From 561814e24d08ab26a7554d4a21f71cce36638092 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Witkowski <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 08:35:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * This and that

 AMDiS/src/           | 121 ++++++++++---------------
 AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h            |  16 ++++
 AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh           | 150 ++++++++++++-------------------
 AMDiS/src/            |  59 ++++++++++++
 AMDiS/src/ElInfo3d.h             |  15 +---
 AMDiS/src/         |   2 -
 AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.h  |  21 +++++
 AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.hh |  39 +++++++-
 8 files changed, 239 insertions(+), 184 deletions(-)

diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index 9bfb7d97..90ba3a08 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -149,12 +149,12 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     DOFVector<WorldVector<double> > *result = grad;
-    if(!result) {
-      if(vec && vec->getFESpace() != feSpace) {
+    if (!result) {
+      if (vec && vec->getFESpace() != feSpace) {
 	DELETE vec;
 	vec = NULL;
-      if(!vec) {
+      if (!vec) {
 	vec = NEW DOFVector<WorldVector<double> >(feSpace, "gradient");
       result = vec;
@@ -165,36 +165,27 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     DOFVector<double> volume(feSpace, "volume");
-    Mesh *mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
-    int dim = mesh->getDim();
     const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-    DOFAdmin *admin = feSpace->getAdmin();
-    int numPreDOFs = admin->getNumberOfPreDOFs(0);
+    int nPreDOFs = feSpace->getAdmin()->getNumberOfPreDOFs(0);
     DimVec<double> bary(dim, DEFAULT_VALUE, (1.0 / (dim + 1.0)));
+    WorldVector<double> grd;
     // traverse mesh
+    Mesh *mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
     TraverseStack stack;
-    Flag fillFlag = 
-    ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, fillFlag);
+    ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1,
+					 Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | Mesh::FILL_DET | 
+					 Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA | Mesh::FILL_COORDS);
     while (elInfo) {
       double det = elInfo->getDet();
       const DegreeOfFreedom **dof = elInfo->getElement()->getDOF();
       const double *localUh = getLocalVector(elInfo->getElement(), NULL);
       const DimVec<WorldVector<double> > &grdLambda = elInfo->getGrdLambda();
-      WorldVector<double> grd;
       basFcts->evalGrdUh(bary, grdLambda, localUh, &grd);
       for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
-	DegreeOfFreedom dofIndex = dof[i][numPreDOFs];
+	DegreeOfFreedom dofIndex = dof[i][nPreDOFs];
 	(*result)[dofIndex] += grd * det;
 	volume[dofIndex] += det;
@@ -207,7 +198,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     for (volIt.reset(), grdIt.reset(); !volIt.end(); ++volIt, ++grdIt) {
       if (*volIt != 0.0) {
-	*grdIt *= 1.0/(*volIt);
+	*grdIt *= 1.0 / (*volIt);
@@ -232,12 +223,9 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     TEST_EXIT_DBG(!quadFast || quadFast->getBasisFunctions() == feSpace->getBasisFcts())
       ("invalid basis functions");
-    Element *el = elInfo->getElement(); 
-    int dim = elInfo->getMesh()->getDim();
     int dow = Global::getGeo(WORLD);
-    const Quadrature *quadrature = quadFast ? quadFast->getQuadrature() : quad;
-    const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-    int numPoints = quadrature->getNumPoints();
+    int myRank = omp_get_thread_num();
+    int nPoints = quadFast ? quadFast->getQuadrature()->getNumPoints() : quad->getNumPoints();
     static WorldVector<double> *grd = NULL;
     WorldVector<double> *result;
@@ -247,22 +235,22 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       if (grd) 
 	delete [] grd;
-      grd = new WorldVector<double>[numPoints];
-      for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
+      grd = new WorldVector<double>[nPoints];
+      for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
       result = grd;
-    double *localVec = new double[nBasFcts];
-    getLocalVector(el, localVec);
+    double *localVec = localVectors[myRank];
+    getLocalVector(elInfo->getElement(), localVec);
-    DimVec<double> grd1(dim, NO_INIT);
+    DimVec<double> &grd1 = *grdTmp[myRank];
     int parts = Global::getGeo(PARTS, dim);
     const DimVec<WorldVector<double> > &grdLambda = elInfo->getGrdLambda();
     if (quadFast) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
