diff --git a/AMDiS/CMakeLists.txt b/AMDiS/CMakeLists.txt
index 16e74b64068286014adc49f78df89b7f93aabd8a..66bf10c4abab75d00d93a6c419ac64440a952276 100644
--- a/AMDiS/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/AMDiS/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ SET(AMDIS_SRC ${SOURCE_DIR}/AdaptBase.cc
-	      ${SOURCE_DIR}/nonlin/NonLinUpdater.cc
@@ -323,6 +322,11 @@ INSTALL(FILES ${HEADERS}
 	DESTINATION include/amdis/parallel/)
 list(APPEND deb_add_dirs "include/amdis/parallel")
+	DESTINATION include/amdis/nonlin/)
+list(APPEND deb_add_dirs "include/amdis/nonlin")
 	DESTINATION include/amdis/time/)
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h b/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h
index b950d31a3f8f09f77f3408152b58c4dd5559e7d7..fae091ce4769c8838dcdac13838cffa4a311cc97 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/AMDiS.h
@@ -122,9 +122,13 @@
 #include "io/ValueWriter.h"
 #include "io/VtkWriter.h"
+#include "nonlin/ProblemNonLin.h"
+#include "nonlin/NonLinSolver.h"
 #include "time/RosenbrockAdaptInstationary.h"
 #include "time/RosenbrockStationary.h"
 #include "parallel/InteriorBoundary.h"
 #include "parallel/MpiHelper.h"
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/CreatorMap.cc b/AMDiS/src/CreatorMap.cc
index 70091af41569a29112569ae36ca91eb1b85268ce..d21ba5c13814f819ac4331c512b2f884c602aca9 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/CreatorMap.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/CreatorMap.cc
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "DOFMatrix.h"
 #include "UmfPackSolver.h"
 #include "time/RosenbrockMethod.h"
+#include "nonlin/NonLinSolver.h"
 namespace AMDiS {
@@ -142,4 +143,11 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     addCreator("ros3p", new Ros3p::Creator);
     addCreator("rodasp", new Rodasp::Creator);
+  template<>
+  void CreatorMap<NonLinSolver>::addDefaultCreators()
+  {
+    addCreator("newton", new Newton::Creator);
+  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.cc b/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.cc
index 97e56a52a574d86d6bc91d3998e1966a10ad886e..8e29c3d161c65b4083c3648a2a56e9cf44aa46fc 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.cc
@@ -634,8 +634,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    VtkWriter::writeFile(rhs->getDOFVector(0), "test.vtu");
 //     buildAfterCoarsen_sebastianMode(adaptInfo, flag);
 //     return;
@@ -780,7 +778,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     if (asmMatrix) {
-      createPrecon();
       INFO(info, 8)("fillin of assembled matrix: %d\n", nnz);
@@ -971,8 +968,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    createPrecon();
     INFO(info, 8)("fillin of assembled matrix: %d\n", nnz);
     INFO(info, 8)("buildAfterCoarsen needed %.5f seconds\n", 
 		  TIME_USED(first, clock()));
@@ -1232,9 +1227,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-    createPrecon();
     INFO(info, 8)("fillin of assembled matrix: %d\n", nnz);
     INFO(info, 8)("buildAfterCoarsen needed %.5f seconds\n", 
@@ -1242,24 +1234,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
-  void ProblemStatSeq::createPrecon()
-  {
-    /*string preconType("no");
-    Parameters::get(name + "->solver->left precon", preconType);
-    CreatorInterface<ITL_BasePreconditioner> *preconCreator = 
-      CreatorMap<ITL_BasePreconditioner>::getCreator(preconType);
-    solver->setLeftPrecon(preconCreator->create(solverMatrix.getMatrix()));
-    preconType= "no";
-    Parameters::get(name + "->solver->right precon", preconType);
-    preconCreator = CreatorMap<ITL_BasePreconditioner>::getCreator(preconType);
-    solver->setRightPrecon(preconCreator->create(solverMatrix.getMatrix()));*/
-  }
   void ProblemStatSeq::writeFiles(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, bool force) 
@@ -1570,153 +1544,43 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     Mesh *mesh = feSpace->getMesh();
     const BasisFunction *basisFcts = feSpace->getBasisFcts();
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    TraverseParallelStack stack(0, 1);
     TraverseStack stack;
-    // == Initialize matrix and vector. If we have to assemble in parallel,    ===
-    // == temporary thread owned matrix and vector must be created.            ===
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-#pragma omp parallel
-    {
-      BoundaryType *bound = 
-	useGetBound ? new BoundaryType[basisFcts->getNumber()] : NULL;
-      // Create for every thread its private matrix and vector, on that
-      // the thread will assemble its part of the mesh.
-      DOFMatrix *tmpMatrix = NULL;
-      DOFVector<double> *tmpVector = NULL; 
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-      if (matrix) {
-	tmpMatrix = new DOFMatrix(matrix->getRowFeSpace(), matrix->getColFeSpace(), "tmp");
-	// Copy the global matrix to the private matrix, because we need the
-	// operators defined on the global matrix in the private one. Only the
-	// values have to be set to zero.
