From 24469e7d72ebb76675aa12c17b5ae989daadad0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Witkowski <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 15:54:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Cleanup of last big merge!

 AMDiS/bin/                |   21 +-
 AMDiS/bin/                |  122 +-
 AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h                    |    3 -
 AMDiS/src/AMDiS_fwd.h                |    4 -
 AMDiS/src/BoxSmoother.h              |  230 ----
 AMDiS/src/              |   12 -
 AMDiS/src/               |   12 +-
 AMDiS/src/DOFMatrix.h                |  160 +--
 AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h                |  204 +--
 AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh               |  131 +-
 AMDiS/src/              |  156 ---
 AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.h               |  192 ---
 AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.hh              |  148 ---
 AMDiS/src/              |  155 ---
 AMDiS/src/GSSmoother.h               |   66 -
 AMDiS/src/  |  566 ---------
 AMDiS/src/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h   |   82 --
 AMDiS/src/          |  125 --
 AMDiS/src/JacobiSmoother.h           |   66 -
 AMDiS/src/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h | 1283 -------------------
 AMDiS/src/        |  181 ---
 AMDiS/src/MatVecMultiplier.h         |  188 ---
 AMDiS/src/  |   49 -
 AMDiS/src/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h   |   99 --
 AMDiS/src/         | 1731 --------------------------
 AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolver.h          |  631 ----------
 AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.h      |  157 ---
 AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.hh     |  142 ---
 AMDiS/src/MultiGridWrapper.h         |  151 ---
 AMDiS/src/             |    4 -
 AMDiS/src/ProblemScal.h              |    4 -
 AMDiS/src/              |   11 +-
 AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.h               |    8 +-
 AMDiS/src/       |  190 ---
 AMDiS/src/SmootherBase.h             |   67 -
 AMDiS/src/            |  103 --
 AMDiS/src/SparseVector.h             |  174 ---
 AMDiS/src/SparseVector.hh            |  126 --
 38 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 7663 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/BoxSmoother.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.hh
 delete mode 100755 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100755 AMDiS/src/GSSmoother.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h
 delete mode 100755 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100755 AMDiS/src/JacobiSmoother.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/MatVecMultiplier.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolver.h
 delete mode 100755 AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.hh
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/MultiGridWrapper.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/SmootherBase.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/SparseVector.h
 delete mode 100644 AMDiS/src/SparseVector.hh

diff --git a/AMDiS/bin/ b/AMDiS/bin/
index 1c5c8c23..8fd87705 100644
--- a/AMDiS/bin/
+++ b/AMDiS/bin/
@@ -65,25 +65,17 @@ endif
 libamdis_la_SOURCES =  \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DOFIndexed.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/GNUPlotWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/SmootherBase.h \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/GSSMoother.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/JacobiSMoother.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/SparseVector.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/SparseVector.hh $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/VertexVector.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/PeriodicBC.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolverBase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolverBase.hh \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolver.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Recovery.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/RecoveryEstimator.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ResidualEstimator.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Cholesky.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/AdaptBase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemIterationInterface.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/StandardProblemIteration.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemIterationInterface.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/StandardProblemIteration.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemScal.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemVec.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DualTraverse.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
@@ -95,7 +87,9 @@ $(SOURCE_DIR)/CreatorInterface.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ElementFunction.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemInterpolScal.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemInterpolVec.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/Serializable.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/BallProject.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/CylinderProject.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/Serializable.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/BallProject.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/CylinderProject.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/MacroReader.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ValueReader.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Projection.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
@@ -110,18 +104,17 @@ $(SOURCE_DIR)/SystemVector.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/MatrixVector.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/SurfaceQuadrature.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/LeafData.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryManager.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryCondition.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryManager.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryCondition.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DirichletBC.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/AbstractFunction.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemStatBase.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DOFContainer.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/FileWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/FileWriter.hh $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ElementFileWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ElInfoStack.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MatVecMultiplier.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Operator.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
diff --git a/AMDiS/bin/ b/AMDiS/bin/
index 8fd3a3d0..03caee31 100644
--- a/AMDiS/bin/
+++ b/AMDiS/bin/
@@ -81,24 +81,12 @@ am__libamdis_la_SOURCES_DIST = $(PARALLEL_DIR)/ConditionalEstimator.h \
 	$(PARALLEL_DIR)/ParMetisPartitioner.h \
 	$(PARALLEL_DIR)/PartitionElementData.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/DOFIndexed.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/GNUPlotWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/SmootherBase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/GSSMoother.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/JacobiSMoother.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/SparseVector.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/SparseVector.hh $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/VertexVector.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/PeriodicBC.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolverBase.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolverBase.hh \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolver.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/Recovery.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/RecoveryEstimator.h \
+	$(SOURCE_DIR)/Recovery.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
+	$(SOURCE_DIR)/RecoveryEstimator.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ResidualEstimator.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/Cholesky.h \
@@ -146,15 +134,14 @@ am__libamdis_la_SOURCES_DIST = $(PARALLEL_DIR)/ConditionalEstimator.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryCondition.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/DirichletBC.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/RobinBC.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/AbstractFunction.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemStatBase.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/DOFContainer.h \
+	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemStatBase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/DOFContainer.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/FileWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/FileWriter.hh \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/ElementFileWriter.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ElInfoStack.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/MatVecMultiplier.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/Operator.h \
-	$(SOURCE_DIR)/AMDiS.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/AdaptStationary.h \
+	$(SOURCE_DIR)/Operator.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
+	$(SOURCE_DIR)/AdaptStationary.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/AdaptInstationary.h \
 	$(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/QPsiPhi.h \
@@ -240,14 +227,10 @@ am__libamdis_la_SOURCES_DIST = $(PARALLEL_DIR)/ConditionalEstimator.h \
 @USE_PARALLEL_AMDIS_TRUE@	libamdis_la-ParallelProblem.lo \
 @USE_PARALLEL_AMDIS_TRUE@	libamdis_la-ParallelDomainProblem.lo \
 @USE_PARALLEL_AMDIS_TRUE@	libamdis_la-ParMetisPartitioner.lo
-am_libamdis_la_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1) \
-	libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.lo \
-	libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.lo \
-	libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.lo libamdis_la-GNUPlotWriter.lo \
-	libamdis_la-GSSmoother.lo libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.lo \
-	libamdis_la-SparseVector.lo libamdis_la-VertexVector.lo \
-	libamdis_la-PeriodicBC.lo libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.lo \
-	libamdis_la-Recovery.lo libamdis_la-RecoveryEstimator.lo \
+am_libamdis_la_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1) libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.lo \
+	libamdis_la-GNUPlotWriter.lo libamdis_la-VertexVector.lo \
+	libamdis_la-PeriodicBC.lo libamdis_la-Recovery.lo \
+	libamdis_la-RecoveryEstimator.lo \
 	libamdis_la-ResidualEstimator.lo libamdis_la-Cholesky.lo \
 	libamdis_la-AdaptBase.lo \
 	libamdis_la-StandardProblemIteration.lo \
@@ -264,10 +247,10 @@ am_libamdis_la_OBJECTS = $(am__objects_1) \
 	libamdis_la-MatrixVector.lo libamdis_la-SurfaceQuadrature.lo \
 	libamdis_la-LeafData.lo libamdis_la-BoundaryManager.lo \
 	libamdis_la-DirichletBC.lo libamdis_la-RobinBC.lo \
-	libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.lo libamdis_la-FileWriter.lo \
-	libamdis_la-ElementFileWriter.lo libamdis_la-ElInfo.lo \
-	libamdis_la-ElInfoStack.lo libamdis_la-Operator.lo \
-	libamdis_la-Mesh.lo libamdis_la-AdaptStationary.lo \
+	libamdis_la-FileWriter.lo libamdis_la-ElementFileWriter.lo \
+	libamdis_la-ElInfo.lo libamdis_la-ElInfoStack.lo \
+	libamdis_la-Operator.lo libamdis_la-Mesh.lo \
+	libamdis_la-AdaptStationary.lo \
 	libamdis_la-AdaptInstationary.lo libamdis_la-DOFVector.lo \
 	libamdis_la-Estimator.lo libamdis_la-ProblemInstat.lo \
 	libamdis_la-ProblemNonLin.lo libamdis_la-NonLinUpdater.lo \
@@ -481,25 +464,17 @@ TEMPLATE_INCLUDES = -I../lib/mtl4 -I../lib/boost_1_34_1
 libamdis_la_SOURCES = \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DOFIndexed.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/GNUPlotWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/SmootherBase.h \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/GSSMoother.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/JacobiSMoother.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/SparseVector.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/SparseVector.hh $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/VertexVector.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/PeriodicBC.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolverBase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolverBase.hh \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MultiGridSolver.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Recovery.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/RecoveryEstimator.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ResidualEstimator.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Cholesky.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/AdaptBase.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemIterationInterface.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/StandardProblemIteration.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemIterationInterface.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/StandardProblemIteration.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemScal.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemVec.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DualTraverse.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
@@ -511,7 +486,9 @@ $(SOURCE_DIR)/CreatorInterface.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ElementFunction.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemInterpolScal.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemInterpolVec.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/Serializable.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/BallProject.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/CylinderProject.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/Serializable.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/BallProject.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/CylinderProject.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/MacroReader.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ValueReader.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Projection.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
@@ -526,18 +503,17 @@ $(SOURCE_DIR)/SystemVector.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/MatrixVector.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/SurfaceQuadrature.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/LeafData.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryManager.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ $(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryCondition.h \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryManager.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
+$(SOURCE_DIR)/BoundaryCondition.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DirichletBC.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/AbstractFunction.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ProblemStatBase.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/DOFContainer.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/FileWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/FileWriter.hh $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ElementFileWriter.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/ElInfoStack.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
-$(SOURCE_DIR)/MatVecMultiplier.h \
 $(SOURCE_DIR)/Operator.h $(SOURCE_DIR)/ \
@@ -761,11 +737,8 @@ distclean-compile:
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-FirstOrderAssembler.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-FixVec.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-GNUPlotWriter.Plo@am__quote@
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-GSSmoother.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Global.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-InteriorBoundary.Plo@am__quote@
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.Plo@am__quote@
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Lagrange.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-LeafData.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Line.Plo@am__quote@
@@ -773,14 +746,11 @@ distclean-compile:
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MacroReader.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MacroWriter.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Marker.Plo@am__quote@
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MatrixVector.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MemoryManager.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MemoryPool.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Mesh.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MeshStructure.Plo@am__quote@
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.Plo@am__quote@
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-NonLinUpdater.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Operator.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-ParMetisPartitioner.Plo@am__quote@
@@ -810,7 +780,6 @@ distclean-compile:
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-RobinBC.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-ScalableQuadrature.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SecondOrderAssembler.Plo@am__quote@
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SparseVector.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-StandardProblemIteration.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SubAssembler.Plo@am__quote@
 @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SubElInfo.Plo@am__quote@
@@ -892,20 +861,6 @@ libamdis_la-ParMetisPartitioner.lo: $(PARALLEL_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-ParMetisPartitioner.lo `test -f '$(PARALLEL_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(PARALLEL_DIR)/
-libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	source='$(SOURCE_DIR)/' object='libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-MultiGridPreconWrapper.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
-libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	source='$(SOURCE_DIR)/' object='libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-InterpolRestrictMatrix.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
 libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-DOFIndexed.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
@@ -920,27 +875,6 @@ libamdis_la-GNUPlotWriter.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-GNUPlotWriter.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
-libamdis_la-GSSmoother.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-GSSmoother.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-GSSmoother.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-GSSmoother.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-GSSmoother.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-GSSmoother.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-GSSmoother.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	source='$(SOURCE_DIR)/' object='libamdis_la-GSSmoother.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-GSSmoother.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
-libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	source='$(SOURCE_DIR)/' object='libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-JacobiSmoother.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
-libamdis_la-SparseVector.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-SparseVector.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SparseVector.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-SparseVector.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SparseVector.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SparseVector.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-SparseVector.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	source='$(SOURCE_DIR)/' object='libamdis_la-SparseVector.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-SparseVector.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
 libamdis_la-VertexVector.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-VertexVector.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-VertexVector.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-VertexVector.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-VertexVector.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-VertexVector.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-VertexVector.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
@@ -955,13 +889,6 @@ libamdis_la-PeriodicBC.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-PeriodicBC.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
-libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	source='$(SOURCE_DIR)/' object='libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-MultiGridSolver.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
 libamdis_la-Recovery.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-Recovery.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Recovery.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-Recovery.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Recovery.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Recovery.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-Recovery.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
@@ -1172,13 +1099,6 @@ libamdis_la-RobinBC.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-RobinBC.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
-libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
-@am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
-@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	source='$(SOURCE_DIR)/' object='libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.lo' libtool=yes @AMDEPBACKSLASH@
-@am__fastdepCXX_FALSE@	$(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o libamdis_la-MatVecMultiplier.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/
 libamdis_la-FileWriter.lo: $(SOURCE_DIR)/
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	if $(LIBTOOL) --tag=CXX --mode=compile $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MT libamdis_la-FileWriter.lo -MD -MP -MF "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-FileWriter.Tpo" -c -o libamdis_la-FileWriter.lo `test -f '$(SOURCE_DIR)/' || echo '$(srcdir)/'`$(SOURCE_DIR)/; \
 @am__fastdepCXX_TRUE@	then mv -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-FileWriter.Tpo" "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-FileWriter.Plo"; else rm -f "$(DEPDIR)/libamdis_la-FileWriter.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h b/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h
index d64d0761..bc9f1767 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
 #include "MacroElement.h"
 #include "MacroWriter.h"
 #include "Marker.h"
-#include "MatVecMultiplier.h"
 #include "MatrixVector.h"
 #include "MemoryManager.h"
 #include "MemoryPool.h"
@@ -83,9 +82,7 @@
 #include "RefinementManager2d.h"
 #include "RefinementManager3d.h"
 #include "RobinBC.h"
-#include "SmootherBase.h"
 #include "SolutionDataStorage.h"
-#include "SparseVector.h"
 #include "SurfaceOperator.h"
 #include "SurfaceQuadrature.h"
 #include "SystemVector.h"
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/AMDiS_fwd.h b/AMDiS/src/AMDiS_fwd.h
index f51a3fd8..33091ba2 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/AMDiS_fwd.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/AMDiS_fwd.h
@@ -44,13 +44,11 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   class FileWriterInterface;
   class FiniteElemSpace; 
   class IdentityPreconditioner; 
-  class InterpolRestrictMatrix;
   class ITL_BasePreconditioner;
   class LeafDataPeriodic;
   class LevelAdmin;
   class Marker;
   class Mesh; 
-  class MultiGridSortSolver; 
   class OEMSolver;
   class Operator;
   class ProblemInstat;
@@ -65,14 +63,12 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   class VertexVector;
   template<typename ReturnType, typename ArgumentType> class AbstractFunction;
-  template<typename VectorType>                        class MatVecMultiplier;
   template<typename T>                                 class DOFVectorBase;
   template<typename T>                                 class DOFVector;
   template<typename T>                                 class ITL_Preconditioner;
   template<typename T>                                 class Matrix;
   template<typename T>                                 class MatVecMultiplier;
   template<typename T>                                 class SolverMatrix;
-  template<typename T>                                 class SparseVector;
   template<typename T>                                 class Vector;
   template <typename ITLSolver>    class ITL_OEMSolver;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/BoxSmoother.h b/AMDiS/src/BoxSmoother.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 52deed36..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/BoxSmoother.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#include "SmootherBase.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "SparseVector.h"
-#include "MatrixVector.h"
-#include "Global.h"
-#include "GaussElimination.h"
-#include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
-#include "GaussElimination.h"
-#include <set>
-namespace AMDiS {
-  class BoxSmoother 
-    : public SmootherBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-			  Vector<SparseVector<double>*>,
-			  Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> >
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(BoxSmoother);
-    class Creator 
-      : public SmootherCreator<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-			       Vector<SparseVector<double>*>,
-			       Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> >
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(Creator);
-      SmootherBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-		   Vector<SparseVector<double>*>,
-		   Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> >*
-      create() {
-	return NEW BoxSmoother(this->name);
-      };
-    };
-    BoxSmoother(std::string name)
-      : SmootherBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-		     Vector<SparseVector<double>*>,
-		     Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> >(name),
-	boxMatrix_(NULL),
-	boxSolution_(NULL),
-	boxRHS_(NULL),
-	numComponents_(0),
-	sumDOFs_(0)
-    {
-      directSolver_ = 
-	NEW GaussElimination<Matrix<double>, Vector<double> >();
-    };
-    virtual ~BoxSmoother()
-    {
-      if(boxMatrix_) DELETE boxMatrix_;
-      if(boxSolution_) DELETE boxSolution_;
-      if(boxRHS_) DELETE boxRHS_;
-      DELETE directSolver_;
-    };
-    void smooth(Matrix<DOFMatrix*>                       *matrix,
-		Vector<SparseVector<double>*>            *solution,
-		Vector<SparseVector<double>*>            *rhs,
-		int                                       iterations,
-		const Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> &dofSet)
-    {
-      FUNCNAME("BoxSmoother::smooth()");
-      ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");
-#if 0
-      int i, j, k;
-      // allocate memory
-      if(!boxMatrix_) {
-	numComponents_ = solution->getSize();
-	numDOFs_.resize(numComponents_);
-	sumDOFs_ = 0;
-	for(i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	  numDOFs_[i] = (*solution)[i]->getFESpace()->getBasisFcts()->getNumber();
-	  sumDOFs_ += numDOFs_[i];
-	}
-	boxMatrix_ = NEW Matrix<double>(sumDOFs_, sumDOFs_);
-	boxSolution_ = NEW Vector<double>(sumDOFs_);
-	boxRHS_ = NEW Vector<double>(sumDOFs_);
-      }
-      // create local equation system
-      int boxSize = 0;
-      std::vector<int> offset(numComponents_, 0);
-      std::vector< std::map<DegreeOfFreedom, int> > indexOfDOF(numComponents_);
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::const_iterator dofIt, dofBegin, dofEnd;
-      std::vector<MatEntry>::iterator rowIt, rowBegin, rowEnd;
-      int pos;
-      for(i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	if(dofSet[i]) {
-	  offset[i] = boxSize;
-	  boxSize += numDOFs_[i];
-	  dofBegin = dofSet[i]->begin();
-	  dofEnd = dofSet[i]->end();
-	  pos = 0;
-	  for(dofIt = dofBegin; dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-	    indexOfDOF[i][*dofIt] = pos + 1;
-// 	    MSG("%d : %d, %d \n", *dofIt, i, pos);
-	    ++pos;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      for(i = 0; i < boxSize; i++) {
-	for(j = 0; j < boxSize; j++) {
-	  (*boxMatrix_)[i][j] = 0.0;
-	}
-	(*boxRHS_)[i] = 0.0;
-      }
-      pos = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	if(dofSet[i]) {
-	  dofBegin = dofSet[i]->begin();
-	  dofEnd = dofSet[i]->end();
-	  for(dofIt = dofBegin; dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-	    // fill box rhs
-	    (*boxRHS_)[pos] = (*((*rhs)[i]))[*dofIt];
-	    // fill box matrix
-	    for(j = 0; j < numComponents_; j++) {
-	      if((*matrix)[i][j] != NULL) {
-		rowBegin = (*((*matrix)[i][j]))[*dofIt].begin();
-		rowEnd = (*((*matrix)[i][j]))[*dofIt].end();
-		for(rowIt = rowBegin; rowIt != rowEnd; ++rowIt) {
-		  if(rowIt->col == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) continue;
-		  if(rowIt->col == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-		  int ind = indexOfDOF[j][rowIt->col] - 1;
-		  if(ind != -1) {
-		    (*boxMatrix_)[pos][offset[j] + ind] = rowIt->entry;
-		  } else {
-		    (*boxRHS_)[pos] -= 
-		      rowIt->entry * (*((*solution)[j]))[rowIt->col];
-		  }
-		}
-	      } else {
-		for(k = 0; k < numDOFs_[j]; k++) {
-		  (*boxMatrix_)[pos][offset[j] + k] = 0.0;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	    ++pos;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-//       int a,b;
-//       for(i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-// 	MSG("DOFs %d: ", i);
-// 	dofBegin = dofSet[i]->begin();
-// 	dofEnd = dofSet[i]->end();
-// 	for(dofIt = dofBegin; dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-// 	  MSG("%d ", *dofIt);
-// 	}
-// 	MSG("\n");
-//       }
-//       for(a = 0; a < numComponents_; a++) {
-// 	for(b = 0; b < numComponents_; b++) {
-// 	  MSG("matrix[%d][%d]:\n", a, b);
-// 	  if((*matrix)[a][b]) {
-// 	    (*matrix)[a][b]->print();
-// 	    MSG("solution[%d]\n", b);
-// 	    (*solution)[b]->print();
-// 	    MSG("rhs[%d]\n", a);
-// 	    (*rhs)[a]->print();
-// 	  }
-// 	}
-//       }
-//       MSG("matrix:\n");
-//       for(a = 0; a < boxSize; a++) {
-// 	for(b = 0; b < boxSize; b++) {
-// 	  MSG("%e ", (*boxMatrix_)[a][b]);
-// 	}
-// 	MSG("\n");
-//       }
-//       MSG("rhs:\n");
-//       for(a = 0; a < boxSize; a++) {
-// 	MSG("%e\n", (*boxRHS_)[a]);
-//       }
-      // apply direct solver
-      directSolver_->solve(*boxMatrix_, *boxRHS_, *boxSolution_, boxSize);
-//       MSG("solution:\n");
-//       for(a = 0; a < boxSize; a++) {
-// 	MSG("%e\n", (*boxSolution_)[a]);
-//       }
-//       WAIT_REALLY;
-      // copy solution
-      pos = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	dofBegin = dofSet[i]->begin();
-	dofEnd = dofSet[i]->end();
-	for(dofIt = dofBegin; dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-	  (*((*solution)[i]))[*dofIt] = (*boxSolution_)[pos];	    
-	  ++pos;
-	}
-      }
-    };
-  protected:
-    Matrix<double> *boxMatrix_;
-    Vector<double> *boxSolution_;
-    Vector<double> *boxRHS_;
-    int numComponents_;
-    std::vector<int> numDOFs_;
-    int sumDOFs_;
-    DirectSolverInterface<Matrix<double>, Vector<double> > *directSolver_;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index 31c4206c..0dd14dea 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -10,14 +10,8 @@
 #include "ResidualEstimator.h"
 #include "LeafData.h"
 #include "SurfaceRegion_ED.h"
-#include "MultiGridWrapper.h"
 #include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "SparseVector.h"
-#include "GSSmoother.h"
-#include "JacobiSmoother.h"
 #include "ElementRegion_ED.h"
-#include "BoxSmoother.h"
-#include "MultiGridPreconWrapper.h"
 #include "UmfPackSolver.h"
 namespace AMDiS {
@@ -64,12 +58,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     creator = NEW ICPreconditioner::Creator;
     addCreator("ic", creator);
-#if 0
-    creator =  NEW MGPreconWrapperScal::Creator;
-    addCreator("mg", creator);
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index d0f9edfc..4000fa39 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -43,9 +43,8 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     TEST_EXIT(rowFESpace)("no rowFESpace\n");
-    if (!colFESpace) {
+    if (!colFESpace)
       colFESpace = rowFESpace;
-    }
     if (rowFESpace && rowFESpace->getAdmin())
@@ -149,19 +148,22 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   DOFMatrix& DOFMatrix::operator=(const DOFMatrix& rhs)
-    TEST_EXIT(rhs.inserter == 0 && inserter == 0)("Cannot copy during insertion");
     rowFESpace = rhs.rowFESpace;
     colFESpace = rhs.colFESpace;
     operators = rhs.operators;
     operatorFactor = rhs.operatorFactor;
-    matrix = rhs.matrix;
     coupleMatrix = rhs.coupleMatrix;
+    /// The matrix values may only be copyed, if there is no active insertion.
+    if (rhs.inserter == 0 && inserter == 0)
+      matrix = rhs.matrix;
     if (rhs.boundaryManager) {
       boundaryManager = NEW BoundaryManager(*rhs.boundaryManager);
     } else {
       boundaryManager = NULL;
     if (rhs.elementMatrix) {
       elementMatrix = NEW ElementMatrix(rowFESpace->getBasisFcts()->getNumber(),
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/DOFMatrix.h b/AMDiS/src/DOFMatrix.h
index c4c5da5c..577a5fc1 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/DOFMatrix.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/DOFMatrix.h
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ===== includes =============================================================
-// ============================================================================
 #include <vector>
 #include <set>
 #include <memory>
@@ -49,110 +45,6 @@
 namespace AMDiS {
-  // ===========================================================================
-  // ===== struct MatEntry =====================================================
-  // ===========================================================================
-  /** \brief
-   * Represents one entry of a DOFMatrix
-   */
-  struct MatEntry
-  {
-    /** \brief
-     * column index of entry (if >= 0; else unused)
-     */
-    DegreeOfFreedom col;
-    /** \brief
-     * matrix entry
-     */
-    double entry;
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Is used to search for all entries of a matrix which column index is 
-   * smaller than a given value.
-   */
-  class MatEntryValueLess : public std::unary_function<MatEntry, bool> {
-  private:
-    const double value_;
-  public:
-    MatEntryValueLess(const double& value) 
-      : value_(value) 
-    {}
-    bool operator()(const MatEntry& m) {
-      return (fabs(m.entry) < value_);
-    }      
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Is used to search for all entries of a matrix which value is smaller 
-   * than a given value.
-   */
-  class MatEntryColLess : public std::unary_function<MatEntry, bool> {
-  private:
-    const int col_;
-  public:
-    MatEntryColLess(const int& col) 
-      : col_(col) 
-    {}
-    bool operator()(const MatEntry& m) {
-      return (fabs(m.col) < col_);
-    }      
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * This function is required if two MatEntries are compared by their col
-   * entry (for example when sorting a vector of MatEntries).
-   */
-  struct CmpMatEntryCol : public std::binary_function<MatEntry, MatEntry, bool> {
-    bool operator()(const MatEntry& m1, const MatEntry m2) const {
-      return m1.col < m2.col;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * This function compares two matrix entries by their values. It returns true,
-   * if the value of m2 is greater than the value of m1.
-   */
-  struct CmpMatEntryValue : public std::binary_function<MatEntry, MatEntry, bool> {
-    bool operator()(const MatEntry& m1, const MatEntry m2) const {
-      return m1.entry < m2.entry;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * This function compares two matrix entries by their values. It returns true,
-   * if the value of m2 is greater than the value of m1.
-   */
-  struct CmpMatEntryAbsValueLess : public std::binary_function<MatEntry, MatEntry, bool> {
-    bool operator()(const MatEntry& m1, const MatEntry m2) const {
-      return fabs(m1.entry) < fabs(m2.entry);
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * This function compares two matrix entries by their values. It returns true,
-   * if the value of m1 is greater than the value of m2.
