# - Try to find PETSc # Once done this will define # # PETSC_FOUND - system has PETSc # PETSC_INCLUDES - the PETSc include directories # PETSC_LIBRARIES - Link these to use PETSc # PETSC_COMPILER - Compiler used by PETSc, helpful to find a compatible MPI # PETSC_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches for using PETSc # PETSC_MPIEXEC - Executable for running MPI programs # PETSC_VERSION - Version string (MAJOR.MINOR.SUBMINOR) # # Hack: PETSC_VERSION currently decides on the version based on the # layout. Otherwise we need to run C code to determine the version. # # Setting these changes the behavior of the search # PETSC_DIR - directory in which PETSc resides # PETSC_ARCH - build architecture # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # function (petsc_get_version) if (EXISTS "${PETSC_DIR}/include/petscversion.h") file (STRINGS "${PETSC_DIR}/include/petscversion.h" vstrings REGEX "#define PETSC_VERSION_(RELEASE|MAJOR|MINOR|SUBMINOR|PATCH) ") foreach (line ${vstrings}) string (REGEX REPLACE " +" ";" fields ${line}) # break line into three fields (the first is always "#define") list (GET fields 1 var) list (GET fields 2 val) set (${var} ${val} PARENT_SCOPE) set (${var} ${val}) # Also in local scope so we have access below endforeach () if (PETSC_VERSION_RELEASE) set (PETSC_VERSION "${PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_MINOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR}p${PETSC_VERSION_PATCH}" PARENT_SCOPE) else () # make dev version compare higher than any patch level of a released version set (PETSC_VERSION "${PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_MINOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR}.99" PARENT_SCOPE) endif () else () message (SEND_ERROR "PETSC_DIR can not be used, ${PETSC_DIR}/include/petscversion.h does not exist") endif () endfunction () find_path (PETSC_DIR include/petsc.h HINTS ENV PETSC_DIR PATHS /usr/lib/petscdir/3.1 /usr/lib/petscdir/3.0.0 /usr/lib/petscdir/2.3.3 /usr/lib/petscdir/2.3.2 # Debian $ENV{HOME}/petsc DOC "PETSc Directory") if (PETSC_DIR AND NOT PETSC_ARCH) set (_petsc_arches $ENV{PETSC_ARCH} # If set, use environment variable first linux-gnu-c-debug linux-gnu-c-opt # Debian defaults x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu i386-unknown-linux-gnu) set (petscconf "NOTFOUND" CACHE FILEPATH "Cleared" FORCE) foreach (arch ${_petsc_arches}) if (NOT PETSC_ARCH) find_path (petscconf petscconf.h HINTS ${PETSC_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${arch}/include bmake/${arch} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if (petscconf) set (PETSC_ARCH "${arch}" CACHE STRING "PETSc build architecture") endif (petscconf) endif (NOT PETSC_ARCH) endforeach (arch) set (petscconf "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Scratch variable" FORCE) endif (PETSC_DIR AND NOT PETSC_ARCH) set (petsc_slaves LIBRARIES_SYS LIBRARIES_VEC LIBRARIES_MAT LIBRARIES_DM LIBRARIES_KSP LIBRARIES_SNES LIBRARIES_TS INCLUDE_DIR INCLUDE_CONF) include (FindPackageMultipass) find_package_multipass (PETSc petsc_config_current STATES DIR ARCH DEPENDENTS INCLUDES LIBRARIES COMPILER MPIEXEC ${petsc_slaves}) # Determine whether the PETSc layout is old-style (through 2.3.3) or # new-style (>= 3.0.0) if (EXISTS "${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/include/petscconf.h") # > 2.3.3 set (petsc_conf_rules "${PETSC_DIR}/conf/rules") set (petsc_conf_variables "${PETSC_DIR}/conf/variables") elseif (EXISTS "${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/${PETSC_ARCH}/petscconf.h") # <= 2.3.3 set (petsc_conf_rules "${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/common/rules") set (petsc_conf_variables "${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/common/variables") elseif (PETSC_DIR) message (SEND_ERROR "The pair PETSC_DIR=${PETSC_DIR} PETSC_ARCH=${PETSC_ARCH} do not specify a valid PETSc installation") endif () petsc_get_version() if (petsc_conf_rules AND petsc_conf_variables AND NOT petsc_config_current) # Put variables into environment since