-	*tmpMatrix = *matrix;
-	tmpMatrix->clear();
+    BoundaryType *bound = 
+      useGetBound ? new BoundaryType[basisFcts->getNumber()] : NULL;
-	tmpMatrix->getBaseMatrix().change_dim(matrix->getRowFeSpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize(),
-					      matrix->getColFeSpace()->getAdmin()->getUsedSize());
-	tmpMatrix->startInsertion(10);
-      }
+    matrix->startInsertion(matrix->getNnz());
+    vector->set(0.0);
-      if (vector) {
-	tmpVector = new DOFVector<double>(vector->getFeSpace(), "tmp");
+    // == Traverse mesh and assemble. ==
+    ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, assembleFlag);
+    while (elInfo) {
+      if (useGetBound)
+	basisFcts->getBound(elInfo, bound);
-	// Copy the global vector to the private vector, because we need the
-	// operatirs defined on the global vector in the private one. But set
-	// the values to zero of the private vector after copying.
-	*tmpVector = *vector;
-	tmpVector->set(0.0);
-      }
       if (matrix) {
-	tmpMatrix = matrix;
-	tmpMatrix->startInsertion(matrix->getNnz());
-      }
-      if (vector) {
-	tmpVector = vector;
-	tmpVector->set(0.0);
-      }
-      // == Traverse mesh (either sequentially or in parallel) and assemble. ==
-      // Because we are using the parallel traverse stack, each thread will
-      // traverse only a part of the mesh.
-      ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, assembleFlag);
-      // After creating privat copies of the DOFMatrix and the DOFVector, all threads
-      // have to wait at this barrier. Especially for small problems this is required,
-      // because otherwise one thread may be finished with assembling, before another
-      // has made his private copy.
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-#pragma omp barrier
-      while (elInfo) {
-	if (useGetBound)
-	  basisFcts->getBound(elInfo, bound);
-  	if (matrix) {
- 	  tmpMatrix->assemble(1.0, elInfo, bound);
-	  // Take the matrix boundary manager from the public matrix,
-	  // but assemble the boundary conditions on the thread private matrix.
- 	  if (matrix->getBoundaryManager())
- 	    matrix->getBoundaryManager()->fillBoundaryConditions(elInfo, tmpMatrix);    
-	}
+	matrix->assemble(1.0, elInfo, bound);
-   	if (vector)
-   	  tmpVector->assemble(1.0, elInfo, bound, NULL);	
-	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-      }
-      // == Finally, if we have assembled in parallel, we have to add the thread ==
-      // == private matrix and vector to the global one.                         ==
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-      if (tmpMatrix)
-        tmpMatrix->finishInsertion();
-      // After mesh traverse, all thread have to added their private matrices and
-      // vectors to the global public matrix and public vector. Therefore, this is 
-      // a critical section, which is allowed to be executed by on thread only at 
-      // the same time.
-      if (matrix) {
-#pragma omp critical
-	{
-	  matrix->getBaseMatrix() += tmpMatrix->getBaseMatrix();
-	}
-      }
-#pragma omp barrier
-#pragma omp master
-      {
-	if (matrix)
-	  matrix->startInsertion();	
-      }
-#pragma omp barrier
-      if (matrix) {
-	// Remove rows corresponding to DOFs on a Dirichlet boundary.
-#pragma omp critical
-	matrix->removeRowsWithDBC(tmpMatrix->getApplyDBCs());
-	delete tmpMatrix;
-      }
-      if (vector) {
-#pragma omp critical
-	*vector += *tmpVector;
-	delete tmpVector;
+	// Take the matrix boundary manager from the public matrix,
+	// but assemble the boundary conditions on the thread private matrix.
+	if (matrix->getBoundaryManager())
+	  matrix->getBoundaryManager()->fillBoundaryConditions(elInfo, matrix);
+      if (vector)
+	vector->assemble(1.0, elInfo, bound, NULL);	
-      if (matrix)
-	matrix->removeRowsWithDBC(matrix->getApplyDBCs());      
+      elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
+    }
-      if (useGetBound)
-	delete [] bound;     
+    // == Finally, if we have assembled in parallel, we have to add the thread ==
+    // == private matrix and vector to the global one.                         ==
-    } // pragma omp parallel
+    if (matrix)
+      matrix->removeRowsWithDBC(matrix->getApplyDBCs());      
-//     INFO(info, 8)("Assemble matrix with %d mat ops and %d vec ops needed %.5f seconds\n", 
-// 		  matrix ? matrix->getOperators().size() : 0,
-// 		  vector ? vector->getOperators().size() : 0,
-// 		  TIME_USED(first, clock()));
+    if (useGetBound)
+      delete [] bound;     
@@ -1727,6 +1591,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     // === Initialization of vectors ===
     if (rhs->getBoundaryManager())
@@ -1734,55 +1599,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     if (solution->getBoundaryManager())
-#ifdef _OPENMP
-    // === Parallel boundary assemblage ===
-    TraverseParallelStack stack;
-#pragma omp parallel
-    {
-      // Each thread assembles on its own dof-vectors.
-      DOFVector<double> *tmpRhsVec = new DOFVector<double>(rhs->getFeSpace(), "tmpRhs");
-      DOFVector<double> *tmpSolVec = new DOFVector<double>(solution->getFeSpace(), "tmpSol");
-      tmpRhsVec->set(0.0);
-      tmpSolVec->set(0.0);
-      // (Parallel) traverse of mesh.