-   */
-  struct CmpMatEntryAbsValueGreater : public std::binary_function<MatEntry, MatEntry, bool> {
-    bool operator()(const MatEntry& m1, const MatEntry m2) const {
-      return fabs(m1.entry) > fabs(m2.entry);
-    }
-  };
-  // ============================================================================
-  // ===== class DOFMatrix ======================================================
-  // ============================================================================
   /** \ingroup DOFAdministration
    * \brief
    * A DOFMatrix is a sparse matrix representation for matrices that work
@@ -175,28 +67,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     typedef mtl::matrix::inserter<base_matrix_type>  inserter_type;
-    /** \ingroup DOFAdministration
-     * \brief
-     * Alias for DOFIterator< std::vector<MatEntry<T> > >. So one can access an
-     * iterator working on a DOFMatrix via DOFMatrix::Iterator
-     */
-    class Iterator : public DOFIterator< std::vector<MatEntry> > {
-    public:
-      Iterator(DOFIndexed< std::vector<MatEntry> > *c, 
-	       DOFIteratorType type)
-	: DOFIterator< std::vector<MatEntry> >(c, type)
-      {}
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * A MatrixRow represents one row of the sparse matrix. It is realized by
-     * a STL vector of MatEntry<T> objects
-     */
-    typedef std::vector<MatEntry> MatrixRow;
-    /** \brief
-     * Symbolic constant for an unused matrix entry
-     */
+    /// Symbolic constant for an unused matrix entry
     static const int UNUSED_ENTRY = -1;
     /** \brief
@@ -208,28 +79,17 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    /** \brief
-     * Constructs a DOFMatrix with name n and the given row and 
-     * column FESpaces.
-     */
-    DOFMatrix(const FiniteElemSpace* rowFESpace,
-	      const FiniteElemSpace* colFESpace,
+    /// Constructs a DOFMatrix with name n and the given row and olumn FESpaces.
+    DOFMatrix(const FiniteElemSpace* rowFESpace, const FiniteElemSpace* colFESpace,
 	      std::string n = "");
-    /** \brief
-     * Copy-Constructor
-     */
+    /// Copy-Constructor
     DOFMatrix(const DOFMatrix& rhs);
-    /** \brief
-     * Destructor
-     */
+    /// Destructor
     virtual ~DOFMatrix();
-    /** \brief
-     * operator=
-     */
+    /// Assignment operator.
     DOFMatrix& operator=(const DOFMatrix& rhs);
     void copy(const DOFMatrix& rhs);
@@ -249,12 +109,10 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     // Only to get rid of the abstract functions, I hope they are not used
     std::vector<bool>::iterator begin() {ERROR_EXIT("Shouldn't be used, only fake."); std::vector<bool> v; return v.begin();}
     std::vector<bool>::iterator end() {ERROR_EXIT("Shouldn't be used, only fake."); std::vector<bool> v; return v.end();}
-#if 1
     bool dummy; // Must be deleted later
     bool& operator[](int i) {ERROR_EXIT("Shouldn't be used, only fake."); return dummy;}
     const bool& operator[](int i) const {ERROR_EXIT("Shouldn't be used, only fake."); return dummy;}
     /// DOFMatrix does not need to be compressed before assembling, when using MTL4.
     void compressDOFIndexed(int first, int last, std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> &newDOF) {}
@@ -459,12 +317,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 			   int irow, int jcol, double entry,
 			   bool add = true);
-    void addMatEntry(int row, MatEntry entry);
-    void addMatEntry(int row, int DegreeOfFreedom, double value);
-    void addRow(std::vector<MatEntry> row);
     void removeRowsWithDBC(std::set<int> *rows);
     /// Prints \ref matrix to stdout
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h
index f56e7889..7acd2856 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@
-// ===========================================================================
-// ===== includes ============================================================
-// ===========================================================================
 #include <vector> 
 #include <memory> 
 #include <list> 
@@ -51,10 +47,6 @@
 namespace AMDiS {
-  // ===========================================================================
-  // ===== forward declarations ================================================
-  // ===========================================================================
   template<typename T> 
   class DOFVectorBase : public DOFIndexed<T>
@@ -252,23 +244,13 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     int dim;
-  // ===========================================================================
-  // ===== defs ================================================================
-  // ===========================================================================
-  /** \brief
-   * Specifies which operation should be done after coarsening
-   */
+  /// Specifies which operation should be done after coarsening
   typedef enum{
     NO_OPERATION = 0,   
   } CoarsenOperation;
-  // ===========================================================================
-  // ===== class DOFVector =====================================================
-  // ===========================================================================
   /** \ingroup DOFAdministration 
    * \brief
@@ -324,9 +306,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    /** \brief
-     * Empty constructor. No initialization!
-     */
+    /// Empty constructor. No initialization!
       : DOFVectorBase<T>(), 
@@ -334,19 +314,13 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    /** \brief
-     * Constructs a DOFVector with name n belonging to FiniteElemSpace f
-     */
+    /// Constructs a DOFVector with name n belonging to FiniteElemSpace f
     DOFVector(const FiniteElemSpace* f, std::string n); 
-    /** \brief
-     * Initialization.
-     */
+    /// Initialization.
     void init(const FiniteElemSpace* f, std::string n);
-    /** \brief
-     * Copy Constructor
-     */
+    /// Copy Constructor
     DOFVector(const DOFVector& rhs) {
       *this = rhs;   
       name = + "copy";
@@ -355,21 +329,15 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    /** \brief
-     * Destructor
-     */
+    /// Destructor
     virtual ~DOFVector();
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns iterator to the begin of \ref vec
-     */
+    /// Returns iterator to the begin of \ref vec
     typename std::vector<T>::iterator begin() { 
       return vec.begin(); 
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns iterator to the end of \ref vec
-     */
+    /// Returns iterator to the end of \ref vec
     typename std::vector<T>::iterator end() { 
       return vec.end(); 
@@ -380,72 +348,53 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     virtual void compressDOFIndexed(int first, int last,
 				    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> &newDof);
-    /** \brief
-     * Sets \ref coarsenOperation to op
-     */
+    /// Sets \ref coarsenOperation to op
     inline void setCoarsenOperation(CoarsenOperation op) { 
       coarsenOperation = op; 
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns \ref coarsenOperation
-     */
+    /// Returns \ref coarsenOperation
     inline CoarsenOperation getCoarsenOperation() { 
       return coarsenOperation; 
-    /** \brief
-     * Restriction after coarsening. Implemented for DOFVector<double>
-     */
+    /// Restriction after coarsening. Implemented for DOFVector<double>
     inline void coarseRestrict(RCNeighbourList&, int) {}
-    /** \brief
-     * Interpolation after refinement.
-     */
+    /// Interpolation after refinement.
     inline void refineInterpol(RCNeighbourList&, int) {}
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns \ref vec
-     */
+    /// Returns \ref vec
     std::vector<T>& getVector() { 
       return vec;
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns size of \ref vec
-     */
+    /// Returns size of \ref vec
     inline int getSize() const { 
       return vec.size();
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns used size of the vector.
-     */
+    /// Returns used size of the vector.
     inline int getUsedSize() const { 
       return feSpace->getAdmin()->getUsedSize(); 
-    /** \brief
-     * Resizes \ref vec to n
-     */
+    /// Resizes \ref vec to n
     inline void resize(int n) { 
       TEST_EXIT_DBG((n >= 0))("Can't resize DOFVector to negative size\n"); 
-    /** \brief
-     * Resizes \ref vec to n and inits new values with init
-     */
+    /// Resizes \ref vec to n and inits new values with init
     inline void resize(int n, T init) { 
       TEST_EXIT_DBG((n >= 0))("Can't resize DOFVector to negative size\n"); 
       vec.resize(n, init);
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns \ref vec[i]
-     */
+    /// Returns \ref vec[i]
     inline const T& operator[](DegreeOfFreedom i) const {
       TEST_EXIT_DBG((i>= 0) && (i < static_cast<int>(vec.size())))
@@ -453,9 +402,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       return vec[i];
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns \ref vec[i]
-     */
+    /// Returns \ref vec[i]
     inline T& operator[](DegreeOfFreedom i) {
       TEST_EXIT_DBG((i >= 0) && (i < static_cast<int>(vec.size())))
@@ -463,110 +410,72 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       return vec[i];
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates Integral of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates Integral of this DOFVector
     double Int(Quadrature* q = NULL) const;
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates L1 norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates L1 norm of this DOFVector
     double L1Norm(Quadrature* q = NULL) const;
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates L2 norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates L2 norm of this DOFVector
     inline double L2Norm(Quadrature* q = NULL) const {
       return sqrt(L2NormSquare());
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates square of L2 norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates square of L2 norm of this DOFVector
     double L2NormSquare(Quadrature* q = NULL) const;
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates H1 norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates H1 norm of this DOFVector
     inline double H1Norm(Quadrature* q = NULL) const {
       return sqrt(H1NormSquare());
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates square of H1 norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates square of H1 norm of this DOFVector
     double H1NormSquare(Quadrature* q = NULL) const;  
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates euclidian norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates euclidian norm of this DOFVector
     double nrm2() const; 
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns square of the euclidian norm.
-     */
+    /// Returns square of the euclidian norm.
     double squareNrm2() const;
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates l2 norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates l2 norm of this DOFVector
     inline double l2norm() const { 
       return nrm2();
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates the absolute sum of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates the absolute sum of this DOFVector
     T asum() const; 
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates the l1 norm of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates the l1 norm of this DOFVector
     inline double l1norm() const { 
       return asum();
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates doublewell of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates doublewell of this DOFVector
     double DoubleWell(Quadrature* q = NULL) const;
-    /** \brief
-     * Calculates the sum of this DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Calculates the sum of this DOFVector
     T sum() const; 
-    /** \brief
-     * Sets \ref vec[i] = val, i=0 , ... , size
-     */
+    /// Sets \ref vec[i] = val, i=0 , ... , size
     void set(T val); 
-    /** \brief
-     * Assignment operator for setting complete vector to a certain value d
-     */
+    /// Assignment operator for setting complete vector to a certain value d
     inline DOFVector<T>& operator=(T d) {
       return *this;
-    /** \brief
-     * Assignment operator between two vectors
-     */
+    /// Assignment operator between two vectors
     DOFVector<T>& operator=(const DOFVector<T>&); 
-    /** \brief
-     * vec[i] = v.vec[i]
-     */
+    /// vec[i] = v.vec[i]
     void copy(const DOFVector<T>& v); 
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns minimum of DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Returns minimum of DOFVector
     T min() const; 
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns maximum of DOFVector
-     */
+    /// Returns maximum of DOFVector
     T max() const;
     /// Returns absolute maximum of DOFVector
@@ -616,29 +525,19 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    /** \brief
-     * Used by Int while mesh traversal
-     */
+    /// Used by Int while mesh traversal
     static int Int_fct(ElInfo* elinfo);
-    /** \brief
-     * Used by L1Norm while mesh traversal
-     */
+    /// Used by L1Norm while mesh traversal
     static int L1Norm_fct(ElInfo* elinfo);
-    /** \brief
-     * Used by L2Norm while mesh traversal
-     */
+    /// Used by L2Norm while mesh traversal
     static int L2Norm_fct(ElInfo* elinfo);
-    /** \brief
-     * Used by H1Norm while mesh traversal
-     */
+    /// Used by H1Norm while mesh traversal
     static int H1Norm_fct(ElInfo* elinfo);
-    /** \brief
-     * Used by DoubleWell while mesh traversal
-     */
+    /// Used by DoubleWell while mesh traversal
     static int DoubleWell_fct(ElInfo* elinfo);
@@ -673,7 +572,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     static double norm;
-  // ===============================================================================
   void DOFVector<double>::refineInterpol(RCNeighbourList&, int); 
@@ -689,9 +587,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     return v.max();
-  // ===========================================================================
-  // ===== class DOFVectorDOF ==================================================
-  // ===========================================================================
   /** \ingroup DOFAdministration
    * \brief
@@ -747,10 +642,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-  // ===============================================================================
   template<typename T>
   double norm(DOFVector<T> *vec) {
     return vec->nrm2();
@@ -776,22 +667,18 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   const DOFVector<T>& operator*=(DOFVector<T>& x, const DOFVector<T>& y);
   // multiplication with scalar
   template<typename T>
   const DOFVector<T>& operator*=(DOFVector<T>& x, T scal);
   // scalar product
   template<typename T>
   T operator*(DOFVector<T>& x, DOFVector<T>& y);
   // addition
   template<typename T>
   const DOFVector<T>& operator+=(DOFVector<T>& x, const DOFVector<T>& y);
   // subtraction
   template<typename T>
   const DOFVector<T>& operator-=(DOFVector<T>& x, const DOFVector<T>& y);
@@ -804,10 +691,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   template<typename T>
   const DOFVector<T>& operator+(const DOFVector<T>&v1 , const DOFVector<T>& v2);
   // y = a*x + y
   template<typename T>
   void axpy(double a,const DOFVector<T>& x, DOFVector<T>& y);
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh
index 233c6769..68967f90 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh
+++ b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh
@@ -135,13 +135,11 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   template<typename T>
-    if(feSpace && feSpace->getAdmin()) {
+    if (feSpace && feSpace->getAdmin())
-    }
-    if (this->boundaryManager) {
+    if (this->boundaryManager)
       DELETE this->boundaryManager;
-    }
@@ -345,130 +343,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     return std::max(abs(max()), abs(min()));
-  template<typename T>
-  void gemv(MatrixTranspose transpose, T alpha,
-	    const DOFMatrix& a, const DOFVector<T>& x,
-	    T beta, DOFVector<T>& y)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("DOFVector<T>::gemv()");
-    int j, jcol, ysize;
-    T sum, ax;
-    const DOFMatrix::MatrixRow *row;
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(a.getRowFESpace() && 
-		  a.getColFESpace() && 
-		  x.getFESpace() && 
-		  y.getFESpace())
-      ("feSpace is NULL: %8X, %8X, %8X, %8X\n", 
-       a.getRowFESpace(), a.getColFESpace(), x.getFESpace(), y.getFESpace());
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin() && 
-		  a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin() && 
-		  (((transpose == NoTranspose) && 
-		    (a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin() == x.getFESpace()->getAdmin()) && 
-		    (a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin() == y.getFESpace()->getAdmin()))||
-		   ((transpose == Transpose) && 
-		    (a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin() == x.getFESpace()->getAdmin()) && 
-		    (a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin() == y.getFESpace()->getAdmin()))))
-      ("no admin or different admins: %8X, %8X, %8X, %8X\n",
-       a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin(), a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin(), 
-       x.getFESpace()->getAdmin(), y.getFESpace()->getAdmin());
-    if (transpose == NoTranspose) {
-      TEST_EXIT_DBG(static_cast<int>(x.getSize()) >= a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize())
-	("x.size = %d too small: admin->sizeUsed = %d\n",
-	 x.getSize(), a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize());
-      TEST_EXIT_DBG(static_cast<int>(y.getSize()) >= a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize())
-	("y.size = %d too small: admin->sizeUsed = %d\n",
-	 y.getSize(), a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize());
-      TEST_EXIT_DBG(static_cast<int>( a.getSize()) >= a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize())
-	("a.size = %d too small: admin->sizeUsed = %d\n",
-	a.getSize(), a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize());
-    }
-    else  if (transpose == Transpose) {
-      TEST_EXIT_DBG(static_cast<int>(x.getSize()) >= a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize())
-	("x.size = %d too small: admin->sizeUsed = %d\n",
-	 x.getSize(), a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize());
-      TEST_EXIT_DBG(static_cast<int>(y.getSize()) >= a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize())
-	("y.size = %d too small: admin->sizeUsed = %d\n",
-	 y.getSize(), a.getColFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize());
-      TEST_EXIT_DBG(static_cast<int>( a.getSize()) >= a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize())
-	("a.size = %d too small: admin->sizeUsed = %d\n",
-	a.getSize(), a.getRowFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize());
-    }
-    // Create MTL vector as wrapper of y
-    mtl::vector::dense_vector<double>   yy(y.getSize(), &y[0]);
-    DOFMatrix::base_matrix_type&        A= a.getBaseMatrix();
-    if (transpose == NoTranspose) 
-	yy= alpha*A*x + beta*yy;
-    else if (transpose == Transpose)
-	yy= alpha*trans(A)*x + beta*yy;
-    else 
-      ERROR_EXIT("transpose=%d\n", transpose);
-#if 0
-    //ysize = y.getSize();
-    typename DOFVector<T>::Iterator vecIterator(dynamic_cast<DOFIndexed<T>*>(&y), FREE_DOFS);
-    for (vecIterator.reset(); !vecIterator.end(); ++vecIterator) { 
-      *vecIterator = 0;
-    }
-    if (transpose == NoTranspose) {
-      typename DOFVector<T>::Iterator vecIterator(dynamic_cast<DOFIndexed<T>*>(&y), USED_DOFS); 
-      DOFMatrix::Iterator rowIterator(const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(&a), USED_DOFS);
-      for (vecIterator.reset(), rowIterator.reset(); !rowIterator.end();
-	   ++rowIterator, ++vecIterator) { 
-	sum = 0;
-	row = &(a[rowIterator.getDOFIndex()]);
-	for (std::vector<MatEntry>::iterator colIterator = rowIterator->begin();
-	     colIterator != rowIterator->end();
-	     colIterator++) {
-	  jcol = colIterator->col;
-	  if (jcol >= 0) { // entry used? 
-	    sum += (static_cast<T>(colIterator->entry)) * x[jcol];
-	  } else {
-	    if (jcol == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES)
-	      break;
-	  }
-	}
-	*vecIterator *= beta;
-	*vecIterator += alpha * sum;
-      }
-    } else if (transpose == Transpose) {
-      typename DOFVector<T>::Iterator vecIterator(dynamic_cast<DOFIndexed<T>*>(&y), USED_DOFS);
-      for (vecIterator.reset(); !vecIterator.end(); ++vecIterator) {
-	*vecIterator  *= beta ; 
-      }
-      typename DOFVector<T>::Iterator xIterator(dynamic_cast<DOFIndexed<T>*>(const_cast<DOFVector<T>*>(&x)), USED_DOFS);
-      DOFMatrix::Iterator rowIterator(const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(&a), USED_DOFS);
-      for (xIterator.reset(), rowIterator.reset(); !rowIterator.end();
-	   ++rowIterator, ++xIterator) { 
-	ax = alpha * (*xIterator);
-	row = &(a[rowIterator.getDOFIndex()]);
-	for (std::vector<MatEntry>::iterator colIterator = rowIterator->begin();
-	    colIterator != rowIterator->end();
-	    colIterator++) {
-	  jcol = colIterator->col;
-	  if (jcol >= 0) // entry used?
-	    y[jcol] += ax * (static_cast<T>(colIterator->entry));
-	  else 
-	    if (jcol == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      ERROR_EXIT("transpose=%d\n", transpose);
-    }
-  }
   template<typename T>
   void DOFVector<T>::print() const
@@ -1271,7 +1145,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     return 1;
   template <typename T>
   inline void set_to_zero(AMDiS::DOFVector<T>& v)
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 654a8ec6..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef HAVE_DUNE
-#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/ilu.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/matrix.hh>
-#include "DuneSolver.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<>
-  int DuneSolver< DOFVector<double> >::solveSystem(MatVecMultiplier< DOFVector<double> > *mv,
- 						   DOFVector<double> *x,
- 						   DOFVector<double> *b)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("DuneSolver::solveSystem()");
-    TEST_EXIT(x->getSize() == b->getSize())("Vectors x and b must have the same size!");
-    StandardMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> > *stdMatVec = 
-      dynamic_cast<StandardMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> > *>(mv);
-    DOFMatrix *m = stdMatVec->getMatrix();
-    int nRows = m->getFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize();
-    DuneMatrix duneMatrix(nRows, nRows, DuneMatrix::random);
-    DuneVector duneVecX(nRows);
-    DuneVector duneVecB(nRows);
-    mapDOFMatrix(m, &duneMatrix);
-    mapDOFVector(x, &duneVecX);
-    mapDOFVector(b, &duneVecB);
-    MSG("solving system with DUNE ...\n");
-    Dune::MatrixAdapter<DuneMatrix, DuneVector, DuneVector> op(duneMatrix);
-    Dune::InverseOperatorResult opRes;
-    Dune::Preconditioner<DuneVector, DuneVector> *dunePreconditioner = 
-      getPreconditioner<DuneMatrix, DuneVector>(&duneMatrix);
-    Dune::InverseOperator<DuneVector, DuneVector> *duneSolver = 
-      getSolver<DuneMatrix, DuneVector>(&op, dunePreconditioner);
-    duneSolver->apply(duneVecX, duneVecB, opRes);
-    DuneVector::Iterator duneVecIt;    
-    DOFVector<double>::Iterator vecXIter(x, USED_DOFS);
-    for (vecXIter.reset(), duneVecIt = duneVecX.begin(); 
-	 !vecXIter.end(); 
-	 ++vecXIter, ++duneVecIt) {
-      *vecXIter = *duneVecIt;
-    }
-    delete dunePreconditioner;
-    delete duneSolver;
-    return opRes.iterations;
-  }
-  template<>
-  int DuneSolver<SystemVector>::solveSystem(MatVecMultiplier<SystemVector> *mv,
-					    SystemVector *x, SystemVector *b)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("DuneSolver::solveSystem()");
-    // Calculate residual reduction which should be achieved by the dune solver.
-    *p = *x;
-    *p *= -1.0;
-    mv->matVec(NoTranspose, *p, *r);
-    *r += *b;
-    double reduction = this->tolerance / norm(r);
-    typedef Dune::Matrix<DuneMatrix> SystemDuneMatrix;
-    typedef Dune::BlockVector<DuneVector> SystemDuneVector;
-    TEST_EXIT(x->getSize() == b->getSize())("Vectors x and b must have the same size!");
-    StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector> *stdMatVec = 
-      dynamic_cast<StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector> *>(mv);
-    Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *m = stdMatVec->getMatrix();
-    // Number of systems.
-    int nComponents = m->getSize();  
-    // Size of one DOF matrix.
-    int oneMatrixSize = ((*m)[0][0])->getFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize();
-    SystemDuneMatrix duneMatrix(nComponents, nComponents);
-    SystemDuneVector duneVecX(nComponents);
-    SystemDuneVector duneVecB(nComponents);
-    for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; i++) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < nComponents; j++) {
-	if ((*m)[i][j]) {
-	  duneMatrix[i][j].setSize(oneMatrixSize, oneMatrixSize);
-	  duneMatrix[i][j].setBuildMode(DuneMatrix::random);
-	  mapDOFMatrix((*m)[i][j], &duneMatrix[i][j]);
-	} else {
-	  duneMatrix[i][j].setSize(0, 0);
-	}
-      }
-      duneVecX[i].resize(oneMatrixSize, false);      
-      mapDOFVector(x->getDOFVector(i), &duneVecX[i]);      
-      duneVecB[i].resize(oneMatrixSize, false);
-      mapDOFVector(b->getDOFVector(i), &duneVecB[i]);
-    }
-    MSG("solving system with DUNE ...\n");
-    Dune::MatrixAdapter<SystemDuneMatrix, SystemDuneVector, SystemDuneVector> op(duneMatrix);
-    Dune::InverseOperatorResult opRes;
-    Dune::Preconditioner<SystemDuneVector, SystemDuneVector> *dunePreconditioner =
-      getSystemPreconditioner<SystemDuneMatrix, SystemDuneVector>(&duneMatrix);
-    Dune::InverseOperator<SystemDuneVector, SystemDuneVector> *duneSolver =
-      getSolver<SystemDuneMatrix, SystemDuneVector>(&op, dunePreconditioner);
-    duneSolver->apply(duneVecX, duneVecB, reduction, opRes);
-    for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; i++) {
-      DuneVector::Iterator duneVecIt;    
-      DOFVector<double>::Iterator vecXIter(x->getDOFVector(i), USED_DOFS);
-      for (vecXIter.reset(), duneVecIt = duneVecX[i].begin(); 
-	   !vecXIter.end(); 
-	   ++vecXIter, ++duneVecIt) {
-	*vecXIter = *duneVecIt;
-      }
-    }
-    // Calculate and print the residual.
-    *p = *x;
-    *p *= -1.0;
-    mv->matVec(NoTranspose, *p, *r);
-    *r += *b;
-    this->residual = norm(r);
-    MSG("Residual: %e\n", this->residual);
-    delete dunePreconditioner;
-    delete duneSolver;
-    return opRes.iterations;
-  }
-#endif // HAVE_DUNE
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.h b/AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d39f7961..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file DuneSolver.h */
-#ifdef HAVE_DUNE
-#include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/ilu.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/matrix.hh>
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "OEMSolver.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  // ============================================================================
-  // ===== class DuneSolver =====================================================
-  // ============================================================================
-  typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix< Dune::FieldMatrix<double, 1, 1> > DuneMatrix;
-  typedef Dune::BlockVector< Dune::FieldVector<double, 1> > DuneVector;
-  /**
-   * \ingroup Solver
-   * 
-   * \brief
-   * Uses ISTL-module from the DUNE project ( to solve a
-   * linear system of equations.
-   */
-  template<typename VectorType>
-  class DuneSolver : public OEMSolver<VectorType>
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(DuneSolver<VectorType>);
-    /** \brief
-     * Creator class used in the OEMSolverMap.
-     */
-    class Creator : public OEMSolverCreator<VectorType>
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(Creator);
-      virtual ~Creator() {};
-      /** \brief
-       * Returns a new DuneSolver object.
-       */
-      OEMSolver<VectorType>* create() { 
-	return NEW DuneSolver<VectorType>(this->name); 
-      };
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * constructor
-     */
-    DuneSolver(std::string name);
-    /** \brief
-     * destructor
-     */
-    ~DuneSolver();
-  protected:
-    /** \brief
-     * DUNE's solver verbose mode:
-     *   0 : print nothing
-     *   1 : print initial and final defect and statistics
-     *   2 : print line for each iteration
-     */
-    int verbose_;
-    /** \brief
-     * DUNE's solver to be used.
-     */
-    std::string solverType_;
-    /** \brief
-     * DUNE's preconditioner to be used.
-     */
-    std::string preconType_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Relaxation factor for the preconditioner.
-     */
-    double preconRelaxation_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Number of iterations for the preconditioner.
-     */
-    int preconIterations_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Implements OEMSolver<VectorType>::init().
-     */
-    void init() 
-    {
-      p = this->vectorCreator->create();
-      r = this->vectorCreator->create();
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Implements OEMSolver<VectorType>::exit().
-     */
-    void exit() 
-    {
-      this->vectorCreator->free(p);
-      this->vectorCreator->free(r);
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Creates a dune preconditioner using the informations in the used init file. 
-     */
-    template<typename M, typename V>
-    Dune::Preconditioner<V, V>* getPreconditioner(M *matrix);
-    /** \brief
-     * Creates a dune preconditioner for systems of equations using the informations
-     * in the used init file.
-     */
-    template<typename M, typename V>
-    Dune::Preconditioner<V, V>* getSystemPreconditioner(M *matrix);
-    /** \brief
-     * Creates a dune solver using the informations in the used init file.
-     */
-    template<typename M, typename V>
-    Dune::InverseOperator<V, V>* getSolver(Dune::MatrixAdapter<M, V, V>* ma,
-					   Dune::Preconditioner<V, V>* precon);
-    /** \brief
-     * Implements OEMSolver<VectorType>::solve().
-     */
-    int solveSystem(MatVecMultiplier<VectorType> *mv, VectorType *x, VectorType *b);
-    /** \brief
-     * Copies the data of one DOFMatrix to one DuneMatrix. The DuneMatrix has
-     * to be allocated before.
-     */
-    void mapDOFMatrix(DOFMatrix *dofMatrix, DuneMatrix *duneMatrix);
-    /** \brief
-     * Copies the data of one DOFVector to one DuneVector. The DuneVector has
-     * to be allocated before.
-     */
-    void mapDOFVector(DOFVector<double> *dofVector, DuneVector *duneVector);
-  private:
-    /** \brief
-     * These vectors are justed to calculate the final residual of the solution.
