From 323d3c5c351fb9914da48cbb47322d3ef73bf60c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Witkowski <>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 15:43:16 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] d

 AMDiS/src/parallel/         |  83 ++++++-
 AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h          |   6 +
 .../src/parallel/  |  35 ++-
 AMDiS/src/parallel/ | 203 ------------------
 4 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)

diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
index 5cdc1ce4..597374c6 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/parallel/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+      dirichletMode(0),
@@ -108,8 +109,10 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     if (subdomain == NULL) {
       subdomain = new PetscSolverGlobalMatrix("");
-      //      subdomain->setHandleDirichletRows(false);
-      subdomain->setHandleDirichletRows(true);
+      if (dirichletMode == 0)
+	subdomain->setHandleDirichletRows(true);
+      else
+	subdomain->setHandleDirichletRows(false);
       if (meshLevel == 0) {
@@ -143,15 +146,15 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    return;
-    int nComponents = mat.getSize();
-    for (int component = 0; component < nComponents; component++) {
-      DOFMatrix* dofMat = mat[component][component];
-      if (!dofMat)
-	continue;
-      dirichletRows[component] = dofMat->getDirichletRows();
+    if (dirichletMode == 1) {
+      int nComponents = mat.getSize();
+      for (int component = 0; component < nComponents; component++) {
+	DOFMatrix* dofMat = mat[component][component];
+	if (!dofMat)
+	  continue;
+	dirichletRows[component] = dofMat->getDirichletRows();
+      }
@@ -2115,6 +2118,35 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+      {
+	// PetscViewer petscView;
+	// PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "sol0.vec", 
+	// 		      FILE_MODE_READ, &petscView);
+	// VecLoad(vecSolInterface, petscView);
+	// PetscViewerDestroy(&petscView);
+      } 
+      {
+	//	PetscViewer petscView;
+	// PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "sol1.vec", 
+	// 		      FILE_MODE_READ, &petscView);
+	// VecLoad(vecSolLagrange, petscView);
+	// PetscViewerDestroy(&petscView);
+      } 
+      {
+	int n;
+	VecGetSize(vecSolInterface, &n);
+	double sum;
+	VecSum(vecSolInterface, &sum);
+	sum = -sum / static_cast<int>(n);
+	MSG("AVRG = %e\n", sum);
+      }
       Vec vecRhsArray[2] = {vecRhsInterface, vecRhsLagrange}; 
       VecCreateNest(mpiCommGlobal, 2, PETSC_NULL, vecRhsArray, &vecRhs);
@@ -2230,8 +2262,37 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     PetscSolverFetiDebug::debugFeti(*this, vecRhs);
     // === Solve with FETI-DP operator. ===
+    KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp_feti, PETSC_TRUE);
     KSPSolve(ksp_feti, vecRhs, vecSol);
+      {
+	int n;
+	VecGetSize(vecSolInterface, &n);
+	double sum;
+	VecSum(vecSolInterface, &sum);
+	sum = -sum / static_cast<int>(n);
+	MSG("SOL PRESSURE AVRG = %e\n", sum);
+      }
+    {
+      PetscViewer petscView;
+      PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "sol0.vec", 
+			    FILE_MODE_WRITE, &petscView);
+      VecView(vecSolInterface, petscView);
+      PetscViewerDestroy(&petscView);
+    }
+    {
+      PetscViewer petscView;
+      PetscViewerBinaryOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "sol1.vec", 
+			    FILE_MODE_WRITE, &petscView);
+      VecView(vecSolLagrange, petscView);
+      PetscViewerDestroy(&petscView);
+    }
     if (printTimings) {
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h
index f761230e..7b73c2e5 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/PetscSolverFeti.h
@@ -334,6 +334,12 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     int nOverallEdges;
+    /// There are two different dirichlet modes:
+    ///   0: dirichlet rows are zeroed and a diagonal element is set to one.
+    ///   1: dirichlet rows are removed (this mode does not work correctly, but
+    ///      many function are prepered to make use of it)
+    int dirichletMode;
     /// If true, the FETI-DP solver is applied to a Stokes like problem. Thus, 
     /// there is a pressure variable which is not part of the coarse grid
     /// problem.
