diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.cc b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.cc
index e7241aaf32085cd31b04a5943eb119612df3ff60..8aaf8d05007f6b39e7ca22cbc63b80b61476221d 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.cc
@@ -70,6 +70,62 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+  // y = PC * x
+  PetscErrorCode petscApplyFetiPrecon(PC pc, Vec x, Vec y)
+  {
+    void *ctx;
+    PCShellGetContext(pc, &ctx);
+    PetscFetiPreconData* data = static_cast<PetscFetiPreconData*>(ctx);
+    MatMultTranspose(*(data->mat_lagrange_scaled), x, data->tmp_vec_b);
+    int sizeB;
+    int sizeBound;
+    VecGetLocalSize(data->tmp_vec_b, &sizeB);
+    VecGetLocalSize(data->tmp_vec_bound0, &sizeBound);
+    PetscScalar *local_b;
+    VecGetArray(data->tmp_vec_b, &local_b);
+    PetscScalar *local_bound;
+    VecGetArray(data->tmp_vec_bound0, &local_bound);
+    for (int i = sizeB - sizeBound, j = 0; i < sizeB; i++, j++)
+      local_bound[j] = local_b[i];
+    VecRestoreArray(data->tmp_vec_b, &local_b);
+    VecRestoreArray(data->tmp_vec_bound0, &local_bound);
+    MatMult(*(data->mat_bound_bound), data->tmp_vec_bound0, data->tmp_vec_bound1);
+    MatMult(*(data->mat_interior_bound), data->tmp_vec_bound0, data->tmp_vec_interior);
+    KSPSolve(*(data->ksp_interior), data->tmp_vec_interior, data->tmp_vec_interior);
+    MatMult(*(data->mat_bound_interior), data->tmp_vec_interior, data->tmp_vec_bound0);
+    VecAXPBY(data->tmp_vec_bound0, 1.0, -1.0, data->tmp_vec_bound1);
+    VecGetArray(data->tmp_vec_b, &local_b);
+    VecGetArray(data->tmp_vec_bound0, &local_bound);
+    for (int i = sizeB - sizeBound, j = 0; i < sizeB; i++, j++)
+      local_b[i] = local_bound[j];
+    VecRestoreArray(data->tmp_vec_b, &local_b);
+    VecRestoreArray(data->tmp_vec_bound0, &local_bound);
+    MatMult(*(data->mat_lagrange_scaled), data->tmp_vec_b, y);
+    return 0;
+  }
   void PetscSolverFeti::updateDofData()
@@ -379,14 +435,15 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     // === Get correct index for all interior nodes. ===
-    int nInterior = 0;
+    nLocalInterior = 0;
     for (DofMapping::iterator it = globalIndexB.begin(); 
 	 it != globalIndexB.end(); ++it) {
-      it->second = nInterior + rStartB;
-      nInterior++;
+      it->second = nLocalInterior + rStartB;
+      nLocalInterior++;
+    nLocalBound = duals.size();
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(nInterior + primals.size() + duals.size() == 
+    TEST_EXIT_DBG(nLocalInterior + primals.size() + duals.size() == 
 		  static_cast<unsigned int>(admin->getUsedDofs()))
       ("Should not happen!\n");
@@ -505,6 +562,8 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+    // === Create FETI-DP solver object. ===
     petscFetiData.mat_primal_primal = &mat_primal_primal;
     petscFetiData.mat_primal_b = &mat_primal_b;
     petscFetiData.mat_b_primal = &mat_b_primal;
@@ -529,6 +588,38 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     KSPSetOperators(ksp_feti, mat_feti, mat_feti, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN);
     KSPSetOptionsPrefix(ksp_feti, "solver_feti_");
+    // === Create FETI-DP Dirichlet preconditioner object. ===
+    KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, &ksp_interior);
+    KSPSetOperators(ksp_interior, mat_interior_interior, mat_interior_interior, SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN);
+    KSPSetOptionsPrefix(ksp_interior, "solver_interior_");
+    KSPSetFromOptions(ksp_interior);
+    MatDuplicate(mat_lagrange, MAT_COPY_VALUES, &mat_lagrange_scaled);
+    MatScale(mat_lagrange_scaled, 0.5);
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_lagrange_scaled = &mat_lagrange_scaled;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_interior_interior = &mat_interior_interior;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_bound_bound = &mat_bound_bound;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_interior_bound = &mat_interior_bound;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_bound_interior = &mat_bound_interior;