-     */
-    VectorType *r, *p;
-  };
-#include "DuneSolver.hh"
-#endif // HAVE_DUNE
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.hh b/AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 147491a8..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/DuneSolver.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/bcrsmatrix.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/ilu.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/matrix.hh>
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename VectorType>
-  DuneSolver<VectorType>::DuneSolver(std::string name)   
-    : OEMSolver<VectorType>(name),
-      verbose_(1),
-      solverType_(""),
-      preconType_(""),
-      preconRelaxation_(1.0),
-      preconIterations_(1)
-  {
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name + "->dune verbose", "%d", &verbose_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name + "->dune solver", &solverType_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name + "->dune precon", &preconType_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name + "->dune precon->relaxation", "%f", &preconRelaxation_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name + "->dune precon->iterations", "%d", &preconIterations_);
-    TEST_EXIT(solverType_ != "")("No DUNE solver chosen!\n");
-    TEST_EXIT(preconType_ != "")("No DUNE preconditioner chosen!\n");
-  }
-  template<typename VectorType>
-  DuneSolver<VectorType>::~DuneSolver()
-  {}
-  template<typename VectorType> 
-  template<typename M, typename V>
-  Dune::Preconditioner<V, V>* DuneSolver<VectorType>::getPreconditioner(M *matrix)
-  {
-    if (preconType_ == "ilu0") {
-      return new Dune::SeqILU0<M, V, V>(*matrix, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "ilun") {
-      return new Dune::SeqILUn<M, V, V>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "jac") {
-      return new Dune::SeqJac<M, V, V>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "gs") {
-      return new Dune::SeqGS<M, V, V>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "sor") {
-      return new Dune::SeqSOR<M, V, V>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "ssor") {
-      return new Dune::SeqSSOR<M, V, V>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    };
-    ERROR_EXIT("Wrong DUNE preconditioner type!\n");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  template<typename VectorType> 
-  template<typename M, typename V>
-  Dune::Preconditioner<V, V>* DuneSolver<VectorType>::getSystemPreconditioner(M *matrix)
-  {
-    if (preconType_ == "ilu0") {
-      ERROR_EXIT("ILU0 is not supported for systems!\n");
-    } else if (preconType_ == "ilun") {
-      ERROR_EXIT("ILUN is not supported for systems!\n");
-    } else if (preconType_ == "jac") {
-      return new Dune::SeqJac<M, V, V, 2>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "gs") {
-      return new Dune::SeqGS<M, V, V, 2>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "sor") {
-      return new Dune::SeqSOR<M, V, V, 2>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    } else if (preconType_ == "ssor") {
-      return new Dune::SeqSSOR<M, V, V, 2>(*matrix, preconIterations_, preconRelaxation_);
-    };
-    ERROR_EXIT("Wrong DUNE preconditioner type!\n");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  template<typename VectorType>
-  template<typename M, typename V>
-  Dune::InverseOperator<V, V>* DuneSolver<VectorType>::getSolver(Dune::MatrixAdapter<M, V, V>* ma,
-								 Dune::Preconditioner<V, V>* precon)
-  {
-    if (solverType_ == "bicgstab") {      
-      return new Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<V>(*ma, *precon, this->tolerance, this->max_iter, verbose_);      
-    } else if (solverType_ == "cg") {
-      return new Dune::CGSolver<V>(*ma, *precon, this->tolerance, this->max_iter, verbose_);
-    } else if (solverType_ == "gradient") {
-      return new Dune::GradientSolver<V>(*ma, *precon, this->tolerance, this->max_iter, verbose_); 
-    } else if (solverType_ == "loop") {
-      return new Dune::LoopSolver<V>(*ma, *precon, this->tolerance, this->max_iter, verbose_);
-    }
-    ERROR_EXIT("Wrong DUNE solver type!\n");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  template<typename VectorType>
-  void DuneSolver<VectorType>::mapDOFMatrix(DOFMatrix *dofMatrix, DuneMatrix *duneMatrix)
-  {
-    int rowIndex = 0;
-    DOFMatrix::Iterator matrixRowIt(dofMatrix, USED_DOFS);
-    for (matrixRowIt.reset(); !matrixRowIt.end(); ++matrixRowIt, rowIndex++) {
-      duneMatrix->setrowsize(rowIndex, (*matrixRowIt).size());
-    }
-    duneMatrix->endrowsizes();
-    rowIndex = 0;
-    for (matrixRowIt.reset(); !matrixRowIt.end(); ++matrixRowIt, rowIndex++) {
-      int nCols = static_cast<int>((*matrixRowIt).size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
-	duneMatrix->addindex(rowIndex, (*matrixRowIt)[i].col);
-      }   
-    }
-    duneMatrix->endindices();
-    DuneMatrix::Iterator duneMatIt = duneMatrix->begin();
-    for (matrixRowIt.reset(); !matrixRowIt.end(); ++matrixRowIt, ++duneMatIt) {   
-      int nCols = static_cast<int>((*matrixRowIt).size());
-      for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
-	(*duneMatIt)[(*matrixRowIt)[i].col] = (*matrixRowIt)[i].entry;
-      }   
-    }
-  }
-  template<typename VectorType>
-  void DuneSolver<VectorType>::mapDOFVector(DOFVector<double> *dofVector, DuneVector *duneVector)
-  {
-    DuneVector::Iterator duneVecIt = duneVector->begin();
-    DOFVector<double>::Iterator dofVecIt(dofVector, USED_DOFS);
-    for (dofVecIt.reset(); !dofVecIt.end(); ++dofVecIt, ++duneVecIt) {
-      *duneVecIt = *dofVecIt;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f26b126..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#include "GSSmoother.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "SparseVector.h"
-#include "MatrixVector.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<> 
-  void GSSmoother<DOFMatrix, 
-		  SparseVector<double>,
-		  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> >::
-  smooth(DOFMatrix                       *matrix,
-	 SparseVector<double>            *solution,
-	 SparseVector<double>            *rhs,
-	 int                              iterations,
-	 const std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet)
-  {
-      ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");
-#if 0
-    int i, j, rowNumber, colNumber, numCols;
-    double entry, diagEntry = 0.0;
-    double oldSolution;
-    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, 
-	dofEnd = const_cast< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).end();
-    for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
-      for(dofIt = const_cast< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).begin(); 
-	  dofIt != dofEnd; 
-	  ++dofIt) 
-	{
-	  rowNumber = *dofIt;
-	  const std::vector<MatEntry>& row = matrix->getRow(rowNumber);
-	  numCols = static_cast<int>(row.size());
-	  oldSolution = (*solution)[rowNumber];
-	  (*solution)[rowNumber] = (*rhs)[rowNumber];
-	  for(j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
-	    colNumber = row[j].col;
-	    if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-	    if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) continue;
-	    entry = row[j].entry;
-	    if(colNumber == rowNumber) {
-	      diagEntry = entry;
-	    } else {
-	      (*solution)[rowNumber] -= entry * (*solution)[colNumber];
-	    }
-	  }
-	  (*solution)[rowNumber] *= omega_ / diagEntry;
-	  (*solution)[rowNumber] += (1.0 - omega_) * oldSolution;
-	}
-    }  
-    //   dofEnd = const_cast< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).begin();
-    //   for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
-    //     for(dofIt = const_cast< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).end(); 
-    // 	dofIt != dofEnd; 
-    // 	--dofIt) 
-    //     {
-    //       rowNumber = *dofIt;
-    //       const std::vector<MatEntry>& row = matrix->getRow(rowNumber);
-    //       numCols = static_cast<int>(row.size());
-    //       oldSolution = (*solution)[rowNumber];
-    //       (*solution)[rowNumber] = (*rhs)[rowNumber];
-    //       for(j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
-    // 	colNumber = row[j].col;
-    // 	if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-    // 	if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) continue;
-    // 	entry = row[j].entry;
-    // 	if(colNumber == rowNumber) {
-    // 	  diagEntry = entry;
-    // 	} else {
-    // 	  (*solution)[rowNumber] -= entry * (*solution)[colNumber];
-    // 	}
-    //       }
-    //       (*solution)[rowNumber] *= omega_ / diagEntry;
-    //       (*solution)[rowNumber] += (1.0 - omega_) * oldSolution;
-    //     }
-    //   }  
-  }
-  template<> 
-  void GSSmoother<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-		  Vector<SparseVector<double>*>,
-		  Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> >::
-  smooth(Matrix<DOFMatrix*>                       *m,
-	 Vector<SparseVector<double>*>            *s,
-	 Vector<SparseVector<double>*>            *r,
-	 int                                       iterations,
-	 const Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> &dofSet)
-  {
-      ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");
-#if 0
-    int numComponents = s->getSize();
-    int i, j, k, l;
-    int rowNumber, colNumber, numCols;
-    double entry, diagEntry = 0.0;
-    double oldSolution;
-    DOFMatrix *matrix;
-    SparseVector<double> *rhs;
-    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, dofEnd;
-    for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
-      for(j = 0; j < numComponents; j++) {
-	dofEnd = dofSet[j]->end();
-	rhs = (*r)[j];
-	for(dofIt = dofSet[j]->begin(); dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-	  rowNumber = *dofIt;
-	  oldSolution = (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber];
-	  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] = (*rhs)[rowNumber];
-	  for(k = 0; k < numComponents; k++) {
-	    matrix = (*m)[j][k];
-	    if(matrix) {
-	      const std::vector<MatEntry>& row = matrix->getRow(rowNumber);
-	      numCols = static_cast<int>(row.size());
-	      for(l = 0; l < numCols; l++) {
-		colNumber = row[l].col;
-		if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-		if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) continue;
-		entry = row[l].entry;
-		if(j == k && colNumber == rowNumber) {
-		  diagEntry = entry;
-		} else {
-		  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] -= entry * (*(*s)[k])[colNumber];
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] *= omega_ / diagEntry;
-	  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] += (1.0 - omega_) * oldSolution;
-	}
-      }  
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/GSSmoother.h b/AMDiS/src/GSSmoother.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 20d4e7c5..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/GSSmoother.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file SmootherBase.h */
-#include "SmootherBase.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType, typename DOFSetType>
-  class GSSmoother : public SmootherBase<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(GSSmoother<MatrixType COMMA VectorType COMMA DOFSetType>);
-    class Creator : public SmootherCreator<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(Creator);
-      SmootherBase<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType> *create() {
-	return NEW GSSmoother<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>(this->name);
-      };
-    };
-    GSSmoother(std::string name_) 
-      : SmootherBase<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>(name_),
-	omega_(1.0)
-    {
-      GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->omega", "%f", &omega_);
-    };
-    void smooth(MatrixType       *matrix,
-		VectorType       *solution,
-		VectorType       *rhs,
-		int               iterations,
-		const DOFSetType &dofSet);
-  protected:
-    double omega_;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1f2de8a..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-#include "InterpolRestrictMatrix.h"
-#include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "Traverse.h"
-#include "ElInfo.h"
-#include "Mesh.h"
-#include "BasisFunction.h"
-#include "DOFAdmin.h"
-#include "Element.h"
-#include "SparseVector.h"
-#include "ElementMatrix.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include <set>
-namespace AMDiS {
-  InterpolRestrictMatrix::InterpolRestrictMatrix(int numFcts,
-						 int numRows,
-						 int numCols,
-						 bool type0Used)
-    : numFcts_(numFcts),
-      numRows_(numRows),
-      numCols_(numCols),
-      type0_used_(type0Used),
-      transposed_(false),
-      initialized_(false)
-  {
-    parentDOFs_ = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, numFcts_);
-    child0DOFs_ = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, numFcts_);
-    child1DOFs_ = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, numFcts_);
-    rowDOFPtrs_ = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom*, numRows_);
-    colDOFPtrs_ = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom*, numCols_);
-    type0_rowDOFPtrs_ = 
-      type0_used_ ? GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom*, numRows_) : NULL;
-    type0_colDOFPtrs_ = 
-      type0_used_ ? GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom*, numCols_) : NULL;
-  }
-  InterpolRestrictMatrix::InterpolRestrictMatrix(InterpolRestrictMatrix& matrix,
-						 bool transposed)
-    : numFcts_(matrix.numFcts_),
-      numRows_(matrix.numCols_),
-      numCols_(matrix.numRows_),
-      parentDOFs_(matrix.parentDOFs_),
-      child0DOFs_(matrix.child0DOFs_),
-      child1DOFs_(matrix.child1DOFs_),
-      rowDOFPtrs_(matrix.colDOFPtrs_),
-      colDOFPtrs_(matrix.rowDOFPtrs_),
-      type0_used_(matrix.type0_used_),
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_(matrix.type0_colDOFPtrs_),
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_(matrix.type0_rowDOFPtrs_),
-      transposed_(true),
-      initialized_(true)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("InterpolRestrictMatrix : copy constructor");
-    TEST_EXIT(transposed == true)("not yet for transposed == false\n");
-    if(!matrix.initialized_) {
-      matrix.initialized_ = true;
-      matrix.fillMemory();
-    }
-    // copy directCopyDOFs_
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::const_iterator copyIt;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::const_iterator copyBegin = 
-      matrix.directCopyDOFs_.begin();
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::const_iterator copyEnd =
-      matrix.directCopyDOFs_.end();
-    for(copyIt = copyBegin; copyIt != copyEnd; ++copyIt) {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(*copyIt);
-    }
-    // fill matrices
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::const_iterator rowsIt;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::const_iterator rowsBegin;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::const_iterator rowsEnd;
-    std::map<int, double>::const_iterator colIt;
-    std::map<int, double>::const_iterator colBegin;
-    std::map<int, double>::const_iterator colEnd;
-    // unique row matrix
-    rowsBegin = matrix.uniqueColMatrix_.begin();
-    rowsEnd = matrix.uniqueColMatrix_.end();
-    for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-      int row = rowsIt->first;
-      colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-      colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-      for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	int col = colIt->first;
-	double entry = colIt->second;
-	uniqueRowMatrix_[col][row] = entry;
-      }
-    }
-    // unique col matrix
-    rowsBegin = matrix.uniqueRowMatrix_.begin();
-    rowsEnd = matrix.uniqueRowMatrix_.end();
-    for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-      int row = rowsIt->first;
-      colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-      colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-      for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	int col = colIt->first;
-	double entry = colIt->second;
-	uniqueColMatrix_[col][row] = entry;
-      }
-    }
-    // normal matrix
-    rowsBegin = matrix.matrix_.begin();
-    rowsEnd = matrix.matrix_.end();
-    for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-      int row = rowsIt->first;
-      colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-      colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-      for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	int col = colIt->first;
-	double entry = colIt->second;
-	matrix_[col][row] = entry;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  InterpolRestrictMatrix::~InterpolRestrictMatrix()
-  {
-    if(!transposed_) {
-      FREE_MEMORY(parentDOFs_, DegreeOfFreedom, numFcts_);
-      FREE_MEMORY(child0DOFs_, DegreeOfFreedom, numFcts_);
-      FREE_MEMORY(child1DOFs_, DegreeOfFreedom, numFcts_);
-      FREE_MEMORY(rowDOFPtrs_, DegreeOfFreedom*, numRows_);
-      FREE_MEMORY(colDOFPtrs_, DegreeOfFreedom*, numCols_);
-      if(type0_used_) {
-	FREE_MEMORY(type0_rowDOFPtrs_, DegreeOfFreedom*, numRows_);
-	FREE_MEMORY(type0_colDOFPtrs_, DegreeOfFreedom*, numCols_);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-    // Disabled for the moment
-  void InterpolRestrictMatrix::mv(DOFVectorBase<double> *src, 
-				  DOFVectorBase<double> *dest,
-				  int coarseLevel)
-  {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void InterpolRestrictMatrix::assembleDOFMatrix(DOFMatrix *dest,
-						 int coarseLevel)
-  {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void InterpolRestrictMatrix::print()
-  {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-#if 0
-  void InterpolRestrictMatrix::mv(DOFVectorBase<double> *src, 
-				  DOFVectorBase<double> *dest,
-				  int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("InterpolRestrictMatrix::mv()");
-    if(!initialized_) {
-      initialized_ = true;
-      fillMemory();
-    }
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(src)("src not set\n");
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(dest)("dest not set\n");
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(src->getFESpace() == dest->getFESpace())("invalid feSpaces\n");
-    const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = src->getFESpace();
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getNumber() == numFcts_)
-      ("invalid number of basis functions\n");
-    // do matrix vector multiplication
-    DOFVector<int> visitedRowDOFs(feSpace, "visited row DOFs");
-    DOFVector<int> visitedColDOFs(feSpace, "visited col DOFs");    
-    const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-    DOFAdmin *admin = feSpace->getAdmin();
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsIt;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsBegin;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsEnd;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colIt;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colBegin;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colEnd;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofBegin = directCopyDOFs_.begin();
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofEnd = directCopyDOFs_.end();
-    // traverse mesh
-    TraverseStack stack;
-    ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(feSpace->getMesh(), -1, 
-    while(elInfo) {
-      Element *element = elInfo->getElement();
-      if(elInfo->getLevel() == coarseLevel && !element->isLeaf()) {
-	DegreeOfFreedom **rowDOFPtrs;
-	DegreeOfFreedom **colDOFPtrs;
-	if(type0_used_ && dynamic_cast<ElInfo3d*>(elInfo)->getType() == 0) {
-	  rowDOFPtrs = type0_rowDOFPtrs_;
-	  colDOFPtrs = type0_colDOFPtrs_;
-	} else {
-	  rowDOFPtrs = rowDOFPtrs_;
-	  colDOFPtrs = colDOFPtrs_;
-	}
-	Element *child0 = element->getChild(0);
-	Element *child1 = element->getChild(1);
-	basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, parentDOFs_);
-	basFcts->getLocalIndices(child0, admin, child0DOFs_);
-	basFcts->getLocalIndices(child1, admin, child1DOFs_);
-	// direct copy dofs from src to dest if necessary
-	if(src != dest) {
-	  for(dofIt = dofBegin; dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-	    DegreeOfFreedom rowDOF = *(rowDOFPtrs[*dofIt]);
-	    if(visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] == 0) {
-	      DegreeOfFreedom colDOF = *(colDOFPtrs[*dofIt]);
-	      (*dest)[rowDOF] = (*src)[colDOF];
-	      visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] = 1;
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	// treat unique rows
-	rowsBegin = uniqueRowMatrix_.begin();
-	rowsEnd = uniqueRowMatrix_.end();
-	for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-	  int row = rowsIt->first;
-	  DegreeOfFreedom rowDOF = *(rowDOFPtrs[row]);
-	  if(visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] == 0) {
-	    visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] = 1;
-	    (*dest)[rowDOF] = 0.0;
-	    colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-	    colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-	    for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	      int col = colIt->first;
-	      DegreeOfFreedom colDOF = *(colDOFPtrs[col]);
-	      double entry = colIt->second;
-	      (*dest)[rowDOF] += entry * (*src)[colDOF];
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	// treat unique cols
-	std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> elementColDOFs;
-	rowsBegin = uniqueColMatrix_.begin();
-	rowsEnd = uniqueColMatrix_.end();
-	for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-	  int row = rowsIt->first;
-	  DegreeOfFreedom rowDOF = *(rowDOFPtrs[row]);
-	  colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-	  colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-	  for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	    int col = colIt->first;
-	    DegreeOfFreedom colDOF = *(colDOFPtrs[col]);
-	    if(visitedColDOFs[colDOF] == 0) {
-	      elementColDOFs.insert(colDOF);
-	      double entry = colIt->second;
-	      (*dest)[rowDOF] += entry * (*src)[colDOF];
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator setIt;
-	std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator setBegin = elementColDOFs.begin();
-	std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator setEnd = elementColDOFs.end();
-	for(setIt = setBegin; setIt != setEnd; ++setIt) {
-	  visitedColDOFs[*setIt] = 1;
-	}
-	// treat other dofs
-	rowsBegin = matrix_.begin();
-	rowsEnd = matrix_.end();
-	for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-	  int row = rowsIt->first;
-	  DegreeOfFreedom rowDOF = *(rowDOFPtrs[row]);
-	  colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-	  colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-	  for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	    int col = colIt->first;
-	    DegreeOfFreedom colDOF = *(colDOFPtrs[col]);
-	    double entry = colIt->second;
-	    (*dest)[rowDOF] += entry * (*src)[colDOF];
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-    }
-  }
-  void InterpolRestrictMatrix::assembleDOFMatrix(DOFMatrix *dest,
-						 int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("InterpolRestrictMatrix::assembleDOFMatrix()");
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(dest)("dest not set\n");
-    if(!initialized_) {
-      initialized_ = true;
-      fillMemory();
-    }
-    dest->clear();
-    const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = dest->getRowFESpace();
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getNumber() == numFcts_)
-      ("invalid number of basis functions\n");
-    DOFVector<int> visitedRowDOFs(feSpace, "visited row DOFs");
-    DOFVector<int> visitedColDOFs(feSpace, "visited col DOFs");    
-    const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-    DOFAdmin *admin = feSpace->getAdmin();
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsIt;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsBegin;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsEnd;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colIt;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colBegin;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colEnd;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofBegin = directCopyDOFs_.begin();
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofEnd = directCopyDOFs_.end();
-    ElementMatrix elementMatrix(numRows_, numCols_);
-    int i;
-    TraverseStack stack;
-    ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(feSpace->getMesh(), -1, 
-    while (elInfo) {
-      Element *element = elInfo->getElement();
-      if (!element->isLeaf()) {
-	if (elInfo->getLevel() == coarseLevel) {
-	  DegreeOfFreedom **rowDOFPtrs;  
-	  DegreeOfFreedom **colDOFPtrs;  
-	  if (type0_used_ && dynamic_cast<ElInfo3d*>(elInfo)->getType() == 0) {
-	    rowDOFPtrs = type0_rowDOFPtrs_;
-	    colDOFPtrs = type0_colDOFPtrs_;
-	  } else {
-	    rowDOFPtrs = rowDOFPtrs_;
-	    colDOFPtrs = colDOFPtrs_;
-	  }
-	  Element *child0 = element->getChild(0);
-	  Element *child1 = element->getChild(1);
-	  basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, parentDOFs_);
-	  basFcts->getLocalIndices(child0, admin, child0DOFs_);
-	  basFcts->getLocalIndices(child1, admin, child1DOFs_);
-	  // init element matrix
-	  elementMatrix.set(0.0);
-	  elementMatrix.rowIndices.resize(numRows_);
-	  for (i = 0; i < numRows_; i++) {
-	    elementMatrix.rowIndices[i] = *(rowDOFPtrs[i]);
-	  }
-	  elementMatrix.colIndices.resize(numCols_);
-	  for (i = 0; i < numCols_; i++) {
-	    elementMatrix.colIndices[i] = *(colDOFPtrs[i]);
-	  }
-	  // treat direct-copy dofs
-	  for (dofIt = dofBegin; dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-	    DegreeOfFreedom rowDOF = *(rowDOFPtrs[*dofIt]);
-	    if (visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] == 0) {
-	      elementMatrix[*dofIt][*dofIt] = 1.0;
-	      visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] = 1;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  // treat unique rows
-	  rowsBegin = uniqueRowMatrix_.begin();
-	  rowsEnd = uniqueRowMatrix_.end();
-	  for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-	    int row = rowsIt->first;
-	    DegreeOfFreedom rowDOF = *(rowDOFPtrs[row]);
-	    if(visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] == 0) {
-	      visitedRowDOFs[rowDOF] = 1;
-	      colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-	      colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-	      for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-		int col = colIt->first;
-		double entry = colIt->second;
-		elementMatrix[row][col] += entry;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  // treat unique cols
-	  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> elementColDOFs;
-	  rowsBegin = uniqueColMatrix_.begin();
-	  rowsEnd = uniqueColMatrix_.end();
-	  for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-	    int row = rowsIt->first;
-	    colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-	    colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-	    for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	      int col = colIt->first;
-	      DegreeOfFreedom colDOF = *(colDOFPtrs[col]);
-	      if(visitedColDOFs[colDOF] == 0) {
-		elementColDOFs.insert(colDOF);
-		double entry = colIt->second;
-		elementMatrix[row][col] += entry;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator setIt;
-	  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator setBegin = elementColDOFs.begin();
-	  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator setEnd = elementColDOFs.end();
-	  for(setIt = setBegin; setIt != setEnd; ++setIt) {
-	    visitedColDOFs[*setIt] = 1;
-	  }
-	  // treat other dofs
-	  rowsBegin = matrix_.begin();
-	  rowsEnd = matrix_.end();
-	  for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-	    int row = rowsIt->first;
-	    colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-	    colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-	    for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	      int col = colIt->first;
-	      double entry = colIt->second;
-	      elementMatrix[row][col] += entry;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  dest->addElementMatrix(1.0, elementMatrix, NULL);
-	} 	
-      }
-      elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-    }
-    // set matrix to identity for other dofs
-    DOFMatrix::Iterator destIt(dest, USED_DOFS);
-    for(destIt.reset(); !destIt.end(); ++destIt) {
-      if(destIt->size() == 0) {
-	MatEntry matEntry;
-	matEntry.col = destIt.getDOFIndex();
-	matEntry.entry = 1.0;
-	destIt->push_back(matEntry);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void InterpolRestrictMatrix::print()
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("InterpolRestrictMatrix::print()");
-    if(!initialized_) {
-      initialized_ = true;
-      fillMemory();
-    }
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsIt;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsBegin;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator rowsEnd;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colIt;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colBegin;
-    std::map<int, double>::iterator colEnd;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofBegin = directCopyDOFs_.begin();
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofEnd = directCopyDOFs_.end();
-    // treat direct-copy dofs
-    MSG("direct copy dofs:\n");
-    for(dofIt = dofBegin; dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-      MSG("%d\n", *dofIt);
-    }
-    // treat unique rows
-    MSG("unique row matrix:\n");
-    rowsBegin = uniqueRowMatrix_.begin();
-    rowsEnd = uniqueRowMatrix_.end();
-    for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-      int row = rowsIt->first;
-      colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-      colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-      for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	int col = colIt->first;
-	double entry = colIt->second;
-	MSG("uniqueRow[%d][%d] = %e\n", row, col, entry);
-      }
-    }
-    // treat unique cols
-    MSG("unique col matrix:\n");
-    rowsBegin = uniqueColMatrix_.begin();
-    rowsEnd = uniqueColMatrix_.end();
-    for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-      int row = rowsIt->first;
-      colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-      colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-      for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	int col = colIt->first;
-	double entry = colIt->second;
-	MSG("uniqueCol[%d][%d] = %e\n", row, col, entry);
-      }
-    }
-    // treat other dofs
-    MSG("matrix:\n");
-    rowsBegin = matrix_.begin();
-    rowsEnd = matrix_.end();
-    for(rowsIt = rowsBegin; rowsIt != rowsEnd; ++rowsIt) {
-      int row = rowsIt->first;
-      colBegin = rowsIt->second.begin();
-      colEnd = rowsIt->second.end();
-      for(colIt = colBegin; colIt != colEnd; ++colIt) {
-	int col = colIt->first;
-	double entry = colIt->second;
-	MSG("matrix[%d][%d] = %e\n", row, col, entry);
-      }
-    }
-    // print row dof ptrs
-    MSG("row DOF ptrs:\n");
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; i < numRows_; i++) {
-      MSG("row %d : %p\n", i, rowDOFPtrs_[i]);
-    }
-    // print col dof ptrs
-    MSG("col DOF ptrs:\n");
-    for(i = 0; i < numCols_; i++) {
-      MSG("col %d : %p\n", i, colDOFPtrs_[i]);
-    }
-    // print row dof ptrs
-    if(type0_used_) {
-      MSG("type0 row DOF ptrs:\n");
-      int i;
-      for(i = 0; i < numRows_; i++) {
-	MSG("row %d : %p\n", i, type0_rowDOFPtrs_[i]);
-      }
-      // print col dof ptrs
-      MSG("type0 col DOF ptrs:\n");
-      for(i = 0; i < numCols_; i++) {
-	MSG("col %d : %p\n", i, type0_colDOFPtrs_[i]);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-}  // namespace AMDiS
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h b/AMDiS/src/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e7c84b2..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/InterpolRestrictMatrix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "AMDiS_fwd.h"
-#include "Global.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the data structure for a general interpolation or restriction matrix.
