diff --git a/AMDiS/src/Initfile.cc b/AMDiS/src/Initfile.cc
index faf6a14b300e34748b4561b5792f8ceb787fbe23..595795aa4af5f602ce71159a24a7d9bf739a05ae 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/Initfile.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/Initfile.cc
@@ -8,153 +8,164 @@ using namespace std;
 namespace AMDiS {
-/// the small parser for the initfile. see description of read(Initfile&, istream&)
-struct Parser {
-	Parser(const string& line) {
-		size_t pos= line.find(':');
-		if (pos == string::npos)
-			throw runtime_error("cannot find the delimiter ':' in line '"+line+"'");
-		name= line.substr(0, pos);
-		value= line.substr(pos+1, line.length() - (pos + 1));
-		// remove everything after the %
-		pos= value.find('%');
-		if (pos != string::npos) {
-			value= value.substr(0, pos);
-		}
-	}
-	string name;
-	string value;
-Initfile* Initfile::singlett= NULL;
-std::set< std::string > Initfile::fn_include_list;
-/// initialize singleton object an global parameters
-void Initfile::init(std::string in) {
-	initIntern();
-	singlett->clear();
-	fn_include_list.clear();
-	singlett->read(in);
-	singlett->getInternalParameters();
+  /// the small parser for the initfile. see description of read(Initfile&, istream&)
+  struct Parser {
+    Parser(const string& line) 
+    {
+      size_t pos = line.find(':');
+      if (pos == string::npos)
+	throw runtime_error("cannot find the delimiter ':' in line '" + line + "'");
+      name = line.substr(0, pos);
+      value = line.substr(pos + 1, line.length() - (pos + 1));
+      // remove everything after the %
+      pos = value.find('%');
+      if (pos != string::npos)
+	value = value.substr(0, pos);
+    }
+    string name;
+    string value;
+  };
+  Initfile* Initfile::singlett= NULL;
+  std::set<std::string> Initfile::fn_include_list;
+  /// initialize singleton object an global parameters
+  void Initfile::init(std::string in)
+  {
+    initIntern();
+    singlett->clear();
+    fn_include_list.clear();
+    singlett->read(in);	
+    singlett->getInternalParameters();
-	// initialize global strcutures using parameters
-	Global::init();
-/// Fill an initfile from a file with filename fn
-void Initfile::read(std::string fn) {
-// read file if its not parsed already
-	if (fn_include_list.find(fn)==fn_include_list.end()) {
-		std::ifstream inputFile;
-		inputFile.open(fn.c_str(), std::ios::in);
-		if (!inputFile.is_open())
-			throw runtime_error("init-file cannot be opened for reading");
+    // initialize global strcutures using parameters
+    Global::init();
+  }
+  /// Fill an initfile from a file with filename fn
+  void Initfile::read(std::string fn)
+  {
+    // read file if its not parsed already
+    if (fn_include_list.find(fn) == fn_include_list.end()) {
+      std::ifstream inputFile;
+      inputFile.open(fn.c_str(), std::ios::in);
+      if (!inputFile.is_open())
+	throw runtime_error("init-file cannot be opened for reading");
-		fn_include_list.insert(fn);
-		read(inputFile);
-	}
-/// Fill an initfile from an input stream
-void Initfile::read(istream& in) {
-	unsigned line_length= 256;
-	char swap[line_length];
-	in.getline(swap, line_length);
-	while (in.good()) {
-		std::string whitespaces= " \t\r\f";
-		std::string sw(swap);
-		size_t pos0= sw.find_first_not_of(whitespaces);
+      fn_include_list.insert(fn);
+      read(inputFile);
+    }
+  }
+  /// Fill an initfile from an input stream
+  void Initfile::read(istream& in) 
+  {
+    unsigned line_length = 256;
+    char swap[line_length];
+    in.getline(swap, line_length);
+    while (in.good()) {
+      std::string whitespaces = " \t\r\f";
+      std::string sw(swap);
+      size_t pos0 = sw.find_first_not_of(whitespaces);
-		if (pos0!=std::string::npos && sw[pos0]!='%' && sw[pos0]!='#' && sw[pos0]!=0) {
-		// parse line and extract map: tag->value
-			Parser parser(sw);
-			operator[](parser.name)= parser.value;
-		} else if (sw[pos0]=='#' && static_cast<size_t>(sw.find("#include"))==pos0) {
-		// include file by '#include "filename"' or '#include <filename>'
-			size_t pos= sw.find_first_not_of(whitespaces,std::string("#include").size()+1);
-			size_t epos= 0;
-			std::string fn= "";
-			std::stringstream errorMsg;
-			switch (char c= swap[pos++]) {
-			case '<':
-				c= '>';
-			case '\"':
-				whitespaces+= c;
-				epos= sw.find_first_of(whitespaces, pos);
-				fn= sw.substr(pos,epos-pos);
+      if (pos0 != std::string::npos && sw[pos0] != '%' && sw[pos0] != '#' && sw[pos0] != 0) {
+	// parse line and extract map: tag->value
+	Parser parser(sw);
+	operator[](parser.name) = parser.value;
+      } else if (sw[pos0] == '#' && static_cast<size_t>(sw.find("#include")) == pos0) {
+	// include file by '#include "filename"' or '#include <filename>'