 	for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
 	  grd1[j] = 0.0;
@@ -281,10 +269,10 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     } else {
-      //      DimVec<double> grdPhi(dim, DEFAULT_VALUE, 0.0);
-      DimVec<double>* grdPhi = grdPhis[omp_get_thread_num()];
+      const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
+      DimVec<double>* grdPhi = grdPhis[myRank];
-      for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
 	for (int j = 0; j < dim + 1; j++) {
 	  grd1[j] = 0.0;
@@ -305,8 +293,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    delete [] localVec;
     return const_cast<const WorldVector<double>*>(result);
@@ -330,31 +316,25 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     Element *el = elInfo->getElement(); 
-    int dim = elInfo->getMesh()->getDim();
+    int myRank = omp_get_thread_num();
     int dow = Global::getGeo(WORLD);
-    const Quadrature *quadrature = quadFast ? quadFast->getQuadrature() : quad;
-    const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-    int numPoints = quadrature->getNumPoints();
-    int i, j, k, l, iq;
+    int nPoints = quadFast ? quadFast->getQuadrature()->getNumPoints() : quad->getNumPoints();
     static WorldMatrix<double> *vec = NULL;
     WorldMatrix<double> *result;
     if (d2AtQPs) {
       result = d2AtQPs;
     } else {
       if(vec) delete [] vec;
-      vec = new WorldMatrix<double>[numPoints];
-      for(i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
+      vec = new WorldMatrix<double>[nPoints];
+      for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
       result = vec;
-    double *localVec = new double[nBasFcts];
+    double *localVec = localVectors[myRank];
     getLocalVector(el, localVec);
     DimMat<double> D2Tmp(dim, DEFAULT_VALUE, 0.0);
@@ -362,56 +342,53 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     const DimVec<WorldVector<double> > &grdLambda = elInfo->getGrdLambda();
     if (quadFast) {
-      for (iq = 0; iq < numPoints; iq++) {
-	for (k = 0; k < parts; k++)
-	  for (l = 0; l < parts; l++)
+      for (int iq = 0; iq < nPoints; iq++) {
+	for (int k = 0; k < parts; k++)
+	  for (int l = 0; l < parts; l++)
 	    D2Tmp[k][l] = 0.0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nBasFcts; i++) {
-	  for (k = 0; k < parts; k++)
-	    for (l = 0; l < parts; l++)
-	      D2Tmp[k][l] += localVec[i]* quadFast->getSecDer(iq, i, k, l);
+	for (int i = 0; i < nBasFcts; i++) {
+	  for (int k = 0; k < parts; k++)
+	    for (int l = 0; l < parts; l++)
+	      D2Tmp[k][l] += localVec[i] * quadFast->getSecDer(iq, i, k, l);
-	for (i = 0; i < dow; i++)
-	  for (j = 0; j < dow; j++) {
+	for (int i = 0; i < dow; i++)
+	  for (int j = 0; j < dow; j++) {
 	    result[iq][i][j] = 0.0;
-	    for (k = 0; k < parts; k++)
-	      for (l = 0; l < parts; l++)
+	    for (int k = 0; k < parts; k++)
+	      for (int l = 0; l < parts; l++)
 		result[iq][i][j] += grdLambda[k][i]*grdLambda[l][j]*D2Tmp[k][l];
     } else {
-      //      DimMat<double> D2Phi(dim, NO_INIT);
+      const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
       DimMat<double>* D2Phi = D2Phis[omp_get_thread_num()];
-      for (iq = 0; iq < numPoints; iq++) {
-	for (k = 0; k < parts; k++)
-	  for (l = 0; l < parts; l++)
+      for (int iq = 0; iq < nPoints; iq++) {
+	for (int k = 0; k < parts; k++)
+	  for (int l = 0; l < parts; l++)
 	    D2Tmp[k][l] = 0.0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nBasFcts; i++) {
+	for (int i = 0; i < nBasFcts; i++) {
 	  WARNING("not tested after index correction\n");
 	  (*(basFcts->getD2Phi(i)))(quad->getLambda(iq), *D2Phi);
-	  for (k = 0; k < parts; k++)
-	    for (l = 0; l < parts; l++)
+	  for (int k = 0; k < parts; k++)
+	    for (int l = 0; l < parts; l++)
 	      D2Tmp[k][l] += localVec[i] * (*D2Phi)[k][l];
-	for (i = 0; i < dow; i++)
-	  for (j = 0; j < dow; j++) {
+	for (int i = 0; i < dow; i++)
+	  for (int j = 0; j < dow; j++) {
 	    result[iq][i][j] = 0.0;
-	    for (k = 0; k < parts; k++)
-	      for (l = 0; l < parts; l++)
+	    for (int k = 0; k < parts; k++)
+	      for (int l = 0; l < parts; l++)
 		result[iq][i][j] += grdLambda[k][i] * grdLambda[l][j] * D2Tmp[k][l];
-    delete [] localVec;
     return const_cast<const WorldMatrix<double>*>(result);
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h
index c54d0f0a..7bfa7ed1 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.h
@@ -231,6 +231,17 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom*> localIndices;
+    /** \brief
+     * Are used to store temporary local values of an element. 