-   * Both can be used to map vectors from a fine mesh to a coarser mesh and vice
-   * versa.
-   */
-  class InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(InterpolRestrictMatrix);
-    InterpolRestrictMatrix(int numFcts,
-			   int numRows,
-			   int numCols,
-			   bool type0Used);
-    /** \brief
-     * Creates transposed matrix. Uses memory of original matrix.
-     */
-    InterpolRestrictMatrix(InterpolRestrictMatrix& matrix,
-			   bool transposed);
-    virtual ~InterpolRestrictMatrix();
-    /** \brief
-     *  dest = matrix * src  without assembling global matrix
-     */
-    void mv(DOFVectorBase<double> *src,
-	    DOFVectorBase<double> *dest,
-	    int coarseLevel);
-    void assembleDOFMatrix(DOFMatrix *dest,
-			   int coarseLevel);
-    void print();
-  protected:
-    virtual void fillMemory() {}
-  protected:
-    int numFcts_;
-    int numRows_;
-    int numCols_;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> directCopyDOFs_;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> > uniqueRowMatrix_;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> > uniqueColMatrix_;
-    std::map<int, std::map<int, double> > matrix_;
-    DegreeOfFreedom *parentDOFs_;
-    DegreeOfFreedom *child0DOFs_;
-    DegreeOfFreedom *child1DOFs_;
-    DegreeOfFreedom **rowDOFPtrs_;
-    DegreeOfFreedom **colDOFPtrs_;
-    bool type0_used_;
-    DegreeOfFreedom **type0_rowDOFPtrs_;
-    DegreeOfFreedom **type0_colDOFPtrs_;
-    bool transposed_;
-    bool initialized_;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0aeed6a4..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-#include "JacobiSmoother.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "SparseVector.h"
-#include "MatrixVector.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<> 
-  void JacobiSmoother<DOFMatrix, 
-		      SparseVector<double>,
-		      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> >::
-  smooth(DOFMatrix                       *matrix,
-	 SparseVector<double>            *solution,
-	 SparseVector<double>            *rhs,
-	 int                              iterations,
-	 const std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet)
-  {
-      ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");
-#if 0 
-    int i, j, rowNumber, colNumber, numCols;
-    double entry, diagEntry = 0.0;
-    SparseVector<double> oldSolution("old solution", solution);
-    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, 
-	dofEnd = const_cast< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).end();
-    for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
-      oldSolution.copy(*solution, dofSet);
-      for(dofIt = const_cast< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).begin(); 
-	  dofIt != dofEnd; 
-	  ++dofIt) 
-	{
-	  rowNumber = *dofIt;
-	  const std::vector<MatEntry>& row = matrix->getRow(rowNumber);
-	  numCols = static_cast<int>(row.size());
-	  (*solution)[rowNumber] = (*rhs)[rowNumber];
-	  for(j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
-	    colNumber = row[j].col;
-	    if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-	    if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) continue;
-	    entry = row[j].entry;
-	    if(colNumber == rowNumber) {
-	      diagEntry = entry;
-	    } else {
-	      (*solution)[rowNumber] -= entry * oldSolution[colNumber];
-	    }
-	  }
-	  (*solution)[rowNumber] *= omega_ / diagEntry;
-	  (*solution)[rowNumber] += (1.0 - omega_) * oldSolution[rowNumber];
-	}
-    }  
-  }
-  template<> 
-  void JacobiSmoother<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-		      Vector<SparseVector<double>*>,
-		      Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> >::
-  smooth(Matrix<DOFMatrix*>                       *m,
-	 Vector<SparseVector<double>*>            *s,
-	 Vector<SparseVector<double>*>            *r,
-	 int                                       iterations,
-	 const Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> &dofSet)
-  {
-    ERROR_EXIT("not yet (still gs)\n");
-#if 0
-    int numComponents = s->getSize();
-    int i, j, k, l;
-    int rowNumber, colNumber, numCols;
-    double entry, diagEntry = 0.0;
-    double oldSolution;
-    DOFMatrix *matrix;
-    SparseVector<double> *rhs;
-    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, dofEnd;
-    for(i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
-      for(j = 0; j < numComponents; j++) {
-	dofEnd = dofSet[j]->end();
-	rhs = (*r)[j];
-	for(dofIt = dofSet[j]->begin(); dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-	  rowNumber = *dofIt;
-	  oldSolution = (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber];
-	  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] = (*rhs)[rowNumber];
-	  for(k = 0; k < numComponents; k++) {
-	    matrix = (*m)[j][k];
-	    if(matrix) {
-	      const std::vector<MatEntry>& row = matrix->getRow(rowNumber);
-	      numCols = static_cast<int>(row.size());
-	      for(l = 0; l < numCols; l++) {
-		colNumber = row[l].col;
-		if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-		if(colNumber == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) continue;
-		entry = row[l].entry;
-		if(j == k && colNumber == rowNumber) {
-		  diagEntry = entry;
-		} else {
-		  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] -= entry * (*(*s)[k])[colNumber];
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] *= omega_ / diagEntry;
-	  (*(*s)[j])[rowNumber] += (1.0 - omega_) * oldSolution;
-	}
-      }  
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/JacobiSmoother.h b/AMDiS/src/JacobiSmoother.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c6c99de..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/JacobiSmoother.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
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-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file SmootherBase.h */
-#include "SmootherBase.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType, typename DOFSetType>
-  class JacobiSmoother : public SmootherBase<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(JacobiSmoother<MatrixType COMMA VectorType COMMA DOFSetType>);
-    class Creator : public SmootherCreator<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(Creator);
-      SmootherBase<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType> *create() {
-	return NEW JacobiSmoother<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>(this->name);
-      };
-    };
-    JacobiSmoother(std::string name) 
-      : SmootherBase<MatrixType, VectorType, DOFSetType>(name),
-	omega_(1.0)
-    {
-      GET_PARAMETER(0, name + "->omega", "%f", &omega_);
-    };
-    void smooth(MatrixType       *matrix,
-		VectorType       *solution,
-		VectorType       *rhs,
-		int               iterations,
-		const DOFSetType &dofSet);
-  protected:
-    double omega_;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h b/AMDiS/src/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fb85fba8..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1283 +0,0 @@
-#include "InterpolRestrictMatrix.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 1d-elements
-   * and 1d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_1d_1 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_1d_1() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(2, 3, 2, false) 
-    {}
-  protected:
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.resize(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_[0] = 0;
-      directCopyDOFs_[1] = 1;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[2][0] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[2][1] = 0.5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = child0DOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 1d-elements
-   * and 2d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_1d_2 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_1d_2() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(3, 5, 3, false) 
-    {}
-  protected:
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(0);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(1);
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[2][2] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[3][0] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[3][1] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[3][2] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[4][0] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[4][1] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[4][2] = 0.75;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = child0DOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[3] = child0DOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[4] = child1DOFs_ + 2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 1d-elements
-   * and 4d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_1d_4 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_1d_4() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(5, 9, 5, false) 
-    {}
-  protected:
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.resize(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_[0] = 0;
-      directCopyDOFs_[1] = 1;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[2][0] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[2][1] = 0.5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = child0DOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 2d-elements
-   * and 1d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_2d_1 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_2d_1() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(3, 4, 3, false) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.resize(3);
-      directCopyDOFs_[0] = 0;
-      directCopyDOFs_[1] = 1;
-      directCopyDOFs_[2] = 2;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[3][0] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[3][1] = 0.5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[3] = child0DOFs_ + 2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 2d-elements
-   * and 2d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_2d_2 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_2d_2() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(6, 9, 6, false) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(0);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(1);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(3);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(4);
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[5][5] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[6][0] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[6][1] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[6][5] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[7][0] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[7][1] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[7][3] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[7][4] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[7][5] = 0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[8][0] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[8][1] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[8][5] = 0.75;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[5] = child0DOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[6] = child0DOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[7] = child0DOFs_ + 4;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[8] = child1DOFs_ + 4;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      colDOFPtrs_[4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      colDOFPtrs_[5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 2d-elements
-   * and 3d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_2d_3 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_2d_3() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(10, 16, 10, false) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(0);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(1);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(3);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(4);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(5);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(6);
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[7][7] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[8][8] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[9][9] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][0] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][1] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][7] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][8] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][0] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][7] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][8] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][3] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][4] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][5] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][6] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][7] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][8] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][9] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][0] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][3] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][6] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][7] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][8] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][9] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[14][0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[14][1] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[14][7] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[14][8] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][1] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][3] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][6] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][7] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][8] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][9] = 0.75;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 7] = child0DOFs_ + 4;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 8] = child1DOFs_ + 5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 9] = child0DOFs_ + 5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[10] = child0DOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[11] = child0DOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[12] = child0DOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[13] = child0DOFs_ + 9;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[14] = child1DOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[15] = child1DOFs_ + 9;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      colDOFPtrs_[4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      colDOFPtrs_[5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-      colDOFPtrs_[6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      colDOFPtrs_[7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      colDOFPtrs_[8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      colDOFPtrs_[9] = parentDOFs_ + 9;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 2d-elements
-   * and 4d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_2d_4 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_2d_4() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(15, 25, 15, false) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(0);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(1);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(3);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(4);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(5);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(6);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(7);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(8);
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[ 9][ 9] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][10] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][11] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][12] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][13] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[14][14] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][ 0] = 0.2734375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][ 9] = 1.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][10] = -0.546875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[15][11] = 0.21875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[16][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[16][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[16][ 9] = 0.46875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[16][10] = 0.703125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[16][11] = -0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][ 3] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][ 8] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][ 9] = -0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][10] = 0.140625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][11] = -0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][12] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[17][13] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 3] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 4] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 5] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 6] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 7] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 8] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][ 9] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][10] = 0.015625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][11] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][12] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][13] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][14] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][ 3] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][ 4] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][ 7] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][ 8] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][ 9] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][10] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][11] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][12] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][13] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][14] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 3] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 8] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][13] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 9] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][11] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][10] = -0.234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][12] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][ 9] = -0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][10] = 0.703125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][11] = 0.46875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 1] = 0.2734375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 9] = 0.21875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][10] = -0.546875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][11] = 1.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 3] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 8] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 9] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][10] = -0.234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][11] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][12] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][13] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 3] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 7] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 8] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 4] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][12] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][13] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 9] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][10] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][11] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][14] = 0.75;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 9] = child0DOFs_ + 4;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[10] = child0DOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[11] = child1DOFs_ + 7;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[12] = child0DOFs_ + 14;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[13] = child1DOFs_ + 14;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[14] = child0DOFs_ + 7;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[15] = child0DOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[16] = child0DOFs_ + 5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[17] = child0DOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[18] = child0DOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[19] = child0DOFs_ + 12;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[20] = child0DOFs_ + 13;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[21] = child1DOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[22] = child1DOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[23] = child1DOFs_ + 12;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[24] = child1DOFs_ + 13;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ +  0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ +  1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ +  2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ +  3;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 4] = parentDOFs_ +  4;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 5] = parentDOFs_ +  5;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 6] = parentDOFs_ +  6;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ +  7;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ +  8;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 9] = parentDOFs_ +  9;
-      colDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      colDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      colDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      colDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      colDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 3d-elements
-   * and 1d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_3d_1 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_3d_1() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(4, 5, 4, false) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.resize(4);
-      directCopyDOFs_[0] = 0;
-      directCopyDOFs_[1] = 1;
-      directCopyDOFs_[2] = 2;
-      directCopyDOFs_[3] = 3;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[4][0] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[4][1] = 0.5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[4] = child0DOFs_ + 3;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 3d-elements
-   * and 2d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_3d_2 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_3d_2() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(10, 14, 10, false) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(0);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(1);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(3);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(5);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(6);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(7);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(8);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(9);
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[4][4] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][0] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][1] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[10][4] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][0] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][1] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][4] = 0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][5] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[11][7] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][0] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][1] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][4] = 0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][6] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[12][8] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][0] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][1] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[13][4] = 0.75;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[4] = child0DOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[9] = parentDOFs_ + 9;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[10] = child0DOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[11] = child0DOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[12] = child0DOFs_ + 9;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[13] = child1DOFs_ + 6;
-      colDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      colDOFPtrs_[4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      colDOFPtrs_[5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-      colDOFPtrs_[6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      colDOFPtrs_[7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      colDOFPtrs_[8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      colDOFPtrs_[9] = parentDOFs_ + 9;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 3d-elements
-   * and 3d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_3d_3 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_3d_3() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(20, 30, 20, true) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(0);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(1);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(3);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(6);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(7);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(8);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(9);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(10);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(11);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(12);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(13);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(14);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(15);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(16);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(17);
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[ 4][ 4] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[ 5][ 5] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[18][18] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[19][19] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 0] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 1] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 4] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[20][ 5] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][ 0] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][ 1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][ 4] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[21][ 5] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 4] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 5] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 6] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][ 7] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][10] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][11] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[22][19] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 4] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 5] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 8] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][ 9] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][12] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][13] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[23][18] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 4] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 5] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 6] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][ 8] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][10] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][12] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][16] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][17] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][18] = 0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[24][19] = 0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[25][ 0] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[25][ 1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[25][ 4] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[25][ 5] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[25][ 8] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[25][12] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[25][18] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[26][ 0] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[26][ 1] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[26][ 4] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[26][ 5] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[26][ 6] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[26][10] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[26][19] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[27][ 0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[27][ 1] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[27][ 4] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[27][ 5] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][ 0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][ 1] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][ 4] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][ 5] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][ 8] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][12] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][18] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][ 0] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][ 1] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][ 4] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][ 5] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][ 6] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][10] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][19] = 0.75;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[4] = child0DOFs_ + 9;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[5] = child1DOFs_ + 9;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[9] = parentDOFs_ + 9;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[18] = child0DOFs_ + 15;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[19] = child0DOFs_ + 13;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[20] = child0DOFs_ + 3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[21] = child0DOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[22] = child0DOFs_ + 12;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[23] = child0DOFs_ + 14;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[24] = child0DOFs_ + 16;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[25] = child0DOFs_ + 17;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[26] = child0DOFs_ + 18;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[27] = child1DOFs_ + 8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[28] = child1DOFs_ + 17;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[29] = child1DOFs_ + 18;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 9] = parentDOFs_ + 9;
-      colDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      colDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      colDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      colDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      colDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      colDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      colDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      colDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      colDOFPtrs_[18] = parentDOFs_ + 18;
-      colDOFPtrs_[19] = parentDOFs_ + 19;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[4] = child0DOFs_ + 9;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[5] = child1DOFs_ + 9;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[9] = parentDOFs_ + 9;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[18] = child0DOFs_ + 15;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[19] = child0DOFs_ + 13;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[20] = child0DOFs_ + 3;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[21] = child0DOFs_ + 8;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[22] = child0DOFs_ + 12;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[23] = child0DOFs_ + 14;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[24] = child0DOFs_ + 16;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[25] = child0DOFs_ + 17;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[26] = child0DOFs_ + 18;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[27] = child1DOFs_ + 8;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[28] = child1DOFs_ + 18;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[29] = child1DOFs_ + 17;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ + 0;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ + 1;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ + 2;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ + 3;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 4] = parentDOFs_ + 4;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 5] = parentDOFs_ + 5;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 6] = parentDOFs_ + 6;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ + 7;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ + 8;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 9] = parentDOFs_ + 9;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[18] = parentDOFs_ + 18;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[19] = parentDOFs_ + 19;
-    }
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Defines the interpolation and restriction matrix for 3d-elements
-   * and 4d-lagrange basis functions.
-   */
-  class IM_3d_4 : public InterpolRestrictMatrix
-  {
-  public:
-    IM_3d_4() : 
-      InterpolRestrictMatrix(35, 55, 35, true) 
-    {}
-    void fillMemory()
-    {
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(0);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(1);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(2);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(3);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(7);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(8);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(9);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(10);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(11);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(12);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(13);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(14);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(15);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(16);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(17);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(18);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(19);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(20);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(21);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(22);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(23);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(24);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(25);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(26);
-      directCopyDOFs_.push_back(27);
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[ 4][ 4] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[ 5][ 5] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[ 6][ 6] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[28][28] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[29][29] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[30][30] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[31][31] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[32][32] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[33][33] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[34][34] = 1.0;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[35][ 0] = 0.2734375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[35][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[35][ 4] = 1.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[35][ 5] = -0.546875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[35][ 6] = 0.21875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[36][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[36][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[36][ 4] = 0.46875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[36][ 5] = 0.703125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[36][ 6] = -0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 4] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 5] = 0.015625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 6] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 7] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 8] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][ 9] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][13] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][14] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][15] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][31] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][32] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[37][33] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][ 4] = -0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][ 5] = 0.140625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][ 6] = -0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][ 7] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][13] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][31] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[38][32] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][ 4] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][ 5] = 0.015625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][ 6] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][10] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][11] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][12] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][16] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][17] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][18] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][28] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][29] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[39][30] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][ 4] = -0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][ 5] = 0.140625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][ 6] = -0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][10] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][16] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][28] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[40][29] = 0.5625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][ 4] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][ 5] = 0.015625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][ 6] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][ 7] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][ 8] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][10] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][13] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][14] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][16] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][22] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][23] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][25] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][26] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][28] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][29] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][31] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][32] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][33] = 0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[41][34] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][ 4] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][ 5] = 0.015625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][ 6] = 0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][ 7] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][10] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][11] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][13] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][16] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][17] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][22] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][24] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][25] = -0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][27] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][28] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][29] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][30] = 0.25;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][31] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][32] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[42][34] = 0.5;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][ 4] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][ 5] = -0.234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][ 6] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][10] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][16] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][28] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[43][29] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][ 4] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][ 5] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][ 6] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][10] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][11] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][16] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][17] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][28] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][29] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[44][30] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][ 4] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][ 5] = -0.234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][ 6] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][ 7] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][13] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][31] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[45][32] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][ 4] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][ 5] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][ 6] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][ 7] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][ 8] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][13] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][14] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][31] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][32] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[46][33] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][ 4] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][ 5] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][ 6] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][ 7] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][10] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][13] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][16] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][22] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][25] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][28] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][29] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][31] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][32] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[47][34] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[48][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[48][ 1] = 0.2734375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[48][ 4] = 0.21875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[48][ 5] = -0.546875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[48][ 6] = 1.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[49][ 0] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[49][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[49][ 4] = -0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[49][ 5] = 0.703125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[49][ 6] = 0.46875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][ 4] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][ 5] = -0.234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][ 6] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][10] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][16] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][28] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[50][29] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][ 4] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][ 5] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][ 6] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][10] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][11] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][16] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][17] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][28] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][29] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[51][30] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][ 1] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][ 4] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][ 5] = -0.234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][ 6] = 0.15625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][ 7] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][13] = 0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][31] = -0.3125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[52][32] = 0.9375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][ 4] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][ 5] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][ 6] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][ 7] = 0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][ 8] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][13] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][14] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][31] = -0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][32] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[53][33] = 0.75;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][ 0] = -0.0390625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][ 1] = 0.0234375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][ 4] = 0.09375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][ 5] = -0.046875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][ 6] = -0.03125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][ 7] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][10] = 0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][13] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][16] = -0.0625;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][22] = 0.375;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][25] = -0.125;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][28] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][29] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][31] = -0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][32] = 0.1875;
-      uniqueRowMatrix_[54][34] = 0.75;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ +  0;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ +  1;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ +  2;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ +  3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 4] = child0DOFs_ + 11;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 5] = child0DOFs_ +  3;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 6] = child1DOFs_ + 11;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ +  7;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ +  8;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[ 9] = parentDOFs_ +  9;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[18] = parentDOFs_ + 18;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[19] = parentDOFs_ + 19;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[20] = parentDOFs_ + 20;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[21] = parentDOFs_ + 21;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[22] = parentDOFs_ + 22;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[23] = parentDOFs_ + 23;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[24] = parentDOFs_ + 24;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[25] = parentDOFs_ + 25;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[26] = parentDOFs_ + 26;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[27] = parentDOFs_ + 27;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[28] = child0DOFs_ + 27;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[29] = child1DOFs_ + 27;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[30] = child0DOFs_ + 20;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[31] = child0DOFs_ + 30;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[32] = child1DOFs_ + 30;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[33] = child0DOFs_ + 17;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[34] = child0DOFs_ + 24;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[35] = child0DOFs_ + 10;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[36] = child0DOFs_ + 12;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[37] = child0DOFs_ + 16;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[38] = child0DOFs_ + 18;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[39] = child0DOFs_ + 19;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[40] = child0DOFs_ + 21;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[41] = child0DOFs_ + 22;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[42] = child0DOFs_ + 23;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[43] = child0DOFs_ + 25;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[44] = child0DOFs_ + 26;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[45] = child0DOFs_ + 28;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[46] = child0DOFs_ + 29;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[47] = child0DOFs_ + 34;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[48] = child1DOFs_ + 10;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[49] = child1DOFs_ + 12;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[50] = child1DOFs_ + 25;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[51] = child1DOFs_ + 26;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[52] = child1DOFs_ + 28;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[53] = child1DOFs_ + 29;
-      rowDOFPtrs_[54] = child1DOFs_ + 34;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ +  0;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ +  1;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ +  2;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ +  3;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 4] = parentDOFs_ +  4;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 5] = parentDOFs_ +  5;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 6] = parentDOFs_ +  6;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ +  7;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ +  8;
-      colDOFPtrs_[ 9] = parentDOFs_ +  9;
-      colDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      colDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      colDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      colDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      colDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      colDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      colDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      colDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      colDOFPtrs_[18] = parentDOFs_ + 18;
-      colDOFPtrs_[19] = parentDOFs_ + 19;
-      colDOFPtrs_[20] = parentDOFs_ + 20;
-      colDOFPtrs_[21] = parentDOFs_ + 21;
-      colDOFPtrs_[22] = parentDOFs_ + 22;
-      colDOFPtrs_[23] = parentDOFs_ + 23;
-      colDOFPtrs_[24] = parentDOFs_ + 24;
-      colDOFPtrs_[25] = parentDOFs_ + 25;
-      colDOFPtrs_[26] = parentDOFs_ + 26;
-      colDOFPtrs_[27] = parentDOFs_ + 27;
-      colDOFPtrs_[28] = parentDOFs_ + 28;
-      colDOFPtrs_[29] = parentDOFs_ + 29;
-      colDOFPtrs_[30] = parentDOFs_ + 30;
-      colDOFPtrs_[31] = parentDOFs_ + 31;
-      colDOFPtrs_[32] = parentDOFs_ + 32;
-      colDOFPtrs_[33] = parentDOFs_ + 33;
-      colDOFPtrs_[34] = parentDOFs_ + 34;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ +  0;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ +  1;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ +  2;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ +  3;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 4] = child0DOFs_ + 11;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 5] = child0DOFs_ +  3;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 6] = child1DOFs_ + 11;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ +  7;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ +  8;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[ 9] = parentDOFs_ +  9;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[18] = parentDOFs_ + 18;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[19] = parentDOFs_ + 19;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[20] = parentDOFs_ + 20;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[21] = parentDOFs_ + 21;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[22] = parentDOFs_ + 22;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[23] = parentDOFs_ + 23;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[24] = parentDOFs_ + 24;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[25] = parentDOFs_ + 25;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[26] = parentDOFs_ + 26;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[27] = parentDOFs_ + 27;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[28] = child0DOFs_ + 27;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[29] = child1DOFs_ + 30;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[30] = child0DOFs_ + 20;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[31] = child0DOFs_ + 30;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[32] = child1DOFs_ + 27;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[33] = child0DOFs_ + 17;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[34] = child0DOFs_ + 24;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[35] = child0DOFs_ + 10;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[36] = child0DOFs_ + 12;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[37] = child0DOFs_ + 16;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[38] = child0DOFs_ + 18;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[39] = child0DOFs_ + 19;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[40] = child0DOFs_ + 21;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[41] = child0DOFs_ + 22;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[42] = child0DOFs_ + 23;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[43] = child0DOFs_ + 25;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[44] = child0DOFs_ + 26;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[45] = child0DOFs_ + 28;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[46] = child0DOFs_ + 29;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[47] = child0DOFs_ + 34;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[48] = child1DOFs_ + 10;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[49] = child1DOFs_ + 12;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[50] = child1DOFs_ + 28;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[51] = child1DOFs_ + 29;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[52] = child1DOFs_ + 25;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[53] = child1DOFs_ + 26;
-      type0_rowDOFPtrs_[54] = child1DOFs_ + 34;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 0] = parentDOFs_ +  0;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 1] = parentDOFs_ +  1;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 2] = parentDOFs_ +  2;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 3] = parentDOFs_ +  3;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 4] = parentDOFs_ +  4;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 5] = parentDOFs_ +  5;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 6] = parentDOFs_ +  6;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 7] = parentDOFs_ +  7;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 8] = parentDOFs_ +  8;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[ 9] = parentDOFs_ +  9;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[10] = parentDOFs_ + 10;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[11] = parentDOFs_ + 11;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[12] = parentDOFs_ + 12;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[13] = parentDOFs_ + 13;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[14] = parentDOFs_ + 14;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[15] = parentDOFs_ + 15;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[16] = parentDOFs_ + 16;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[17] = parentDOFs_ + 17;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[18] = parentDOFs_ + 18;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[19] = parentDOFs_ + 19;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[20] = parentDOFs_ + 20;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[21] = parentDOFs_ + 21;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[22] = parentDOFs_ + 22;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[23] = parentDOFs_ + 23;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[24] = parentDOFs_ + 24;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[25] = parentDOFs_ + 25;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[26] = parentDOFs_ + 26;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[27] = parentDOFs_ + 27;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[28] = parentDOFs_ + 28;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[29] = parentDOFs_ + 29;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[30] = parentDOFs_ + 30;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[31] = parentDOFs_ + 31;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[32] = parentDOFs_ + 32;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[33] = parentDOFs_ + 33;
-      type0_colDOFPtrs_[34] = parentDOFs_ + 34;
-    }
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 741e8753..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include "time.h"
-#include "MatVecMultiplier.h"
-#include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "MatrixVector.h"
-#include "SystemVector.h"
-// These sources are rather suspicious -- Peter
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<> void 
-  StandardMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >::matVec(MatrixTranspose transpose,
-							const DOFVector<double> &x,
-							DOFVector<double> &result,
-							bool add)
-  {  
-    FUNCNAME("StandardMatVec::matVec()");
-    TEST_EXIT((x.getFESpace() == matrix->getColFESpace()))
-      ("finite element spaces of matrix and x must be the same!\n");
-    mv(transpose, *matrix, x, result, add);
-  }
-  template <> void 
-  StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector>::matVec(MatrixTranspose transpose,
-							   const SystemVector &x, 
-							   SystemVector &result,
-							   bool add)
-  {
-    mv(*matrix, x, result);
-  }
-  template<> void 
-  StandardMatVec< std::vector< std::vector<MatEntry> >,
-		  std::vector<double> >::matVec(MatrixTranspose transpose,
-						  const std::vector<double> &x,
-						  std::vector<double> &result,
-						  bool add)
-  {  
-    FUNCNAME("StandardMatVec::matVec()");
-    unsigned int nRows = matrix->size();
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(x.size() == nRows)("SIZE!\n");
-    TEST_EXIT_DBG(result.size() == nRows)("SIZE!\n");
-    if (!add) {
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
-	result[i] = 0.0;
-      }
-    }
-    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) {
-      for (unsigned int col = 0; col < (*matrix)[row].size(); col++) {
-	MatEntry *m = &(*matrix)[row][col];
-	result[row] += m->entry * x[m->col];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  template<>
-  void MassLumpingMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >::calcMassLumpingMatrix(DOFMatrix *m)
-  {
-      ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten (if any needs it) - Peter\n");
-#if 0
-    // create new or clear old matrix
-    if (!matrix) {
-      matrix = NEW DOFMatrix(m->getRowFESpace(),
-			     m->getColFESpace(),
-			     "mass lumping matrix");
-    }
-    else {
-      matrix->clear();
-    }
-    // for all rows
-    DOFMatrix::Iterator rowIt1(m, USED_DOFS);
-    DOFMatrix::Iterator rowIt2(matrix, USED_DOFS);
-    for (rowIt1.reset(), rowIt2.reset(); 
-	 !rowIt1.end(); 
-	 ++rowIt1, ++rowIt2) 
-      {
-	double rowSum = 0.0;
-	int rowSize = static_cast<int>(rowIt1->size());
-	for (int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) {
-	  if ((*rowIt1)[i].col == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) {
-	    break;
-	  }
-	  if ((*rowIt1)[i].col == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) {
-	    continue;
-	  }
-	  double entry = (*rowIt1)[i].entry;
-	  TEST_EXIT_DBG(entry >= 0)("entries must be >= 0\n");
-	  rowSum += entry;
-	}
-	TEST_EXIT_DBG(rowSum > 1E-20)("matrix not inversable\n");
-	(*rowIt2).resize(1);
-	(*rowIt2)[0].col = rowIt2.getDOFIndex();
-	(*rowIt2)[0].entry = 1.0 / rowSum;
-      }
-  }
-  template<>
-  void MassLumpingMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector>::calcMassLumpingMatrix(Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *m)
-  {
-      ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten (if any needs it) - Peter\n");
-#if 0
-    int numComponents = m->getNumRows();
-    // create new or clear old matrix
-    if(!matrix) {
-      matrix = NEW Matrix<DOFMatrix*>(numComponents, numComponents);
-      for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) {
-	(*matrix)[i][i] = NEW DOFMatrix((*m)[i][i]->getRowFESpace(),
-					(*m)[i][i]->getColFESpace(),
-					"mass lumping matrix");
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++)
-	(*matrix)[i][i]->clear();
-    }
-    // for all rows
-    for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++) {
-      DOFMatrix::Iterator rowIt1((*m)[i][i], USED_DOFS);
-      DOFMatrix::Iterator rowIt2((*matrix)[i][i], USED_DOFS);
-      for (rowIt1.reset(), rowIt2.reset(); 
-	   !rowIt1.end(); 
-	   ++rowIt1, ++rowIt2) 
-	{
-	  double rowSum = 0.0;
-	  int rowSize = static_cast<int>(rowIt1->size());
-	  for (int j = 0; j < rowSize; j++) {
-	    if((*rowIt1)[j].col == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) {
-	      break;
-	    }
-	    if((*rowIt1)[j].col == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) {
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	    double entry = (*rowIt1)[j].entry;
-	    TEST_EXIT_DBG(entry >= 0)("entries must be >= 0\n");
-	    rowSum += entry;
-	  }
-	  TEST_EXIT_DBG(rowSum > 1E-20)("matrix not inversable\n");
-	  (*rowIt2).resize(1);
-	  (*rowIt2)[0].col = rowIt2.getDOFIndex();
-	  (*rowIt2)[0].entry = 1.0 / rowSum;
-	}
-    }
-  }
-  StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector> _enf_(NULL);
-  StandardMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> > _grmpf_(NULL);
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/MatVecMultiplier.h b/AMDiS/src/MatVecMultiplier.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a1e575c..00000000
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@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file MatVecMultipler.h */
-#include "Global.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-//#include "Boundary.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "MatrixVector.h"
-#include "time.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename T> class DOFVector;
-  // ===========================================================================
-  // ===== class MatVecMultiplier ==============================================
-  // ===========================================================================
-  /** 
-   * \ingroup Solver
-   *
-   * \brief
-   * Interface for matrix-vector multiplication.