+	size_t pos = sw.find_first_not_of(whitespaces, std::string("#include").size() + 1);
+	size_t epos = 0;
+	std::string fn =  "";
+	std::stringstream errorMsg;
+	switch (char c= swap[pos++]) {
+	case '<':
+	  c= '>';
+	case '\"':
+	  whitespaces += c;
+	  epos = sw.find_first_of(whitespaces, pos);
+	  fn = sw.substr(pos, epos - pos);
-				if (sw[epos]!=c) {
-					errorMsg << "filename in #include not terminated by " << c;
-					throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg.str());
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				throw std::runtime_error("no filename given for #include");
-			}
-			read(fn);
-		}
-		in.getline(swap, line_length);
-	}
-void Initfile::readArgv(int argc, char **argv)
-	for (int i= 0; i<argc; ++i) {
-		if (strcmp("-rs", argv[i]) == 0) {
-			std::string input(argv[i+1]);
-			add("argv->rs", input, 0);
-		}
+	  if (sw[epos]!=c) {
+	    errorMsg << "filename in #include not terminated by " << c;
+	    throw std::runtime_error(errorMsg.str());
+	  }
+	  break;
+	default:
+	  throw std::runtime_error("no filename given for #include");
+	read(fn);
+      }
+      in.getline(swap, line_length);
+    }
+  }
-/// read standard values for output and information of parameter-values
-void Initfile::getInternalParameters() 
-	int val= 0;
-	get("level of information", val, 0);
-	msgInfo= val;
-	val= 1;
-	get("WAIT", val, 0);
-	msgWait= val;
+  void Initfile::readArgv(int argc, char **argv)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+      if (strcmp("-rs", argv[i]) == 0) {
+	std::string input(argv[i + 1]);
+	add("argv->rs", input, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /// read standard values for output and information of parameter-values
+  void Initfile::getInternalParameters() 
+  {
+    int val = 0;
+    get("level of information", val, 0);
+    msgInfo = val;
-	val= 1;
-	get("parameter information", val, 0);
-	paramInfo= val;
+    val = 1;
+    get("WAIT", val, 0);
+    msgWait = val;
-	val= 0;
-	get("break on missing tag", val, 0);
-	breakOnMissingTag= val;
-	if (msgInfo==0)
-		paramInfo= 0;
-/// print all parameters to std::cout
-void Initfile::printParameters() {
-	initIntern();
-	Initfile::iterator it;
-	for (it= singlett->begin(); it!=singlett->end(); it++)
-		std::cout << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second << std::endl;
-/// Write data-map to initfile
-void Initfile::write(ostream& out) {
-	Initfile::iterator it;
-	for (it= begin() ; it!=end(); it++)
-		out << (*it).first << ": " << (*it).second << std::endl;
+    val = 1;
+    get("parameter information", val, 0);
+    paramInfo = val;
-/// Write data-map to initfile
-void Initfile::write(std::string fn) {
-	std::ofstream outFile;
-	outFile.open(fn.c_str(), std::ios::out);
-	if (!outFile.is_open())
-		throw runtime_error("init-file cannot be opened for writing");
+    val = 0;
+    get("break on missing tag", val, 0);
+    breakOnMissingTag = val;
+    if (msgInfo == 0)
+      paramInfo = 0;
+  }
+  /// print all parameters to std::cout
+  void Initfile::printParameters() 
+  {
+    initIntern();
+    for (Initfile::iterator it = singlett->begin(); it != singlett->end(); it++)
+      std::cout << (*it).first << " => " << (*it).second << std::endl;
+  }
+  /// Write data-map to initfile
+  void Initfile::write(ostream& out)
+  {
+    for (Initfile::iterator it = begin() ; it!=end(); it++)
+      out << (*it).first << ": " << (*it).second << std::endl;	
+  }
+  /// Write data-map to initfile
+  void Initfile::write(std::string fn) 
+  {
+    std::ofstream outFile;
+    outFile.open(fn.c_str(), std::ios::out);
+    if (!outFile.is_open())
+      throw runtime_error("init-file cannot be opened for writing");
-	write(outFile);
+    write(outFile);
+  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/Initfile.h b/AMDiS/src/Initfile.h
index 552f607b2d14f256bdce34a70e44c07718d0bbf3..905382160b06d9b4b3123013589a2b31696394d2 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/Initfile.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/Initfile.h
@@ -26,419 +26,524 @@ namespace AMDiS {
   namespace InitfileInternal {
-	/// Exceptions
+    /// Exceptions
     struct WrongVectorSize : std::runtime_error {
-		WrongVectorSize(std::string m):std::runtime_error(m) {}
-	};
+      WrongVectorSize(std::string m)
+	: std::runtime_error(m) 
+      {}
+    };
     struct NoDelim : std::runtime_error {
-		NoDelim(std::string m):std::runtime_error(m) {}
-	};
+      NoDelim(std::string m)
+	: std::runtime_error(m) 
+      {}
+    };
     struct WrongVectorFormat : std::runtime_error {
-		WrongVectorFormat(std::string m):std::runtime_error(m) {}
-	};
-	template< typename T >
+      WrongVectorFormat(std::string m) 
+	: std::runtime_error(m) 