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
index 2b66bd67..f73c2c06 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/parallel/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
@@ -252,12 +252,33 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     double wtime = MPI::Wtime();
+      {
+	MatNullSpace nullSpace;
+	MatGetNullSpace(mat, &nullSpace);
+	PetscBool hasConst;
+	PetscInt nVec;
+	const Vec *vecs;
+	//	MatNullSpaceGetVecs(nullSpace, &hasConst, &nVec, &vecs);
+	MatNullSpaceRemove(nullSpace, x, PETSC_NULL);
+      }
     Vec x_interface, x_lagrange, y_interface, y_lagrange;    
     VecNestGetSubVec(x, 0, &x_interface);
     VecNestGetSubVec(x, 1, &x_lagrange);
     VecNestGetSubVec(y, 0, &y_interface);
     VecNestGetSubVec(y, 1, &y_lagrange);
+      {
+	int n;
+	VecGetSize(x_interface, &n);
+	double sum;
+	VecSum(x_interface, &sum);
+	sum = -sum / static_cast<int>(n);
+	MSG("xbegin = %e\n", sum);
+      }
     void *ctx;
     MatShellGetContext(mat, &ctx);
     FetiData* data = static_cast<FetiData*>(ctx);
@@ -316,6 +337,16 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     // y_interface = A_{\Gamma B} tmp_vec_b0
     MatMult(data->subSolver->getMatCoarseInterior(1), data->tmp_vec_b0, y_interface);
+      {
+	int n;
+	VecGetSize(y_interface, &n);
+	double sum;
+	VecSum(y_interface, &sum);
+	sum = -sum / static_cast<int>(n);
+	MSG("yend = %e\n", sum);
+      }
     // tmp_vec_primal0 = S_{\Pi\Pi}^{-1} (v_{\Pi} - A_{\Pi B} A_{BB}^{-1} v_{B})
     // tmp_vec_interface = A_{\Gamma \Pi} tmp_vec_primal0
     MatMult(data->subSolver->getMatCoarse(1, 0), data->tmp_vec_primal0, data->tmp_vec_interface);
@@ -466,12 +497,12 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     VecNestGetSubVec(yvec, 0, &y_interface);
     VecNestGetSubVec(yvec, 1, &y_lagrange);
-    KSPSolve(data->ksp_mass, x_interface, y_interface);
+    VecCopy(x_interface, y_interface);
+    // KSPSolve(data->ksp_mass, x_interface, y_interface);
     MatMultTranspose(*(data->mat_lagrange_scaled), x_lagrange, data->tmp_vec_b0);   
     // === Restriction of the B nodes to the boundary nodes. ===
     int nLocalB;
     int nLocalDuals;
     VecGetLocalSize(data->tmp_vec_b0, &nLocalB);
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/parallel/ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
index f2a02ccc..7cb273bf 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/parallel/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/parallel/
@@ -65,8 +65,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    //    removeDirichletRows(seqMat);
     if (printMatInfo) {
       MatInfo matInfo;
       MatGetInfo(getMatInterior(), MAT_GLOBAL_SUM, &matInfo);
@@ -246,8 +244,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    //    removeDirichletRows(seqMat);
     // === Create solver for the non primal (thus local) variables. ===
     KSPCreate(mpiCommLocal, &kspInterior);
@@ -289,8 +285,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    //    removeDirichletRows(vec);
     // === For debugging allow to write the rhs vector to a file. ===
     bool dbgWriteRhs = false;
@@ -479,203 +473,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-  void PetscSolverGlobalMatrix::removeDirichletRows(Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *seqMat)					       
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("PetscSolverGlobalMatrix::removeDirichletRows()");
-    if (!handleDirichletRows)