-   */
-  template<typename Vector>
-  class MatVecMultiplier
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(MatVecMultiplier);
-    /** \brief
-     * Destructor.
-     */
-    virtual ~MatVecMultiplier() {};
-    /** \brief
-     * To be overloaded by concrete implementations.
-     */
-    virtual void matVec(MatrixTranspose transpose,
-			const Vector    &vec, 
-			Vector          &result,
-			bool add = false) = 0;
-  };
-  // ===========================================================================
-  // ===== class StandardMatVec ================================================
-  // ===========================================================================
-  /** 
-   * \ingroup Solver
-   *
-   * \brief
-   * Implementation of the standard matrix vector multiplication.
-   */
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
-  class StandardMatVec : public MatVecMultiplier<VectorType>
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(StandardMatVec<MatrixType COMMA VectorType>);
-    /** \brief
-     * 
-     */
-    StandardMatVec(MatrixType *mat) 
-      : matrix(mat)
-    {};
-    virtual ~StandardMatVec() {};
-    /** \brief
-     * Implements \ref MatVecMultiplier::matVec().
-     */
-    virtual void matVec(MatrixTranspose   transpose,
-			const VectorType &x, 
-			VectorType       &result,
-			bool add = false)  {
-      FUNCNAME("StandardMatVec::matVec()");
-      WARNING("Non specialised function should not be called\n");
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Sets \ref matrix.
-     */
-    virtual void setMatrix(MatrixType *m) { 
-      matrix = m; 
-    };
-    virtual MatrixType* getMatrix() { 
-      return matrix; 
-    };
-    virtual const MatrixType* getMatrix() const { 
-      return matrix; 
-    };
-  protected:
-    /** \brief
-     * Matrix used for matrix-vector multiplication.
-     */
-    MatrixType *matrix;
-  };
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
-  class MassLumpingMatVec : public StandardMatVec<MatrixType, VectorType>
-  {
-  public:
-    /**
-     * Empty constructor.
-     */
-    MassLumpingMatVec()
-      : StandardMatVec<MatrixType, VectorType>(NULL)
-    {};
-    /** \brief
-     * 
-     */
-    MassLumpingMatVec(MatrixType *mat)
-      : StandardMatVec<MatrixType, VectorType>(NULL)
-    {
-      calcMassLumpingMatrix(mat);
-    };
-    virtual ~MassLumpingMatVec() {
-      if (this->matrix) 
-	DELETE this->matrix;
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Sets \ref matrix.
-     */
-    void setMatrix(MatrixType *m) {
-      FUNCNAME("MassLumpingMatVec::setMatrix()");
-      ERROR_EXIT("should not be called\n");
-    };
-    void calcMassLumpingMatrix(MatrixType *m);
-  };
-  template<> void 
-  StandardMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >::matVec(MatrixTranspose transpose,
-							const DOFVector<double> &x,
-							DOFVector<double> &result,
-							bool add);
-  class SystemVector;
-  template <> void 
-  StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector>::matVec(
-							   MatrixTranspose transpose,
-							   const SystemVector &x, 
-							   SystemVector &result,
-							   bool add
-							   );
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deleted file mode 100644
index 42ef2f8e..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-#include "MultiGridPreconWrapper.h"
-#include "MultiGridSolver.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  MGPreconWrapperScal::MGPreconWrapperScal(std::string name, int size_, int row_) 
-    : PreconditionerScal(size_, row_),
-      solution_(NULL)
-  {
-    mgSolver_ = NEW MultiGridSolverScal(name);
-  }
-  MGPreconWrapperScal::~MGPreconWrapperScal()
-  {
-    if(solution_) {
-      DELETE solution_;
-    }
-    DELETE mgSolver_;
-  }
-  void MGPreconWrapperScal::init() {
-    FUNCNAME("MGPreconWrapperScal::init");
-    TEST_EXIT(matrix[row])("no matrix\n");
-    initMG_ = true;
-  };
-  void MGPreconWrapperScal::exit() {
-    mgSolver_->exitMultiGrid();
-  };
-  void MGPreconWrapperScal::precon(DOFVector<double> *vec)
-  {
-    if(!solution_) {
-      solution_ = NEW DOFVector<double>(vec->getFESpace(), "MG precon solution");
-    }
-    solution_->set(0.0);
-    mgSolver_->solve((*(*(matrix[row]))), *solution_, *vec, initMG_, false);
-    initMG_ = false;
-    vec->copy(*solution_);
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h b/AMDiS/src/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 961c75d0..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridPreconWrapper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file MultiGridPreconWrapper.h */
-#if 0
-#include "Preconditioner.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename T> class DOFVector;
-  template<typename M, typename V> class MultiGridSolverBase;
-  // =========================================================================
-  // ===== MGPreconWrqpperScal ===============================================
-  // =========================================================================
-  /** \brief
-   * \ingroup Solver
-   * Wrapper for using multigrid as preconditioner within other iterative 
-   * solvers.
-   */
-  class MGPreconWrapperScal : public PreconditionerScal
-  {
-  public:
-    /** \brief
-     * Constructor.
-     */
-    MGPreconWrapperScal(std::string name, int size_ = 1, int row_ = 0);
-    /** \brief
-     * Destructor.
-     */
-    virtual ~MGPreconWrapperScal();
-    /** \brief
-     * realisation of Preconditioner::init
-     */
-    void init();
-    /** \brief
-     * realisation of Preconditioner::precon
-     */
-    void precon(DOFVector<double> *vec);
-    /** \brief
-     * realisation of Preconditioner::exit
-     */
-    void exit();
-    // =======================================================================
-    // ===== Creator =========================================================
-    // =======================================================================
-    class Creator : public PreconditionerScalCreator
-    { 
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(Creator);
-      /** \brief
-       * Creates a DiagonalPreconditioner.
-       */
-      PreconditionerScal *create() { 
-	return NEW MGPreconWrapperScal(name_, size, row);
-      };      
-    };
-  protected:
-    MultiGridSolverBase<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> > *mgSolver_;
-    DOFVector<double> *solution_;
-    bool initMG_;
-  };
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8a56fd7c..00000000
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@@ -1,1731 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-#include "MultiGridSolver.h"
-#include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "Traverse.h"
-#include "MacroWriter.h"
-#include "ValueWriter.h"
-#include "SparseVector.h" 
-#include "ElInfo.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-#include "SystemVector.h"
-#include "GSSmoother.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "InterpolRestrictMatrix.h"
-#include "LagrangeInterpolRestrict.h"
-#include "DirichletBC.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  MultiGridSolverScal::MultiGridSolverScal(const ::std::string &name)
-    : MultiGridSolverBase<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >(name) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::initMaxLevel() {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::initMultiGrid(bool initMG) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::exitMultiGrid() {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::smooth(int level, int steps) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::prolongate(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::restrict(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::computeResidual(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::computeRHS(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::computeCorrection(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::fixSolution(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::exactSolve(int level) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  bool MultiGridSolverScal::toleranceReached(double tol) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n"); return true; }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::initFullMultiGrid() {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::fmgInterpol(int level) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  MultiGridSolverVec::MultiGridSolverVec(const ::std::string &name)
-    : MultiGridSolverBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector>(name) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::initMaxLevel() {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::initMultiGrid(bool initMG) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::exitMultiGrid() {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::smooth(int level, int steps) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::prolongate(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::restrict(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::computeResidual(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::computeRHS(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::computeCorrection(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::fixSolution(int level, int coarseLevel) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::exactSolve(int level) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  bool MultiGridSolverVec::toleranceReached(double tol) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n"); return true; }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::initFullMultiGrid() {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::fmgInterpol(int level) {ERROR_EXIT("Will be rewritten - Peter\n");}
-#if 0
-  MultiGridSolverScal::MultiGridSolverScal(const ::std::string &name)
-    : MultiGridSolverBase<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >(name), 
-      sparseResidual_(NULL),
-      denseResidual_(NULL),
-      lastRes_(1.0),
-      iteration_(0),
-      coarseSmoothingSteps_(2),
-      minLevelGap_(0),
-      maxMGLevels_(100),
-      interpolMatrix_(NULL),
-      restrictMatrix_(NULL),
-      galerkin_(0)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverScal::MultiGridSolverScal()");
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->coarse level smoothing steps", "%d", &coarseSmoothingSteps_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->min level gap", "%d", &minLevelGap_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->max mg levels", "%d", &maxMGLevels_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->use galerkin operator", "%d", &galerkin_);
-    // Create smoother
-    ::std::string smootherType("gs");
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->smoother", &smootherType);
-    SmootherCreator<DOFMatrix, SparseVector<double>, ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> > *smootherCreator =
-      dynamic_cast<SmootherCreator<DOFMatrix, SparseVector<double>, ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> >*>(
-												    CreatorMap<SmootherBase<DOFMatrix, SparseVector<double>, ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> > >::getCreator(smootherType));
-    if (smootherCreator && !smootherCreator->isNullCreator()) {
-      smootherCreator->setName(name_ + "->smoother");
-      smoother_ = smootherCreator->create();
-    } else {
-      smoother_ = NULL;
-      ERROR_EXIT("no smoother specified\n");
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::initMaxLevel()
-  {
-    FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = 
-      const_cast<FiniteElemSpace*>(systemMatrix_->getFESpace());
-    TraverseStack st;
-    ElInfo *elInfo = st.traverseFirst(feSpace->getMesh(), -1, 
-				      Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL);
-    maxLevel_ = -1;
-    while (elInfo) {
-      maxLevel_ = max(elInfo->getLevel(), maxLevel_);
-      elInfo = st.traverseNext(elInfo);   
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::initMultiGrid(bool initMG)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverScal::initMultiGrid()");
-    iteration_ = 0;
-    lastRes_ = 1.0;
-    if (initMG) {
-      FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = 
-	const_cast<FiniteElemSpace*>(systemMatrix_->getFESpace());
-      TEST_EXIT(!galerkin_ || feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree() == 1)
-	("galerkin coarse grid operator only for linear finite elements\n");
-      Mesh *mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
-      int dim = mesh->getDim();
-      int degree = feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
-      // Get the interpolation and restriction matrices that correspond to
-      // the element dim and to the degree of the basis functions.
-      interpolMatrix_ = interpolMatrices[dim - 1][degree - 1];
-      restrictMatrix_ = restrictMatrices[dim - 1][degree - 1];
-      sparseResidual_ = NEW SparseVector<double>(feSpace, "sparse residual");
-      denseResidual_ = NEW DOFVector<double>(feSpace, "dense residual");
-      int numLevels = maxLevel_ + 1;
-      isMGLevel_.resize(numLevels, false);
-      isMGLevel_[minLevel_] = true;
-      isMGLevel_[maxLevel_] = true;
-      if (numLevels > 2) { 
-	double step = (static_cast<double>(maxMGLevels_) - 2.0) / (numLevels - 2.0);
-	double sum = 0.0;
-	int gap = 0;
-	for (int i = maxLevel_ - 1; i > minLevel_; i--) {
-	  sum += step;
-	  //MSG("%d %f\n", i, sum);
-	  ++gap;
-	  if(gap > minLevelGap_ && sum >= 1.0) {
-	    gap = 0;
-	    isMGLevel_[i] = true;
-	    sum -= 1.0;	
-	  } else {
-	    MSG("level %d skipped\n", i);
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      TEST_EXIT(mesh->queryCoarseDOFs())("preserve coarse dofs not set in mesh\n");
-      const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-      int numDOFs = basFcts->getNumber();
-      // Allocate memory for the multigrid levels.
-      levels_.resize(numLevels);
-      // Fill all multigrid levels with initial data.
-      for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
-	if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	  levels_[i].solution_ = NEW SparseVector<double>(feSpace, "sparse level solution");
-	  levels_[i].oldSolution_ = NEW SparseVector<double>("old level solution", levels_[i].solution_);
-	  levels_[i].rhs_ = NEW SparseVector<double>("sparse level rhs", levels_[i].solution_);
-	  levels_[i].matrix_ = NEW DOFMatrix(feSpace, feSpace, "level matrix");
-	  levels_[i].matrix_->setBoundaryManager(systemMatrix_->getBoundaryManager());
-	}
-      }
-      // Here, for each DOF we save the highest mesh level on which it occurs.
-      DOFVector<int> maxDOFLevels(feSpace, "max dof levels");
-      maxDOFLevels.set(minLevel_);
-      DegreeOfFreedom *dofs = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, numDOFs);
-      Element *element;
-      DOFAdmin *admin = feSpace->getAdmin();
-      int level;
-      // Iterators for all operators of the system matrix.
-      ::std::vector<Operator*>::iterator it;
-      ::std::vector<Operator*>::iterator opBegin = systemMatrix_->getOperatorsBegin();
-      ::std::vector<Operator*>::iterator opEnd = systemMatrix_->getOperatorsEnd();
-      ::std::vector<double*>::iterator factorIt;
-      ::std::vector<double*>::iterator factorBegin = systemMatrix_->getOperatorFactorBegin();
-      ElementMatrix *elementMatrix = NULL; 
-      const BoundaryType *bound;
-      TraverseStack stack;
-      // Fill level elements and max-dof-level for each DOF.
-      ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, Mesh::CALL_EVERY_EL_PREORDER);
-      while (elInfo) {
-	element = elInfo->getElement();
-	level = elInfo->getLevel();
-	levels_[level].elements_.push_back(element);
-	if (dim == 3) {
-	  levels_[level].elementTypes_.push_back(dynamic_cast<ElInfo3d*>(elInfo)->getType());
-	}
-	basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, dofs);
-	for (int i = 0; i < numDOFs; i++) {
-	  maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]] = max(maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]], mgLevel(level));
-	}
-	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-      }
-      // Assemble level matrices and create DOF sets.
-      elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, 
-				   Mesh::FILL_BOUND |
-				   Mesh::FILL_DET |
-				   Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA |
-				   Mesh::FILL_COORDS |
-				   Mesh::FILL_NEIGH);   
-      while (elInfo) {
-	element = elInfo->getElement();
-	level = elInfo->getLevel();
-	basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, dofs);
-	bound = basFcts->getBound(elInfo, NULL);
-	elementMatrix = (*opBegin)->getAssembler()->initElementMatrix(elementMatrix, elInfo);
-	bool levelUsed = isMGLevel_[level];
-	// If the element is in a level that is a multigrid level, add all element
-	// matrices of this element to the level matrix.
-	if ((levelUsed) && (!galerkin_)) {
-	  for (it = opBegin, factorIt = factorBegin;	
-	       it != opEnd; 
-	       ++it, ++factorIt) 
-	    {
-	      (*it)->getElementMatrix(elInfo, 
-				      elementMatrix, 
-				      *factorIt ? **factorIt : 1.0);
-	    }
-	  levels_[level].matrix_->addElementMatrix(1.0, *elementMatrix, bound);	
-	}
-	if (element->isLeaf()) {
-	  // If the element is a leaf element, but this level is not a multigrid level,
-	  // the element matrices are added to the next possible multigrid level.
-	  if (!levelUsed) {
-	    level = mgLevel(level);
-	    if(!galerkin_) {
-	      for(it = opBegin, factorIt = factorBegin;	
-		  it != opEnd; 
-		  ++it, ++factorIt) 
-		{
-		  (*it)->getElementMatrix(elInfo, 
-					  elementMatrix, 
-					  *factorIt ? **factorIt : 1.0);
-		}
-	      levels_[level].matrix_->addElementMatrix(1.0, *elementMatrix, bound);	   
-	    }
-	  }
-	  // Add nearest neighbour element matrices and dofs
-	  int maxDOFLevel = -1;
-	  for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-	    maxDOFLevel = max(maxDOFLevel, maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]]);
-	  }
-	  // There is a DOF of the element that is included in finer levels.
-	  if (maxDOFLevel > level) {
-	    if (!galerkin_) {
-	      for (int j = level + 1; j < maxDOFLevel + 1; j++) {
-		if (isMGLevel_[j]) {
-		  levels_[j].matrix_->addElementMatrix(1.0, *elementMatrix, bound);
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	    for (int j = 0; j < numDOFs; j++) {
-	      for (int k = level + 1; k < maxDOFLevel + 1; k++) {
-		if (isMGLevel_[k]) {
-		  if (maxDOFLevels[dofs[j]] < k) {
-		    levels_[k].nearestNeighbourDOFs_.insert(dofs[j]);
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	  for (int i = 0; i < numDOFs; i++) {
-	    // If the element is a leaf element and the maximum level of one of
-	    // its DOFs is equal to the current level, the DOF is not included
-	    // in finer levels.
-	    if (maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]] == level) {
-	      levels_[level].coarseDOFs_.insert(dofs[i]);
-	    }
-	  }
-	} else { 
-	  // element is not leaf
-	  if ((level >= minLevel_) && (levelUsed)) {
-	    // The element is not a leaf element, therefore its DOFs are also
-	    // included in finer levels.
-	    for (int i = 0; i < numDOFs; i++) {
-	      levels_[level].fineDOFs_.insert(dofs[i]);
-	    }
-	  }
-	} // if-else element is leaf
-	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-      } // while elInfo
-      if (!galerkin_) {
-	// Fill boundary conditions
-	if (systemMatrix_->getBoundaryManager()) {
-	  systemMatrix_->getBoundaryManager()->initMatrix(systemMatrix_);
-	}
-	TraverseStack stack;
-	ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, 
-					     Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | 
-					     Mesh::FILL_BOUND |
-					     Mesh::FILL_COORDS |
-					     Mesh::FILL_DET |
-					     Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA |
-					     Mesh::FILL_NEIGH);
-	while (elInfo) {
-	  if (systemMatrix_->getBoundaryManager()) {
-	    systemMatrix_->getBoundaryManager()->fillBoundaryConditions(elInfo,
-									systemMatrix_);
-	  }
-	  elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-	}
-	if (systemMatrix_->getBoundaryManager()) {
-	  systemMatrix_->getBoundaryManager()->exitMatrix(systemMatrix_);
-	}
-      } else { 
-	// Galerkin operator
-	DegreeOfFreedom *child0DOFs = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-	DegreeOfFreedom *parentDOFs = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-	Vector<DegreeOfFreedom> fineDOFs(dim + 2);
-	Matrix<double> a(dim + 2, dim + 2);
-	levels_[maxLevel_].matrix_->copy(*systemMatrix_);
-	DOFMatrix tmp1(feSpace, feSpace, "tmp1");
-	DOFMatrix tmp2(feSpace, feSpace, "tmp2");
-	DOFMatrix *coarseMatrix = NULL;
-	DOFMatrix *fineMatrix = levels_[maxLevel_].matrix_;
-	for (level = maxLevel_ - 1; level >= minLevel_; level--) {
-	  ::std::map< ::std::pair<int, int>, bool> visited;
-	  coarseMatrix =
-	    isMGLevel_[level] ?
-	    levels_[level].matrix_ :
-	    (fineMatrix == &tmp1 ? &tmp2 : &tmp1);
-	  coarseMatrix->clear();
-	  elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, Mesh::CALL_EVERY_EL_PREORDER);
-	  while(elInfo) {
-	    Element *element = elInfo->getElement();
-	    basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, parentDOFs);
-	    for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-	      fineDOFs[i] = parentDOFs[i];
-	    }
-	    if(elInfo->getLevel() == level && !element->isLeaf()) {
-	      basFcts->getLocalIndices(element->getChild(0), admin, child0DOFs);
-	      fineDOFs[dim + 1] = child0DOFs[dim];
-	      double *ptr;
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 2; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < dim + 2; j++) {
-		  ptr = fineMatrix->hasSparseDOFEntry(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j]);
-		  a[i][j] = ptr ? *ptr : 0.0;
-		}
-	      }
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-		  if(visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j])] == false)
-		    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(1.0, 
-						    parentDOFs[i],
-						    parentDOFs[j],
-						    0.0,
-						    false);		
-		}
-	      }
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-		  if(visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j])] == false)
-		    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(1.0, 
-						    parentDOFs[i],
-						    parentDOFs[j],
-						    a[i][j],
-						    true);
-		}
-	      }
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-		  if(visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[dim + 1])] == false) {
-		    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(0.5, 
-						    parentDOFs[i],
-						    parentDOFs[j],
-						    a[i][dim + 1],
-						    true);	      
-		    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(0.5, 
-						    parentDOFs[j],
-						    parentDOFs[i],
-						    a[dim + 1][i],
-						    true);
-		  }	      
-		}
-	      }
-	      if (visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[dim + 1], fineDOFs[dim + 1])] == false) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-		  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-		    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(0.25, 
-						    parentDOFs[i],
-						    parentDOFs[j],
-						    a[dim + 1][dim + 1],
-						    true);	      
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 2; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < dim + 2; j++) {
-		  visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j])] = true;
-		  visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[j], fineDOFs[i])] = true;
-		}
-	      }
-	    } 
-	    if (element->isLeaf() && elInfo->getLevel() <= level) {
-	      double *ptr;
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-		  ptr = fineMatrix->hasSparseDOFEntry(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j]);
-		  a[i][j] = ptr ? *ptr : 0.0;
-		}
-	      }
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-		for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-		  if (!visited[::std::pair<int, int>(parentDOFs[i], parentDOFs[j])]) {
-		    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(1.0, 
-						    parentDOFs[i],
-						    parentDOFs[j],
-						    a[i][j],
-						    false);	      		
-		  }
-		}
-	      }	  
-	    }
-	    elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-	  }
-	  fineMatrix = coarseMatrix;
-	} // for level
-	FREE_MEMORY(child0DOFs, DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-	FREE_MEMORY(parentDOFs, DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-      } // if-else galerkin_
-      FREE_MEMORY(dofs, DegreeOfFreedom, numDOFs);
-      // Copy in each level the to sets coarseDOFs and fineDOFs to one
-      // set levelDOFs containing all DOFs of the level.
-      for (int i = minLevel_; i < numLevels; i++) {
-	if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	  levels_[i].levelDOFs_.insert(levels_[i].coarseDOFs_.begin(),
-				       levels_[i].coarseDOFs_.end());
-	  levels_[i].levelDOFs_.insert(levels_[i].fineDOFs_.begin(),
-				       levels_[i].fineDOFs_.end());
-	}
-      }
-    } // if initMG
-    // Compute start residual
-    mv(NoTranspose, *systemMatrix_, *solution_, *denseResidual_);
-    axpy(-1.0, *rhs_, *denseResidual_);
-    // Compute 2-norm of the residual
-    double res = denseResidual_->nrm2();
-    MSG("residual: %e\n", res);
-    lastRes_ = res;
-    for (int i = 0; i <= maxLevel_; i++) {
-      if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	levels_[i].solution_->copyFromDOFVector(*solution_, 
-						levels_[i].coarseDOFs_);
-	levels_[i].solution_->copyFromDOFVector(*solution_, 
-						levels_[i].nearestNeighbourDOFs_);
-      }
-    }
-    // Copy the rhs of the equation to the finest multigrid level
-    // restricted to its DOFs.