+     * Thread safe.
+     */
+    std::vector<T*> localVectors;
+    /** \brief
+     * Temporarly used in \ref getGrdAtQPs. Thread safe.
+     */
+    std::vector<DimVec<double>*> grdTmp;
     /** \brief
      * Temporarly used in \ref getGrdAtQPs. Thread safe.
@@ -240,6 +251,11 @@ namespace AMDiS {
      * Temporarly used in \ref getD2AtQPs. Thread safe.
     std::vector<DimMat<double>*> D2Phis;
+    /** \brief
+     * Dimension of the mesh this DOFVectorBase belongs to
+     */
+    int dim;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh
index 5a920133..192f2fba 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh
+++ b/AMDiS/src/DOFVector.hh
@@ -29,15 +29,19 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     nBasFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getNumber();
-    int dim = feSpace->getMesh()->getDim();
+    dim = feSpace->getMesh()->getDim();
+    localVectors.resize(omp_get_overall_max_threads());
+    grdTmp.resize(omp_get_overall_max_threads());
     for (int i = 0; i < omp_get_overall_max_threads(); i++) {
-      localIndices[i] = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, this->nBasFcts);      
+      localIndices[i] = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, this->nBasFcts);
+      localVectors[i] = GET_MEMORY(T, this->nBasFcts);
       grdPhis[i] = NEW DimVec<double>(dim, DEFAULT_VALUE, 0.0);
+      grdTmp[i] = NEW DimVec<double>(dim, DEFAULT_VALUE, 0.0);
       D2Phis[i] = NEW DimMat<double>(dim, NO_INIT);
@@ -47,7 +51,9 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(localIndices.size()); i++) {
       FREE_MEMORY(localIndices[i], DegreeOfFreedom, this->nBasFcts);
+      FREE_MEMORY(localVectors[i], T, this->nBasFcts);
       DELETE grdPhis[i];
+      DELETE grdTmp[i];
       DELETE D2Phis[i];
@@ -540,26 +546,19 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     return 0;
-  // das hat Andreas eingefuegt: Integral...
   template<typename T>
   double DOFVector<T>::Int(Quadrature* q) const
-    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::Int");
+    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::Int()");
     Mesh* mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
-    int deg;
-    dim = mesh->getDim();
-    if (!q)
-      {
-	deg = 2*feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
-	q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(dim, deg);
-      }
+    if (!q) {
+      int deg = 2 * feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
+      q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(this->dim, deg);
+    }
     quad_fast = FastQuadrature::provideFastQuadrature(feSpace->getBasisFcts(), *q, INIT_PHI);
     norm = 0.0;
     traverseVector = const_cast<DOFVector<T>*>(this);
@@ -591,28 +590,20 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     return 0;
-  // ... und die L1-Norm ...
