperator(laplaceOp);
+      delete laplaceTerm;    
+    laplaceMatrixSolver = createSubSolver(pressureComponent, string("laplace_"));
+    laplaceMatrixSolver->fillPetscMatrix(&laplaceMatrix);
+    // === Create convection-diffusion operator ===
+    DOFVector<double> vx(pressureFeSpace, "vx");
+    DOFVector<double> vy(pressureFeSpace, "vy");
+    DOFVector<double> vz(pressureFeSpace, "vz");
+    DOFVector<double> vp(pressureFeSpace, "vp");
+    vx.interpol(solution->getDOFVector(0));
+    vy.interpol(solution->getDOFVector(1));
+    if (dim == 3) vz.interpol(solution->getDOFVector(2));
+    DOFMatrix conDifMatrix(pressureFeSpace, pressureFeSpace);
+    {
+      Operator conDifOp(pressureFeSpace, pressureFeSpace);
+      ZeroOrderTerm *conDif0 = NULL;
+      SecondOrderTerm *conDif1 = NULL;
+      FirstOrderTerm *conDif2 = NULL, *conDif3 = NULL, *conDif4 = NULL;
+      vp.interpol(solution->getDOFVector(dim+2));
+      densityFunctionTau = new LinearInterpolation(*rho1,*rho2,*invTau);
+      viscosityFunction = new LinearInterpolation(*nu1,*nu2);
+      densityFunction = new LinearInterpolation2(*rho1,*rho2);      
+      conDif0 = new VecAtQP_ZOT(&vp, densityFunctionTau);
+      conDifOp.addTerm(conDif0);	
+      conDif1 = new VecAtQP_SOT(&vp, viscosityFunction );
+      conDifOp.addTerm(conDif1);	
+      conDif2 = new Vec2AtQP_FOT(&vx, &vp, densityFunction, 0);
+      conDifOp.addTerm(conDif2, GRD_PHI);
+      conDif3 = new Vec2AtQP_FOT(&vy, &vp, densityFunction, 1);
+      conDifOp.addTerm(conDif3, GRD_PHI);
+      if (dim == 3) {
+	conDif4 = new Vec2AtQP_FOT(&vz, &vp, densityFunction, 2);
+	conDifOp.addTerm(conDif4, GRD_PHI);
+      }
+      conDifMatrix.assembleOperator(conDifOp);
+      delete conDif0;
+      delete conDif1;
+      delete conDif2;
+      delete conDif3;
+      if (dim == 3) delete conDif4;      
+    }
+    conDifMatrixSolver = createSubSolver(pressureComponent, "condif_");
+    conDifMatrixSolver->fillPetscMatrix(&conDifMatrix);
+    matShellContext.matConDif = conDifMatrixSolver->getMatInterior();    
+    extractMatrixComponent(mat[0][0], 2, 1, 0, 2, &(matShellContext.matDiv));
+    extractMatrixComponent(mat[0][0], 0, 2, 2, 1, &(matShellContext.matGrad));
+    extractMatrixComponent(mat[0][0], 0, 2, 0, 2, &(matShellContext.velocityMat));
+    ///erstelle kspVelocity
+    KSPCreate((meshDistributor->getMpiComm(0)), &(matShellContext.kspVelocity));
+    KSPSetOperators(matShellContext.kspVelocity, matShellContext.velocityMat, matShellContext.velocityMat, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN);            
+    ///regularisiere LaplaceMatrix
+  if (regularizeLaplace)
+  {
+    PetscInt rows[1];
+    rows[0]=0;
+    MatZeroRows(laplaceMatrixSolver->getMatInterior(), 1, rows, 0, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
+    KSPCreate((meshDistributor->getMpiComm(0)), &(matShellContext.kspLaplace));
+    KSPSetOperators(matShellContext.kspLaplace, laplaceMatrixSolver->getMatInterior(), laplaceMatrixSolver->getMatInterior(), SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN);    
+  }
+   else
+   {  matShellContext.kspLaplace=laplaceMatrixSolver->getSolver();
+     setConstantNullSpace(matShellContext.kspLaplace);
+   }
+    // === Setup solver ===
+    switch (massSolutionMode) {
+      case 0:
+	petsc_helper::setSolver(matShellContext.kspMass, "mass_", KSPCG, PCJACOBI, 0.0, 1e-14, 2);
+	break;
+      case 1:
+	petsc_helper::setSolverWithLu(matShellContext.kspMass, "mass_", KSPRICHARDSON,     PCLU, MATSOLVERMUMPS, 0.0, 1e-14, 1);
+	break;
+      default:
+	ERROR_EXIT("No mass solution mode %d available!\n", massSolutionMode);
+    }
+    switch (laplaceSolutionMode) {
+      case 0:
+	petsc_helper::setSolver(matShellContext.kspLaplace, "laplace_", KSPRICHARDSON, PCHYPRE, 0.0, 1e-14, 1);
+	break;
