From 447b745bb8f70a4885b1a33055c7c3df6eeb5cb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rainer Backofen <>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 05:05:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Shift standard definitions in Makefile needed to compile
 AMDiS user programs to a central place in AMDiS directory.

 demo/Makefile | 135 +-------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)

diff --git a/demo/Makefile b/demo/Makefile
index 99e7ac32..25a61d98 100644
--- a/demo/Makefile
+++ b/demo/Makefile
@@ -18,139 +18,8 @@ AMDIS_DIR = ../AMDiS
 MPI_DIR =                   # on mars, deimos or themisto, leave this field blank
-# ============================================================================
-#                 !!! Do not edit after this line !!!
-# ============================================================================
-PARMETIS_DIR = $(AMDIS_DIR)/lib/ParMetis-3.1
-# ============================================================================
-# ===== includes pathes ======================================================
-# ============================================================================
-AMDIS_INCLUDE = -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/src -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/compositeFEM/src -I$(AMDIS_DIR)/lib/mtl4
-# ============================================================================
-# ===== libraries ============================================================
-# ============================================================================
-AMDIS_LIB =  -L$(AMDIS_DIR)/lib -lamdis
-PNG_LIB = -lpng
-ifeq ($(strip $(USE_SERVER)), mars)
-	UMFPACK_LIB += -lmkl -lumfpack -lamd
-	ifeq ($(strip $(USE_SERVER)), themisto)
-		UMFPACK_LIB += $(MKL_LIB) -lmkl -lguide -lpthread -lumfpack -lamd
-	else	
-		ifeq ($(strip $(USE_SERVER)), deimos)
-			MPI_DIR = /licsoft/libraries/openmpi/1.2.6/64bit
-			UMFPACK_LIB += -lumfpack -lamd -L/licsoft/libraries/goto -lgoto -lpthread
-		else
-			UMFPACK_LIB += -lblas -lumfpack -lamd
-		endif
-	endif
-MPCCI_LIB = -L$(MPCCI_DIR)/lib/linux-x86-glibc22 -lmpcci
-PARMETIS_LIB = -L$(PARMETIS_DIR) -lparmetis -lmetis
-LIBS += -lboost_iostreams -lboost_filesystem
-ifeq ($(strip $(USE_UMFPACK)), 1)
-ifeq ($(strip $(USE_MKL)), 1)
-	ifeq ($(strip $(USE_SERVER)), themisto)
-		LIBS += $(MKL_LIB) 
-	else
-		LIBS += -L$(MKL_LIB) 
-	endif
-	LIBS += -lmkl -lmkl_solver -lguide -lpthread
-ifeq ($(strip $(USE_MPCCI)), 1)
-# ============================================================================
-# ===== parallel or sequential ? =============================================
-# ============================================================================
-ifeq ($(strip $(USE_PARALLEL_AMDIS)), 1)
-	ifeq ($(strip $(USE_SERVER)), mars)
-		ifeq ($(strip $(USE_COMPILER)), gcc)
-			COMPILE = g++
-		else
-			COMPILE = icpc
-		endif
-	else
-		COMPILE = $(MPI_DIR)/bin/mpiCC
-	endif
-	LIBS += $(PARMETIS_LIB) -lmpi
-	ifeq ($(strip $(USE_COMPILER)), gcc)
-		COMPILE = g++
-	else
-		COMPILE = icpc
-	endif
-# ============================================================================
-# ===== compile flags ========================================================
-# ============================================================================
-ifeq ($(strip $(DEBUG)), 0)
-       CPPFLAGS = -O2
-       CPPFLAGS = -g -O0
-ifeq ($(strip $(USE_OPENMP)), 1)
-	ifeq ($(strip $(USE_COMPILER)), gcc)
-		CPPFLAGS += -fopenmp
-	else
-		CPPFLAGS += -openmp
-	endif
-# ============================================================================
-# ===== libtool linking ======================================================
-# ============================================================================
-LIBTOOL = $(AMDIS_DIR)/libtool
-LINK = $(LIBTOOL) --mode=link $(COMPILE)
-# ============================================================================
-# ===== rules ================================================================
-# ============================================================================
-all : 
-	make $(PROGRAMS)
-	-rm -rf *.o
-	-rm -rf $(PROGRAMS)
- $*.cc
-	$(COMPILE) $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $*.o $^ 
+#==== standard definitions and rules to compile AMDiS user programs ==========
+include $(AMDIS_DIR)/other/include/
 # ============================================================================
 # ===== user programs ========================================================