   template<typename T>
   double DOFVector<T>::L1Norm(Quadrature* q) const
-    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::L1Norm");
+    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::L1Norm()");
-    Mesh* mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
-    int deg;
-    dim = mesh->getDim();
-    if (!q)
-      {
-	deg = 2*feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
-	q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(dim, deg);
-      }
+    if (!q) {
+      int deg = 2 * feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
+      q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(this->dim, deg);
+    }
     quad_fast = FastQuadrature::provideFastQuadrature(feSpace->getBasisFcts(),*q,INIT_PHI);
     norm = 0.0;
     traverseVector = const_cast<DOFVector<T>*>(this);
+    Mesh* mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
@@ -643,23 +634,15 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-  // bis hierhin gehen Andreas Ergaenzungen...
   template<typename T>
   double DOFVector<T>::L2NormSquare(Quadrature* q) const
-    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::L2NormSquare");
-    Mesh* mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
+    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::L2NormSquare()");
-    int deg;
-    dim = mesh->getDim();
-    if (!q)
-      {
-	deg = 2*feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
-	q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(dim, deg);
-      }
+    if (!q) {
+      int deg = 2 * feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
+      q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(this->dim, deg);
+    }
     quad_fast = FastQuadrature::provideFastQuadrature(feSpace->getBasisFcts(), 
@@ -667,8 +650,8 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     norm = 0.0;
     traverseVector = const_cast<DOFVector<T>*>(this);
-    mesh->traverse(-1, Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL|Mesh::FILL_COORDS|Mesh::FILL_DET, L2Norm_fct);
+    Mesh* mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
+    mesh->traverse(-1, Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | Mesh::FILL_COORDS | Mesh::FILL_DET, L2Norm_fct);
     return norm;  
@@ -722,24 +705,19 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   template<typename T>
   double DOFVector<T>::H1NormSquare(Quadrature *q) const
-    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::H1NormSquare");
-    int deg;
-    Mesh *mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
-    dim = mesh->getDim();
+    FUNCNAME("DOFVector::H1NormSquare()");
-    if (!q)
-      {
-	deg = 2*feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree()-2;
-	q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(dim, deg);
-      }
-    quad_fast = 
-      FastQuadrature::provideFastQuadrature(feSpace->getBasisFcts(), 
-					    *q, 
-					    INIT_GRD_PHI);
+    if (!q) {
+      int deg = 2 * feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree() - 2;
+      q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(this->dim, deg);
+    }
+    quad_fast = FastQuadrature::provideFastQuadrature(feSpace->getBasisFcts(), 
+						      *q, INIT_GRD_PHI);
     norm = 0.0;
-    traverseVector = const_cast<DOFVector<T>*>(this);
+    traverseVector = const_cast<DOFVector<T>*>(this); 
+    Mesh *mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
     mesh->traverse(-1, Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | Mesh::FILL_COORDS | 
 		   Mesh::FILL_DET | Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA,
@@ -752,10 +730,9 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   void DOFVector<T>::compressDOFIndexed(int first, int last, 
 					std::vector<DegreeOfFreedom> &newDOF)
-    int i, j;
-    for(i = first; i <= last; i++) {
-      if((j = newDOF[i]) >= 0) {
-	vec[j] = vec[i];
+    for (int i = first; i <= last; i++) {
+      if (newDOF[i] >= 0) {
+	vec[newDOF[i]] = vec[i];
@@ -1252,15 +1229,9 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     TEST_EXIT_DBG(!quadFast || quadFast->getBasisFunctions() == feSpace->getBasisFcts())
       ("invalid basis functions");
-    Element *el = elInfo->getElement();
-    const Quadrature *quadrature = quadFast ? quadFast->getQuadrature() : quad;
     const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-    int numPoints = quadrature->getNumPoints();
+    int nPoints = quadFast ? quadFast->getQuadrature()->getNumPoints() : quad->getNumPoints(); 