-      return;
-    vector<int> dRowsInterior, dRowsCoarse;
-    vector<int> dColsInterior, dColsCoarse;
-    vector<double> dValuesInterior, dValuesCoarse;
-    int nComponents = seqMat->getSize();
-    for (int rowComp = 0; rowComp < nComponents; rowComp++) {
-      bool dirichletRow = false;
-      int dirichletMainCol = -1;
-      for (int colComp = 0; colComp < nComponents; colComp++) {
-	DOFMatrix *dofMat = (*seqMat)[rowComp][colComp];
-	if (!dofMat)
-	  continue;
-	BoundaryIndexMap& bounds = 
-	  const_cast<BoundaryIndexMap&>(dofMat->getBoundaryManager()->getBoundaryConditionMap());
-	for (BoundaryIndexMap::iterator bIt = bounds.begin(); bIt != bounds.end(); ++bIt) {
-	  if (bIt->second && bIt->second->isDirichlet()) {
-	    dirichletRow = true;
-	    if ((dynamic_cast<DirichletBC*>(bIt->second))->applyBoundaryCondition()) {
-	      dirichletMainCol = colComp;
-	      break;
-	    } 
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      if (!dirichletRow)
-	continue;
-      DOFMatrix *dofMat = (*seqMat)[rowComp][dirichletMainCol];
-      TEST_EXIT(dofMat->getRowFeSpace() == dofMat->getColFeSpace())
-	("I have to think about this scenario! Really possible?\n");
-      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> &dRows = dofMat->getDirichletRows();
-      for (std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>::iterator dofIt = dRows.begin();
-	   dofIt != dRows.end(); ++dofIt) {
-	if (hasCoarseSpace()) {
-	  bool isRowCoarse = isCoarseSpace(rowComp, *dofIt);
-	  bool isColCoarse = isCoarseSpace(dirichletMainCol, *dofIt);
-	  TEST_EXIT(isRowCoarse == isColCoarse)
-	    ("Really possible? So reimplement AMDiS from the scratch!\n");
-	  if (isRowCoarse) {
-	    ParallelDofMapping *rowCoarseSpace = coarseSpaceMap[rowComp];
-	    ParallelDofMapping *colCoarseSpace = coarseSpaceMap[dirichletMainCol];
-	    MultiIndex multiIndex;
-	    if ((*rowCoarseSpace)[rowComp].find(*dofIt, multiIndex) &&
-		(*rowCoarseSpace)[rowComp].isRankDof(*dofIt)) {
-	      int rowIndex = rowCoarseSpace->getLocalMatIndex(rowComp, *dofIt);
-	      int colIndex = colCoarseSpace->getLocalMatIndex(dirichletMainCol, *dofIt);
-	      dRowsCoarse.push_back(rowIndex);
-	      dColsCoarse.push_back(colIndex);
-	      dValuesCoarse.push_back(1.0);
-	    }
-	  } else {
-	    MultiIndex multiIndex;
-	    if ((*interiorMap)[rowComp].find(*dofIt, multiIndex) &&
-		(*interiorMap)[rowComp].isRankDof(*dofIt)) {
-	      int rowIndex = interiorMap->getLocalMatIndex(rowComp, *dofIt);
-	      int colIndex = interiorMap->getLocalMatIndex(dirichletMainCol, *dofIt);
-	      dRowsInterior.push_back(rowIndex);
-	      dColsInterior.push_back(colIndex);
-	      dValuesInterior.push_back(1.0);
-	    }
-	  }
-	} else {
-	  MultiIndex multiIndex;
-	  if ((*interiorMap)[rowComp].find(*dofIt, multiIndex) &&
-	      (*interiorMap)[rowComp].isRankDof(*dofIt)) {
-	    int rowIndex = interiorMap->getMatIndex(rowComp,;
-	    int colIndex = interiorMap->getMatIndex(dirichletMainCol,;
-	    dRowsInterior.push_back(rowIndex);
-	    dColsInterior.push_back(colIndex);
-	    dValuesInterior.push_back(1.0);
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    {
-      Mat mpiMat = getMatInterior();
-      MatZeroRows(mpiMat, dRowsInterior.size(), &(dRowsInterior[0]), 0.0,
-      for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(dRowsInterior.size()); i++)
-	MatSetValue(mpiMat, dRowsInterior[i], dColsInterior[i], 