+    petscFetiPreconData.ksp_interior = &ksp_interior;
+    petscFetiPreconData.nInterior = nRankB - duals.size();
+    VecDuplicate(f_b, &(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_b));
+    MatGetVecs(mat_bound_bound, PETSC_NULL, &(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_bound0));
+    MatGetVecs(mat_bound_bound, PETSC_NULL, &(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_bound1));
+    MatGetVecs(mat_interior_interior, PETSC_NULL, &(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_interior));
+    KSPGetPC(ksp_feti, &precon_feti);
+    PCSetType(precon_feti, PCSHELL);
+    PCShellSetContext(precon_feti, static_cast<void*>(&petscFetiPreconData));
+    PCShellSetApply(precon_feti, petscApplyFetiPrecon);
@@ -536,6 +627,8 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+    // === Destroy FETI-DP solver object. ===
     petscFetiData.mat_primal_primal = PETSC_NULL;
     petscFetiData.mat_primal_b = PETSC_NULL;
     petscFetiData.mat_b_primal = PETSC_NULL;
@@ -549,6 +642,24 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+    // === Destroy FETI-DP Dirichlet preconditioner object. ===
+    KSPDestroy(ksp_interior);
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_lagrange_scaled = NULL;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_interior_interior = NULL;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_bound_bound = NULL;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_interior_bound = NULL;
+    petscFetiPreconData.mat_bound_interior = NULL;
+    petscFetiPreconData.ksp_interior = NULL;
+    VecDestroy(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_b);
+    VecDestroy(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_bound0);
+    VecDestroy(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_bound1);
+    VecDestroy(petscFetiPreconData.tmp_vec_interior);
+    MatDestroy(mat_lagrange_scaled);
@@ -658,6 +769,8 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     int nRowsOverallB = nOverallB * nComponents;
     int nRowsRankPrimal = nRankPrimals * nComponents;
     int nRowsOverallPrimal = nOverallPrimals * nComponents;
+    int nRowsInterior = nLocalInterior * nComponents;
+    int nRowsBound = nLocalBound * nComponents;
 		    nRowsRankB, nRowsRankB, nRowsOverallB, nRowsOverallB,
@@ -678,6 +791,25 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 		    nRowsOverallPrimal, nRowsOverallB,
 		    100, PETSC_NULL, 100, PETSC_NULL, &mat_primal_b);
+    // === Create matrices for Dirichlet FETI-DP preconditioner. ===
+		    nRowsInterior, nRowsInterior, 100, PETSC_NULL,
+		    &mat_interior_interior);
+		    nRowsBound, nRowsBound, 100, PETSC_NULL,
+		    &mat_bound_bound);
+		    nRowsInterior, nRowsBound, 100, PETSC_NULL,
+		    &mat_interior_bound);
+		    nRowsBound, nRowsInterior, 100, PETSC_NULL,
+		    &mat_bound_interior);
     // === Prepare traverse of sequentially created matrices. ===
@@ -695,6 +827,13 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+    vector<int> colsLocal, colsLocalOther;
+    vector<double> valuesLocal, valuesLocalOther;
+    colsLocal.reserve(300);
+    colsLocalOther.reserve(300);
+    valuesLocal.reserve(300);
+    valuesLocalOther.reserve(300);
     // === Traverse all sequentially created matrices and add the values to ===
     // === the global PETSc matrices.                                       ===
@@ -710,19 +849,27 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 	// Traverse all rows.
 	for (cursor_type cursor = begin<row>((*mat)[i][j]->getBaseMatrix()), 
 	       cend = end<row>((*mat)[i][j]->getBaseMatrix()); cursor != cend; ++cursor) {
 	  bool rowPrimal = primals.count(*cursor) != 0;
-	  values.clear();
+	  values.clear();	  
+	  colsLocal.clear();
+	  colsLocalOther.clear();
+	  valuesLocal.clear();
+	  valuesLocalOther.clear();
 	  // Traverse all columns.
 	  for (icursor_type icursor = begin<nz>(cursor), icend = end<nz>(cursor); 
 	       icursor != icend; ++icursor) {
-	    if (primals.count(col(*icursor)) != 0) {
+	    bool colPrimal = primals.count(col(*icursor)) != 0;
+	    if (colPrimal) {
 	      // Column is a primal variable.