+      case 1:
+	petsc_helper::setSolverWithLu(matShellContext.kspLaplace, "mass_",   KSPRICHARDSON, PCLU, MATSOLVERMUMPS,   0.0, 1e-14, 1);
+	break;
+      default:
+	ERROR_EXIT("No laplace solution mode %d available!\n", laplaceSolutionMode);
+    }
+    switch (velocitySolutionMode) {
+      case 0:      
+	petsc_helper::setSolver(matShellContext.kspVelocity, "", KSPRICHARDSON, PCHYPRE, 0.0, 1e-14, 1);
+	break;
+      case 1:
+	petsc_helper::setSolverWithLu(matShellContext.kspVelocity, "", KSPPREONLY,   PCLU, MATSOLVERMUMPS , 0.0, 1e-14, 1);
+	break;
+      default:
+	ERROR_EXIT("No velocity solution mode %d available!\n", velocitySolutionMode);
+    }
+    PCSetFromOptions(pc);
+    MSG("Setup of Cahn-Hilliard preconditioner needed %.5f seconds\n", 
+	MPI::Wtime() - wtime);
+     }
+     void PetscSolverNSCH::exitPreconditioner(PC pc)
+     {
+       FUNCNAME("PetscSolverNSCH::exitPreconditioner()");
+       massMatrixSolverCH->destroyMatrixData();
+       massMatrixSolverCH->destroyVectorData();
+       laplaceMatrixSolverCH->destroyMatrixData();
+       laplaceMatrixSolverCH->destroyVectorData();    
+       deltaKMatrixSolver->destroyMatrixData();
+       deltaKMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       massMatrixSolverCH->destroyVectorData();
+       laplaceMatrixSolverCH->destroyVectorData();
+       deltaKMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       delete massMatrixSolverCH;
+       massMatrixSolverCH = NULL;
+       delete laplaceMatrixSolverCH;
+       laplaceMatrixSolverCH = NULL;
+       delete deltaKMatrixSolver;
+       deltaKMatrixSolver = NULL;
+       massMatrixSolver->destroyMatrixData();
+       massMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       laplaceMatrixSolver->destroyMatrixData();
+       laplaceMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       conDifMatrixSolver->destroyMatrixData();
+       conDifMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       massMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       laplaceMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       conDifMatrixSolver->destroyVectorData();
+       delete massMatrixSolver;
+       massMatrixSolver = NULL;
+       delete laplaceMatrixSolver;
+       laplaceMatrixSolver = NULL;
+       delete conDifMatrixSolver;
+       conDifMatrixSolver = NULL;
+       KSPDestroy(&(matShellContext.kspVelocity));
+       if (regularizeLaplace)
+        KSPDestroy(&(matShellContext.kspLaplace));
+       MatDestroy(&(matShellContext.matGrad));
+       MatDestroy(&(matShellContext.matDiv));
+       MatDestroy(&(matShellContext.velocityMat));
+       delete densityFunction;
+       delete densityFunctionTau;
+       delete viscosityFunction;
+     }
+  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverNSCH.h b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverNSCH.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5a0b926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverNSCH.h
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+// ============================================================================
+// ==                                                                        ==
+// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
+// ==                                                                        ==
+// ==                                              ==
+// ==                                                                        ==
+// ============================================================================
+// Software License for AMDiS
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology 
+// All rights reserved.
+// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
+// This file is part of AMDiS
+// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.
