From 5695b4ddca9f59db744bba427efd91d2b9b0de05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Praetorius <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 07:52:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] correction of ellipt demo

 demo/src/ | 304 ++-------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 293 deletions(-)

diff --git a/demo/src/ b/demo/src/
index a5ad31d1..8c1704a2 100644
--- a/demo/src/
+++ b/demo/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 #include "AMDiS.h"
-#include "ProblemStatDbg.h"
-#include "Debug.h"
 using namespace AMDiS;
 using namespace std;
@@ -9,284 +7,6 @@ using namespace std;
 // ===== function definitions ================================================
 // ===========================================================================
-class MyProblemVec : public ProblemStatDbg
-    MyProblemVec(std::string nameStr, ProblemIterationInterface *problemIteration = NULL)
-    : ProblemStatDbg(nameStr,problemIteration) {}
-    SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> >* getSolverMatrix() { return &solverMatrix; }
-    void setSolverMatrix(SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> >& solverMatrix_) { solverMatrix= solverMatrix_; }
-    inline DOFVector<double>* getRhsVector(int i = 0)
-    {
-      return rhs->getDOFVector(i);
-    }
-class MyIteration : public StandardProblemIteration
-  MyIteration(MyProblemVec *prob_) : StandardProblemIteration(prob_), prob(prob_) {}
-  ~MyIteration() {}
-  Flag oneIteration(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, Flag toDo = FULL_ITERATION)
-  { FUNCNAME("PIteration::oneIteration()");
-      Flag flag, markFlag;
-      if (toDo.isSet(MARK))
-          markFlag = prob->markElements(adaptInfo);
-      else
-          markFlag = 3;
-      // refine
-      if (toDo.isSet(ADAPT) && markFlag.isSet(MESH_REFINED))
-          flag= prob->refineMesh(adaptInfo);  
-      // coarsen
-      if (toDo.isSet(ADAPT) && markFlag.isSet(MESH_COARSENED))
-          flag|= prob->coarsenMesh(adaptInfo);
-      if (toDo.isSet(SOLVE)) {
-        prob->buildAfterCoarsen(adaptInfo, markFlag, true, true);
-        MSG("apply Dirichlet BC...\n");
-        bool inside= false;
-        WorldVector<double> p1;
-        p1[0]= 1.0;
-        p1[1]= -1.0;
-        for (int i= 0; i<prob->getSolution()->getSize(); ++i) {
-          DegreeOfFreedom idx1= getDOFidxAtCoords(prob->getSolution()->getDOFVector(i), p1, inside);
-          if(inside) {
-            MSG("set DBC to row %d...\n",idx1);
-            applyDbc(prob->getSystemMatrix(i,i)->getBaseMatrix(), *prob->getRhsVector(i), idx1, 0.0);
-          } else {
-            MSG("idx not found!!!\n");
-          }
-        }
-//         prob->writeDbgMatrix("ellipt_mat.dat");
-//         applySingularPertubation(prob->getSystemMatrix(0,0)->getBaseMatrix());
-//         applySingularDBC(prob->getSystemMatrix(0,0)->getBaseMatrix());
-        SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> > solverMatrix;
-        solverMatrix.setMatrix(*prob->getSystemMatrix());
-        prob->setSolverMatrix(solverMatrix);
-        debug::writeMatlabMatrix(*(prob->getSystemMatrix()), "ellipt_mat.m");
-        prob->solve(adaptInfo, false);
-      }
-      if (toDo.isSet(ESTIMATE)) {
-          prob->estimate(adaptInfo);
-      }
-      return flag;
-  };
-  template <typename Matrix>
-  void applySingularPertubation(Matrix& m)
-  {
-    using namespace mtl;
-    // Type of m's elements
-    typedef typename mtl::Collection<Matrix>::value_type value_type;
-    int nnz= m.nnz_local(m.num_rows()-1);
-    // Create inserter for matrix m