-      ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, assembleFlag);
-      while (elInfo) {
-	if (rhs->getBoundaryManager())
-	  rhs->getBoundaryManager()-> fillBoundaryConditions(elInfo, tmpRhsVec);
-	if (solution->getBoundaryManager())
-	  solution->getBoundaryManager()->fillBoundaryConditions(elInfo, tmpSolVec);
-	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
-      }
-      // After (parallel) mesh traverse, the result is applied to the final
-      // vectors. This section is not allowed to be executed by more than one
-      // thread at the same time.
-#pragma omp critical
-      {
-	DOFVector<double>::Iterator rhsIt(rhs, USED_DOFS);
-	DOFVector<double>::Iterator solIt(solution, USED_DOFS);
-	DOFVector<double>::Iterator tmpRhsIt(tmpRhsVec, USED_DOFS);
-	DOFVector<double>::Iterator tmpSolIt(tmpSolVec, USED_DOFS);
-	for (rhsIt.reset(), solIt.reset(), tmpRhsIt.reset(), tmpSolIt.reset();
-	     !rhsIt.end();
-	     ++rhsIt, ++solIt, ++tmpRhsIt, ++tmpSolIt) {	     
-	  *rhsIt += *tmpRhsIt;
-	  *solIt += *tmpSolIt;	  
-	}
-      } // pragma omp critical
-      delete tmpRhsVec;
-      delete tmpSolVec;
-    } // pragma omp parallel
-    // === Sequentiell boundary assemblage ===
     TraverseStack stack;
     ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(mesh, -1, assembleFlag);
     while (elInfo) {
@@ -1794,7 +1610,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
     // === Finalize vectors ===
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.h b/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.h
index 75ee265f8298c93bf17759ff36d0751301b936b9..7a541914015f8a4595d50a503317a15bc141f7a4 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/ProblemStat.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     Flag operatorType;
   /** \brief
    * This class defines the stationary problem definition in sequential
    * computations. For parallel computations, see 
@@ -195,9 +196,6 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     void dualAssemble(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, Flag flag, 
 		      bool asmMatrix = true, bool asmVector = true);
-    void createPrecon();
     /** \brief
      * Determines the execution order of the single adaption steps. If adapt is
      * true, mesh adaption will be performed. This allows to avoid mesh adaption,
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/Newton.h b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/Newton.h
index 2be9aaeb5d3a118e6aba5b2fed0fddeb4e11fe00..7cf430aba217222efec1cfed081b989fb93d7214 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/Newton.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/Newton.h
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "CreatorInterface.h"
 #include "NonLinSolver.h"
 #include "OEMSolver.h"
+#include "io/VtkWriter.h"
 namespace AMDiS {
@@ -45,114 +46,93 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       virtual ~Creator() {}
-      /** \brief
-       * Returns a new Newton object.
-       */
+      /// Returns a new Newton object.
       NonLinSolver* create() 
-	return new Newton(this->name, this->linearSolver, this->nonLinUpdater); 
+	return new Newton(this->name, this->linearSolver); 
-    /** \brief
-     * Calls constructor of base class NonLinSolver
-     */
-    Newton(const std::string& name_, 
-	   OEMSolver *linSolver_,
-	   NonLinUpdater *updater)
-      : NonLinSolver(name_, linSolver_, updater),
+    /// Calls constructor of base class NonLinSolver
+    Newton(const std::string& name, OEMSolver *linSolver)
+      : NonLinSolver(name, linSolver),
-    /** \brief
-     * realisation of NonLinSolver::init
-     */
-    void init()
-    {}
+    /// Realisation of NonLinSolver::init
+    void init() {}
-    /** \brief
-     * realisation of NonLinSolver::nlsolve
-     */
+    /// realisation of NonLinSolver::nlsolve
     int nlsolve(SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> >& mat,
-		SystemVector& x, SystemVector& rhs)
+		SystemVector& x, SystemVector& rhs, 
+		AdaptInfo *adaptInfo,
+		ProblemStat *prob)
-      //DOFVector<T> *d = problem->getRHS();
-      //DOFVector<T> *x = problem->getSolution();;
-      b = new SystemVector(x);
-      *b = rhs;
+      FUNCNAME("Newton::nlsolve()");
-      //   // copy operators from fh to b
-      //   std::vector<Operator*>::iterator op;
-      //   std::vector<double*>::iterator fac;
-      //   for(op = d->getOperatorsBegin(), 
-      // 	fac = d->getOperatorFactorBegin();
-      //       op != d->getOperatorsEnd();
-      //       ++op, ++fac) 
-      //   {
-      //     b->addOperator(*op, *fac);
-      //   }
+      if (b == NULL)
+	b = new SystemVector(x);
-      double err = 0.0, err_old = -1.0;
-      int    iter, n;
+      double err = 0.0, errOld = -1.0;
+      int iter, n;
-      INFO(this->info,2)("iter. |     this->residual |     red. |    n |\n");
+      MSG("iter. |     this->residual |     red. |    n |\n");
       for (iter = 1; iter <= this->maxIter; iter++) {
-	/*--- Assemble DF(x) and F(x) ----------------------------------------------*/
-	this->nonLinUpdater->update(/*x,*/true, b);
-	/*--- Initial guess is zero ------------------------------------------------*/
-	rhs.set(0.0);
-	/*--- solve linear system --------------------------------------------------*/
+	// Assemble DF(x) and F(x)
+	prob->buildAfterCoarsen(adaptInfo, 0, true, true);
+	// Initial guess is zero
+	b->set(0.0);
+	// Solve linear system
 	n = solveLinearSystem(mat, *b, rhs);
-	/*--- x = x - d ------------------------------------------------------------*/
-	x -= rhs;
+	// x = x + d
+	x += *b;
 	if (this->usedNorm == NO_NORM || this->usedNorm == L2_NORM)
-	  err = L2Norm(&rhs);  // sollte hier nicht b genommen werden (s. NewtonS) ?