+      {}
+    };
+    template<typename T>
     struct WrongValueFormat : std::runtime_error {
-		static std::string name(int ) { return "int"; }
-		static std::string name(bool ) { return "bool"; }
-		static std::string name(double ) { return "double"; }
-		static std::string name(unsigned int ) { return "unsigned int"; }
-		template< typename G >
-		static std::string name(G ) { return std::string(typeid(G).name()); }
+      static std::string name(int) 
+      { 
+	return "int"; 
+      }
+      static std::string name(bool) 
+      { 
+	return "bool"; 
+      }
+      static std::string name(double) 
+      { 
+	return "double"; 
+      }
+      static std::string name(unsigned int) 
+      { 
+	return "unsigned int";
+      }
+      template<typename G>
+      static std::string name(G) 
+      { 
+	return std::string(typeid(G).name()); 
+      }
-		WrongValueFormat(std::string value): std::runtime_error(std::string("cannot convert '") + value + std::string("' into <")+ name(T())+">" ) 
-		{}
-	};
-	template< typename T >
-    struct BadArithmeticExpression : std::runtime_error {
-		static std::string name(int ) { return "int"; }
-		static std::string name(bool ) { return "bool"; }
-		static std::string name(double ) { return "double"; }
-		static std::string name(unsigned int ) { return "unsigned int"; }
-		template< typename G >
-		static std::string name(G ) { return std::string(typeid(G).name()); }
-		BadArithmeticExpression(std::string m, std::string value): std::runtime_error(std::string("cannot evaluate expression '") + value + std::string("' into <")+ name(T())+">\nParser message: '" + m + "'" ) 
-		{}
-	};
-	/// trim std::string
-	inline std::string trim(const std::string& oldStr) {
-		std::string swap(oldStr);
-		boost::algorithm::trim(swap);
-		return swap;
-	}
-	/// return the delimiter or throw an exception if there is no known delimiter in value
-	inline size_t checkDelim(const std::string& value, const std::string& delims) {
-		size_t pos(std::string::npos);
-		for (unsigned i= 0; i<delims.length(); ++i) {
-			pos= value.find(delims[i]);
-			if (pos!=std::string::npos)
-				return i;
-		}
-		throw NoDelim("cannot detect the delimiter in " + value);
-		return 0; 
-	}
+      WrongValueFormat(std::string value)
+	: std::runtime_error(std::string("cannot convert '") + 
+			     value + std::string("' into <") + name(T()) + ">")
+      {}
+    };
-	/** parse an container from tag tag. The Container must have the properties:
-	 * 	- type value_type
-	 * 	- member function push_back
-	 */
-	template< typename Container >
-	inline void getContainer(const std::string val_, Container& c) {
+    template<typename T>
+    struct BadArithmeticExpression : std::runtime_error {
+      static std::string name(int) 
+      {
+	return "int";
+      }
+      static std::string name(bool) 
+      { 
+	return "bool";
+      }
+      static std::string name(double) 
+      { 
+	return "double";
+      }
+      static std::string name(unsigned int) 
+      {
+	return "unsigned int";
+      }
+      template<typename G>
+      static std::string name(G) 
+      { 
+	return std::string(typeid(G).name());
+      }
-		// accepted brackets and delimiters for vector input
-		std::string begBrackets= "{[(";
-		std::string endBrackets= "}])";
-		std::string delims= ",;";
-		c.clear();
-		std::string val= trim(val_); 
-		size_t pos= begBrackets.find(val[0]);
-		if( pos == std::string::npos )
-			throw WrongVectorFormat("cannot convert '" + val + "' into a list. No leading bracket found!");
-		if( val[val.length() - 1] != endBrackets[pos] )
-			throw WrongVectorFormat("begin and end bracket are different in value '" + val + "'");
-		size_t oldPos= 1;
-		size_t curDelim= 0;
-		typedef typename Container::value_type ValueType;
-		ValueType swap;
-		try {
-			curDelim= checkDelim(val, delims);
-			pos= val.find(delims[curDelim], oldPos);
-			while( pos != std::string::npos ) {
-				std::string curWord= val.substr(oldPos, pos - oldPos);
-				oldPos= pos + 1;
-				convert(curWord, swap);
-				c.push_back(swap);
-				pos= val.find(delims[curDelim], oldPos);
-			}
-			//last entry
-			std::string curWord= val.substr(oldPos, val.length()-1 - oldPos);
-			convert(curWord, swap);
-			c.push_back(swap);
-		} catch (NoDelim nd) {
-			std::string curWord= val.substr(1, val.length()-2);
-			curWord = trim(curWord);
-			if(curWord.length()>0) {
-			// container with one entry
-				convert(curWord, swap);
-				c.push_back(swap);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/// convert string to string
-	inline void convert(const std::string valStr, std::string& value) {
-		value= trim(valStr);
-	}
+      BadArithmeticExpression(std::string m, std::string value) 