-    // Existing values are not overwritten but inserted
-    matrix::inserter<Matrix, update_times<value_type> > ins(m, nnz);
-    ins[m.num_rows()-1][m.num_rows()-1] << 1.0+1.e-5;
-  }
-  template <typename Matrix>
-  void applySingularDBC(Matrix& m)
-  {
-    using namespace mtl;
-    typename traits::row<Matrix>::type r(m);
-    typename traits::col<Matrix>::type c(m);
-    typename traits::value<Matrix>::type v(m);
-    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, Matrix>::type c_type;
-    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, c_type>::type  ic_type;
-//    typedef typename Collection<Matrix>::value_type value_type;
-    for (c_type cursor(begin<tag::row>(m)), cend(end<tag::row>(m)); cursor != cend; ++cursor) {
-      for (ic_type icursor(begin<tag::nz>(cursor)), icend(end<tag::nz>(cursor)); icursor != icend; ++icursor) {
-        v(*icursor, (r(*icursor)==c(*icursor)?1.0:0.0));
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  template <typename Matrix, typename Vector>
-  void applyDbc(Matrix& m, Vector& vec, DegreeOfFreedom idx, double value)
-  {
-    using namespace mtl;
-    typename Matrix::size_type idx_= idx;
-    typename traits::row<Matrix>::type r(m);
-    typename traits::col<Matrix>::type c(m);
-    typename traits::value<Matrix>::type v(m);
-    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::row, Matrix>::type c_type;
-    typedef typename traits::range_generator<tag::nz, c_type>::type  ic_type;
-//    typedef typename Collection<Matrix>::value_type value_type;
-    for (c_type cursor(begin<tag::row>(m)+idx_), cend(begin<tag::row>(m)+idx_+1); cursor != cend; ++cursor) {
-        for (ic_type icursor(begin<tag::nz>(cursor)), icend(end<tag::nz>(cursor)); icursor != icend; ++icursor) {
-          v(*icursor, (r(*icursor)==c(*icursor)?1.0:0.0));
-          if(r(*icursor)==c(*icursor)) {
-            MSG("DBC set to (%d, %d)\n", r(*icursor), c(*icursor));
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    vec[idx]= value;
-  }
-DegreeOfFreedom getDOFidxAtCoords(DOFVector<double> *vec, WorldVector<double> &p, bool &inside, ElInfo *oldElInfo=NULL, bool useOldElInfo=false)
-  const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = vec->getFeSpace();
-  Mesh *mesh = vec->getFeSpace()->getMesh();
-  const BasisFunction *basFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-  int dim = mesh->getDim();
-  int numBasFcts = basFcts->getNumber();
-  DegreeOfFreedom *localIndices = new DegreeOfFreedom[numBasFcts];
-  DimVec<double> lambda(dim, NO_INIT);
-  ElInfo *elInfo = mesh->createNewElInfo();
-  int dofIdx=0;
-  inside=false;
-  if(oldElInfo && useOldElInfo && oldElInfo->getMacroElement()) {
-    inside=mesh->findElInfoAtPoint(p,elInfo,lambda,oldElInfo->getMacroElement(),NULL,NULL);
-    delete oldElInfo;
-  } else {
-    inside=mesh->findElInfoAtPoint(p,elInfo,lambda,NULL,NULL,NULL);
-  }
-  if(oldElInfo) oldElInfo=elInfo;
-  if(inside) {
-    basFcts->getLocalIndices(elInfo->getElement(), feSpace->getAdmin(), localIndices);
-    FixVec<WorldVector<double>, VERTEX> coords = elInfo->getMacroElement()->getCoord();
-    int minIdx=-1;
-    double minDist=1.e15;
-    for(int i=0;i<coords.size();++i) {
-      WorldVector<double> dist = coords[i]-p;
-      double newDist = AMDiS::norm(dist);
-      if(newDist<minDist) {
-        minIdx=i;
-        minDist=newDist;
-      }
-    }
-    if(minIdx>=0) {
-      dofIdx = localIndices[minIdx];
-    }
-  } 
-  delete [] localIndices;
-  if(!oldElInfo) delete elInfo;
-  return dofIdx;
-MyProblemVec *prob;
-/// < factor*phase*grad(u) , grad(psi) >
-class Phase_SOT : public SecondOrderTerm 
-  /// Constructor.