+/** \file PetscSolverNSCH.h */
+#include "parallel/PetscSolverGlobalMatrix.h"
+namespace AMDiS {
+  using namespace std;
+  struct CahnHilliardData2 {
+    KSP kspMassCH, kspLaplaceCH, kspVelocity, kspLaplace, kspMass;
+    Mat matMassCH, matMinusDeltaK, matGrad, matDiv, matConDif, matSchur, velocityMat;
+    PetscSolverGlobalMatrix *globalMatrixSolver;
+    double *eps, *delta;
+    MPI::Intracomm *mpiCommGlobal;
+  };
+ class PetscSolverNSCH : public PetscSolverGlobalMatrix
+  {
+  public:
+    /// Creator class
+        class IdFct : public AbstractFunction<double, double>
+    {
+    public:
+      IdFct() 
+	: AbstractFunction<double, double>(0)
+      {}
+      double operator()(const double& x) const 
+      {
+	return x;
+      }
+    };
+    class MultConstFct : public AbstractFunction<double, double>
+    {
+    public:
+      MultConstFct(double c) 
+	: AbstractFunction<double, double>(1),
+	  mConst(c)
+      {}
+      double operator()(const double& x) const 
+      {
+	return mConst * x;
+      }
+    private:
+      double mConst;
+    };
+     class LinearInterpolation : public AbstractFunction<double, double>
+    {
+    public:
+      LinearInterpolation(double c1, double c2, double factor=1.0) 
+	: AbstractFunction<double, double>(0)	    
+      { a = (c1-c2)/2.0*factor; b = (c1+c2)/2.0*factor; cmin=std::min(c1,c2)*factor; cmax=std::max(c1,c2)*factor;}
+      double operator()(const double& x) const 
+      {	double result = b+a*x;
+        if (result<cmin) result = cmin;
+	if (result>cmax) result = cmax;
+	return result;
+      }
+    private:
+      double a,b,cmin,cmax;
+    };
+    class LinearInterpolation2 : public BinaryAbstractFunction<double, double, double>
+    {
+    public:
+      LinearInterpolation2(double c1, double c2, double factor=1.0) 
+	: BinaryAbstractFunction<double, double, double>(0)
+	  { a = (c1-c2)/2.0*factor; b = (c1+c2)/2.0*factor; cmin=std::min(c1,c2)*factor; cmax=std::max(c1,c2)*factor;}
+      double operator()(const double& u, const double& x) const 
+      {
+	double result = b+a*x;
+        if (result<cmin) result = cmin;
+	if (result>cmax) result = cmax;
+	return result * u;	
+      }
+    private:
+      double a,b,cmin,cmax;
+    };
+    class Multiplier3 : public BinaryAbstractFunction<double, double, double>
+    {
+    public:
+      Multiplier3() 
+	: BinaryAbstractFunction<double, double, double >(0) 
+      {}
+      double operator()(const double& phi, const double& phase) const 
+      {
+   	return  phase * phi;
+      }
+    };
+    class EinsMinus : public AbstractFunction<double, double>
+    {
+    public:
+      EinsMinus(double d)   
+	: AbstractFunction<double, double>(0),
+	  c(d)
+      {}
+      double operator()(const double& x) const 
+      {
+	return c * std::max(1.0-x,0.000001);
+      }
+    private:
+      double c;
+    };
+    struct Multiplication : public BinaryAbstractFunction<double, double, double>{
+      double operator()(const double &v1, const double &v2) const{
+	return v2 / v1;
+      }
+    };
+    class Creator : public OEMSolverCreator
+    {
+    public:
+      virtual ~Creator() {}
+      /// Returns a new PetscSolver object.
+      OEMSolver* create() 
+      { 
+	return new PetscSolverNSCH(this->name); 
+      }
+    };
+    PetscSolverNSCH(string name);
+    void solvePetscMatrix(SystemVector &vec, AdaptInfo *adaptInfo);
+    void setChData(double *epsPtr, double *deltaPtr)
+    {
+      eps = epsPtr;
+      delta = deltaPtr;
+    }
+    void setStokesData(double *invTauPtr, SystemVector *vec, double *nu1_=NULL, double *nu2_=NULL, double *rho1_=NULL, double *rho2_=NULL)
+    {
+      invTau = invTauPtr;
+      solution = vec;
+      nu1=nu1_;
+      nu2=nu2_;
+      rho1=rho1_;
+      rho2=rho2_;      
+    }
+    void setPhase(DOFVector<double> *d, double eP3=0)
+    {
+      phase = d;
+      epsPhase3 = eP3;
+    }
+  protected:
+    void initSolver(KSP &ksp);
+    void initPreconditioner(PC pc);
+    void exitPreconditioner(PC pc);
+  private:
+    int pressureComponent, chComponent, velocityComponent;
+    bool pressureNullSpace;
+    /// If true, old solution is used for initial guess in solver phase.
+    bool useOldInitialGuess;
+    /// 0: approximate solve   1: direct solver
+    int velocitySolutionMode;
+    /// 0: approximate solve   1: direct solver
+    int massSolutionMode;
+    /// 0: approximate solve   1: direct solver
+    int laplaceSolutionMode;
+    /// 0: approximate solve   1: direct solver
+    int  regularizeLaplace;
+    PetscSolver *massMatrixSolverCH, *laplaceMatrixSolverCH, *deltaKMatrixSolver;
+    CahnHilliardData2 matShellContext;
+    double *eps, *delta;
+    LinearInterpolation *densityFunctionTau;
+    LinearInterpolation *viscosityFunction; 
+    LinearInterpolation2 *densityFunction; 
+    PetscSolver *massMatrixSolver, *laplaceMatrixSolver, *conDifMatrixSolver;
+    double *nu, *invTau, *nu1,*nu2,*rho1,*rho2;
+    double epsPhase3;
+    SystemVector* solution;
+    DOFVector<double>* phase;
+    IdFct idFct;
+  };