+	: std::runtime_error(std::string("cannot evaluate expression '") + 
+			     value + std::string("' into <") + name(T()) + 
+			     ">\nParser message: '" + m + "'") 
+      {}
+    };
-	/// convert string to intrinsic type
-	template< typename T >	
-	inline void convert(const std::string valStr, T& value , 
-	        typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_pod< T > >::type* p = NULL , 
-	        typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_enum< T > >::type* p2 = NULL ) 
-	{
-		using boost::lexical_cast;
-		using boost::numeric_cast;
-		mu::Parser parser;
-		parser.DefineConst(_T("M_PI"), m_pi);
-		parser.DefineConst(_T("M_E"), m_e);
-		try {
-			parser.SetExpr(valStr);
-// 			value = lexical_cast< T >(trim(valStr));
-			value= numeric_cast< T >(parser.Eval());
-		} catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast e) {
-			throw WrongValueFormat< T >(valStr);
-		} catch(boost::bad_numeric_cast e) {
-			throw WrongValueFormat< T >(valStr);
-		} catch (mu::Parser::exception_type &e) {
-			throw BadArithmeticExpression< T >(e.GetMsg(), valStr);
-		}
+    /// trim std::string
+    inline std::string trim(const std::string& oldStr) 
+    {
+      std::string swap(oldStr);
+      boost::algorithm::trim(swap);
+      return swap;
+    }
+    /// return the delimiter or throw an exception if there is no known delimiter in value
+    inline size_t checkDelim(const std::string& value, const std::string& delims)
+    {
+      size_t pos(std::string::npos);
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < delims.length(); i++) {
+	pos = value.find(delims[i]);
+	if (pos != std::string::npos)
+	  return i;
+      }
+      throw NoDelim("cannot detect the delimiter in " + value);
+      return 0; 
+    }
+    /** parse an container from tag tag. The Container must have the properties:
+     * 	- type value_type
+     * 	- member function push_back
+     */
+    template< typename Container >
+    inline void getContainer(const std::string val_, Container& c)
+    {		
+      // accepted brackets and delimiters for vector input
+      std::string begBrackets= "{[(";
+      std::string endBrackets= "}])";
+      std::string delims= ",;";
+      c.clear();
+      std::string val = trim(val_); 
+      size_t pos = begBrackets.find(val[0]);
+      if (pos == std::string::npos)
+	throw WrongVectorFormat("cannot convert '" + val + "' into a list. No leading bracket found!");
+      if (val[val.length() - 1] != endBrackets[pos])
+	throw WrongVectorFormat("begin and end bracket are different in value '" + val + "'");
+      size_t oldPos = 1;
+      size_t curDelim = 0;
+      typedef typename Container::value_type ValueType;
+      ValueType swap;
+      try {
+	curDelim = checkDelim(val, delims);
+	pos = val.find(delims[curDelim], oldPos);
+	while (pos != std::string::npos) {
+	  std::string curWord = val.substr(oldPos, pos - oldPos);
+	  oldPos = pos + 1;
+	  convert(curWord, swap);
+	  c.push_back(swap);
+	  pos= val.find(delims[curDelim], oldPos);
-	template< typename T >
-	inline void convert(const std::string valStr, T& value, 
-	        typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_enum< T > >::type* p = NULL) 
-	{
-		unsigned int swap= 0;
-		try {
-			swap = boost::lexical_cast< unsigned int >(trim(valStr));
-		}catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast e) {
-			throw WrongValueFormat< T >(valStr);
-		}
-		value = static_cast< T >(swap);
+	//last entry
+	std::string curWord = val.substr(oldPos, val.length() - 1 - oldPos);
+	convert(curWord, swap);
+	c.push_back(swap);
+      } catch (NoDelim nd) {
+	std::string curWord = val.substr(1, val.length() - 2);
+	curWord = trim(curWord);
+	if (curWord.length() > 0) {
+	  // container with one entry
+	  convert(curWord, swap);
+	  c.push_back(swap);
-	/// convert string to WorldVector
-	template< typename T >
-	inline void convert(const std::string valStr, WorldVector<T>& c) {
-		std::vector<T> temp_vec;
-		getContainer(valStr, temp_vec);
-		if (static_cast<int>(temp_vec.size())!=c.getSize())
-			throw WrongVectorSize("wrong number of entries for WorldVector");
+      }
+    }
+    /// convert string to string
+    inline void convert(const std::string valStr, std::string& value) 
+    {
+      value = trim(valStr);
+    }
+    /// convert string to intrinsic type
+    template<typename T>
+    inline void convert(const std::string valStr, T& value , 
+			typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_pod<T> >::type* p = NULL , 
+			typename boost::disable_if<boost::is_enum<T> >::type* p2 = NULL)
+    {
+      using boost::lexical_cast;
+      using boost::numeric_cast;
+      mu::Parser parser;
+      parser.DefineConst(_T("M_PI"), m_pi);
+      parser.DefineConst(_T("M_E"), m_e);