-  Phase_SOT(DOFVectorBase<double>* phaseDV_, double fac_=1.0) :
-    SecondOrderTerm(6), phaseDV(phaseDV_), fac(fac_)
-  {
-    TEST_EXIT(phaseDV_)("no vector phase!\n");
-    auxFeSpaces.insert(phaseDV_->getFeSpace());
-  };
-  void initElement(const ElInfo* elInfo, SubAssembler* subAssembler,
-      Quadrature *quad = NULL) {
-    getVectorAtQPs(phaseDV, elInfo, subAssembler, quad, phase);
-  };
-  void initElement(const ElInfo* largeElInfo, const ElInfo* smallElInfo,
-      SubAssembler* subAssembler,
-      Quadrature *quad = NULL) {
-    getVectorAtQPs(phaseDV, smallElInfo, largeElInfo, subAssembler, quad, phase);
-  };
-  inline void getLALt(const ElInfo *elInfo, std::vector<mtl::dense2D<double> > &LALt) const
-  {
-    const DimVec<WorldVector<double> > &Lambda = elInfo->getGrdLambda();
-      const int nPoints = static_cast<int>(LALt.size());
-    for (int iq = 0; iq < nPoints; iq++)
-      l1lt(Lambda, LALt[iq], f(iq) * phase[iq] * fac);
-  };
-  inline void eval(int nPoints,
-      const AMDiS::ElementVector&,
-      const WorldVector<double> *grdUhAtQP,
-      const WorldMatrix<double> *D2UhAtQP,
-      ElementVector& result,
-      double opFactor)
-  { 
-    if (D2UhAtQP) {
-      for (int iq = 0; iq < nPoints; iq++) {
-        double feval = f(iq) * phase[iq] * opFactor * fac;
-        double resultQP = 0.0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < dimOfWorld; i++)
-          resultQP += D2UhAtQP[iq][i][i]; 
-        result[iq] += feval * resultQP;
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  void weakEval(const std::vector<WorldVector<double> > &grdUhAtQP,
-      std::vector<WorldVector<double> > &result)
-  {
-    int nPoints = grdUhAtQP.size();
-    for (int iq = 0; iq < nPoints; iq++) {
-      double factor = f(iq) * phase[iq] * fac;
-      axpy(factor, grdUhAtQP[iq], result[iq]);
-    }
-  };
-  virtual double f(const int iq) const
-  {
-    return 1.0;
-  };
-  void setFactor(const double fac_) { fac=fac_; }
-  DOFVectorBase<double> *phaseDV;
-  mtl::dense_vector<double> phase;
-  double fac;
-/// simple circle: phi_0(x,y) := sqrt(x^2+y^2)-r
-class Circle : public AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> > 
-  Circle(double radius_, WorldVector<double> midPoint_) :
-    radius(radius_), midPoint(midPoint_) {}
-  Circle(double radius_) :
-    radius(radius_) { midPoint.set(0.0); }
-  double operator()(const WorldVector<double>& x) const
-  {
-    double result = 0.0;
-    for(int k=0; k<x.getSize(); k++) {
-      result += sqr(x[k]-midPoint[k]);
-    }
-    result = sqrt(result)-radius;
-    return result;
-  };
-  double radius;
-  WorldVector<double> midPoint;
 /// Dirichlet boundary function
 class G : public AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> >
@@ -295,7 +15,7 @@ public:
   /// Implementation of AbstractFunction::operator().
   double operator()(const WorldVector<double>& x) const 
-    return 0.0;
+    return exp(-10.0 * (x * x));
@@ -309,7 +29,10 @@ public:
   /// Implementation of AbstractFunction::operator().
   double operator()(const WorldVector<double>& x) const 
-    return sin(M_PI*x[0]);
+    int dow = Global::getGeo(WORLD);
+    double r2 = (x * x);
+    double ux = exp(-10.0 * r2);
+    return -(400.0 * r2 - 20.0 * dow) * ux;
@@ -325,30 +48,27 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   TEST_EXIT(argc >= 2)("usage: ellipt initfile\n");
-  // ===== init parameters =====
+  // ===== init parameters ===== 
   // ===== create and init the scalar problem ===== 
-  MyProblemVec ellipt("ellipt");
+  ProblemStat ellipt("ellipt");
-  MyIteration elIter(&ellipt);
   // === create adapt info ===
-  AdaptInfo adaptInfo("ellipt->adapt", 2);
+  AdaptInfo adaptInfo("ellipt->adapt");
   // === create adapt ===
-  AdaptStationary adapt("ellipt->adapt", elIter, adaptInfo);
+  AdaptStationary adapt("ellipt->adapt", ellipt, adaptInfo);
-//   DOFVector<double> phase(ellipt.getFeSpace(), "phase");
-//   phase.interpol(new Circle(0.25));
   // ===== create matrix operator =====
   Operator matrixOperator(ellipt.getFeSpace());
   matrixOperator.addSecondOrderTerm(new Simple_SOT);
   ellipt.addMatrixOperator(matrixOperator, 0, 0);
-  ellipt.addMatrixOperator(matrixOperator, 1, 1);
   // ===== create rhs operator =====
@@ -356,12 +76,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   Operator rhsOperator(ellipt.getFeSpace());
   rhsOperator.addZeroOrderTerm(new CoordsAtQP_ZOT(new F(degree)));
   ellipt.addVectorOperator(rhsOperator, 0);
-  ellipt.addVectorOperator(rhsOperator, 1);
   // ===== add boundary conditions =====
-  ellipt.addDirichletBC(3, 0, 0, new G);
-  ellipt.addDirichletBC(5, 1, 1, new G);
+  ellipt.addDirichletBC(1, 0, 0, new G);
   // ===== start adaption loop =====