they are needed to get # configuration (petscvariables) in the PETSc makefile set (ENV{PETSC_DIR} "${PETSC_DIR}") set (ENV{PETSC_ARCH} "${PETSC_ARCH}") # A temporary makefile to probe the PETSc configuration set (petsc_config_makefile "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Makefile.petsc") file (WRITE "${petsc_config_makefile}" "## This file was autogenerated by FindPETSc.cmake # PETSC_DIR = ${PETSC_DIR} # PETSC_ARCH = ${PETSC_ARCH} include ${petsc_conf_rules} include ${petsc_conf_variables} show : -@echo -n \${\${VARIABLE}} ") macro (PETSC_GET_VARIABLE name var) set (${var} "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) execute_process (COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} --no-print-directory -f ${petsc_config_makefile} show VARIABLE=${name} OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${var} RESULT_VARIABLE petsc_return) endmacro (PETSC_GET_VARIABLE) petsc_get_variable (PETSC_LIB_DIR petsc_lib_dir) petsc_get_variable (PETSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_BASIC petsc_libs_external) petsc_get_variable (PETSC_CCPPFLAGS petsc_cpp_line) petsc_get_variable (PETSC_INCLUDE petsc_include) petsc_get_variable (PCC petsc_cc) petsc_get_variable (MPIEXEC petsc_mpiexec) # We are done with the temporary Makefile, calling PETSC_GET_VARIABLE after this point is invalid! file (REMOVE ${petsc_config_makefile}) include (ResolveCompilerPaths) # Extract include paths and libraries from compile command line resolve_includes (petsc_includes_all "${petsc_cpp_line}") message (STATUS "petsc_lib_dir ${petsc_lib_dir}") macro (PETSC_FIND_LIBRARY suffix name) set (PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix} "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) # Clear any stale value, if we got here, we need to find it again find_library (PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix} NAMES ${name} HINTS ${petsc_lib_dir} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set (PETSC_LIBRARIES_${suffix} "${PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix}}") mark_as_advanced (PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix}) endmacro (PETSC_FIND_LIBRARY suffix name) # Look for petscvec first, if it doesn't exist, we must be using single-library petsc_find_library (VEC petscvec) if (PETSC_LIBRARY_VEC) petsc_find_library (SYS "petscsys;petsc") # libpetscsys is called libpetsc prior to 3.1 (when single-library was introduced) petsc_find_library (MAT petscmat) petsc_find_library (DM petscdm) petsc_find_library (KSP petscksp) petsc_find_library (SNES petscsnes) petsc_find_library (TS petscts) macro (PETSC_JOIN libs deps) list (APPEND PETSC_LIBRARIES_${libs} ${PETSC_LIBRARIES_${deps}}) endmacro (PETSC_JOIN libs deps) petsc_join (VEC SYS) petsc_join (MAT VEC) petsc_join (DM MAT) petsc_join (KSP DM) petsc_join (SNES KSP) petsc_join (TS SNES) petsc_join (ALL TS) else () set (PETSC_LIBRARY_VEC "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) # There is no libpetscvec petsc_find_library (SINGLE petsc) foreach (pkg SYS VEC MAT DM KSP SNES TS ALL) set (PETSC_LIBRARIES_${pkg} "${PETSC_LIBRARY_SINGLE}") endforeach () endif () if (PETSC_LIBRARY_TS) message (STATUS "Recognized PETSc install with separate libraries for each package") else () message (STATUS "Recognized PETSc install with single library for all packages") endif () include (CheckCSourceRuns) macro (PETSC_TEST_RUNS includes libraries runs) multipass_c_source_runs ("${includes}" "${libraries}" " static const char help[] = \"PETSc test program.