-    levels_[maxLevel_].rhs_->copyFromDOFVector(*rhs_, 
-					       levels_[maxLevel_].coarseDOFs_);
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::exitMultiGrid()
-  {
-    DELETE sparseResidual_;
-    DELETE denseResidual_;
-    // Free memory
-    for (int i = 0; i < maxLevel_ + 1; i++) {
-      if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	DELETE levels_[i].matrix_;
-	DELETE levels_[i].rhs_;
-	DELETE levels_[i].oldSolution_;
-	DELETE levels_[i].solution_;
-      }
-    }
-    levels_.resize(0);
-    isMGLevel_.resize(0);
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::smooth(int level, int steps)
-  { 
-    smoother_->smooth(levels_[level].matrix_, 
-		      levels_[level].solution_,
-		      levels_[level].rhs_,
-		      steps,
-		      levels_[level].levelDOFs_);
-    //   DOFVector<double> sol(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "solution");
-    //   levels_[level].solution_->copyToDOFVector(sol);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "sol.mesh", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&sol, "sol.dat", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MSG("smoothed %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT;
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::prolongate(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    for (int i = coarseLevel; i < level; i++) {
-      interpolMatrix_->mv(sparseResidual_, 
-			  sparseResidual_, 
-			  i);
-    }
-    //   DOFVector<double> cor(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "correction");
-    //   sparseResidual_->copyToDOFVector(cor);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "cor.mesh", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&cor, "cor.dat", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MSG("prolongated %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT;
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::restrict(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    //   MSG("%d\n", level);
-    //   if(isMGLevel_[level]) levels_[level].rhs_->print();
-    // Copy the old solution to the coarser grid. 
-    levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_->copy(*(levels_[level].solution_),
-					    levels_[level].levelDOFs_);
-    levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_->copy(*(levels_[level].solution_),
-					    levels_[level].nearestNeighbourDOFs_);
-    ::std::vector<Element*>::iterator elIt, elBegin, elEnd;
-    ::std::vector<int>::iterator typeIt;
-    for (int i = level; i > coarseLevel; i--) {
-      elBegin = levels_[i-1].elements_.begin();
-      elEnd = levels_[i-1].elements_.end();
-      typeIt = levels_[i-1].elementTypes_.begin();
-      // Restrict the old solution to the DOFs of the coarser gird.
-      for (elIt = elBegin; elIt != elEnd; ++elIt) {
-	Element *element = *elIt;
-	if (!element->isLeaf()) {
-	  RCNeighbourList list(1);
-	  list.setElement(0, element);
-	  if (element->getMesh()->getDim() == 3) {
-	    list.setType(0, levels_[i-1].elementTypes_[*typeIt]);
-	    ++typeIt;
-	  }
-	  levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_->coarseRestrict(list, 1);
-	}
-      }
-      // Restrict the residual
-      restrictMatrix_->mv(sparseResidual_, 
-			  sparseResidual_, 
-			  i - 1);
-      // Alternative: use restriction matrix to restrict the old solution.
-      //     restrictMatrix_->mv(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_, 
-      // 			levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_,
-      // 			i-1);
-    }
-    levels_[coarseLevel].solution_->copy(*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_),
-					 levels_[coarseLevel].fineDOFs_);
-    //   DOFVector<double> res(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "residual");
-    //   sparseResidual_->copyToDOFVector(res);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "res.mesh", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&res, "res.dat", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   DOFVector<double> sol(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "solution");
-    //   levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_->copyToDOFVector(sol);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "sol.mesh", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&sol, "sol.dat", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MSG("residual and solution restricted %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT;
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::computeResidual(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    mv(*(levels_[level].matrix_), 
-       *(levels_[level].solution_), 
-       *sparseResidual_, 
-       levels_[level].levelDOFs_);
-    axpy(-1.0, 
-	 *(levels_[level].rhs_), 
-	 *sparseResidual_, 
-	 levels_[level].levelDOFs_);
-    //   DOFVector<double> res(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "residual");
-    //   sparseResidual_->copyToDOFVector(res);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "res.mesh", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&res, "res.dat", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MSG("residual computed %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT;
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::computeRHS(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    // First compute rhs without considering boundary conditions.
-    mv(*(levels_[coarseLevel].matrix_), 
-       *(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_),
-       *(levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_),
-       levels_[coarseLevel].fineDOFs_);
-    axpy(-1.0, 
-	 *sparseResidual_, 
-	 *(levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_), 
-	 levels_[coarseLevel].fineDOFs_);
-    levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_->copyFromDOFVector(*rhs_, 
-						 levels_[coarseLevel].coarseDOFs_);
-    // Then add boundary conditions to the solution.
-    if (!galerkin_) {
-      Mesh *mesh = rhs_->getFESpace()->getMesh();
-      if(rhs_->getBoundaryManager()) {
-	rhs_->getBoundaryManager()->initVector(levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_);
-      }
-      TraverseStack stack;
-      ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, 
-					   Mesh::FILL_BOUND |
-					   Mesh::FILL_DET |
-					   Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA |
-					   Mesh::FILL_COORDS);
-      while (elInfo) {
-	if (rhs_->getBoundaryManager())
-	  rhs_->getBoundaryManager()->fillBoundaryConditions(elInfo, 
-							     levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_);
-	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-      }
-      if (rhs_->getBoundaryManager()) {
-	rhs_->getBoundaryManager()->exitVector(levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_);
-      }
-    }
-    //   MSG("%d\n", level);
-    //   levels_[level].matrix_->print();
-    //   levels_[level].solution_->print();
-    //   levels_[level].rhs_->print();
-    //   MSG("%d\n", coarseLevel);
-    //   levels_[coarseLevel].matrix_->print();
-    //   levels_[coarseLevel].solution_->print();
-    //   levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_->print();
-    //   DOFVector<double> rhs(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "rhs");
-    //   levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_->copyToDOFVector(rhs);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "rhs.mesh", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&rhs, "rhs.dat", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "realrhs.mesh");
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(rhs_, "realrhs.dat");
-    //   MSG("rhs computed %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT;
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::computeCorrection(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    sparseResidual_->copy(*(levels_[coarseLevel].solution_), 
-			  levels_[coarseLevel].fineDOFs_);
-    axpy(-1.0, 
-	 *(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_), 
-	 *sparseResidual_, 
-	 levels_[coarseLevel].fineDOFs_);
-    //   DOFVector<double> cor(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "correction");
-    //   sparseResidual_->copyToDOFVector(cor);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "cor.mesh", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&cor, "cor.dat", 0.0, coarseLevel, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MSG("correction computed %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT;
-  } 
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::fixSolution(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    levels_[level].solution_->copy(*(levels_[coarseLevel].solution_), 
-				   levels_[level].nearestNeighbourDOFs_);
-    axpy(1.0, 
-	 *sparseResidual_, 
-	 *(levels_[level].solution_), 
-	 levels_[level].levelDOFs_);
-    //   DOFVector<double> sol(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "solution");
-    //   levels_[level].solution_->copyToDOFVector(sol);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "sol.mesh", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&sol, "sol.dat", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MSG("solution fixed %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT;
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::exactSolve(int level)
-  {
-    smooth(level, coarseSmoothingSteps_);
-  }
-  bool MultiGridSolverScal::toleranceReached(double tol)
-  { 
-    FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolver::toleranceReached()");
-    for (int level = minLevel_; level < maxLevel_ + 1; level++) {
-      if (isMGLevel_[level]) {
-	levels_[level].solution_->copyToDOFVector(*solution_, 
-						  levels_[level].coarseDOFs_);
-      }
-    }
-    mv(NoTranspose, *systemMatrix_, *solution_, *denseResidual_);
-    axpy(-1.0, *rhs_, *denseResidual_);
-    ++iteration_;
-    double res = denseResidual_->nrm2();
-    MSG("iteration %d - residual: %e (res / lastRes : %e)\n", 
-	iteration_, res, res/lastRes_);
-    lastRes_ = res;
-    //   levelMatrices_[maxLevel_]->print();
-    //  systemMatrix_->print();
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "sol_iter.mesh");
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(solution_, "sol_iter.dat");
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro(systemMatrix_->getFESpace(), "res_iter.mesh");
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(denseResidual_, "res_iter.dat");
-    //   WAIT;
-    return (res < tol);
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::initFullMultiGrid()
-  {
-    int coarseLevel = -1;
-    for (int i = maxLevel_; i > minLevel_; i--) {
-      if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	coarseLevel = coarserLevel(i);
-	levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_->copy(*(levels_[i].rhs_), 
-					levels_[coarseLevel].fineDOFs_);
-      }
-      TraverseStack stack;
-      ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(sparseResidual_->getFESpace()->getMesh(),
-					   -1, Mesh::CALL_EVERY_EL_PREORDER); 
-      while (elInfo) {
-	Element *element = elInfo->getElement();
-	if (elInfo->getLevel() == (i-1) && !element->isLeaf()) {
-	  RCNeighbourList list(1);
-	  list.setElement(0, element);
-	  if (element->getMesh()->getDim() == 3) {
-	    list.setType(0, dynamic_cast<ElInfo3d*>(elInfo)->getType());
-	  }
-	  levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_->coarseRestrict(list, 1);
-	}
-	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverScal::fmgInterpol(int level)
-  {
-    int coarseLevel = level-1;
-    levels_[level].solution_->copy(*(levels_[coarseLevel].solution_), 
-				   levels_[coarseLevel].fineDOFs_);
-    for (int i = coarseLevel; i < level; i++) {
-      TraverseStack stack;
-      ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(sparseResidual_->getFESpace()->getMesh(),
-					   -1, Mesh::CALL_EVERY_EL_PREORDER); 
-      while(elInfo) {
-	Element *element = elInfo->getElement();
-	if(elInfo->getLevel() == (i) && !element->isLeaf()) {
-	  RCNeighbourList list(1);
-	  list.setElement(0, element);
-	  if(element->getMesh()->getDim() == 3) {
-	    list.setType(0, dynamic_cast<ElInfo3d*>(elInfo)->getType());
-	  }
-	  levels_[level].solution_->refineInterpol(list, 1);
-	}
-	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // ===============================================================================
-  // ===============================================================================
-  // ===============================================================================
-  // ===============================================================================
-  MultiGridSolverVec::MultiGridSolverVec(const ::std::string &name)
-    : MultiGridSolverBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector>(name),
-      sparseResidual_(NULL),
-      denseResidual_(NULL),
-      lastRes_(1.0),
-      iteration_(0),
-      coarseSmoothingSteps_(3),
-      minLevelGap_(0),
-      maxMGLevels_(100),
-      numComponents_(0),
-      boxSmoothing_(false),
-      boxDOFs_(0),
-      galerkin_(0)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverVec::MultiGridSolverVec()");
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->coarse level smoothing steps", "%d", 
-		  &coarseSmoothingSteps_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->min level gap", "%d", &minLevelGap_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->max mg levels", "%d", &maxMGLevels_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->use galerkin operator", "%d", &galerkin_);
-    // Create smoother
-    ::std::string smootherType("gs");
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->smoother", &smootherType);
-    if(smootherType == "box") {
-      boxSmoothing_ = true;
-    }
-    SmootherCreator<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, Vector<SparseVector<double>*>, Vector< ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> > *smootherCreator =
-      dynamic_cast<SmootherCreator<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, Vector<SparseVector<double>*>, Vector< ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> >*>(
-																CreatorMap<SmootherBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, Vector<SparseVector<double>*>, Vector< ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> > >::getCreator(smootherType)
-																);
-    if(smootherCreator && !smootherCreator->isNullCreator()) {
-      smootherCreator->setName(name_ + "->smoother");
-      smoother_ = smootherCreator->create();
-    } else {
-      smoother_ = NULL;
-      ERROR_EXIT("no smoother specified\n");
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::initMaxLevel()
-  {
-    int comp, numComps = solution_->getNumVectors();
-    ::std::set<Mesh*> meshes;
-    for(comp = 0; comp < numComps; comp++) {
-      Mesh *mesh = solution_->getDOFVector(comp)->getFESpace()->getMesh();
-      if(find(meshes.begin(), meshes.end(), mesh) == meshes.end()) {
-	meshes.insert(mesh);
-	TraverseStack st;
-	ElInfo *elInfo = st.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL);
-	maxLevel_ = -1;
-	while(elInfo) {
-	  maxLevel_ = max(elInfo->getLevel(), maxLevel_);
-	  elInfo = st.traverseNext(elInfo);   
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::initMultiGrid(bool initMG)
-  {
-    int numLevels = maxLevel_ + 1;
-    if (initMG) { 
-      // Get number of components
-      numComponents_ = solution_->getNumVectors();
-      TEST_EXIT(rhs_->getNumVectors() == numComponents_)
-	("invalid number of components\n");
-      TEST_EXIT(systemMatrix_->getNumRows() == numComponents_)
-	("invalid number of components\n");
-      TEST_EXIT(systemMatrix_->getNumCols() == numComponents_)
-	("invalid number of components\n");
-      // Get fe spaces and create residual vectors
-      sparseResidual_ = NEW Vector<SparseVector<double>*>(numComponents_);
-      ::std::vector<FiniteElemSpace*> feSpaces(numComponents_);
-      for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	feSpaces[i] = const_cast<FiniteElemSpace*>
-	  (solution_->getDOFVector(i)->getFESpace());
-	(*sparseResidual_)[i] = NEW SparseVector<double>(feSpaces[i], 
-							 "sparse residual");
-      }    
-      // Create dens residual vectors
-      denseResidual_ = NEW SystemVector("dense residual", 
-					feSpaces, 
-					numComponents_);
-      for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	denseResidual_->setDOFVector(i, NEW DOFVector<double>(feSpaces[i],
-							      "dense residual"));
-      }
-      Mesh *mesh = feSpaces[0]->getMesh();
-      int dim = mesh->getDim();
-      TEST_EXIT(mesh->queryCoarseDOFs())
-	("preserve coarse dofs not set in mesh\n");
-      // Check which level is a multigrid level and set the corresponding field
-      // to true.
-      isMGLevel_.resize(numLevels, false);
-      isMGLevel_[minLevel_] = true;
-      isMGLevel_[maxLevel_] = true;
-      if (numLevels > 2) { 
-	double step = (static_cast<double>(maxMGLevels_) - 2.0) / (numLevels - 2.0);
-	double sum = 0.0;
-	int gap = 0;
-	for (int i = maxLevel_ - 1; i > minLevel_; i--) {
-	  sum += step;
-	  //MSG("%d %f\n", i, sum);
-	  ++gap;
-	  if (gap > minLevelGap_ && sum >= 1.0) {
-	    gap = 0;
-	    isMGLevel_[i] = true;
-	    sum -= 1.0;	
-	  } else {
-	    MSG("level %d skipped\n", i);
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      levels_.resize(numLevels);
-      // Create multigrid level data.
-      for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
-	if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	  levels_[i].components_.resize(numComponents_);
-	  levels_[i].levelDOFs_.resize(numComponents_);
-	  ::std::map<FiniteElemSpace*, FESpaceData*> feSpaceData;
-	  MeshData *meshData = NEW MeshData;
-	  levels_[i].solution_ = NEW Vector<SparseVector<double>*>(numComponents_);
-	  levels_[i].oldSolution_ = NEW Vector<SparseVector<double>*>(numComponents_);
-	  levels_[i].rhs_ = NEW Vector<SparseVector<double>*>(numComponents_);
-	  levels_[i].matrix_ = NEW Matrix<DOFMatrix*>(numComponents_,
-						      numComponents_);
-	  // Set component dependend data.
-	  for (int j = 0; j < numComponents_; j++) {
-	    if (!feSpaceData[feSpaces[j]]) {
-	      feSpaceData[feSpaces[j]] = NEW FESpaceData;
-	    }
-	    levels_[i].components_[j].meshData_ = meshData;
-	    levels_[i].components_[j].feSpaceData_ = feSpaceData[feSpaces[j]];
-	    levels_[i].levelDOFs_[j] = &(feSpaceData[feSpaces[j]]->levelDOFs_);
-	    (*(levels_[i].solution_))[j] = 
-	      NEW SparseVector<double>(feSpaces[j], "sparse level solution");
-	    (*(levels_[i].oldSolution_))[j] = 
-	      NEW SparseVector<double>("old level solution", 
-				       (*(levels_[i].solution_))[j]);
-	    (*(levels_[i].rhs_))[j] = 
-	      NEW SparseVector<double>("sparse level rhs", 
-				       (*(levels_[i].solution_))[j]);
-	    for (int k = 0; k < numComponents_; k++) {
-	      if ((*systemMatrix_)[j][k]) {
-		(*(levels_[i].matrix_))[j][k] = NEW DOFMatrix(feSpaces[j], 
-							      feSpaces[k],
-							      "level matrix");
-		(*(levels_[i].matrix_))[j][k]->
-		  setBoundaryManager((*(systemMatrix_))[j][k]->
-				     getBoundaryManager());
-		if (j != k) {
-		  (*(levels_[i].matrix_))[j][k]->setCoupleMatrix(true);
-		}
-	      } else {
-		(*(levels_[i].matrix_))[j][k] = NULL;
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	} // if isMGLevel_[i]
-      } // for numLevels
-      int degree;
-      interpolMatrix_.resize(numComponents_);
-      restrictMatrix_.resize(numComponents_);
-      // Assemble matrices
-      for (int row = 0; row < numComponents_; row++) {
-	const BasisFunction* basFcts = feSpaces[row]->getBasisFcts();
-	int numDOFs = basFcts->getNumber();
-	degree = basFcts->getDegree();
-	interpolMatrix_[row] = interpolMatrices[dim-1][degree-1];
-	restrictMatrix_[row] = restrictMatrices[dim-1][degree-1];
-	DegreeOfFreedom *dofs = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, numDOFs);
-	Element *element;
-	DOFAdmin *admin = feSpaces[row]->getAdmin();
-	int level;
-	TraverseStack stack;
-	// fill max dof level for each dof
-	DOFVector<int> maxDOFLevels(feSpaces[row], "maxDOFLevel");
-	maxDOFLevels.set(minLevel_);
-	ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, Mesh::CALL_EVERY_EL_PREORDER);
-	while (elInfo) {
-	  element = elInfo->getElement();
-	  level = elInfo->getLevel();
-	  if (row == 0) {
-	    levels_[level].elements_.push_back(element);
-	  }
-	  if (dim == 3) {
-	    levels_[level].elementTypes_.
-	      push_back(dynamic_cast<ElInfo3d*>(elInfo)->getType());
-	  }
-	  basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, dofs);
-	  for (int i = 0; i < numDOFs; i++) {
-	    maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]] = max(maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]], 
-					level);
-	  }
-	  elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-	}
-	for (int col = 0; col < numComponents_; col++) {
-	  DOFMatrix *dofMatrix = (*systemMatrix_)[row][col];
-	  if(dofMatrix) {
-	    ::std::vector<Operator*>::iterator it;
-	    ::std::vector<Operator*>::iterator opBegin = dofMatrix->getOperatorsBegin();
-	    ::std::vector<Operator*>::iterator opEnd = dofMatrix->getOperatorsEnd();
-	    ::std::vector<double*>::iterator factorIt;
-	    ::std::vector<double*>::iterator factorBegin = dofMatrix->getOperatorFactorBegin();
-	    ElementMatrix *elementMatrix = NULL; 
-	    const BoundaryType *bound;
-	    // assemble level matrices and create dof sets
-	    elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, 
-					 Mesh::FILL_BOUND |
-					 Mesh::FILL_DET |
-					 Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA |
-					 Mesh::FILL_COORDS);
-	    while (elInfo) {
-	      element = elInfo->getElement();
-	      level = elInfo->getLevel();
-	      basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, dofs);
-	      bound = basFcts->getBound(elInfo, NULL);
-	      elementMatrix = (*opBegin)->getAssembler()->initElementMatrix(elementMatrix, elInfo);
-	      bool levelUsed = isMGLevel_[level];
-	      if (levelUsed) {
-		for (it = opBegin, factorIt = factorBegin;	
-		    it != opEnd; 
-		    ++it, ++factorIt) 
-		  {
-		    (*it)->getElementMatrix(elInfo, 
-					    elementMatrix, 
-					    *factorIt ? **factorIt : 1.0);
-		  }
-		(*(levels_[level].matrix_))[row][col]->
-		  addElementMatrix(1.0, *elementMatrix, bound);
-	      }
-	      if (element->isLeaf()) {
-		if (!levelUsed) {
-		  level = mgLevel(level);
-		  for (it = opBegin, factorIt = factorBegin;	
-		      it != opEnd; 
-		      ++it, ++factorIt) 
-		    {
-		      (*it)->getElementMatrix(elInfo, 
-					      elementMatrix, 
-					      *factorIt ? **factorIt : 1.0);
-		    }
-		  //MSG("element %d added to level %d\n", element->getIndex(), level);
-		  (*(levels_[level].matrix_))[row][col]->
-		    addElementMatrix(1.0, *elementMatrix, bound);
-		} 
-		// add nearest neighbour element matrices and dofs
-		int maxDOFLevel = -1;
-		for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-		  maxDOFLevel = max(maxDOFLevel, mgLevel(maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]]));
-		}
-		if (maxDOFLevel > level) {
-		  for (int j = level + 1; j < maxDOFLevel + 1; j++) {
-		    if (isMGLevel_[j]) {
-		      (*(levels_[j].matrix_))[row][col]->
-			addElementMatrix(1.0, *elementMatrix, bound);
-		    }
-		  }
-		  if (row == col) {
-		    for (int j = 0; j < numDOFs; j++) {
-		      for (int k = level + 1; k < maxDOFLevel + 1; k++) {
-			if (isMGLevel_[k]) {
-			  if (mgLevel(maxDOFLevels[dofs[j]]) < k) {
-			    levels_[k].components_[row].feSpaceData_->
-			      nearestNeighbourDOFs_.insert(dofs[j]);
-			    //MSG("level %d comp %d nn: %d\n", k, row, dofs[j]);
-			  }
-			}
-		      }
-		    }
-		  }
-		}
-		if (row == col) {
-		  for (int i = 0; i < numDOFs; i++) {
-		    if (mgLevel(maxDOFLevels[dofs[i]]) == level) {
-		      levels_[level].components_[row].feSpaceData_->
-			coarseDOFs_.insert(dofs[i]);
-		      levels_[level].components_[row].feSpaceData_->
-			levelDOFs_.insert(dofs[i]);
-		      //MSG("level %d comp %d coarse: %d\n", level, row, dofs[i]);
-		    }
-		  }
-		}
-	      } else { // element is not leaf
-		if (row == col) {
-		  if (level >= minLevel_) {
-		    if (levelUsed) {
-		      for (int i = 0; i < numDOFs; i++) {
-			levels_[level].components_[row].feSpaceData_->
-			  fineDOFs_.insert(dofs[i]);
-			levels_[level].components_[row].feSpaceData_->
-			  levelDOFs_.insert(dofs[i]);
-			//MSG("level %d comp %d fine: %d\n", level, row, dofs[i]);
-		      }
-		    }
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	      elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	FREE_MEMORY(dofs, DegreeOfFreedom, numDOFs);
-      }
-      if (galerkin_) {
-	int level;
-	TraverseStack stack;
-	ElInfo *elInfo;
-	const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = feSpaces[0];
-	const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-	DOFAdmin *admin = feSpace->getAdmin();
-	Mesh *mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
-	for (int row = 0; row < numComponents_; row++) {
-	  for (int col = 0; col < numComponents_; col++) {
-	    if ((*(levels_[maxLevel_].matrix_))[row][col]) {
-	      (*(levels_[maxLevel_].matrix_))[row][col]->copy(*((*systemMatrix_)[row][col]));
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	DegreeOfFreedom *child0DOFs = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-	DegreeOfFreedom *parentDOFs = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-	Vector<DegreeOfFreedom> fineDOFs(dim + 2);
-	Matrix<double> a(dim + 2, dim + 2);
-	DOFMatrix tmp1(feSpace, feSpace, "tmp1");
-	DOFMatrix tmp2(feSpace, feSpace, "tmp2");
-	DOFMatrix *coarseMatrix = NULL;
-	DOFMatrix *fineMatrix = NULL;
-	for (int row = 0; row < numComponents_; row++) {
-	  for (int col = 0; col < numComponents_; col++) {
-	    if ((*systemMatrix_)[row][col]) {
-	      fineMatrix = (*(levels_[maxLevel_].matrix_))[row][col];
-	      for (level = maxLevel_ - 1; level >= 0; level--) {
-		if (level >= minLevel_) {
-		  ::std::map< ::std::pair<int, int>, bool> visited;
-		  coarseMatrix = 
-		    isMGLevel_[level] ?
