diff --git a/AMDiS/src/Mesh.cc b/AMDiS/src/Mesh.cc
index 9f99f2c553aa5ee2fca5236d6ec95385709bfd19..db16edd4a19a1f5afc38a03180775cc8dc7c71b3 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/Mesh.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/Mesh.cc
@@ -389,16 +389,148 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     std::vector<DOFAdmin*>::iterator dai = std::find(admin.begin(),admin.end(),localAdmin);
-    if (dai!= admin.end()) {
-      ERROR("admin %s is already associated to mesh %s\n",
-	    localAdmin->getName().c_str(), this->getName().c_str());
-    }
+    TEST_EXIT(dai == admin.end())
+      ("admin %s is already associated to mesh %s\n",
+       localAdmin->getName().c_str(), this->getName().c_str());
     // ===== adding dofs to already existing elements ============================ 
-    // If adding DOFAdmins to already initilized meshes is required, see older
-    // AMDiS version (revision < 244) at the same code position.
-    TEST_EXIT(!initialized)("Adding DOFAdmins to initilized meshes does not work!\n");
+    TEST_EXIT(!initialized)("Adding DOFAdmins to initilized meshes does not work yet!\n");
+    if (initialized) {
+      static bool pnd_1d_0[2] = {true, true};
+      static bool pnd_1d_1[1] = {false};
+      static bool pnd_2d_0[3] = {true, true, true};
+      static bool pnd_2d_1[3] = {true, true, false};
+      static bool pnd_2d_2[1] = {false};
+      static bool pnd_3d_0[4] = {true, true, true, true};
+      static bool pnd_3d_1[6] = {false, true, true, true, true, true};
+      static bool pnd_3d_2[4] = {true, true, false, false};
+      static bool pnd_3d_3[1] = {false};
+      static bool *pnd_1d[2] = {pnd_1d_0, pnd_1d_1};
+      static bool *pnd_2d[3] = {pnd_2d_0, pnd_2d_1, pnd_2d_2};
+      static bool *pnd_3d[4] = {pnd_3d_0, pnd_3d_1, pnd_3d_2, pnd_3d_3};
+      static bool **parentNeedsDOF[4] = {NULL, pnd_1d, pnd_2d, pnd_3d};
+      std::list<struct delmem> delList;
+      std::map< std::set<DegreeOfFreedom>, DegreeOfFreedom*> dofPtrMap;
+      const DOFAdmin *vertexAdmin = getVertexAdmin();
+      int vertexAdminPreDOFs = vertexAdmin->getNumberOfPreDOFs(VERTEX);
+      // finding necessary node number for new admin
+      int newNNode = 0;
+      GeoIndex geoIndex;
+      for (int d = 0; d < dim + 1; d++) {
+	geoIndex = INDEX_OF_DIM(d, dim);
+	if (localAdmin->getNumberOfDOFs(geoIndex)>0||nDOF[geoIndex]>0)
+	  newNNode+=getGeo(geoIndex);
+      }
+      bool extendNodes = (newNNode>nNodeEl);
+      nNodeEl = newNNode;
+      TraverseStack stack;
+      ElInfo *elInfo = NULL;
+      elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(this, -1, CALL_EVERY_EL_PREORDER);
+      while(elInfo) {
+	Element *element = elInfo->getElement();
+	DegreeOfFreedom *newDOF, **oldDOF, **dof = 
+	  const_cast<DegreeOfFreedom**>(element->getDOF());
+	int index = 0;
+	if (extendNodes) {
+	  oldDOF=dof;
+	  element->setDOFPtrs();
+	  dof=const_cast<DegreeOfFreedom**>(element->getDOF());
+	  int index=0,oldIndex=0;
+	  for (int d = 0; d < dim+1; d++) {
+	    geoIndex = INDEX_OF_DIM(d, dim);
+	    if (nDOF[geoIndex]>0) {
+	      for(int i=0;i<getGeo(geoIndex);++i) 
+		dof[index++]=oldDOF[oldIndex++];
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      if (localAdmin->getNumberOfDOFs(geoIndex)>0) 
+		index+=getGeo(geoIndex);
+	    }
+	  }
+	  FREE_MEMORY(oldDOF, DegreeOfFreedom*, oldNNodes);
+	  TEST_EXIT_DBG(index == nNodeEl)("ERROR: Number of entered nodes %f != number of nodes %f\n",index,nNodeEl);
+	}
+	index=0;
+	// allocate new memory at elements
+	for(int d = 0; d < dim+1; d++) {
+	  geoIndex = INDEX_OF_DIM(d, dim);
+	  int numberOfDOFs = localAdmin->getNumberOfDOFs(geoIndex);
+	  int numberOfPreDOFs = nDOF[geoIndex];
+	  if (numberOfDOFs>0||numberOfPreDOFs>0) {
+	    // for all vertices/edges/...