@@ -753,6 +900,47 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+	    // === For preconditioner ===
+	    if (!rowPrimal && !colPrimal) {
+	      int rowIndex = globalIndexB[*cursor] - rStartB;
+	      int colIndex = globalIndexB[col(*icursor)] - rStartB;
+	      if (rowIndex < nLocalInterior) {
+		if (colIndex < nLocalInterior) {
+		  int colIndex2 = 
+		    (globalIndexB[col(*icursor)] - rStartB) * nComponents + j;
+		  colsLocal.push_back(colIndex2);
+		  valuesLocal.push_back(value(*icursor));
+		} else {
+		  int colIndex2 = 
+		    (globalIndexB[col(*icursor)] - rStartB - nLocalInterior) * nComponents + j;
+		  colsLocalOther.push_back(colIndex2);
+		  valuesLocalOther.push_back(value(*icursor));
+		}
+	      } else {
+		if (colIndex < nLocalInterior) {
+		  int colIndex2 = 
+		    (globalIndexB[col(*icursor)] - rStartB) * nComponents + j;
+		  colsLocalOther.push_back(colIndex2);
+		  valuesLocalOther.push_back(value(*icursor));
+		} else {
+		  int colIndex2 = 
+		    (globalIndexB[col(*icursor)] - rStartB - nLocalInterior) * nComponents + j;
+		  colsLocal.push_back(colIndex2);
+		  valuesLocal.push_back(value(*icursor));
+		}
+	      }		
+	    }
 	  if (rowPrimal) {
@@ -778,6 +966,37 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 	      MatSetValues(mat_b_primal, 1, &rowIndex, colsOther.size(),
 			   &(colsOther[0]), &(valuesOther[0]), ADD_VALUES);
+	  // === For preconditioner ===
+	  if (!rowPrimal) {
+	    int rowIndex = globalIndexB[*cursor] - rStartB;
+	    if (rowIndex < nLocalInterior) {
+	      int rowIndex2 = 
+		(globalIndexB[*cursor] - rStartB) * nComponents + i;
+	      MatSetValues(mat_interior_interior, 1, &rowIndex2, colsLocal.size(),
+			   &(colsLocal[0]), &(valuesLocal[0]), INSERT_VALUES);
+	      if (colsLocalOther.size()) 
+		MatSetValues(mat_interior_bound, 1, &rowIndex2, colsLocalOther.size(),
+			     &(colsLocalOther[0]), &(valuesLocalOther[0]), INSERT_VALUES);
+	    } else {
+	      int rowIndex2 = 
+		(globalIndexB[*cursor] - rStartB - nLocalInterior) * nComponents + i;
+	      MatSetValues(mat_bound_bound, 1, &rowIndex2, colsLocal.size(),
+			   &(colsLocal[0]), &(valuesLocal[0]), INSERT_VALUES);
+	      if (colsLocalOther.size()) 
+		MatSetValues(mat_bound_interior, 1, &rowIndex2, colsLocalOther.size(),
+			     &(colsLocalOther[0]), &(valuesLocalOther[0]), INSERT_VALUES);
+	    }
+	  }
@@ -798,6 +1017,19 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     MatAssemblyEnd(mat_primal_b, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyBegin(mat_interior_interior, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyEnd(mat_interior_interior, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyBegin(mat_bound_bound, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyEnd(mat_bound_bound, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyBegin(mat_interior_bound, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyEnd(mat_interior_bound, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyBegin(mat_bound_interior, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
+    MatAssemblyEnd(mat_bound_interior, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
     // === Create and fill PETSc's right hand side vectors. ===
     VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &f_b);
@@ -1100,7 +1332,15 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    destroyFetiKsp();   
+    destroyFetiKsp();
+    // === Destroy preconditioner data structures. ===
+    MatDestroy(mat_interior_interior);
+    MatDestroy(mat_bound_bound);
+    MatDestroy(mat_interior_bound);
+    MatDestroy(mat_bound_interior);
@@ -1117,9 +1357,9 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     } else {
-    }
+    }      
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h
index 5f6e96ff37be58ec3ac953ed99fc610dacedd049..d63f0031b22c22aaa12757e532813ac144bbbdaa 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h
@@ -87,6 +87,26 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+  struct PetscFetiPreconData {
+    /// Matrix of scaled Lagrange variables.
+    Mat *mat_lagrange_scaled;
+    Mat *mat_interior_interior, *mat_bound_bound, *mat_interior_bound, *mat_bound_interior;
+    /// Pointer to the solver for \ref PetscSolverFeti::mat_bb.
+    KSP *ksp_interior;
+    /// Temporal vector on the B variables.
+    Vec tmp_vec_b;
+    Vec tmp_vec_bound0, tmp_vec_bound1;
+    Vec tmp_vec_interior;
+    int nInterior;
+  };
   /** \brief
    * FETI-DP implementation based on PETSc.
@@ -267,6 +287,21 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     /// Data for MatMult operation in matrix \ref mat_feti
     PetscFetiData petscFetiData;
+    Mat mat_lagrange_scaled;
+    PC precon_feti;
+    PetscFetiPreconData petscFetiPreconData;
+    Mat mat_interior_interior, mat_bound_bound, mat_interior_bound, mat_bound_interior;
+    KSP ksp_interior;
+    int nLocalInterior;
+    int nLocalBound;