+      try {
+	parser.SetExpr(valStr);
+	value = numeric_cast< T >(parser.Eval());
+      } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast e) {
+	throw WrongValueFormat< T >(valStr);
+      } catch(boost::bad_numeric_cast e) {
+	throw WrongValueFormat< T >(valStr);
+      } catch (mu::Parser::exception_type &e) {
+	throw BadArithmeticExpression<T>(e.GetMsg(), valStr);
+      }
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    inline void convert(const std::string valStr, T& value, 
+			typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_enum< T > >::type* p = NULL) 
+    {
+      unsigned int swap = 0;
+      try {
+	swap = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(trim(valStr));
+      } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast e) {
+	throw WrongValueFormat< T >(valStr);
+      }
+      value = static_cast< T >(swap);
+    }
+    /// convert string to WorldVector
+    template< typename T >
+    inline void convert(const std::string valStr, WorldVector<T>& c) 
+    {
+      std::vector<T> temp_vec;
+      getContainer(valStr, temp_vec);
+      if (static_cast<int>(temp_vec.size()) != c.getSize())
+	throw WrongVectorSize("wrong number of entries for WorldVector");
-		for (unsigned i= 0; i<temp_vec.size(); ++i)
-			c[i]= temp_vec[i];
-	}
-	/// convert string to std::list using begBrackets, endBrackets and delims
-	template< typename T >
-	inline void convert(const std::string valStr, std::list< T >& value) {
-		getContainer(valStr, value);
-	}
-	/// convert string to std::vector using begBrackets, endBrackets and delims
-	template< typename T >
-	inline void convert(const std::string valStr, std::vector< T >& value) {
-		getContainer(valStr, value);
-	}
-	/// convert value of arbitrary type to string using stringstream and operator<< for type
-	template< typename T >
-	inline void convert(const T value, std::string& valStr) {
-		std::stringstream ss;
-		ss << value;
-		valStr= ss.str();
-	}
-	/// convert WorldVector to string
-	template< typename T >
-	inline void convert(const WorldVector<T>& c, std::string& valStr) {
-		std::vector<T> temp_vec(c.getSize());
-		for (unsigned i= 0; i<temp_vec.size(); ++i)
-			temp_vec[i]= c[i];
-		convert(temp_vec, valStr);
-	}
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < temp_vec.size(); i++)
+	c[i] = temp_vec[i];
+    }
+    /// convert string to std::list using begBrackets, endBrackets and delims
+    template<typename T>
+    inline void convert(const std::string valStr, std::list<T>& value)
+    {
+      getContainer(valStr, value);
+    }
+    /// convert string to std::vector using begBrackets, endBrackets and delims
+    template<typename T>
+    inline void convert(const std::string valStr, std::vector<T>& value)
+    {
+      getContainer(valStr, value);
+    }
+    /// convert value of arbitrary type to string using stringstream and operator<< for type
+    template<typename T>
+    inline void convert(const T value, std::string& valStr) 
+    {
+      std::stringstream ss;
+      ss << value;
+      valStr= ss.str();
+    }
+    /// convert WorldVector to string
+    template<typename T>
+    inline void convert(const WorldVector<T>& c, std::string& valStr)
+    {
+      std::vector<T> temp_vec(c.getSize());
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < temp_vec.size(); i++)
+	temp_vec[i] = c[i];
+      convert(temp_vec, valStr);
+    }
   } // end namespace InitfileInternal
-/** The entry in an initfile. This helper class was constructed to allow calls like
- *  val = data.get(tag)
- *  for arbitrary types of val. At current stage, only double and bool is supported
- */
-struct InitEntry {
-	///the value as string
-	std::string valStr;
-	/// initialize with value as string
-	InitEntry(std::string v= ""):
-		valStr(v) {}
-	/// cast string to type T
-	template< typename T >
-	operator T() const { T t; convert(valStr, t); return t;}
-/// output-stream for std::list
-template< typename T >
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const std::list< T >& l) {
-	typename std::list< T >::const_iterator it= l.begin();
-	o << "[";
-	for(unsigned i= 0; it!=l.end() && i<l.size(); ++i) {
-		o << *it << (i<l.size()-1?", ":"");
-		++it;
-	}
-	o << "]";
-	return o;
-/// output-stream for std::vector
-template< typename T >
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const std::vector< T >& l) {
-	typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator it= l.begin();
-	o << "[";
-	for(unsigned i= 0; it!=l.end() && i<l.size(); ++i) {
-		o << *it << (i<l.size()-1?", ":"");
-		++it;
-	}
-	o << "]";
-	return o;
-/** Basis data container as a map of tag on a value as strings. The container throws an exception, if the tag was not found.