+	  err = L2Norm(b);
-	  err = H1Norm(&rhs);  // sollte hier nicht b genommen werden (s. NewtonS) ?
+	  err = H1Norm(b);
-	if (iter == 1)  this->initial_residual = err;
-	if (err_old <= 0) {
-	  INFO(this->info,2)("%5d | %12.5e | -------- | %4d |\n", iter, err, n);
-	} else {
-	  INFO(this->info,2)("%5d | %12.5e | %8.2e | %4d |\n", 
-			     iter, err, err/err_old, n);
-	}
+	if (iter == 1)  
+	  this->initialResidual = err;
-	if ((this->residual = err) < this->tolerance) {
-	  INFO(this->info,4)("finished successfully\n");
-	  return iter;
-	}
-	err_old = err;
+	if (errOld <= 0)
+	  MSG("%5d | %12.5e | -------- | %4d |\n", iter, err, n);
+	else
+	  MSG("%5d | %12.5e | %8.2e | %4d |\n", iter, err, err/errOld, n);	
+	residual = err;
+ 	if (err < this->tolerance) {
+ 	  MSG("Finished successfully!\n");
+ 	  return iter;
+ 	}
+	errOld = err;
-      if (this->info < 2)
-	INFO(this->info,1)("iter. %d, residual: %12.5e\n", iter, err);
-      INFO(this->info,1)("tolerance %e not reached\n", this->tolerance);
+      MSG("iter. %d, residual: %12.5e\n", iter, err);
+      MSG("tolerance %e not reached\n", this->tolerance);
       this->residual = err;
       return iter;
-    /** \brief
-     * realisation of NonLinSolver::exit
-     */
+    /// Realisation of NonLinSolver::exit
     void exit()
-      if (b != NULL)
+      if (b != NULL) {
 	delete b;
+	b = NULL;
+      }
-    /** \brief
-     * internal used data
-     */
+    /// Internal used data
     SystemVector *b;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinSolver.h b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinSolver.h
index 16ee8a2875684f4c88af0b757f494029516c3732..559f9fbd9c15ee2e4dde700fd7199850e3ab0ff6 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinSolver.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinSolver.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include "MatrixVector.h"
 #include "DOFMatrix.h"
 #include "OEMSolver.h"
+#include "ProblemStat.h"
 namespace AMDiS {
@@ -37,27 +38,23 @@ namespace AMDiS {
    * \ingroup Solver
    * \brief
-   * Pure virtual base class for Newton, NewtonS and Banach which all
-   * solves non linear equation systems. Sub classes must implement the methods
-   * \ref init, \ref exit and \ref nlsolve.
+   * Pure virtual base class for specific non linear solvers.
   class NonLinSolver
     /** \brief
-     * constructor.
-     * \param name name of this solver
+     * Constructor
+     *
+     * \param name     Name of this solver
-    NonLinSolver(const std::string &name_, 
-		 OEMSolver *solver,
-		 NonLinUpdater *updater)
-      : name(name_),
+    NonLinSolver(const std::string &name, OEMSolver *solver)
+      : name(name),
-	nonLinUpdater(updater),
-	tolerance(1.e-4),
+	tolerance(1.e-8),
-	initial_residual(0.0),
+	initialResidual(0.0),
@@ -67,20 +64,22 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       Parameters::get(name + "->norm", usedNorm);  
-    /** \brief
-     * destructor
-     */
+    /// Destructor
     virtual ~NonLinSolver() {}
     /** \brief
      * solves the non linear system. Uses sub class methods
     inline int solve(SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> >& mat,
-		     SystemVector &x, SystemVector &rhs) 
+		     SystemVector &solution, SystemVector &rhs, 
+		     AdaptInfo *adaptInfo,
+		     ProblemStat *prob) 
-      int result = nlsolve(mat, x, rhs);
+      solution.set(0.0);
+      int result = nlsolve(mat, solution, rhs, adaptInfo, prob);
       return result;
@@ -99,68 +98,63 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       return linSolver; 
-    inline void setNonLinUpdater(NonLinUpdater *up) 
-    {
-      nonLinUpdater = up;
-    }
-    inline NonLinUpdater *getNonLinUpdater()
-    {
-      return nonLinUpdater;
-    }
-    /** \brief
-     * Allocates needed memory. Must be overriden in sub classes.