-		    (*(levels_[level].matrix_))[row][col] :
-		    (fineMatrix == &tmp1 ? &tmp2 : &tmp1);
-		  coarseMatrix->clear();
-		  elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, Mesh::CALL_EVERY_EL_PREORDER);
-		  while (elInfo) {
-		    Element *element = elInfo->getElement();
-		    basFcts->getLocalIndices(element, admin, parentDOFs);
-		    for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-		      fineDOFs[i] = parentDOFs[i];
-		    }
-		    if (elInfo->getLevel() == level && !element->isLeaf()) {
-		      basFcts->getLocalIndices(element->getChild(0), admin, child0DOFs);
-		      fineDOFs[dim + 1] = child0DOFs[dim];
-		      double *ptr;
-		      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 2; i++) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < dim + 2; j++) {
-			  ptr = fineMatrix->hasSparseDOFEntry(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j]);
-			  a[i][j] = ptr ? *ptr : 0.0;
-			}
-		      }
-		      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-			for(int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-			  if (visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j])] == false) {
-			    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(1.0, 
-							    parentDOFs[i],
-							    parentDOFs[j],
-							    0.0,
-							    false);		
-			  }
-			}
-		      }
-		      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-			  if (visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j])] == false) {
-			    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(1.0, 
-							    parentDOFs[i],
-							    parentDOFs[j],
-							    a[i][j],
-							    true);
-			  }
-			}
-		      }
-		      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-			  if (visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[dim + 1])] == false) {
-			    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(0.5, 
-							    parentDOFs[i],
-							    parentDOFs[j],
-							    a[i][dim + 1],
-							    true);	      
-			    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(0.5, 
-							    parentDOFs[j],
-							    parentDOFs[i],
-							    a[dim + 1][i],
-							    true);
-			  }	      
-			}
-		      }
-		      if (visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[dim + 1], fineDOFs[dim + 1])] == false) {
-			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-			  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-			    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(0.25, 
-							    parentDOFs[i],
-							    parentDOFs[j],
-							    a[dim + 1][dim + 1],
-							    true);	      
-			  }
-			}
-		      }
-		      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 2; i++) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < dim + 2; j++) {
-			  visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j])] = true;
-			  visited[::std::pair<int, int>(fineDOFs[j], fineDOFs[i])] = true;
-			}
-		      }
-		    } 
-		    if (element->isLeaf() && elInfo->getLevel() <= level) {
-		      double *ptr;
-		      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-			  ptr = fineMatrix->hasSparseDOFEntry(fineDOFs[i], fineDOFs[j]);
-			  a[i][j] = ptr ? *ptr : 0.0;
-			}
-		      }
-		      for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
-			  if (!visited[::std::pair<int, int>(parentDOFs[i], parentDOFs[j])]) {
-			    coarseMatrix->addSparseDOFEntry(1.0, 
-							    parentDOFs[i],
-							    parentDOFs[j],
-							    a[i][j],
-							    false);	      		
-			  }
-			}
-		      }	  
-		    }
-		    elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-		  }
-		  fineMatrix = coarseMatrix;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	FREE_MEMORY(child0DOFs, DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-	FREE_MEMORY(parentDOFs, DegreeOfFreedom, dim + 1);
-      }
-      if (boxSmoothing_) {
-	boxDOFs_.resize(numComponents_);
-	for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	  boxDOFs_[i] = new ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    iteration_ = 0;
-    lastRes_ = 1.0;
-    // compute start residual
-    mv(*systemMatrix_, *solution_, *denseResidual_);
-    axpy(-1.0, *rhs_, *denseResidual_);
-    double res = norm(denseResidual_);
-    MSG("residual: %e\n", res);
-    lastRes_ = res;
-    for (int row = 0; row < numComponents_; row++) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
-	if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	  (*(levels_[i].solution_))[row]->
-	    copyFromDOFVector(*(solution_->getDOFVector(row)), 
-			      levels_[i].components_[row].feSpaceData_->coarseDOFs_);
-	  (*(levels_[i].solution_))[row]->
-	    copyFromDOFVector(*(solution_->getDOFVector(row)), 
-			      levels_[i].components_[row].feSpaceData_->nearestNeighbourDOFs_);
-	}
-      }
-      (*(levels_[maxLevel_].rhs_))[row]->
-	copyFromDOFVector(*(rhs_->getDOFVector(row)), 
-			  levels_[maxLevel_].components_[row].feSpaceData_->coarseDOFs_);
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::exitMultiGrid()
-  {
-    int numLevels = maxLevel_ + 1;
-    ::std::set<FESpaceData*> deletedFESpaceData;
-    ::std::set<MeshData*> deletedMeshData;
-    for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; i++) {
-      if (isMGLevel_[i]) {
-	for (int j = 0; j < numComponents_; j++) {
-	  if (levels_[i].components_[j].meshData_) {
-	    ::std::set<MeshData*>::iterator it;
-	    it = ::std::find(deletedMeshData.begin(), 
-			     deletedMeshData.end(),
-			     levels_[i].components_[j].meshData_);
-	    if (it == deletedMeshData.end()) {
-	      deletedMeshData.insert(levels_[i].components_[j].meshData_);
-	      DELETE levels_[i].components_[j].meshData_;
-	      levels_[i].components_[j].meshData_ = NULL;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  if (levels_[i].components_[j].feSpaceData_) {
-	    ::std::set<FESpaceData*>::iterator it;
-	    it = ::std::find(deletedFESpaceData.begin(), 
-			     deletedFESpaceData.end(),
-			     levels_[i].components_[j].feSpaceData_);
-	    if (it == deletedFESpaceData.end()) {
-	      deletedFESpaceData.insert(levels_[i].components_[j].feSpaceData_);
-	      DELETE levels_[i].components_[j].feSpaceData_;
-	      levels_[i].components_[j].feSpaceData_ = NULL;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  DELETE (*(levels_[i].oldSolution_))[j];
-	  DELETE (*(levels_[i].rhs_))[j];
-	  DELETE (*(levels_[i].solution_))[j];
-	  for (int k = 0; k < numComponents_; k++) {
-	    if ((*(levels_[i].matrix_))[j][k]) {
-	      DELETE (*(levels_[i].matrix_))[j][k];
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	DELETE levels_[i].oldSolution_;
-	DELETE levels_[i].solution_;
-	DELETE levels_[i].rhs_;
-	DELETE levels_[i].matrix_;
-      }
-    }
-    levels_.resize(0);
-    isMGLevel_.resize(0);
-    if (boxSmoothing_) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	delete boxDOFs_[i];
-      }
-      boxDOFs_.resize(0);
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-      DELETE (*sparseResidual_)[i];
-      DELETE denseResidual_->getDOFVector(i);
-    }
-    DELETE sparseResidual_;
-    DELETE denseResidual_;
-    numComponents_ = 0;
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::smooth(int level, int steps)
-  { 
-    if (boxSmoothing_) {
-      for (int iteration = 0; iteration < steps; iteration++) {    
-	::std::vector<Element*>::iterator elIt, elBegin, elEnd;
-	elBegin = levels_[level].elements_.begin();
-	elEnd   = levels_[level].elements_.end();
-	for (elIt = elBegin; elIt != elEnd; ++elIt) {
-	  Element *element = *elIt;
-	  for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	    boxDOFs_[i]->clear();
-	    const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = 
-	      (*(levels_[level].solution_))[i]->getFESpace();
-	    int numDOFs = feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getNumber();
-	    DOFAdmin *admin = feSpace->getAdmin();
-	    DegreeOfFreedom *dofs = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, numDOFs);
-	    feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getLocalIndices(element,
-						     admin,
-						     dofs);
-	    for (int j = 0; j < numDOFs; j++) {
-	      boxDOFs_[i]->insert(dofs[j]);
-	    }
-	    FREE_MEMORY(dofs, DegreeOfFreedom, numDOFs);
-	  }
-	  smoother_->smooth(levels_[level].matrix_,
-			    levels_[level].solution_,
-			    levels_[level].rhs_,
-			    1,
-			    boxDOFs_);
-	}
-      }
-    } else {
-      smoother_->smooth(levels_[level].matrix_,
-			levels_[level].solution_,
-			levels_[level].rhs_,
-			steps,
-			levels_[level].levelDOFs_);
-    }
-    //   DOFVector<double> sol0((*(systemMatrix_))[0][0]->getFESpace(), "sol0");
-    //   (*(levels_[level].solution_))[0]->copyToDOFVector(sol0);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro((*(systemMatrix_))[0][0]->getFESpace(), "sol0.mesh", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&sol0, "sol0.dat", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   DOFVector<double> sol1((*(systemMatrix_))[1][1]->getFESpace(), "sol1");
-    //   (*(levels_[level].solution_))[1]->copyToDOFVector(sol1);
-    //   MacroWriter::writeMacro((*(systemMatrix_))[1][1]->getFESpace(), "sol1.mesh", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   ValueWriter::writeValues(&sol1, "sol1.dat", 0.0, level, Mesh::CALL_EL_LEVEL);
-    //   MSG("smoothed %d\n", level);
-    //   WAIT; 
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::prolongate(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    for (int comp = 0; comp < numComponents_; comp++) {
-      for (int i = coarseLevel; i < level; i++) {
-	interpolMatrix_[comp]->mv((*sparseResidual_)[comp],
-				  (*sparseResidual_)[comp],
-				  i);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::restrict(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    ::std::vector<Element*>::iterator elIt, elBegin, elEnd;
-    ::std::vector<int>::iterator typeIt;
-    for (int comp = 0; comp < numComponents_; comp++) {
-      (*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[comp]->
-	copy(*((*(levels_[level].solution_))[comp]),
-	     levels_[level].components_[comp].feSpaceData_->levelDOFs_);
-      (*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[comp]->
-	copy(*((*(levels_[level].solution_))[comp]),
-	     levels_[level].components_[comp].feSpaceData_->nearestNeighbourDOFs_);
-      for (int i = level; i > coarseLevel; i--) {
-	SparseVector<double> visited("visited", (*sparseResidual_)[comp]);
-	elBegin = levels_[i-1].elements_.begin();
-	elEnd = levels_[i-1].elements_.end();
-	typeIt = levels_[i-1].elementTypes_.begin();
-	for (elIt = elBegin; elIt != elEnd; ++elIt) {
-	  Element *element = *elIt;
-	  if (!element->isLeaf()) {
-	    RCNeighbourList list(1);
-	    list.setElement(0, element);
-	    if (element->getMesh()->getDim() == 3) {
-	      list.setType(0, *typeIt);
-	    }
-	    (*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[comp]->coarseRestrict(list, 1);
-	    //sparseResidual_->coarseRestrict(list, 1);
-	  }
-	}
-	//       restrictMatrix_[comp]->mv((*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[comp],
-	// 				(*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[comp],
-	// 				i-1);
-	restrictMatrix_[comp]->mv((*sparseResidual_)[comp],
-				  (*sparseResidual_)[comp],
-				  i-1);
-      }
-      (*(levels_[coarseLevel].solution_))[comp]->
-	copy(*((*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[comp]),
-	     levels_[coarseLevel].components_[comp].feSpaceData_->fineDOFs_);
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::computeResidual(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    DOFMatrix *matrix;
-    SparseVector<double> *res, *sol, *rhs;
-    ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> *dofSet;
-    for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-      res = (*sparseResidual_)[i];
-      res->clear();
-      rhs = (*(levels_[level].rhs_))[i];
-      dofSet = levels_[level].levelDOFs_[i];
-      for (int j = 0; j < numComponents_; j++) {
-	matrix = (*(levels_[level].matrix_))[i][j];
-	if (matrix) {
-	  sol = (*(levels_[level].solution_))[j];
-	  mv(*matrix, *sol, *res, *dofSet, true);
-	}
-      }
-      axpy(-1.0, *rhs, *res, *dofSet);
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::computeRHS(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    DOFMatrix *matrix;
-    SparseVector<double> *oldSol, *rhs, *res;
-    ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> *dofSet;
-    for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-      rhs = (*(levels_[coarseLevel].rhs_))[i];
-      rhs->clear();
-      res = (*sparseResidual_)[i];
-      dofSet = &(levels_[coarseLevel].components_[i].feSpaceData_->fineDOFs_);
-      for (int j = 0; j < numComponents_; j++) {
-	matrix = (*(levels_[coarseLevel].matrix_))[i][j];
-	if (matrix) {
-	  oldSol = (*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[j];
-	  mv(*matrix, *oldSol, *rhs, *dofSet, true);
-	}
-      }
-      axpy(-1.0, *res, *rhs, *dofSet);
-      dofSet = &(levels_[coarseLevel].components_[i].feSpaceData_->coarseDOFs_);
-      rhs->copyFromDOFVector(*(rhs_->getDOFVector(i)), *dofSet);
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::computeCorrection(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    SparseVector<double> *res, *sol, *oldSol;
-    ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> *dofSet;
-    for (int comp = 0; comp < numComponents_; comp++) {
-      dofSet = &(levels_[coarseLevel].components_[comp].feSpaceData_->fineDOFs_);
-      sol = (*(levels_[coarseLevel].solution_))[comp];
-      oldSol = (*(levels_[coarseLevel].oldSolution_))[comp];
-      res = (*sparseResidual_)[comp];
-      res->copy(*sol, *dofSet);
-      axpy(-1.0, *oldSol, *res, *dofSet); 
-    }
-  } 
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::fixSolution(int level, int coarseLevel)
-  {
-    SparseVector<double> *fineSol, *coarseSol, *res;
-    ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> *dofSet;
-    for (int comp = 0; comp < numComponents_; comp++) {
-      fineSol = (*(levels_[level].solution_))[comp];
-      coarseSol = (*(levels_[coarseLevel].solution_))[comp];
-      res = (*sparseResidual_)[comp];
-      dofSet = 
-	&(levels_[level].components_[comp].feSpaceData_->nearestNeighbourDOFs_);
-      fineSol->copy(*coarseSol, *dofSet);
-      dofSet = 
-	&(levels_[level].components_[comp].feSpaceData_->levelDOFs_);
-      axpy(1.0, *res, *fineSol, *dofSet);
-    }
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::exactSolve(int level)
-  {
-    smooth(level, coarseSmoothingSteps_);
-  }
-  bool MultiGridSolverVec::toleranceReached(double tol)
-  { 
-    FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverVec::toleranceReached()");
-    SparseVector<double> *sol;
-    ::std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> *dofSet;
-    for (int level = minLevel_; level < maxLevel_ + 1; level++) {
-      if (isMGLevel_[level]) {
-	for (int i = 0; i < numComponents_; i++) {
-	  sol = (*(levels_[level].solution_))[i];
-	  dofSet = &(levels_[level].components_[i].feSpaceData_->coarseDOFs_);
-	  sol->copyToDOFVector(*(solution_->getDOFVector(i)), *dofSet);
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    mv(*systemMatrix_, *solution_, *denseResidual_);
-    axpy(-1.0, *rhs_, *denseResidual_);
-    ++iteration_;
-    double res = norm(denseResidual_);
-    MSG("iteration %d - residual: %e (res/lastRes: %e)\n", 
-	iteration_, res, res/lastRes_);
-    lastRes_ = res;
-    return (res < tol);
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::initFullMultiGrid()
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverVec::initFullMultiGrid()");
-    ERROR_EXIT("not yet\n");
-  }
-  void MultiGridSolverVec::fmgInterpol(int level)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverVec::fmgInterpol()");
-    ERROR_EXIT("not yet\n");
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolver.h b/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolver.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e2de061..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolver.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file MultiGridSolver.h */
-#if 0
-#include "AMDiS_fwd.h"
-#include "MultiGridSolverBase.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include "Global.h"
-#include "SmootherBase.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <map>
-#include "MatrixVector.h"
-#include "SystemVector.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  /** \brief
-   * Implementation of the multigrid solver base class for scalar problems.
-   */
-  class MultiGridSolverScal : public MultiGridSolverBase<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >
-  {
-  protected:
-    /** \brief
-     * Class to assemble all data of one multigrid level.
-     */
-    class LevelData
-    {
-    public:
-      LevelData() 
-	: matrix_(NULL),
-	  solution_(NULL),
-	  oldSolution_(NULL),
-	  rhs_(NULL)
-      {};
-      /** \brief
-       * The level DOFMatrix.
-       */
-      DOFMatrix                *matrix_;
-      /** \brief
-       * The solution stored in sparse format.
-       */
-      SparseVector<double>     *solution_;
-      /** \brief
-       * The old solution stored in sparse format.
-       */
-      SparseVector<double>     *oldSolution_;
-      /** \brief
-       * The right hand side of the level stored in sparse format.
-       */
-      SparseVector<double>     *rhs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Set of DOFs of all elements of the level.
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> levelDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Set of DOFs of all elements of the level, which are also 
-       * included in finer levels.
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> fineDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Set of DOFs of all elements of the level, which are not
-       * included in finer levels.
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> coarseDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> nearestNeighbourDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * List of all elements in the mesh on the current level.
-       */
-      std::vector<Element*>     elements_;
-      /** \brief
-       * This array is only used if the elements are of dim=3. Than there
-       * are different element types possible. All different element types
-       * of the mesh are stored here.
-       */
-      std::vector<int>          elementTypes_;
-    };
-  public:
-    /** \brief
-     * Constructor of the scalar multigrid solver.
-     */
-    MultiGridSolverScal(const std::string &name);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the residual and checks if its norm is less than the tolerance.
-     */
-    bool toleranceReached(double tol);
-    /** \brief
-     * Traverses all elements and searchs for the highest level of an 
-     * elements DOF. The result is stored in variable maxLevel_.
-     */
-    void initMaxLevel();
-    /** \brief
-     * Initialize the multigrid solver.
-     */
-    void initMultiGrid(bool initMG);
-    /** \brief
-     * Frees all allocated memory.
-     */
-    void exitMultiGrid();
-    /** \brief
-     * Solve the given level exactly.
-     * TODO: Implement a real exact solver. At the moment we use the smoother.
-     */
-    void exactSolve(int level);
-    /** \brief
-     * Call the smoother on the given level. steps is the maximum number of 
-     * smoothing steps.
-     */
-    void smooth(int level, int steps);
-    /** \brief
-     * Restricts the residual and the solution from a fine multigrid level to 
-     * a coarser multigrid level.
-     */
-    void restrict(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Prolongates the residual from a coarse multigrid level to a finer
-     * multigrid level.
-     */
-    void prolongate(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the residual of a given leve. CoarseLevel parameter will be
-     * not considered.
-     */
-    void computeResidual(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the rhs of the coarse level. Level parameter will be not 
-     * considered.
-     */
-    void computeRHS(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the correction of the coarse level. Level parameter will be
-     * not considered.
-     */
-    void computeCorrection(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Add the correction, which has been computed on the coarse grid, to the
-     * solution of the fine grid.
-     */
-    void fixSolution(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns for a given level the next coarser multigrid level.
-     */
-    int coarserLevel(int level) {
-      FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverScal::coarserLevel()");
-      TEST_EXIT(level > minLevel_)("invalid level\n");
-      do {
-	--level;
-      } while(!isMGLevel(level));
-      return level;
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns true, if the level is a multigrid level, otherwise false.
-     */
-    inline bool isMGLevel(int level) {
-      return isMGLevel_[level];
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns for a given level the next multigrid level.
-     */
-    inline int mgLevel(int level) {
-      while (!isMGLevel(level)) {
-	level++;
-      }
-      return level;    
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Initialize the full multigrid cycle.
-     */
-    void initFullMultiGrid();
-    /** \brief
-     *
-     */
-    void fmgInterpol(int level);
-  public:
-    /** \brief
-     * Data of all multigrid levels.
-     */
-    std::vector<LevelData> levels_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Residual stored in sparse format.
-     */
-    SparseVector<double> *sparseResidual_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Residual stored in dense format.
-     */
-    DOFVector<double> *denseResidual_;
-    /** \brief
-     * 2-Norm of the last residual.
-     */
-    double lastRes_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Defines for all mesh levels, if the level is a multigrid level.
-     * isMGLevel[0] is the coarsest grid level.
-     */
-    std::vector<bool> isMGLevel_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Counts the number of multigrid iterations.
-     */
-    int iteration_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Number of smoothing steps on the coarsest level.
-     */
-    int coarseSmoothingSteps_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Number of mesh levels that at leatst are skipped between two multigrid 
-     * levels.
-     */
-    int minLevelGap_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Maximum number of allowed multigrid levels.
-     */
-    int maxMGLevels_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Smoother
-     */
-    SmootherBase<DOFMatrix,
-		 SparseVector<double>,
-		 std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> > *smoother_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Interpolation matrix for interpolating the residual between two meshes.
-     */
-    InterpolRestrictMatrix *interpolMatrix_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Restriction matrix for restricting the residual between two meshes.
-     */
-    InterpolRestrictMatrix *restrictMatrix_;
-    /** \brief
-     *
-     */
-    int galerkin_;
-  };
-  // ============================================================================
-  // ============================================================================
-  // ============================================================================
-  // ============================================================================
-  /** \brief
-   * Implementation of the multigrid solver base class for scalar problems.
-   */
-  class MultiGridSolverVec : public MultiGridSolverBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-							SystemVector>
-  {
-  public:
-    /** \brief
-     * Multigrid data that depends on the fe space.
-     */
-    class FESpaceData
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(FESpaceData);
-      /** \brief
-       * Set of DOFs of all elements of the level.
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> levelDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Set of DOFs of all elements of the level, which are also 
-       * included in finer levels.
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> fineDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Set of DOFs of all elements of the level, which are not
-       * included in finer levels.
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> coarseDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       */
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> nearestNeighbourDOFs_;
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Multigrid data that depend on the mesh.
-     */
-    class MeshData
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(MeshData);
-      MeshData() : maxLevel(0) {};
-      int maxLevel;
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Data for one component within one level.
-     */
-    class ComponentData
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(ComponentData);
-      ComponentData()
-	: feSpaceData_(NULL),
-	  meshData_(NULL)
-      {};
-      FESpaceData *feSpaceData_;
-      MeshData    *meshData_;
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Data for one multigrid level.
-     */
-    class LevelData
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(LevelData);
-      LevelData()
-	: matrix_(NULL),
-	  oldSolution_(NULL),
-	  solution_(NULL),
-	  rhs_(NULL)
-      {};
-      /** \brief
-       * The DOF matrices.
-       */
-      Matrix<DOFMatrix*>                *matrix_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Vector of old solutions, each stored in sparse format.
-       */
-      Vector<SparseVector<double>*>     *oldSolution_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Vector of solutions, each stored in sparse format.
-       */
-      Vector<SparseVector<double>*>     *solution_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Vector of rhs', each stored in sparse format.
-       */
-      Vector<SparseVector<double>*>     *rhs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Mesh and FE space dependend data for each component.
-       */
-      std::vector<ComponentData>         components_;
-      /** \brief
-       * Stores for each component all DOFs at this level.
-       */
-      Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> levelDOFs_;
-      /** \brief
-       * List of all elements in the mesh on the current level.
-       */
-      std::vector<Element*>     elements_;
-      /** \brief
-       * This array is only used if the elements are of dim=3. Than there
-       * are different element types possible. All different element types
-       * of the mesh are stored here.
-       */
-      std::vector<int>          elementTypes_;
-    };
-  public:
-    /** \brief
-     * Constructor of the vector multigrid solver.
-     */
-    MultiGridSolverVec(const std::string &name);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the residual and checks if its norm is less than the tolerance.
-     */
-    bool toleranceReached(double tol);
-    /** \brief
-     * Traverses all elements and searchs for the highest level of an 
-     * elements DOF. The result is stored in variable maxLevel_.
-     */
-    void initMaxLevel();
-    /** \brief
-     * Initialize the multigrid solver.
-     */
-    void initMultiGrid(bool initMG);
-    /** \brief
-     * Frees all allocated memory.
-     */
-    void exitMultiGrid();
-    /** \brief
-     * Solve the given level exactly.
-     * TODO: Implement a real exact solver. At the moment we use the smoother.
-     */
-    void exactSolve(int level);
-    /** \brief
-     * Call the smoother on the given level. steps is the maximum number of 
-     * smoothing steps.
-     */
-    void smooth(int level, int steps);
-    /** \brief
-     * Restricts the residual and the solution from a fine multigrid level to 
-     * a coarser multigrid level.
-     */
-    void restrict(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Prolongates the residual from a coarse multigrid level to a finer
-     * multigrid level.
-     */
-    void prolongate(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the residual of a given leve. CoarseLevel parameter will be
-     * not considered.
-     */
-    void computeResidual(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the rhs of the coarse level. Level parameter will be not 
-     * considered.
-     */
-    void computeRHS(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Computes the correction of the coarse level. Level parameter will be
-     * not considered.
-     */
-    void computeCorrection(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Add the correction, which has been computed on the coarse grid, to the
-     * solution of the fine grid.
-     */
-    void fixSolution(int level, int coarseLevel);
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns for a given level the next coarser multigrid level.
-     */
-    int coarserLevel(int level) {
-      FUNCNAME("MultiGridSolverVec::coarserLevel()");
-      TEST_EXIT(level > minLevel_)("invalid level\n");
-      do {
-	--level;
-      } while(!isMGLevel(level));
-      return level;
-    };
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns true if the level is a multigrid level, otherwise false.
-     */
-    inline bool isMGLevel(int level) {
-      return isMGLevel_[level];
-    };
-    void initFullMultiGrid();
-    void fmgInterpol(int level);
-    inline int mgLevel(int level) {
-      while(!isMGLevel_[level]) {
-	++level;
-      }
-      return level;    
-    };
-  protected:
-    /** \brief
-     * Defines for all mesh levels, if the level is a multigrid level.
-     * isMGLevel[0] is the coarsest grid level.
-     */
-    std::vector<bool> isMGLevel_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Data of all multigrid levels.
-     */
-    std::vector<LevelData> levels_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Sparse vectors containing the residuals.
-     */
-    Vector<SparseVector<double>*> *sparseResidual_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Dense vectors containing the residuals.
-     */
-    SystemVector *denseResidual_;
-    /** \brief
-     * 2-Norm of the last residual.
-     */
-    double lastRes_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Counts the number of multigrid iterations.
-     */
-    int iteration_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Number of smoothing steps on the coarsest level.
-     */
-    int coarseSmoothingSteps_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Is the number of mesh levels that at least are skipped between two
-     * multigrid levels.
-     */
-    int minLevelGap_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Maximum number of multigrid levels.
-     */
-    int maxMGLevels_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Number of components in the vector problem.
-     */
-    int numComponents_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Smoother
-     */
-    SmootherBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, 
-		 Vector<SparseVector<double>*>,
-		 Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> > *smoother_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Vector of interpolation matrices for interpolating the residual between 
-     * two meshes.
-     */
-    std::vector<InterpolRestrictMatrix*> interpolMatrix_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Vector of restriction matrices for restricting the residual between 
-     * two meshes.
-     */
-    std::vector<InterpolRestrictMatrix*> restrictMatrix_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Diagonal entries in the system matrix.
-     */
-    SystemVector *diagEntries_;
-    /** \brief
-     *
-     */
-    bool boxSmoothing_;
-    /** \brief
-     *
-     */
-    Vector< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>*> boxDOFs_;
-    /** \brief
-     *
-     */
-    int galerkin_;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.h b/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 5294b3f4..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file MultiGridSolverBase.h */
-#if 0
-#include <string>
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
-  class MultiGridSolverBase
-  {
-  public:
-    /** \brief
-     * Constructor, reads all multigrid parameters from the init file.
-     */
-    MultiGridSolverBase(const ::std::string &name) ;
-    /** \brief
-     * Destructor
-     */
-    virtual ~MultiGridSolverBase() {};
-    /** \brief
-     * Abstract function for solving an equation using multigrid method.
-     * This function does not need to be reimplemented by a derived class.
-     */
-    virtual int solve(MatrixType &a, 
-		      VectorType &x,
-		      VectorType &b,
-		      bool initMG = true,
-		      bool exitMG = true);
-    /** \brief
-     * Implements one multigrid iteration. This function does not need to be
-     * reimplemented by a derived class.
-     */
-    virtual void multiGridIteration(int level);
-    virtual bool toleranceReached(double tol) = 0;
-    virtual void initMaxLevel() = 0;
-    virtual void initMultiGrid(bool createLevels) = 0;
-    virtual void exitMultiGrid() = 0;
-    virtual void smooth(int level, int steps) = 0;
-    virtual void restrict(int level, int coarseLevel) = 0;
-    virtual void prolongate(int level, int coarseLevel) = 0;
-    virtual void computeResidual(int level, int coarseLevel) = 0;
-    virtual void computeRHS(int level, int coarseLevel) = 0;
-    virtual void computeCorrection(int level, int coarseLevel) = 0;
-    virtual void fixSolution(int level, int coarseLevel) = 0;
-    virtual void exactSolve(int level) = 0;
-    virtual int coarserLevel(int level) = 0;
-    virtual void initFullMultiGrid() {};
-    virtual void fmgInterpol(int level) {};
-  protected:
-    /** \brief
-     * Coefficent matrix
-     */
-    MatrixType *systemMatrix_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Vector for the computed solution.
-     */
-    VectorType *solution_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Right hand side of the equation.
-     */
-    VectorType *rhs_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Name of the problem, corresponding to the name in the init file.
-     */
-    ::std::string name_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Tolerance for the computation. The multigrid method finished, if the
-     * norm of the residual is less than the tolerance.
-     */
-    double tolerance_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Maximum number of multigrid iterations.
-     */
-    int maxIterations_;
-    /** \brief
-     * The coarsest multigrid level.
-     */
-    int minLevel_;
-    /** \brief
-     * The finest multigrid level.
-     */
-    int maxLevel_;
-    int numCycles_;
-     /** \brief
-     * Number of smoothing steps on the solution before the recursive multigrid call.
-     */
-    int preSmoothingSteps_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Number of smoothing steps on the solution after the recursive multigrid call.
-     */
-    int postSmoothingSteps_;
-    /** \brief
-     * If the method of full multigrid should be used, this variable has a non
-     * zero value.