- */
-struct Initfile : public std::map< std::string, std::string > {
-	typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > super;
-	/// Exceptions
+  /** The entry in an initfile. This helper class was constructed to allow calls like
+   *  val = data.get(tag)
+   *  for arbitrary types of val. At current stage, only double and bool is supported
+   */
+  struct InitEntry {
+    ///the value as string
+    std::string valStr;
+    /// initialize with value as string
+    InitEntry(std::string v = "")
+      : valStr(v) 
+    {}
+    /// cast string to type T
+    template<typename T>
+    operator T() const 
+    { 
+      T t; 
+      convert(valStr, t); 
+      return t;
+    }
+  };
+  /// output-stream for std::list
+  template<typename T>
+  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const std::list< T >& l)
+  {
+    typename std::list< T >::const_iterator it = l.begin();
+    o << "[";
+    for (unsigned i = 0; it != l.end() && i < l.size(); i++) {
+      o << *it << (i < l.size() - 1 ? ", " : "");
+      ++it;
+    }
+    o << "]";
+    return o;
+  }
+  /// output-stream for std::vector
+  template<typename T>
+  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const std::vector<T>& l)
+  {
+    typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it = l.begin();
+    o << "[";
+    for (unsigned i = 0; it != l.end() && i < l.size(); i++) {
+      o << *it << (i < l.size() - 1 ? ", " : "");
+      ++it;
+    }
+    o << "]";
+    return o;
+  }
+  /** Basis data container as a map of tag on a value as strings. The container throws an exception, if the tag was not found.
+   */
+  struct Initfile : public std::map<std::string, std::string> 
+  {
+    typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > super;
+    /// Exceptions
     struct TagNotFound : std::invalid_argument {
-		TagNotFound(std::string m):std::invalid_argument(m) {}
-	};
+      TagNotFound(std::string m) 
+	: std::invalid_argument(m) 
+      {}
+    };
     struct TagNotFoundBreak : std::invalid_argument { // print 'tag not found' and exit
-		TagNotFoundBreak(std::string m):std::invalid_argument(m) {}
-	};
+      TagNotFoundBreak(std::string m)
+	: std::invalid_argument(m) 
+      {}
+    };
-	/** initialize init-file from file with filename in, read data and save it to singleton-map
-	 * @param in: filename string
-	 */
-	static void init(std::string in);
-    static void init(int print, string filename, const char *flags = NULL) {
-		WARNING("Parameters::init(int,std::string,const char*) is depreciated. Use Parameters::init(std::string) instead!\n");
-		init(filename);
-	}
+    /** initialize init-file from file with filename in, read data and save it to singleton-map
+     * @param in: filename string
+     */
+    static void init(std::string in);
+    static void init(int print, string filename, const char *flags = NULL) 
+    {
+      WARNING("Parameters::init(int,std::string,const char*) is depreciated. Use Parameters::init(std::string) instead!\n");
+      init(filename);
+    }
-	/** Static get routine for getting parameter-values from init-file initialized in init()-method.
-	 * Cast the value to the desired type using std::stringstream.
-	 * @param tag: The tag to look for
-	 * @param value: The result.
-	 * @param debug_info: msgInfo for current parameter. (0..no printing, 1..print missing parameter info, 2..print parameter value) [optional]
-	 */
-	template< typename T >
-	static void get(const std::string tag, T& value, int debug_info= -1) {
-	using namespace InitfileInternal;
-		initIntern();
-		if (debug_info==-1)
-			debug_info= singlett->getMsgInfo();
+    /** Static get routine for getting parameter-values from init-file initialized in init()-method.
+     * Cast the value to the desired type using std::stringstream.
+     * @param tag: The tag to look for
+     * @param value: The result.