-     */  
+    /// Allocates needed memory. Must be overriden in sub classes.
     virtual void init() = 0;
-    /** \brief
-     * Solves the non linear system. Must be overriden in sub classes.
-     */  
+    /// Solves the non linear system. Must be overriden in sub classes.
     virtual int nlsolve(SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> >& matVec,
-			SystemVector& x, SystemVector& rhs) = 0;
+			SystemVector& x, SystemVector& rhs, 
+			AdaptInfo *adaptInfo,
+			ProblemStat *prob) = 0;
-    /** \brief
-     * Frees needed memory. Must be overriden in sub classes.
-     */  
+    /// Frees needed memory. Must be overriden in sub classes.
     virtual void exit() = 0;
     virtual int solveLinearSystem(SolverMatrix<Matrix<DOFMatrix*> >& mat,
-				  SystemVector &fh, SystemVector &x)
+				  SystemVector &x, SystemVector &b)
       TEST_EXIT(linSolver)("no solver\n");
-      return linSolver->solveSystem(mat, x, fh);
+      return linSolver->solveSystem(mat, x, b);
-    std::string        name;             /**< \brief name of the solver */
-    OEMSolver *linSolver;        /**< \brief linear solver*/
-    NonLinUpdater *nonLinUpdater;    /**< \brief non linear updater */
-    double             tolerance;        /**< \brief solver tolerance */
-    int                maxIter;          /**< \brief maximal # of iterations */
-    int                info;             /**< \brief info level */
-    double             initial_residual; /**< \brief initial residual */
-    double             residual;         /**< \brief current residual */
-    Norm               usedNorm;         /**< \brief used norm */
+    /// Name of the solver.
+    std::string name;
+    /// Linear solver object.
+    OEMSolver *linSolver;
+    /// Solver tolerance.
+    double tolerance;
+    /// Maximal number of iterations.
+    int maxIter;
+    /// Info level.
+    int info;
+    /// Initial residual.
+    double initialResidual;
+    /// Current residual.
+    double residual; 
+    /// Used norm for convergent test.
+    Norm usedNorm;
-  // ============================================================================
-  // ===== class NonLinSolverCreator ============================================
-  // ============================================================================
-  /** \brief
-   * Interface for creators of concrete NonLinSolvers. 
-   */
+  /// Interface for creators of concrete NonLinSolvers. 
   class NonLinSolverCreator : public CreatorInterface<NonLinSolver>
     virtual ~NonLinSolverCreator() {}
-    void setName(std::string name_) 
+    void setName(std::string n) 
-      name = name_; 
+      name = n; 
     void setLinearSolver(OEMSolver *solver) 
@@ -168,15 +162,10 @@ namespace AMDiS {
       linearSolver = solver; 
-    void setNonLinUpdater(NonLinUpdater *updater) 
-    {
-      nonLinUpdater = updater;
-    }
     std::string name;
     OEMSolver *linearSolver;
-    NonLinUpdater *nonLinUpdater;
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinUpdater.cc b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinUpdater.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 451c70a4ef2c98927e55df36bfc4193307ee11b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinUpdater.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Software License for AMDiS
-// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology 
-// All rights reserved.
-// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
-// This file is part of AMDiS
-// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.
-#include "NonLinUpdater.h"
-#include "Global.h"
-#include "DOFMatrix.h"
-#include "DOFVector.h"
-#include "Traverse.h"
-#include "ElInfo.h"
-#include "Flag.h"
-#include "Operator.h"
-#include "FiniteElemSpace.h"
-#include "BasisFunction.h"
-#include "BoundaryManager.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  void NonLinUpdater::update(bool updateDF, SystemVector *F)
-  {
-    FUNCNAME("NonLinUpdater::update()");
-    TraverseStack stack;
-    ElInfo *el_info;
-    Flag fill_flag;
-    TEST_EXIT(F || df)("neither F nor df are set\n");
-    if (!updateDF && (F == NULL)) {
-      WARNING("No RHS vector and no update for system matrix! Updater does nothing!\n");
-      return;
-    }
-    int size = df->getNumRows();
-    const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace = 
-      F ? 
-      F->getDOFVector(0)->getFeSpace() : 
-      (*df)[0][0]->getFeSpace();
-    if (updateDF) {
-      TEST_EXIT(df)("df not set but update tried!\n");
-      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-	for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
-	  if ((*df)[i][j]) {
-	    (*df)[i][j]->clear();
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-    BasisFunction *basFcts = const_cast<BasisFunction*>(feSpace->getBasisFcts());
-    if (F) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-	F->getDOFVector(i)->set(0.0);
-      }
-    }
-    fill_flag = 
-      Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL|
-      Mesh::FILL_COORDS|
-      Mesh::FILL_BOUND|
-      Mesh::FILL_DET|
-      Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA;
-    BoundaryType *bound = new BoundaryType[basFcts->getNumber()];
-    el_info = stack.traverseFirst(feSpace->getMesh(), -1, fill_flag);
-    while (el_info) {
-      basFcts->getBound(el_info, bound);
-      if (updateDF) {
-	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-	  for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
-	    if ((*df)[i][j]) {
-	      (*df)[i][j]->assemble(1.0, el_info, bound);
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      if (F) {
-	for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-	  F->getDOFVector(i)->assemble(1.0, el_info, bound);
-	}
-      }
-      el_info = stack.traverseNext(el_info);
-    }
-    delete [] bound;
-  }
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinUpdater.h b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinUpdater.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3092845eb255845cbdc2ba410418b8efc081fc42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/NonLinUpdater.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// ============================================================================
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations                          ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ==  http://www.amdis-fem.org                                              ==
-// ==                                                                        ==
-// ============================================================================
-// Software License for AMDiS
-// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology 
-// All rights reserved.
-// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
-// This file is part of AMDiS
-// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.
-/** \file NonLinUpdater.h */
-#include "SystemVector.h"
-namespace AMDiS {
-  /** \brief
-   * Used in non linear solvers for matrix and vector assemblage.
-   */
-  class NonLinUpdater
-  {
-  public:
-    NonLinUpdater(Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *m) 
-      : df(m) 
-    {}
-    ~NonLinUpdater() 
-    {}
-    void update(bool updateDF, SystemVector *F);
-  protected:
-    /// Matrix to be updated.
-    Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *df;
-  };
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.cc b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.cc
index 1c66a26962d2944d825a6a1ad4a968d1621b06e1..002de8b99c7594dfc823f669629f7732d4103032 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.cc
+++ b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.cc
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 #include "ProblemNonLin.h"
 #include "NonLinSolver.h"
 #include "CreatorMap.h"
-#include "NonLinUpdater.h"
 #include "Traverse.h"
 #include "AdaptInfo.h"
@@ -23,43 +22,25 @@ namespace AMDiS {
 				 ProblemStat *adoptProblem /*= NULL*/,
 				 Flag adoptFlag /*= INIT_NOTHING*/) 
-    ProblemStat::initialize(initFlag, adoptProblem, adoptFlag);
-    // === create Updater ===
-    if (updater_) { 
-      WARNING("updater already created\n");
-    } else {
-      if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_UPDATER) || 
-	  ((!adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_UPDATER)) && initFlag.isSet(INIT_NONLIN_SOLVER))) {
-	createUpdater();
-      } 
-      if (adoptProblem && 
-	  (adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_UPDATER) ||  
-	   ((!initFlag.isSet(INIT_UPDATER))&& adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_NONLIN_SOLVER)))) {
-	TEST_EXIT(updater_==NULL)("updater already created\n");
-	updater_ = dynamic_cast<ProblemNonLin*>(adoptProblem)->getUpdater();
-      }
-    }
+    FUNCNAME("ProblemNonLin::initialize()");
-    if (updater_ == NULL) 
-      WARNING("no updater created\n");
+    ProblemStat::initialize(initFlag, adoptProblem, adoptFlag);
     // === create nonlinear solver ===
-    if (nonLinSolver_) { 
-      WARNING("nonlinear solver already created\n");
+    if (nonLinSolver) { 
+      WARNING("Nonlinear solver already created!\n");
     } else {
       if (initFlag.isSet(INIT_NONLIN_SOLVER))
       if (adoptProblem && adoptFlag.isSet(INIT_NONLIN_SOLVER)) {
-	TEST_EXIT(nonLinSolver_ == NULL)("nonlinear solver already created\n");
-	nonLinSolver_ = dynamic_cast<ProblemNonLin*>(adoptProblem)->getNonLinSolver();
+	TEST_EXIT(nonLinSolver == NULL)("Nonlinear solver already created!\n");
+	nonLinSolver = dynamic_cast<ProblemNonLin*>(adoptProblem)->getNonLinSolver();
-    if (nonLinSolver_ == NULL)
-      WARNING("no nonlinear solver created\n");
+    if (nonLinSolver == NULL)
+      WARNING("No nonlinear solver created!\n");
@@ -74,51 +55,53 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     nonLinSolverCreator->setName(name + "->nonlin solver");
-    nonLinSolverCreator->setNonLinUpdater(updater_);
-    nonLinSolver_ = nonLinSolverCreator->create();
+    nonLinSolver = nonLinSolverCreator->create();
-  void ProblemNonLin::solve(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo) 
+  void ProblemNonLin::solve(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, bool) 
-    TEST_EXIT(nonLinSolver_)("no non-linear solver!\n");
-    nonLinSolver_->solve(solverMatrix, *solution, *rhs);
+    TEST_EXIT(nonLinSolver)("no non-linear solver!\n");
+    nonLinSolver->solve(solverMatrix, *solution, *rhs, adaptInfo, this);
-  void ProblemNonLin::buildAfterCoarsen(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, Flag, bool, bool)
+  void ProblemNonLin::buildAfterCoarsen(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, Flag f, bool b0, bool b1)
+    ProblemStat::buildAfterCoarsen(adaptInfo, f, b0, b1);
+#if 0
     int nMeshes = static_cast<int>(meshes.size());
     for (int i = 0; i < nMeshes; i++)
-    for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; i++) {
+    for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; i++)
       MSG("%d DOFs for %s\n", 
-	  componentSpaces[i]->getName().c_str());
-    }
-    TraverseStack stack;
-    ElInfo *elInfo;
+	  componentSpaces[i]->getName().c_str());    
     // for all elements ...
