diff --git a/demo/CMakeLists.txt b/demo/CMakeLists.txt
index a27b08ad81e48533bf427034f6a4246daeeaa4fe..4315c6b5ac24b1cf672d187c6500426491951b21 100644
--- a/demo/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/demo/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
-SET(AMDiS_DIR /u/witkowski/amdis/install/amdis_rebuild/share/amdis)
-#find_package(AMDiS REQUIRED COMPONENTS umfpack )
-find_package(AMDiS REQUIRED)
+#find_package(AMDIS REQUIRED COMPONENTS umfpack )
+find_package(AMDIS REQUIRED)
 	message("amdis was found\n")
-	include(${AMDiS_USE_FILE})
+	include(${AMDIS_USE_FILE})
 file(GLOB sources src/*.cc)
 foreach(s ${sources})
diff --git a/demo/README b/demo/README
index 02d6ee5686ad0ee401aed45bc5c9c68d054091c1..6066b0d7989efad5f881f642de255630c56972e9 100644
--- a/demo/README
+++ b/demo/README
@@ -1,30 +1,6 @@
-This readme shortly explains how to use the different buildsystems. 
-Currently (November 2010) we provide a CMake and a libtool version. 
-Each buildsystem uses it own configuration file:
-	buildsystem	configfile
-	cmake		CMakeLists.txt
-	libtool		Makefile_libtool
-The cmake system will generate a new Makefile, thus if we would use 
-simple Makefile for libtool, the libtool configuration would be overidden.
-LIBTOOL version
-The libtool version requires
-   * AMDiS was build with libtool 
-      (i.e.: configure --prefix=`pwd` ; make ; make install )
-   * The prefix MUST be the AMDiS-directory
-   * The AMDiS directory should be ../AMDiS. But you can change the 
-   variable AMDIS_DIR (see line 15 in the libtool configuration file).
-If those requirements are fullfilled, you can compile all demos with
-   make -f Makefile_libtool
-or a subset {demo1, demo2} with
-   make -f Makefile_libtoo demo1 demo2
-CMAKE version
 The cmake version requires
-   * AMDiS was build and installed using cmake or downloaded from www.simunova.com 
-      or installed from a package from http://www.simunova.com. For more information, 
-      simply have a look at http://www.simunova.com.
+   * AMDiS was build and installed using cmake or downloaded from www.amdis-fem.org 
+      or installed from a package from http://www.amdis-fem.org. 
 To use the cmake buildsystem, simply run
    cmake .
 If your cmake complains about not to find AMDiS, you have at least two ways: