diff --git a/demo/Makefile b/demo/Makefile
index e20764a2be2ff8481512b89682f09faf1b50f9a8..0b2b3d96f665b9223f2ac0f547641e6949727562 100644
--- a/demo/Makefile
+++ b/demo/Makefile
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ USE_PARALLEL_AMDIS = 0      # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with parallel support, 0 o
 USE_OPENMP = 0              # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with OpenMP support, 0 otherwise
 USE_UMFPACK = 1             # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with UMFPACK library, 0 otherwise
 USE_MKL = 0                 # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with Intel MKL library, 0 otherwise
-USE_BOOST = 0               # 1 if AMDiS was compiled with Boost support, 0 otherwise
 USE_SERVER =                # mars, deimos or themisto. If no special server blank
 USE_COMPILER = gcc          # gcc  or icc
 DEBUG = 0
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ include $(AMDIS_DIR)/other/include/Makefile_AMDiS.mk
 PROGRAMS = ellipt heat vecellipt vecheat sphere ball parametric torus bunny
-VPATH = .:./src:/solhome/vey/sourcen/currentcvs/AMDiS/src
+VPATH = .:./src
 # ===== ellipt ============================================================