     for (int i = 0; i < nComponents; i++) {
-      elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(componentMeshes[i], -1, 
-				   Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | 
-				   Mesh::FILL_BOUND |
-				   Mesh::FILL_COORDS |
-				   Mesh::FILL_DET |
-				   Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA);
+      TraverseStack stack;
+      ElInfo *elInfo = stack.traverseFirst(componentMeshes[i], -1, 
+					   Mesh::CALL_LEAF_EL | 
+					   Mesh::FILL_BOUND |
+					   Mesh::FILL_COORDS |
+					   Mesh::FILL_DET |
+					   Mesh::FILL_GRD_LAMBDA);
       while (elInfo) {
-	if (solution->getDOFVector(i)->getBoundaryManager()) {
+	if (solution->getDOFVector(i)->getBoundaryManager())
 	    getBoundaryManager()->fillBoundaryConditions(elInfo, solution->getDOFVector(i));
-	}
 	elInfo = stack.traverseNext(elInfo);
diff --git a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.h b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.h
index ded55285fdc05f9c8481e78c14103876c12c48d5..91a59d66bf9d3ca71bea0f34fd8beb6183a887cd 100644
--- a/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.h
+++ b/AMDiS/src/nonlin/ProblemNonLin.h
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #include "ProblemStat.h"
-#include "NonLinUpdater.h"
 #include "NonLinSolver.h"
 #include "DOFVector.h"
 #include "SystemVector.h"
@@ -44,112 +43,64 @@ namespace AMDiS {
     /// Constructs a ProblemNonLin with given name.
     ProblemNonLin(const std::string& name_)  
       : ProblemStat(name_.c_str()),
-	nonLinSolver_(NULL),
-	updater_(NULL)
+	nonLinSolver(NULL)
-      u0_.resize(nComponents);
-      u0_.set(NULL);
+      u0.resize(nComponents);
+      u0.set(NULL);
-    /** \brief
-     * Sets \ref u0_ and interpolates it to \ref solution_.
-     */
-    inline void setU0(AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> > *u0Fct,
+    /// Sets \ref u0 and interpolates it to \ref solution.
+    inline void setU0(AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> > *u0Fct, 
 		      int index) 
-      TEST_EXIT(index < nComponents)("invalid index\n");
-      u0_[index] = u0Fct;
+      TEST_EXIT(index < nComponents)("Invalid index!\n");
+      u0[index] = u0Fct;
-    /** \brief
-     * Destructor.
-     */
-    virtual ~ProblemNonLin() {}
+    /// Destructor
+    virtual ~ProblemNonLin() 
+    {}
-    /** \brief
-     * Initialisation of the problem.
-     */
+    /// Initialization of the problem.
     virtual void initialize(Flag initFlag,
 			    ProblemStat *adoptProblem = NULL,
 			    Flag adoptFlag = INIT_NOTHING);
-    /** \brief
-     * Used in \ref initialize().
-     */
-    virtual void createUpdater() 
-    {
-      updater_ = new NonLinUpdater(systemMatrix);
-    }
-    /** \brief
-     * Used in \ref initialize().
-     */
+    /// Used in \ref initialize().
     virtual void createNonLinSolver();
     /** \brief
-     * Overrides ProblemVec::solve(). Uses the non linear solver 
-     * \ref nonLinSolver_.
+     * Overrides ProblemStat::solve(). Uses the non linear solver 
+     * \ref nonLinSolver.
-    virtual void solve(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo);
+    virtual void solve(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, bool fixedMatrix = false);
-    /** \brief
-     * Overrides Problem::buildAfterCoarsen(). Sets dirichlet boundaries
-     * in \ref A_ and \ref rhs_.
-     */
+    /// Overrides ProblemStat::buildAfterCoarsen(). 
     virtual void buildAfterCoarsen(AdaptInfo *adaptInfo, Flag,
 				   bool assembleMatrix = true,
 				   bool assembleVector = true);
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns /ref nonLinSolver_.
-     */
+    /// Returns \ref nonLinSolver.
     inline NonLinSolver *getNonLinSolver() 
-      return nonLinSolver_;
-    }
-    /** \brief
-     * Returns \ref updater.
-     */
-    inline NonLinUpdater* getUpdater() 
-    {
-      return updater_;
+      return nonLinSolver;
-    /** \brief
-     * Sets \ref nonLinSolver_.
-     */
-    inline void setNonLinSolver(NonLinSolver *nonLinSolver) 
+    /// Sets \ref nonLinSolver.
+    inline void setNonLinSolver(NonLinSolver *s) 
-      nonLinSolver_ = nonLinSolver;
+      nonLinSolver = s;
-    /** \brief
-     * Sets \ref updater.
-     */
-    inline void setUpdater(NonLinUpdater *updater) 
-    {
-      updater_ = updater;
-    }
-    /** \brief
-     * Initial guess for the solution.
-     */
-    Vector<AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> >*> u0_;
+    /// Initial guess for the solution.
+    Vector<AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> >*> u0;
-    /** \brief
-     * Non linear solver. Used in \ref solve().
-     */
-    NonLinSolver *nonLinSolver_;
-    /** \brief
-     * Updator
-     */
-    NonLinUpdater *updater_;
+    /// Non linear solver object. Used in \ref solve().