+     * @param debugInfo: msgInfo for current parameter. (0..no printing, 1..print missing parameter info, 2..print parameter value) [optional]
+     */
+    template<typename T>
+    static void get(const std::string tag, T& value, int debugInfo = -1)
+    {
+      using namespace InitfileInternal;
+      initIntern();
+      if (debugInfo == -1)
+	debugInfo = singlett->getMsgInfo();
-		try {
-			std::string valStr(singlett->checkedGet(tag));
-			valStr= trim(valStr);
-			convert(valStr, value);
-			if (debug_info==2)
-				std::cout << "Parameter '" << tag << "' initialized with: " << value << std::endl;
-		} catch (TagNotFound ia) {
-			if (debug_info>=1)
-				std::cout << ia.what() << std::endl;
-		}
-	}
-	/// return InitEntry object for tag tag
-	static InitEntry get(const std::string tag) {
-	using namespace InitfileInternal;
-		int debug_info= singlett->getMsgInfo();
-		InitEntry result;
-		try {
-			std::string valStr(singlett->checkedGet(tag));
-			valStr= trim(valStr);
-			result= InitEntry(valStr);
-		} catch (TagNotFound ia) {
-			if (debug_info>=1)
-				std::cout << ia.what() << std::endl;
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
+      try {
+	std::string valStr(singlett->checkedGet(tag));
+	valStr = trim(valStr);
+	convert(valStr, value);
+	if (debugInfo == 2)
+	  std::cout << "Parameter '" << tag << "' initialized with: " << value << std::endl;
+      } catch (TagNotFound ia) {
+	if (debugInfo >= 1)
+	  std::cout << ia.what() << std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+    /// return InitEntry object for tag tag
+    static InitEntry get(const std::string tag) 
+    {
+      using namespace InitfileInternal;
+      int debugInfo = singlett->getMsgInfo();
+      InitEntry result;
+      try {
+	std::string valStr(singlett->checkedGet(tag));
+	valStr = trim(valStr);
+	result = InitEntry(valStr);
+      } catch (TagNotFound ia) {
+	if (debugInfo >= 1)
+	  std::cout << ia.what() << std::endl;
+      }
+      return result;
+    }
-	/// update map tag->value_old to tag->value in singleton
-	template< typename T >
-	static void set(const std::string tag, T& value, int debug_info= -1) {
-	using namespace InitfileInternal;
-		initIntern();
-		if (debug_info==-1)
-			debug_info= singlett->getMsgInfo();
+    /// update map tag->value_old to tag->value in singleton
+    template<typename T>
+    static void set(const std::string tag, T& value, int debugInfo=  -1) 
+    {
+      using namespace InitfileInternal;
+      initIntern();
+      if (debugInfo == -1)
+	debugInfo = singlett->getMsgInfo();
-		std::string swap= "";
-		convert(value, swap);
-		(*singlett)[trim(tag)]= swap;
-		// update msg parameters msgInfo, msgWait, paramInfo
-		singlett->getInternalParameters();
-		if (debug_info==2)
-			std::cout << "Parameter '" << tag << "' set to: " << value << std::endl;
-	}
+      std::string swap = "";
+      convert(value, swap);
+      (*singlett)[trim(tag)] = swap;
+      // update msg parameters msgInfo, msgWait, paramInfo
+      singlett->getInternalParameters();
+      if (debugInfo == 2)
+	std::cout << "Parameter '" << tag << "' set to: " << value << std::endl;
+    }
-	/// add map tag->value to data in singleton
-	template< typename T >
-	static void add(const std::string tag, T& value, int debug_info= -1) {
-		set(tag, value, debug_info);
-	}
-	/// rescheduling parameter
+    /// add map tag->value to data in singleton
+    template< typename T >
+    static void add(const std::string tag, T& value, int debugInfo = -1) 
+    {
+      set(tag, value, debugInfo);
+    }
+    /// rescheduling parameter
     static void readArgv(int argc, char **argv);
-	/// Returns specified info level
-	static int getMsgInfo() 
-	{ 
-		return (singlett!=NULL) ? singlett->msgInfo : 0; 
-	}
-	/// Returns specified wait value
-	static int getMsgWait() 
-	{ 
-		return (singlett!=NULL) ? singlett->msgWait : 0; 
-	}
+    /// Returns specified info level
+    static int getMsgInfo() 
+    { 
+      return (singlett != NULL) ? singlett->msgInfo : 0; 
+    }
+    /// Returns specified wait value
+    static int getMsgWait() 
+    { 
+      return (singlett != NULL) ? singlett->msgWait : 0; 
+    }
-	/// Checks whether parameters are initialized. if not, call init()
-	static bool initialized() 
-	{ 
-		return (singlett!=NULL); 
-	}
-	/// return pointer to singleton
-	static Initfile *getSingleton() 
-	{ 
-		return singlett; 
-	}
+    /// Checks whether parameters are initialized. if not, call init()
+    static bool initialized() 
+    { 
+      return (singlett != NULL); 
+    }
+    /// return pointer to singleton
+    static Initfile *getSingleton() 
+    { 
+      return singlett; 
+    }
-	/// print all data in singleton to std::cout
-	static void printParameters();
-	/// clear data in singleton
-	static void clearData()
-	{
-		initIntern();
-		singlett->clear();
-	}
+    /// print all data in singleton to std::cout
+    static void printParameters();
+    /// clear data in singleton
+    static void clearData()
+    {
+      initIntern();
+      singlett->clear();
+    }
-	/// save singlett-data to file with filename fn
-	static void save(std::string fn)
-	{
-		initIntern();
-		singlett->write(fn);
-	}
+    /// save singlett-data to file with filename fn
+    static void save(std::string fn)
+    {
+      initIntern();
+      singlett->write(fn);
+    }
-	Initfile() : msgInfo(0), msgWait(1), paramInfo(1), breakOnMissingTag(0) {}
+  protected:	
+    Initfile() 
+      : msgInfo(0), 
+	msgWait(1), 
+	paramInfo(1), 
+	breakOnMissingTag(0) 
+    {}
-	static void initIntern() {
-		if (singlett == NULL)
-			singlett= new Initfile;
-	}
+    static void initIntern() 
+    {
+      if (singlett == NULL)
+	singlett = new Initfile;
+    }
-	/// list of processed files
-	static std::set< std::string > fn_include_list;
+    /// list of processed files
+    static std::set< std::string > fn_include_list;
-	/// pointer to the singleton that contains the data
-	static Initfile* singlett;
+    /// pointer to the singleton that contains the data
+    static Initfile* singlett;
-	/// return the value of the given tag or throws an exception if the tag does not exist
-	std::string checkedGet(const std::string& tag) const {
-		super::const_iterator it= find(tag);
-		if (it==end()) {
-			if(breakOnMissingTag==0 || msgInfo<=2)
-				throw TagNotFound("there is no tag '"+ tag + "'");
-			else
-				throw TagNotFoundBreak("required tag '"+ tag + "' not found");
-		}
-		return it->second;
-	}
-	/** Fill the initfile from an input stream.