+	    for(int i = 0; i < getGeo(geoIndex); i++, index++) {
+	      std::set<DegreeOfFreedom> dofSet;
+	      for(int j = 0; j < d+1; j++) {
+		dofSet.insert(dof[element->getVertexOfPosition(geoIndex, i, j)][vertexAdminPreDOFs]);
+	      }
+	      if(element->isLeaf() || parentNeedsDOF[dim][d][i]) {
+		if(dofPtrMap[dofSet] == NULL) {
+		  if(localAdmin->getNumberOfDOFs(geoIndex)) {
+		    newDOF = GET_MEMORY(DegreeOfFreedom, numberOfPreDOFs + numberOfDOFs);
+		    // copy old dofs to new memory and free old memory
+		    if(dof[index]) {
+		      for(int j = 0; j < numberOfPreDOFs; j++) {
+			newDOF[j] = dof[index][j];
+		      }
+		      //	  FREE_MEMORY(dof[index], DegreeOfFreedom, numberOfPreDOFs);
+		      // Do not free memory. The information has to be used to identify the part in other elements.
+		      // The memory is only marked for freeing.
+		      struct delmem fm;
+		      fm.ptr=dof[index];
+		      fm.len=numberOfPreDOFs;
+		      delList.push_back(fm);
+		    }
+		    for(int j = 0; j < numberOfDOFs; j++) {
+		      newDOF[numberOfPreDOFs + j] = localAdmin->getDOFIndex();
+		    }
+		    dof[index] = newDOF;
+		  }
+		  dofPtrMap[dofSet] = dof[index];
+		} else {
+		  dof[index] = dofPtrMap[dofSet];
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
+	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
+      }
+      // now free the old dof memory:
+      std::list<struct delmem>::iterator it=delList.begin();
+      while(it!=delList.end()) {
+	FREE_MEMORY((*it).ptr, DegreeOfFreedom, (*it).len);
+	it++;
+      }
+      delList.clear();
+    }
@@ -540,14 +672,14 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-  const DOFAdmin *Mesh::createDOFAdmin(const std::string& lname,DimVec<int> lnDOF)
+  const DOFAdmin *Mesh::createDOFAdmin(const std::string& lname, DimVec<int> lnDOF)
     DOFAdmin *localAdmin = new DOFAdmin(this, lname);
-    for (int i = 0; i < dim+1; i++)
-      localAdmin->setNumberOfDOFs(i,lnDOF[i]);
+    for (int i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++)
+      localAdmin->setNumberOfDOFs(i, lnDOF[i]);
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.cc b/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.cc
index 728525639e26f2e19d8fde8a0abdbf7f92f7baae..4993ea4718262897d247c7f37a9fe8cefafde8a0 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/ProblemVec.cc
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       WARNING("meshes already created\n");
     } else {
       if (initFlag.isSet(CREATE_MESH) || 
-	  ((!adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_MESH))&&
+	  (!adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_MESH) &&
 	   (initFlag.isSet(INIT_SYSTEM) || initFlag.isSet(INIT_FE_SPACE)))) {
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       WARNING("feSpaces already created\n");
     } else {
       if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_FE_SPACE) || 
-	  (initFlag.isSet(INIT_SYSTEM)&&!adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_FE_SPACE))) {
+	  (initFlag.isSet(INIT_SYSTEM) && !adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_FE_SPACE))) {
       if (adoptProblem &&
@@ -87,9 +87,8 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 	  TEST_EXIT(feSpaces.size() == 1)("Daran muss ich noch arbeiten!\n");
-	  for (int i = adoptProblem->getNumComponents(); i < nComponents; i++) {
+	  for (int i = adoptProblem->getNumComponents(); i < nComponents; i++)
 	    componentSpaces[i] = componentSpaces[0];
-	  }
@@ -125,27 +124,21 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       WARNING("no solver created\n");
     // === create estimator ===
-    if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_ESTIMATOR)) {
+    if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_ESTIMATOR))
-    } 
-    if (adoptProblem && adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_ESTIMATOR)) {
+    if (adoptProblem && adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_ESTIMATOR))
       estimator = adoptProblem->getEstimator();
-    } 
     // === create marker ===
-    if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_MARKER)) {
+    if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_MARKER))
-    } 
-    if (adoptProblem && adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_MARKER)) {
+    if (adoptProblem && adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_MARKER))
       marker = adoptProblem->getMarker();
-    } 
     // === create file writer ===
-    if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_FILEWRITER)) {
+    if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_FILEWRITER))
-    }
     // === read serialization and init mesh ===