     static T *localvec = NULL;
     T *result;
     if (vecAtQPs) {
@@ -1268,17 +1239,17 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     } else {
       if (localvec) 
 	delete [] localvec;
-      localvec = new T[numPoints];
-      for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
+      localvec = new T[nPoints];
+      for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
 	localvec[i] = 0.0;
       result = localvec;
-    T *localVec = new T[nBasFcts];
-    getLocalVector(el, localVec);
+    T *localVec = localVectors[omp_get_thread_num()];
+    getLocalVector(elInfo->getElement(), localVec);
-    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
       result[i] = 0.0;
       for (int j = 0; j < nBasFcts; j++) {
 	result[i] += localVec[j] * 
@@ -1287,9 +1258,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    delete [] localVec;
     return const_cast<const T*>(result);
@@ -1299,23 +1268,18 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    Mesh* mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
-    int deg = 0;
-    dim = mesh->getDim();
     if (!q) {
-      deg = 2 * feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
-      q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(dim, deg);
+      int deg = 2 * feSpace->getBasisFcts()->getDegree();
+      q = Quadrature::provideQuadrature(this->dim, deg);
     quad_fast = FastQuadrature::provideFastQuadrature(feSpace->getBasisFcts(), 
 						      *q, INIT_PHI);
     norm = 0.0;
     traverseVector = const_cast<DOFVector<T>*>(this);
-    mesh->traverse(-1, Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL|Mesh::FILL_COORDS|Mesh::FILL_DET, DoubleWell_fct);
+    Mesh* mesh = feSpace->getMesh();   
+    mesh->traverse(-1, Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | Mesh::FILL_COORDS | Mesh::FILL_DET, 
+		   DoubleWell_fct);
     return norm;  
@@ -1323,15 +1287,13 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   template<typename T>
   int DOFVector<T>::DoubleWell_fct(ElInfo *elinfo)
-    double det = elinfo->getDet();
-    const T *uh_vec = traverseVector->getVecAtQPs(elinfo, NULL,
-						  quad_fast, NULL);
-    int numPoints = quad_fast->getNumPoints();
+    const T *uh_vec = traverseVector->getVecAtQPs(elinfo, NULL, quad_fast, NULL);
+    int nPoints = quad_fast->getNumPoints();
     double normT = 0.0;
-    for (int iq = 0; iq < numPoints; iq++) {
-      normT += quad_fast->getWeight(iq)*sqr(uh_vec[iq])*sqr(1.0 - uh_vec[iq]);
+    for (int iq = 0; iq < nPoints; iq++) {
+      normT += quad_fast->getWeight(iq) * sqr(uh_vec[iq]) * sqr(1.0 - uh_vec[iq]);
-    norm += det * normT;
+    norm += elinfo->getDet() * normT;
     return 0;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index 4b8589ab..30b28c54 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -609,4 +609,63 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+  void ElInfo3d::getRefSimplexCoords(DimMat<double> *coords) const
+  {
+    (*coords)[0][0] = 1.0;
+    (*coords)[1][0] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[2][0] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[3][0] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[0][1] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[1][1] = 1.0;
+    (*coords)[2][1] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[3][1] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[0][2] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[1][2] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[2][2] = 1.0;
+    (*coords)[3][2] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[0][3] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[1][3] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[2][3] = 0.0;
+    (*coords)[3][3] = 1.0;
+  }
+  void ElInfo3d::getSubElementCoords(DimMat<double> *coords,
+				     int iChild) const
+  {
+    FUNCNAME("ElInfo3d::getSubElementCoords()");
+    ERROR_EXIT("Not yet\n");
+    double c0 = ((*coords)[0][0] + (*coords)[0][1]) * 0.5;
+    double c1 = ((*coords)[1][0] + (*coords)[1][1]) * 0.5;
+    double c2 = ((*coords)[2][0] + (*coords)[2][1]) * 0.5;
+    double c3 = ((*coords)[3][0] + (*coords)[3][1]) * 0.5;
+    if (iChild == 0) {
+      (*coords)[0][1] = (*coords)[0][0];
+      (*coords)[1][1] = (*coords)[1][0];
+      (*coords)[2][1] = (*coords)[2][0];
+      (*coords)[0][0] = (*coords)[0][2];
+      (*coords)[1][0] = (*coords)[1][2];
+      (*coords)[2][0] = (*coords)[2][2];
+    } else {
+      (*coords)[0][1] = (*coords)[0][2];