-     */
-    int fmg_;
-  };
-#include "MultiGridSolverBase.hh"
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.hh b/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b9d9aa..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridSolverBase.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-#include "Global.h"
-#include "Parameters.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
-  MultiGridSolverBase<MatrixType, VectorType>::MultiGridSolverBase(const std::string &name)
-    : name_(name),
-      tolerance_(1e-8),
-      maxIterations_(100),
-      minLevel_(0),
-      maxLevel_(-1),
-      numCycles_(1),
-      preSmoothingSteps_(1),
-      postSmoothingSteps_(1),
-      fmg_(0)
-  {
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->tolerance", "%e", &tolerance_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->max iteration", "%d", &maxIterations_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->mg cycle type", "%d", &numCycles_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->pre smoothing steps", "%d", &preSmoothingSteps_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->post smoothing steps", "%d", &postSmoothingSteps_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->min level", "%d", &minLevel_);
-    GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->full mg", "%d", &fmg_);
-    interpolMatrices[0][0] = new IM_1d_1;
-    interpolMatrices[0][1] = new IM_1d_2;
-    interpolMatrices[0][2] = NULL;
-    interpolMatrices[0][3] = NULL;
-    interpolMatrices[1][0] = new IM_2d_1;
-    interpolMatrices[1][1] = new IM_2d_2;
-    interpolMatrices[1][2] = new IM_2d_3;
-    interpolMatrices[1][3] = new IM_2d_4;
-    interpolMatrices[2][0] = new IM_3d_1;
-    interpolMatrices[2][1] = new IM_3d_2;
-    interpolMatrices[2][2] = new IM_3d_3; 
-    interpolMatrices[2][3] = new IM_3d_4;
-    restrictMatrices[0][0] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[0][0]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[0][1] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[0][1]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[0][2] = NULL;
-    restrictMatrices[0][3] = NULL;
-    restrictMatrices[1][0] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[1][0]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[1][1] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[1][1]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[1][2] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[1][2]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[1][3] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[1][3]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[2][0] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[2][0]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[2][1] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[2][1]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[2][2] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[2][2]), true);
-    restrictMatrices[2][3] = new InterpolRestrictMatrix(*(interpolMatrices[2][3]), true);
-  }
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
-  int MultiGridSolverBase<MatrixType, VectorType>::solve(MatrixType &a, 
-							 VectorType &x,
-							 VectorType &b,
-							 bool initMG,
-							 bool exitMG)
-  {
-    int i = 0;
-    systemMatrix_ = &a;
-    solution_ = &x;
-    rhs_ = &b;
-    initMaxLevel();
-    if (minLevel_ > maxLevel_) 
-      minLevel_ = maxLevel_;
-    initMultiGrid(initMG);
-    if (fmg_) {
-      initFullMultiGrid();
-      for (int i = 1; i < maxLevel_ + 1; i++) {
-	fmgInterpol(i);
-	multiGridIteration(i);
-      }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations_; i++) {
-      if (toleranceReached(tolerance_)) 
-	break;
-      multiGridIteration(maxLevel_);
-    }
-    if (exitMG) {
-      exitMultiGrid();
-    }
-    return i + 1;
-  }
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
-  void MultiGridSolverBase<MatrixType, VectorType>::multiGridIteration(int level)
-  {
-    if (level <= minLevel_) {
-      // If we are on the coarsest possible grid, use exact solver.
-      exactSolve(minLevel_);
-    } else {
-      // Get the next coarser level.
-      int coarseLevel = coarserLevel(level);
-      // Smooth the solution on the fine grid.
-      smooth(level, preSmoothingSteps_);
-      // Compute the residual on the fine grid.
-      computeResidual(level, coarseLevel);
-      // Restrict the residual to the coarser grid.
-      restrict(level, coarseLevel);
-      // Compute defect equation on the coarser grid.
-      computeRHS(level, coarseLevel);
-      // Apply multigrid on the coarser grid.
-      for (int i = 0; i < numCycles_; i++) {
-	multiGridIteration(coarseLevel);
-      }
-      // Compute correction of the solution.
-      computeCorrection(level, coarseLevel);
-      // Prolongate the solution to the finer grid.
-      prolongate(level, coarseLevel);
-      // Add the correction, computed on the coarse grid, to the solution
-      // on the fine grid.
-      fixSolution(level, coarseLevel);
-      // Apply smoothing on the solution on the fine grid.
-      smooth(level, postSmoothingSteps_);
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridWrapper.h b/AMDiS/src/MultiGridWrapper.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 272cc2e1..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/MultiGridWrapper.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file MultiGridWrapper.h */
-#if 0
-#include "MultiGridSolver.h"
-#include "MatVecMultiplier.h"
-#include "OEMSolver.h"
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  /** \brief
-   * Wrapper to make the multigrid solver accessible as a normal scal solver.
-   */
-  class MultiGridWrapperScal : public OEMSolver<DOFVector<double> >
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(MultiGridWrapperScal);
-    /** \brief
-     * Creator class used in the OEMSolverMap.
-     */
-    class Creator : public OEMSolverCreator<DOFVector<double> >
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(Creator);
-      virtual ~Creator() {};
-      /** \brief
-       * Returns a new object.
-       */
-      OEMSolver<DOFVector<double> >* create() { 
-	return 
-	  NEW MultiGridWrapperScal(name);
-      };
-    };
-    MultiGridWrapperScal(std::string name) 
-      : OEMSolver<DOFVector<double> >(name)
-    {
-      mgSolver_ = 
-	NEW MultiGridSolverScal(name);
-    };
-    ~MultiGridWrapperScal() {
-      DELETE mgSolver_;
-    };
-    void init() {};
-    void exit() {};
-    int solveSystem(MatVecMultiplier<DOFVector<double> > *mv,
-		    DOFVector<double>                    *x, 
-		    DOFVector<double>                    *b,
-		    bool reuseMatrix)
-    {
-      DOFMatrix *matrix = 
-	dynamic_cast<StandardMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >*>(mv)->getMatrix();
-      return mgSolver_->solve(*matrix, *x, *b, reuseMatrix);
-    };
-  protected:
-    MultiGridSolverBase<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> > *mgSolver_;
-  };
-  /** \brief
-   * Wrapper to make the multigrid solver accessible as a normal vector solver.
-   */
-  class MultiGridWrapperVec : public OEMSolver<SystemVector>
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(MultiGridWrapperVec);
-    /** \brief
-     * Creator class used in the OEMSolverMap.
-     */
-    class Creator : public OEMSolverCreator<SystemVector>
-    {
-    public:
-      MEMORY_MANAGED(Creator);
-      virtual ~Creator() {};
-      /** \brief
-       * Returns a new object.
-       */
-      OEMSolver<SystemVector>* create() { 
-	return NEW MultiGridWrapperVec(name);
-      };
-    };
-    MultiGridWrapperVec(std::string name) 
-      : OEMSolver<SystemVector>(name)
-    {
-      mgSolver_ = 
-	NEW MultiGridSolverVec(name);
-    };
-    ~MultiGridWrapperVec() {
-      DELETE mgSolver_;
-    };
-    void init() {};
-    void exit() {};
-    int solveSystem(MatVecMultiplier<SystemVector> *mv,
-		    SystemVector                   *x, 
-		    SystemVector                   *b,
-		    bool reuseMatrix)
-    {
-      Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *matrix = 
-	dynamic_cast<StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector>*>(mv)->getMatrix();
-      return mgSolver_->solve(*matrix, *x, *b, reuseMatrix);
-    };
-  protected:
-    MultiGridSolverBase<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector> *mgSolver_;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index 84fdbb30..6eed0b19 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 #include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
 #include "Estimator.h"
 #include "OEMSolver.h"
-#include "MatVecMultiplier.h"
 #include "DOFVector.h"
 #include "Marker.h"
 #include "AdaptInfo.h"
@@ -452,9 +451,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     solution->set(0.0);      /*  initialize u_h  !                      */
-    // === create matVec ===
-    matVec = NEW StandardMatVec<DOFMatrix, DOFVector<double> >(systemMatrix);
   void ProblemScal::createSolver()
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ProblemScal.h b/AMDiS/src/ProblemScal.h
index 4efc76a2..87d54dd9 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/ProblemScal.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/ProblemScal.h
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-	matVec(NULL),
@@ -352,9 +351,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     /// System matrix
     DOFMatrix *systemMatrix;
-    /// Matrix-vector multiplication
-    MatVecMultiplier<DOFVector<double> > *matVec;
     /// Determines whether domain boundaries should be considered at assembling.
     bool useGetBound;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index 0467afe8..28d5d3a0 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include "ProblemVec.h"
 #include "RecoveryEstimator.h"
 #include "Serializer.h"
@@ -17,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "DualTraverse.h"
 #include "Mesh.h"
 #include "OEMSolver.h"
-#include "MatVecMultiplier.h"
 #include "DirichletBC.h"
 #include "RobinBC.h"
 #include "PeriodicBC.h"
@@ -340,9 +338,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    // === create matVec ===
-    matVec = NEW StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector>(systemMatrix);
   void ProblemVec::createSolver()
@@ -989,8 +984,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     if (rhs) 
-      rhs->getDOFVector(row)->getBoundaryManager()->
-	addBoundaryCondition(periodic);
+      rhs->getDOFVector(row)->getBoundaryManager()->addBoundaryCondition(periodic);
   void ProblemVec::assembleOnOneMesh(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, 
@@ -1010,7 +1004,8 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 #pragma omp parallel
-      BoundaryType *bound = useGetBound ? GET_MEMORY(BoundaryType, basisFcts->getNumber()) : NULL;
+      BoundaryType *bound = 
+	useGetBound ? GET_MEMORY(BoundaryType, basisFcts->getNumber()) : NULL;
       // Create for every thread its private matrix and vector, on that
       // the thread will assemble its part of the mesh.
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.h b/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.h
index e1cae1eb..03a64450 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.h
@@ -42,9 +42,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 		     public StandardProblemIteration
-    /** \brief
-     * constructor
-     */
+    /// Constructor
     ProblemVec(const std::string &nameStr,
 	       ProblemIterationInterface *problemIteration = NULL)
       : StandardProblemIteration(this),
@@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-	matVec(NULL),
@@ -517,9 +514,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     std::vector< std::vector< bool > > assembledMatrix;
-    /// Matrix-vector multiplication
-    MatVecMultiplier<SystemVector> *matVec;
     /// Determines whether domain boundaries should be considered at assembling.
     bool useGetBound;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index 000786d6..bf8ae05b 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     DELETE neighInfo;
-#if 1
   void ResidualEstimator::estimateElement(ElInfo *elInfo)
@@ -467,195 +466,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-#if 0
-  void ResidualEstimator::estimateElement(ElInfo *elInfo)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("ResidualEstimator::estimateElement()");
-    TEST_EXIT(!C0 && !C2 && !C3)("NOT YET!\n");
-    Element *neigh;
-    std::vector<Operator*>::iterator it;
-    Element *el = elInfo->getElement();
-    double det = elInfo->getDet();
-    const DimVec<WorldVector<double> > &grdLambda = elInfo->getGrdLambda();
-    double est_el = el->getEstimation(row);
-    for (int system = 0; system < nSystems; system++) {
-      if (matrix[system] == NULL) 
-	continue;
-      // init assemblers
-      std::vector<Operator*>::iterator it;
-      for (it = const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(matrix[system])->getOperatorsBegin();
-	   it != const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(matrix[system])->getOperatorsEnd(); 
-	   ++it) {
-	(*it)->getAssembler(omp_get_thread_num())->initElement(elInfo, NULL, quad);
-      }
-      if (timestep) {
-	uhOld[system]->getLocalVector(el, uhOldEl[system]);
-      }          
-    }
-    double val = 0.0;
-    double h2 = h2_from_det(det, dim);
-    if (timestep != 0.0 || norm == NO_NORM || norm == L2_NORM) {
-      val = C0 * h2 * h2 * det * val;
-    } else {
-      val = C0 * h2 * det * val;
-    }
-    est_el += val;
-    // ===== jump residuals 
-    if (C1 && (dim > 1)) {
-      int dow = Global::getGeo(WORLD);
-      for (int face = 0; face < neighbours_; face++) {  
-	neigh = const_cast<Element*>(elInfo->getNeighbour(face));
-	if (neigh && neigh->getMark()) {      
-	  int oppV = elInfo->getOppVertex(face);
-	  el->sortFaceIndices(face, &faceIndEl_);
-	  neigh->sortFaceIndices(oppV, &faceIndNeigh_);
-	  neighInfo->setElement(const_cast<Element*>(neigh));
-	  neighInfo->setFillFlag(Mesh::FILL_COORDS);
-	  for (int i = 0; i < dow; i++)
-	    neighInfo->getCoord(oppV)[i] = elInfo->getOppCoord(face)[i];
-	  bool periodicCoords = false;     
-	  if (!periodicCoords) {
-	    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
-	      int i1 = faceIndEl_[i];
-	      int i2 = faceIndNeigh_[i];
-	      for (int j = 0; j < dow; j++)
-		neighInfo->getCoord(i2)[j] = elInfo->getCoord(i1)[j];
-	    }
-	  }
-	  double detNeigh = abs(neighInfo->calcGrdLambda(*lambdaNeigh_));
-	  for (int iq = 0; iq < nPointsSurface_; iq++) {
-	    jump_[iq].set(0.0);
-	  }	     
-	  for (int system = 0; system < nSystems; system++) {	
-	    if (matrix[system] == NULL) 
-	      continue;
-	    uh[system]->getLocalVector(el, uhEl[system]);	
-	    uh[system]->getLocalVector(neigh, uhNeigh[system]);
-	    for (int iq = 0; iq < nPointsSurface_; iq++) {
-	      (*lambda_)[face] = 0.0;
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
-		(*lambda_)[faceIndEl_[i]] = surfaceQuad_->getLambda(iq, i);
-	      }
-	      basFcts[system]->evalGrdUh(*lambda_, 
-					 grdLambda, 
-					 uhEl[system], 
-					 &grdUhEl_[iq]);
-	      (*lambda_)[oppV] = 0.0;
-	      for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
-		(*lambda_)[faceIndNeigh_[i]] = surfaceQuad_->getLambda(iq, i);
-	      }
-	      basFcts[system]->evalGrdUh(*lambda_, 
-					 *lambdaNeigh_, 
-					 uhNeigh[system], 
-					 &grdUhNeigh_[iq]);
-	      grdUhEl_[iq] -= grdUhNeigh_[iq];
-	    }				
-	    std::vector<double*>::iterator fac;
-	    for (it = const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(matrix[system])->getOperatorsBegin(),
-		   fac = const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(matrix[system])->getOperatorEstFactorBegin(); 
-		 it != const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(matrix[system])->getOperatorsEnd(); 
-		 ++it, ++fac) {
-	      for (int iq = 0; iq < nPointsSurface_; iq++) {
-		localJump_[iq].set(0.0);
-	      }
-	      (*it)->weakEvalSecondOrder(nPointsSurface_,
-					 grdUhEl_.getValArray(),
-					 localJump_.getValArray());
-	      double factor = *fac ? **fac : 1.0;
-	      if (factor != 1.0) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < nPointsSurface_; i++) {
-		  localJump_[i] *= factor;
-		}
-	      }
-	      for (int i = 0; i < nPointsSurface_; i++) {
-		jump_[i] += localJump_[i];
-	      }
-	    }				     
-	  }
-	  val = 0.0;
-	  for (int iq = 0; iq < nPointsSurface_; iq++) {
-	    val += surfaceQuad_->getWeight(iq) * (jump_[iq] * jump_[iq]);
-	  }
-	  double d = 0.5 * (det + detNeigh);
-	  if (norm == NO_NORM || norm == L2_NORM)
-	    val *= C1 * h2_from_det(d, dim) * d;
-	  else
-	    val *= C1 * d;
-	  neigh->setEstimation(neigh->getEstimation(row) + val, row);
-	  est_el += val;
-	} 
-      } 
-      val = fh[std::max(row, 0)]->
-	getBoundaryManager()->
-	boundResidual(elInfo, matrix[std::max(row, 0)], uh[std::max(row, 0)]);
-      if (norm == NO_NORM || norm == L2_NORM)
-	val *= C1 * h2;
-      else
-	val *= C1;
-      est_el += val;
-    } 
-    el->setEstimation(est_el, row);
-    est_sum += est_el;
-    est_max = max(est_max, est_el);
-    elInfo->getElement()->setMark(0);   
-  }
   void r(const ElInfo *elInfo,
 	 int nPoints,
 	 const double *uhIq,
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/SmootherBase.h b/AMDiS/src/SmootherBase.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd89481..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/SmootherBase.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-/** \file SmootherBase.h */
-#include "Global.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include "CreatorInterface.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType, typename DOFSetType>
-  class SmootherBase
-  {
-  public:
-    SmootherBase(std::string name) : name_(name) {};
-    virtual ~SmootherBase() {};
-    virtual void smooth(MatrixType       *matrix,
-			VectorType       *solution,
-			VectorType       *rhs,
-			int               iterations,
-			const DOFSetType &dofSet) = 0;
-  protected:
-    const std::string name_;
-  };
-  template<typename MatrixType, typename VectorType, typename DOFSetType>
-  class SmootherCreator : public CreatorInterface<SmootherBase<MatrixType, 
-							       VectorType,
-							       DOFSetType> >
-  { 
-  public:
-    virtual ~SmootherCreator() {};
-    void setName(std::string name_) { name = name_; };
-  protected:
-    std::string name;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e144280..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#include "SparseVector.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
-#include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl.hpp>
-namespace AMDiS {
-  template<>
-  void SparseVector<double>::refineInterpol(RCNeighbourList& list, int n)
-  {
-    (const_cast<BasisFunction*>(this->getFESpace()->getBasisFcts()))->refineInter(this, &list, n);
-  }
-  template<>
-  void SparseVector<double>::coarseRestrict(RCNeighbourList& list, int n)
-  {
-    (const_cast<BasisFunction*>(this->getFESpace()->getBasisFcts()))->coarseInter(this, &list, n);
-  }
-  template<>
-  void SparseVector<double>::print() 
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("SparseVector::print()");
-    int i, size = static_cast<int>(vec_.size());
-    for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-      MSG("dof %d - %e\n", (*physToLog_)[i], vec_[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  template<>
-  void axpy<double>(double a, SparseVector<double>& x, SparseVector<double>& y,
-		    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet)
-  {
-    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, dofEnd = dofSet.end();
-    for(dofIt = dofSet.begin(); dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-      y[*dofIt] += a * x[*dofIt];
-    }
-  }
-  template<>
-  void mv<double>(DOFMatrix &a, 
-		  SparseVector<double> &x,
-		  SparseVector<double> &result,
-		  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet,
-		  bool add)
-  {
-      using namespace mtl; 
-      using mtl::tag::nz; using mtl::begin; using mtl::end;
-      namespace traits= mtl::traits;
-      typedef DOFMatrix::base_matrix_type   Matrix;
-      Matrix &matrix= a.getBaseMatrix();
-      traits::row<Matrix>::type                                 row(matrix);
-      traits::col<Matrix>::type                                 col(matrix);
-      traits::const_value<Matrix>::type                         value(matrix);
-      typedef traits::range_generator<tag::row, Matrix>::type   cursor_type;
-      typedef traits::range_generator<nz, cursor_type>::type    icursor_type;
-      for (cursor_type cursor = begin<tag::row>(matrix), cend = end<tag::row>(matrix); cursor != cend; ++cursor) {
-	icursor_type icursor = begin<nz>(cursor), icend = end<nz>(cursor); 
-	double sum= add ? result[row(*icursor)] : 0.0;
-	for (; icursor != icend; ++icursor)
-	  sum+= value(*icursor) * const_cast<SparseVector<double>&>(x)[col(*icursor)];
-	result[row(*icursor)]= sum;
-      }
-#if 0
-    //DOFMatrix::Iterator matIt(const_cast<DOFMatrix*>(&a), USED_DOFS);
-    std::vector<MatEntry>::iterator rowIt, rowEnd;
-    DegreeOfFreedom row, col;
-    if(!add) result.clear();
-    //  for(matIt.reset(); !matIt.end(); ++matIt) {
-    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, dofEnd = dofSet.end();
-    for(dofIt = dofSet.begin(); dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-      row = *dofIt;
-      rowEnd = a[row].end();
-      for(rowIt = a[row].begin(); rowIt != rowEnd; ++rowIt) {
-	col = rowIt->col;
-	if(col == DOFMatrix::UNUSED_ENTRY) continue;
-	if(col == DOFMatrix::NO_MORE_ENTRIES) break;
-	result[row] += rowIt->entry * const_cast<SparseVector<double>&>(x)[col];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  template<>
-  double SparseVector<double>::norm()
-  {
-    double norm = 0.0;
-    std::vector<double>::iterator it, end = vec_.end();
-    for(it = vec_.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
-      norm += *it * *it;
-    }
-    return sqrt(norm);
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/SparseVector.h b/AMDiS/src/SparseVector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d560030c..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/SparseVector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
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-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  crystal growth group                                                  ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  Stiftung caesar                                                       ==
-// ==  Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2                                                 ==
-// ==  53175 Bonn                                                            ==
-// ==  germany                                                               ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
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-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==                                         ==
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-/** \file SparseVector.h */
-#include "MemoryManager.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-namespace AMDiS
-  template<typename T> class SparseVector;
-  template<typename T>
-  void axpy(double a, SparseVector<T>& x, SparseVector<T>& y,
-	    std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet);
-  template<typename T>
-  void mv(DOFMatrix &a, 
-	  SparseVector<T> &x,
-	  SparseVector<T> &result,
-	  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet,
-	  bool add = false); 
-  class FiniteElemSpace;
-  template<typename T>
-  class SparseVector : public DOFVectorBase<T>
-  {
-  public:
-    MEMORY_MANAGED(SparseVector);
-    SparseVector(const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, const char *name)
-      : DOFVectorBase<T>(feSpace, name),
-	master_(NULL)
-    {
-      logToPhys_ = new std::map<DegreeOfFreedom, int>;
-      physToLog_ = new std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>;
-    };
-    SparseVector(const char *name, SparseVector *master)
-      : DOFVectorBase<T>(master->getFESpace(), name),
-	logToPhys_(master->logToPhys_),
-	physToLog_(master->physToLog_),
-	master_(master)
-    {
-      master_->clients_.push_back(this);
-      vec_.resize(physToLog_->size(), 0.0);
-    };
-    virtual ~SparseVector() {
-      if(master_) {
-	typename std::vector<SparseVector<T>*>::iterator clientIt, clientEnd = master_->clients_.end();
-	for(clientIt = master_->clients_.begin(); clientIt != clientEnd; ++clientIt) {
-	  if(*clientIt == this) {
-	    master_->clients_.erase(clientIt);
-	    break;
-	  }
-	}
-      } else {
-	TEST_EXIT_DBG(clients_.empty())("delete clients first\n");
-	delete logToPhys_;
-	delete physToLog_;
-      }
-    };
-    //void createSparseIndices(std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofs);
-    void copyToDOFVector(DOFVector<T> &dofVec);
-    void copyToDOFVector(DOFVector<T> &dofVec,
-			 std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofs);
-    void copyFromDOFVector(DOFVector<T> &dofVec,
-			   std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofs);
-    void clear(bool eraseEntries = true);
-    T norm();
-    void copy(SparseVector &x, const std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet);
-    void copy(SparseVector &x, const std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet);
-    void print();
-    inline void synchronize() {
-      vec_.resize(physToLog_->size(), 0.0);
-    };
-    virtual int getSize() const { 
-      return static_cast<int>(physToLog_->size()); 
-    };
-    virtual void resize(int size) {};
-    virtual void compressDOFIndexed(int first, int last, 
-				    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> &newDOF) 
-    {
-      ERROR_EXIT("compress called\n");
-    };
-    virtual void freeDOFContent(int) {};
-    virtual void refineInterpol(RCNeighbourList&, int);
-    virtual void coarseRestrict(RCNeighbourList&, int);
-    virtual typename std::vector<T>::iterator begin() {
-      static typename std::vector<T>::iterator dummy;
-      return dummy;
-    };
-    virtual typename std::vector<T>::iterator end() {
-      static typename std::vector<T>::iterator dummy;
-      return dummy;
-    };
-    virtual T& operator[](DegreeOfFreedom i);
-    virtual const T& operator[](DegreeOfFreedom i) const;
-    inline bool isSparseIndex(int i) {
-      return  (*logToPhys_)[i] != 0;
-    };
-  protected:
-    std::map<DegreeOfFreedom, int> *logToPhys_;
-    std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> *physToLog_;
-    std::vector<T> vec_;
-    SparseVector *master_;
-    std::vector<SparseVector*> clients_;
-    friend void axpy<>(double a, SparseVector<T>& x, SparseVector<T>& y,
-		       std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet);
-    friend void mv<>(DOFMatrix &a,	
-		     SparseVector<T> &x, 
-		     SparseVector<T> &result,
-		     std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet,
-		     bool add); 
-  };
-#include "SparseVector.hh"
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/SparseVector.hh b/AMDiS/src/SparseVector.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index e9489f9b..00000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/SparseVector.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::refineInterpol(RCNeighbourList& list, int n)
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::coarseRestrict(RCNeighbourList& list, int n)
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::copyToDOFVector(DOFVector<T> &dofVec,
-				   std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofs)
-  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofsIt;
-  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofsEnd = dofs.end();
-  for(dofsIt = dofs.begin(); dofsIt != dofsEnd; ++dofsIt) {
-    dofVec[*dofsIt] = operator[](*dofsIt);
-  }
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::copyToDOFVector(DOFVector<T> &dofVec)
-  int i, size = static_cast<int>((*physToLog_).size());
-//   vec_.resize(size, 0.0);
-  for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-    dofVec[(*physToLog_)[i]] = vec_[i];
-  }
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::copyFromDOFVector(DOFVector<T>         &dofVec,
-				     std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofs)
-  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofsIt;
-  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofsEnd = dofs.end();
-  for(dofsIt = dofs.begin(); dofsIt != dofsEnd; ++dofsIt) {
-    operator[](*dofsIt) = dofVec[*dofsIt];
-  }
-template<typename T>
-T& SparseVector<T>::operator[](DegreeOfFreedom i)
-  int physIndex = (*logToPhys_)[i];
-//   vec_.resize(physToLog_->size(), 0.0);
-  if(physIndex == 0) {
-    vec_.push_back(0.0);
-    (*physToLog_).push_back(i);
-    physIndex = (*logToPhys_)[i] = static_cast<int>(vec_.size());
-    typename std::vector<SparseVector<T>*>::iterator clientIt, clientEnd;
-    if(master_) {
-      clientEnd = master_->clients_.end();
-      master_->vec_.resize(physToLog_->size(), 0.0);
-      for(clientIt = master_->clients_.begin(); clientIt != clientEnd; ++clientIt) {
-	(*clientIt)->vec_.resize(physToLog_->size(), 0.0);
-      }
-    } else {
-      clientEnd = clients_.end();
-      for(clientIt = clients_.begin(); clientIt != clientEnd; ++clientIt) {
-	(*clientIt)->vec_.resize(physToLog_->size(), 0.0);
-      }      
-    }
-  }
-  return vec_[physIndex-1];
-template<typename T>
-const T& SparseVector<T>::operator[](DegreeOfFreedom i) const
-  return (*const_cast<SparseVector*>(this))[i];
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::clear(bool eraseEntries)
-//   if(master_ && eraseEntries) {
-//     (*logToPhys_).clear();
-//     (*physToLog_).resize(0);
-//     vec_.resize(0);
-//   } else {
-//   vec_.resize(physToLog_->size(), 0.0);
-  typename std::vector<T>::iterator vecIt, vecEnd = vec_.end();
-  for(vecIt = vec_.begin(); vecIt != vecEnd; ++vecIt) {
-    *vecIt = 0;
-  }
-//   }
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::copy(SparseVector<T> &x, 
-			   const std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet)
-  std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, dofEnd = dofSet.end();
-  for(dofIt = dofSet.begin(); dofIt != dofEnd; ++dofIt) {
-    operator[](*dofIt) = x[*dofIt];
-  }  
-template<typename T>
-void SparseVector<T>::copy(SparseVector<T> &x, 
-			   const std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> &dofSet)
-  std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt, 
-    dofEnd = const_cast< std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).end();
-  for(dofIt = const_cast< std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom>&>(dofSet).begin(); 
-      dofIt != dofEnd; 
-      ++dofIt) 
-  {
-    operator[](*dofIt) = x[*dofIt];
-  }  