+    NonLinSolver *nonLinSolver;
diff --git a/demo/init/nonlin.dat.2d b/demo/init/nonlin.dat.2d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66bf1a8241ab5f9fe2e83ba0b51b285690c09666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/init/nonlin.dat.2d
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+dimension of world:             2
+nonlinMesh->macro file name:    ./macro/macro.stand.2d
+nonlinMesh->global refinements: 10
+nonlin->mesh:                   nonlinMesh
+nonlin->dim:                    2
+nonlin->polynomial degree[0]:   1
+nonlin->components:             1
+nonlin->nonlin solver:          newton
+nonlin->solver:                 umfpack
+nonlin->solver->max iteration:  1000
+nonlin->solver->tolerance:      1.e-8
+nonlin->solver->info:           2
+nonlin->solver->left precon:    no
+nonlin->solver->right precon:   no
+nonlin->estimator[0]:              residual
+nonlin->estimator[0]->error norm:  1   % 1: H1_NORM, 2: L2_NORM
+nonlin->estimator[0]->C0:          0.1 % constant of element residual
+nonlin->estimator[0]->C1:          0.1 % constant of jump residual
+nonlin->marker[0]->strategy:       0 % 0: no adaption 1: GR 2: MS 3: ES 4:GERS
+nonlin->marker[0]->MSGamma:        0.5
+nonlin->adapt[0]->tolerance:          1e-4
+nonlin->adapt[0]->refine bisections:  2
+nonlin->adapt->max iteration:         0
+nonlin->output->filename:       output/nonlin
+nonlin->output->ParaView format: 1
diff --git a/demo/src/nonlin.cc b/demo/src/nonlin.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0c0cdc4d6c78b515b6e128143350c493fdc07626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/src/nonlin.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "AMDiS.h"
+using namespace AMDiS;
+using namespace std;
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===== function definitions ================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+/// Dirichlet boundary function
+class G : public AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> >
+  G()
+    : AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> >()
+  {}
+  /// Implementation of AbstractFunction::operator().
+  double operator()(const WorldVector<double>& x) const 
+  {
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+/// RHS function
+class F : public AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> >
+  F(int degree) : AbstractFunction<double, WorldVector<double> >(degree) {}
+  /// Implementation of AbstractFunction::operator().
+  double operator()(const WorldVector<double>& x) const 
+  {
+    int dow = Global::getGeo(WORLD);
+    double r2 = (x * x);
+    double ux = exp(-10.0 * r2);
+    return -(400.0 * r2 - 20.0 * dow) * ux + pow(ux, 4.0);
+  }
+class NonlinFctLeft : public AbstractFunction<double, double> 
+  NonlinFctLeft()
+    : AbstractFunction<double, double>()
+  {}
+  double operator()(const double& u) const
+  {
+    return 4.0 * u * u * u;
+  }
+class NonlinFctRight : public AbstractFunction<double, double> 
+  NonlinFctRight()
+    : AbstractFunction<double, double>()
+  {}
+  double operator()(const double& u) const
+  {
+    return -(u * u * u * u);
+  }
+// ===========================================================================
+// ===== main program ========================================================
+// ===========================================================================
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+  FUNCNAME("main");
+  // ===== check for init file =====
+  TEST_EXIT(argc >= 2)("usage: nonlin initfile\n");
+  // ===== init parameters =====
+  Parameters::init(true, argv[1]);
+  // ===== create and init the scalar problem ===== 
+  ProblemNonLin nonlin("nonlin");
+  nonlin.initialize(INIT_ALL);
+  // === create adapt info ===
+  AdaptInfo adaptInfo("nonlin->adapt");
+  // === create adapt ===
+  AdaptStationary adapt("nonlin->adapt", nonlin, adaptInfo);
+  // === create matrix operators ===
+  Operator mat01(nonlin.getFeSpace());
+  mat01.addSecondOrderTerm(new Simple_SOT());
+  nonlin.addMatrixOperator(mat01, 0, 0);
+  Operator mat02(nonlin.getFeSpace());
+  mat02.addZeroOrderTerm(new VecAtQP_ZOT(nonlin.getSolution(0), new NonlinFctLeft()));
+  nonlin.addMatrixOperator(mat02, 0, 0);
+  // === create rhs operators ===
+  Operator vec01(nonlin.getFeSpace());
+  vec01.setUhOld(nonlin.getSolution(0));
+  vec01.addSecondOrderTerm(new Simple_SOT(-1.0));
+  nonlin.addVectorOperator(vec01, 0);
+  Operator vec02(nonlin.getFeSpace());
+  vec02.addZeroOrderTerm(new VecAtQP_ZOT(nonlin.getSolution(0), new NonlinFctRight()));
+  nonlin.addVectorOperator(vec02, 0);
+  Operator vec03(nonlin.getFeSpace());
+  vec03.addZeroOrderTerm(new CoordsAtQP_ZOT(new F(nonlin.getFeSpace()->getBasisFcts()->getDegree())));
+  nonlin.addVectorOperator(vec03, 0);
+  // ===== add boundary conditions =====
+  nonlin.addDirichletBC(1, 0, 0, new G);
+  // ===== start adaption loop =====
+  adapt.adapt();
+  nonlin.writeFiles(adaptInfo, true);