+      (*coords)[1][1] = (*coords)[1][2];
+      (*coords)[2][1] = (*coords)[2][2];
+      (*coords)[0][0] = (*coords)[0][1];
+      (*coords)[1][0] = (*coords)[1][1];
+      (*coords)[2][0] = (*coords)[2][1];      
+    }
+    (*coords)[0][3] = c0;
+    (*coords)[1][3] = c1;
+    (*coords)[2][3] = c2;
+    (*coords)[3][3] = c3;
+  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ElInfo3d.h b/AMDiS/src/ElInfo3d.h
index af403f2a..adc7931c 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/ElInfo3d.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/ElInfo3d.h
@@ -119,20 +119,9 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       orientation = o; 
-    void getRefSimplexCoords(DimMat<double> *coords) const    
-    {
-      FUNCNAME("ElInfo3d::getRefSimplexCoords()");
-      ERROR_EXIT("NOT YET\n");
-    }
+    void getRefSimplexCoords(DimMat<double> *coords) const;
-    void getSubElementCoords(DimMat<double> *coords,
-			     int iChild) const 
-    {
-      FUNCNAME("ElInfo3d::getSubElementCoords()");
-      ERROR_EXIT("NOT YET\n");
-    }
+    void getSubElementCoords(DimMat<double> *coords, int iChild) const;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ b/AMDiS/src/
index 06fc4606..b1841b8f 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/
+++ b/AMDiS/src/
@@ -425,8 +425,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     // create finite element space
     int degree = 1;
     GET_PARAMETER(0, name_ + "->polynomial degree" ,"%d", &degree);
-    std::cout << degree << std::endl;
     feSpace_ = FiniteElemSpace::provideFESpace(NULL,
 					       Lagrange::getLagrange(mesh->getDim(), degree),
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.h b/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.h
index d54309c6..bbf67af0 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.h
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
+#include <map>
 #include "DOFVector.h"
 #include "SystemVector.h"
 #include "Parameters.h"
@@ -21,6 +22,12 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     typedef std::vector<FiniteElemSpace*> type;
+  class DataContainer
+  {
+  public:
+  };
   template<typename T>
   class SolutionDataStorage 
@@ -85,6 +92,16 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       return poped;
+    void addContainer(std::string name);
+    void push(std::string name, WorldVector<double> value);
+    void pop(std::string name, WorldVector<double> &value);
+    void reset(std::string name);
+    void clear(std::string name);
     /** \brief
      * Deletes the fe space and all it content, i.e., also the dof admin, 
@@ -172,6 +189,10 @@ namespace AMDiS {
      * Counts the memory usage of all solutions stored in memory.
     int memoryUsage;
+    std::map<std::string, std::vector<WorldVector<double > > > containers;
+    std::map<std::string, int> containersPos;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.hh b/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.hh
index 41586dfe..09fc5bbc 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.hh
+++ b/AMDiS/src/SolutionDataStorage.hh
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    std::cout << "STACK SIZE = " << solutions.size() << std::endl;
     //    memoryUsage += solution->calcMemoryUsage();
@@ -128,7 +126,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    lastPos = -1;    
+    lastPos = -1;
   template<typename T>
@@ -140,4 +138,39 @@ namespace AMDiS {
+  template<typename T>	  
+  void SolutionDataStorage<T>::addContainer(std::string name)
+  {
+    std::vector<WorldVector<double> > emptyVec;
+    containers.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<WorldVector<double> > >(name, emptyVec) );
+    containersPos.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>(name, -1));
+  }
+  template<typename T>	  
+  void SolutionDataStorage<T>::push(std::string name, WorldVector<double> value)
+  {
+    containers[name].push_back(value);
+    containersPos[name] = containers[name].size() - 1;
+  }
+  template<typename T>	  
+  void SolutionDataStorage<T>::pop(std::string name, WorldVector<double> &value)
+  {
+    value = containers[name][containersPos[name]];
+    containersPos[name]--;
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  void SolutionDataStorage<T>::reset(std::string name)
+  {
+    containersPos[name] = containers[name].size() - 1;
+  }
+  template<typename T>
+  void SolutionDataStorage<T>::clear(std::string name)
+  {
+    containers[name].clear();
+    containersPos[name] = -1;
+  }