-	* @param in: the stream to fill the data from.
-	* Current dataformat: tag:value
-	* Comment char: percent '%'
-	* Include files: #include "filename" or #include <filename>
-	*/
-	void read(std::istream& in);
-	/// Fill the initfile from a file with filename fn
-	void read(std::string fn);
+    /// return the value of the given tag or throws an exception if the tag does not exist
+    std::string checkedGet(const std::string& tag) const 
+    {
+      super::const_iterator it = find(tag);
+      if (it == end()) {
+	if (breakOnMissingTag == 0 || msgInfo <= 2)
+	  throw TagNotFound("there is no tag '"+ tag + "'");
+	else
+	  throw TagNotFoundBreak("required tag '"+ tag + "' not found");
+      }
+      return it->second;
+    }
+    /** Fill the initfile from an input stream.
+     * @param in: the stream to fill the data from.
+     * Current dataformat: tag:value
+     * Comment char: percent '%'
+     * Include files: #include "filename" or #include <filename>
+     */
+    void read(std::istream& in);
+    /// Fill the initfile from a file with filename fn
+    void read(std::string fn);
-	/** Write data-map to initfile
-	* @param out: the stream to fill the data in.
-	*/
-	void write(std::ostream& out);
+    /** Write data-map to initfile
+     * @param out: the stream to fill the data in.
+     */
+    void write(std::ostream& out);
-	/// Write data-map to initfile with filename fn
-	void write(std::string fn);
-	/// read parameters for msgInfo, msgWait, paramInfo
-	void getInternalParameters();
+    /// Write data-map to initfile with filename fn
+    void write(std::string fn);
-	int msgInfo, msgWait, paramInfo, breakOnMissingTag;
+    /// read parameters for msgInfo, msgWait, paramInfo
+    void getInternalParameters();
+    int msgInfo, msgWait, paramInfo, breakOnMissingTag;	
+  };
-typedef Initfile Parameters;
+  typedef Initfile Parameters;
 } // end namespace AMDiS
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/UmfPackSolver.h b/AMDiS/src/UmfPackSolver.h
index 783cdb8b14f303b7b612fe903fb6f1b033df5265..4a98a23120cdca4c70d28213b1db2acb70f4fbb0 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/UmfPackSolver.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/UmfPackSolver.h
@@ -50,13 +50,15 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-      symmetric_strategy(0)
+      symmetric_strategy(0),
+      alloc_init(0.7)
       TEST_EXIT_DBG(oem_ != NULL)("Need real OEMSolver\n"); 
       Parameters::get(oem.getName() + "->store symbolic", store_symbolic);
       Parameters::get(oem.getName() + "->symmetric strategy", symmetric_strategy);
+      Parameters::get(oem.getName() + "->alloc init", alloc_init);
     template< typename Vector> 
@@ -64,10 +66,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       if (!solver) {
-        if (!symmetric_strategy)
-	  solver = new mtl::matrix::umfpack::solver<matrix_type>(A);
-	else
-	  solver = new mtl::matrix::umfpack::solver<matrix_type>(A, UMFPACK_STRATEGY_SYMMETRIC);
+	solver = new mtl::matrix::umfpack::solver<matrix_type>(A, symmetric_strategy, alloc_init);
       } else {
 	if (!oem.getMultipleRhs()) {
  	  if (store_symbolic)
@@ -101,7 +100,10 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     mtl::matrix::umfpack::solver<matrix_type> *solver;
     int store_symbolic;
     int symmetric_strategy;
+    double alloc_init;
   using namespace MTLTypes;