diff --git a/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.am b/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.am
index 5fed9ecd6724c3d1f0a9d15c1499588d882d113e..ffa328d07cf85dde2cd0d5e270bdba4882540f7b 100644
--- a/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.am
+++ b/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.am
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ if ENABLE_UMFPACK
-  libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS += -DHAVE_MKL=1
+  libamdis_la_CXXFLAGS += -DHAVE_MKL=1 -I${MKL_INC}
diff --git a/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.in b/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.in
index 0b37740b1a42fa80dda3913c6280c528d6690c30..6ea1ff01f649b626a1e438a5725680a25807d706 100644
--- a/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.in
+++ b/AMDiS/bin/Makefile.in
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ host_triplet = @host@
 @ENABLE_UMFPACK_TRUE@	            -I$(LIB_DIR)/AMD/Include \
 @ENABLE_UMFPACK_TRUE@                    -I$(LIB_DIR)/UMFPACK/Include  
-@ENABLE_MKL_TRUE@am__append_3 = -DHAVE_MKL=1
+@ENABLE_MKL_TRUE@am__append_3 = -DHAVE_MKL=1 -I${MKL_INC}
 @AMDIS_DEBUG_TRUE@am__append_4 = -g -O0 -Wall -DDEBUG=1 $(OPENMP_FLAG) -ftemplate-depth-30 $(INCLUDES) #-pedantic
 @AMDIS_DEBUG_FALSE@am__append_5 = -O2 -Wall -DDEBUG=0 $(OPENMP_FLAG) -ftemplate-depth-30 $(INCLUDES) #-pedantic
 subdir = bin
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/PardisoSolver.cc b/AMDiS/src/PardisoSolver.cc
index c6597e9929548e67dde05de8d0a0d5aeaec0e719..98f749ca66abbd5975f518ba61b0f4504476dd6f 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/PardisoSolver.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/PardisoSolver.cc
@@ -4,12 +4,161 @@
 #ifdef HAVE_MKL
+#include <mkl_pardiso.h>
 namespace AMDiS {
   int PardisoSolver<SystemVector>::solveSystem(MatVecMultiplier<SystemVector> *matVec,
 					       SystemVector *x, SystemVector *b)
+    FUNCNAME("PardisoSolver::solveSystem()");
+    TEST_EXIT(x->getSize() == b->getSize())("Vectors x and b must have the same size!");
+    // Extract the matrix of DOF-matrices.
+    StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector> *stdMatVec = 
+      dynamic_cast<StandardMatVec<Matrix<DOFMatrix*>, SystemVector> *>(matVec);
+    Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *m = stdMatVec->getMatrix();
+    // Number of systems.
+    int nComponents = m->getSize();
+    // Size of the new composed matrix.
+    int newMatrixSize = ((*m)[0][0])->getFESpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize() * nComponents;
+    // The new matrix has to be stored in compressed row format, therefore
+    // the rows are collected.
+    ::std::vector< ::std::vector< MatEntry > > rows(newMatrixSize, ::std::vector<MatEntry>(0));
+    // Counter for the number of non-zero elements in the new matrix.
+    int nElements = 0;
+    for (int stencilRow = 0; stencilRow < nComponents; stencilRow++) {
+      for (int stencilCol = 0; stencilCol < nComponents; stencilCol++) {
+	if (!(*m)[stencilRow][stencilCol]) {
+	  continue;
+	}
+	DOFMatrix::Iterator matrixRow((*m)[stencilRow][stencilCol], USED_DOFS);
+ 	int rowIndex = 0;
+ 	for (matrixRow.reset(); !matrixRow.end(); matrixRow++, rowIndex++) {
+ 	  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>((*matrixRow).size()); i++) {	      
+ 	    if ((*matrixRow)[i].col >= 0) {
+ 	      MatEntry me;
+	      me.entry = (*matrixRow)[i].entry;
+	      // The col field is used to store the row number of the new element.
+     	      me.col = ((*matrixRow)[i].col * nComponents) + stencilCol; 
+	      rows[(rowIndex  * nComponents) + stencilRow].push_back(me);
+	      nElements++;
+ 	    }
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+      }
+    }
+    double *a = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * nElements);
+    int *ja = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * nElements);
+    int *ia = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (newMatrixSize + 1));
+    double *bvec = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * newMatrixSize);
+    double *xvec = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * newMatrixSize);
+    int elCounter = 0;
+    int rowCounter = 0;
+    ia[0] = 1;
+    for (::std::vector< ::std::vector< MatEntry > >::iterator rowsIt = rows.begin();
+	 rowsIt != rows.end();
+	 ++rowsIt) {
+      sort((*rowsIt).begin(), (*rowsIt).end(), CmpMatEntryCol());
+      ia[rowCounter + 1] = ia[rowCounter] + (*rowsIt).size();
+      for (::std::vector<MatEntry>::iterator rowIt = (*rowsIt).begin();
+	   rowIt != (*rowsIt).end();
+	   rowIt++) {
+	a[elCounter] = (*rowIt).entry;
+	ja[elCounter] = (*rowIt).col + 1;
+	elCounter++;
+      }
+      rowCounter++;
+    } 
+    // Resort the right hand side of the linear system.
+    for (int i = 0; i < b->getSize(); i++) {
+      DOFVector<double>::Iterator it(b->getDOFVector(i), USED_DOFS);
+      int counter = 0;
+      for (it.reset(); !it.end(); ++it, counter++) {	
+	bvec[counter * nComponents + i] = *it;
+      }
+    }
+    // real unsymmetric matrix
+    int mtype = 11;
+    // number of right hand sides
+    int nRhs = 1;
+    // Pardiso internal memory
+    void *pt[64];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+      pt[i] = 0;
+    }
+    // Pardiso control parameters
+    int iparm[64];
+    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+      iparm[i] = 0;
+    }
+    iparm[0] = 1; // No solver default
+    iparm[1] = 2; // Fill-in reordering from METIS
+    iparm[2] = 1; // Number of threads
+    iparm[7] = 2; // Max numbers of iterative refinement steps
+    iparm[9] = 13; // Perturb the pivot elements with 1e-13
+    iparm[10] = 1; // Use nonsymmetric permutation and scaling MPS
+    iparm[17] = -1; // Output: Number of nonzeros in the factor LU
+    iparm[18] = -1; // Output: Mflops for LU factorization
+    // Maximum number of numerical factorizations
+    int maxfct = 1; 
+    // Which factorization to use
+    int mnum = 1;
+    // Print statistical information in file
+    int msglvl = 1;
+    // Error flag
+    int error = 0;
+    int n = newMatrixSize;
+    // Reordering and symbolic factorization
+    int phase = 11;
+    double ddum;
+    int idum;
+    PARDISO(pt, &maxfct, &mnum, &mtype, &phase, &n, a, ia, ja, &idum, &nRhs, 
+	    iparm, &msglvl, &ddum, &ddum, &error);
+    free(a);
+    free(ja);
+    free(ia);
+    free(b);
+    free(x);