-		    dValuesInterior[i], INSERT_VALUES);    
-      MatAssemblyBegin(mpiMat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
-      MatAssemblyEnd(mpiMat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
-    }
-    if (hasCoarseSpace()) {
-      MatZeroRows(getMatInteriorCoarse(0), 
-		  dRowsInterior.size(), &(dRowsInterior[0]), 0.0, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
-      MatZeroRows(getMatInteriorCoarse(1), 
-		  dRowsInterior.size(), &(dRowsInterior[0]), 0.0, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
-      MatZeroRows(getMatCoarseInterior(0), 
-		  dRowsCoarse.size(), &(dRowsCoarse[0]), 0.0, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL);
-      Mat mpiMat = getMatCoarse();
-      MatZeroRows(mpiMat, dRowsCoarse.size(), &(dRowsCoarse[0]), 0.0,
-      for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(dRowsCoarse.size()); i++)
-	MatSetValue(mpiMat, dRowsCoarse[i], dColsCoarse[i], 
-		    dValuesCoarse[i], INSERT_VALUES);    
-      MatAssemblyBegin(mpiMat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
-      MatAssemblyEnd(mpiMat, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY);
-    }
-  }
-  void PetscSolverGlobalMatrix::removeDirichletRows(SystemVector *seqVec)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("PetscSolverGlobalMatrix::removeDirichletRows()");
-    if (!handleDirichletRows)
-      return;
-    int cInterior = 0;
-    int cCoarse = 0;
-    int nComponents = seqVec->getSize();
-    for (int component = 0; component < nComponents; component++) {
-      DOFVector<double> *dofVec = seqVec->getDOFVector(component);
-      map<DegreeOfFreedom, double>& dValues = dofVec->getDirichletValues();
-      for (map<DegreeOfFreedom, double>::iterator dofIt = dValues.begin();
-	   dofIt != dValues.end(); ++dofIt) {
-	if (hasCoarseSpace()) {
-	  if (isCoarseSpace(component, dofIt->first)) {
-	    ParallelDofMapping *rowCoarseSpace = coarseSpaceMap[component];
-	    MultiIndex multiIndex;
-	    if ((*rowCoarseSpace)[component].find(dofIt->first, multiIndex) &&
-		(*rowCoarseSpace)[component].isRankDof(dofIt->first)) {
-	      if (dofIt->second > 0.5)
-		cCoarse++;
-	      VecSetValue(getVecRhsCoarse(), 
-			  rowCoarseSpace->getMatIndex(component,,
-			  dofIt->second, INSERT_VALUES);
-	    }
-	  } else {
-	    MultiIndex multiIndex;
-	    if ((*interiorMap)[component].find(dofIt->first, multiIndex) &&
-		(*interiorMap)[component].isRankDof(dofIt->first)) {
-	      if (dofIt->second > 0.5)
-		cInterior++;
-	      VecSetValue(getVecRhsInterior(), 
-			  interiorMap->getLocalMatIndex(component, dofIt->first),
-			  dofIt->second, INSERT_VALUES);
-	    }
-	  }
-	} else {
-	  MultiIndex multiIndex;
-	  if ((*interiorMap)[component].find(dofIt->first, multiIndex) &&
-	      (*interiorMap)[component].isRankDof(dofIt->first)) {
-	    if (dofIt->second > 0.5)
-	      cInterior++;
-	    VecSetValue(getVecRhsInterior(), 
-			interiorMap->getMatIndex(component,,
-			dofIt->second, INSERT_VALUES);
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    VecAssemblyBegin(getVecRhsInterior());
-    VecAssemblyEnd(getVecRhsInterior());
-    if (hasCoarseSpace()) {
-      VecAssemblyBegin(getVecRhsCoarse());
-      VecAssemblyEnd(getVecRhsCoarse());
-    }
-    mpi::globalAdd(cInterior);
-    mpi::globalAdd(cCoarse);
-    MSG("WORKED ON DIRICHLET DOFS: %d %d\n", cInterior, cCoarse);
-  }
   void PetscSolverGlobalMatrix::createFieldSplit(PC pc)