\"; #include \"petscts.h\" int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { PetscErrorCode ierr; TS ts; ierr = PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,0,help);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSSetFromOptions(ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSDestroy(ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = PetscFinalize();CHKERRQ(ierr); return 0; } " ${runs}) if (${${runs}}) set (PETSC_EXECUTABLE_RUNS "YES" CACHE BOOL "Can the system successfully run a PETSc executable? This variable can be manually set to \"YES\" to force CMake to accept a given PETSc configuration, but this will almost always result in a broken build. If you change PETSC_DIR, PETSC_ARCH, or PETSC_CURRENT you would have to reset this variable." FORCE) endif (${${runs}}) endmacro (PETSC_TEST_RUNS) find_path (PETSC_INCLUDE_DIR petscts.h HINTS "${PETSC_DIR}" PATH_SUFFIXES include NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_path (PETSC_INCLUDE_CONF petscconf.h HINTS "${PETSC_DIR}" PATH_SUFFIXES "${PETSC_ARCH}/include" "bmake/${PETSC_ARCH}" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) mark_as_advanced (PETSC_INCLUDE_DIR PETSC_INCLUDE_CONF) set (petsc_includes_minimal ${PETSC_INCLUDE_CONF} ${PETSC_INCLUDE_DIR}) petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_minimal}" "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS}" petsc_works_minimal) if (petsc_works_minimal) message (STATUS "Minimal PETSc includes and libraries work. This probably means we are building with shared libs.") set (petsc_includes_needed "${petsc_includes_minimal}") else (petsc_works_minimal) # Minimal includes fail, see if just adding full includes fixes it petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_all}" "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS}" petsc_works_allincludes) if (petsc_works_allincludes) # It does, we just need all the includes ( message (STATUS "PETSc requires extra include paths, but links correctly with only interface libraries. This is an unexpected configuration (but it seems to work fine).") set (petsc_includes_needed ${petsc_includes_all}) else (petsc_works_allincludes) # We are going to need to link the external libs explicitly resolve_libraries (petsc_libraries_external "${petsc_libs_external}") foreach (pkg SYS VEC MAT DM KSP SNES TS ALL) list (APPEND PETSC_LIBRARIES_${pkg} ${petsc_libraries_external}) endforeach (pkg) petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_minimal}" "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS}" petsc_works_alllibraries) if (petsc_works_alllibraries) message (STATUS "PETSc only need minimal includes, but requires explicit linking to all dependencies. This is expected when PETSc is built with static libraries.") set (petsc_includes_needed ${petsc_includes_minimal}) else (petsc_works_alllibraries) # It looks like we really need everything, should have listened to Matt set (petsc_includes_needed ${petsc_includes_all}) petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_all}" "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS}" petsc_works_all) if (petsc_works_all) # We fail anyways message (STATUS "PETSc requires extra include paths and explicit linking to all dependencies. This probably means you have static libraries and something unexpected in PETSc headers.") else (petsc_works_all) # We fail anyways message (STATUS "PETSc could not be used, maybe the install is broken.") endif (petsc_works_all) endif (petsc_works_alllibraries) endif (petsc_works_allincludes) endif (petsc_works_minimal) # We do an out-of-source build so __FILE__ will be an absolute path, hence __INSDIR__ is superfluous if (${PETSC_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 3.1) set (PETSC_DEFINITIONS "-D__SDIR__=\"\"" CACHE STRING "PETSc definitions" FORCE) else () set (PETSC_DEFINITIONS "-D__INSDIR__=" CACHE STRING "PETSc definitions" FORCE) endif () # Sometimes this can be used to assist FindMPI.cmake set (PETSC_MPIEXEC ${petsc_mpiexec} CACHE FILEPATH "Executable for running PETSc MPI programs" FORCE) set (PETSC_INCLUDES ${petsc_includes_needed} CACHE STRING "PETSc include path" FORCE) set (PETSC_LIBRARIES ${PETSC_LIBRARIES_ALL} CACHE STRING "PETSc libraries" FORCE) set (PETSC_COMPILER ${petsc_cc} CACHE FILEPATH "PETSc compiler" FORCE) # Note that we have forced values for all these choices. If you # change these, you are telling the system to trust you that they # work. It is likely that you will end up with a broken build. mark_as_advanced (PETSC_INCLUDES PETSC_LIBRARIES PETSC_COMPILER PETSC_DEFINITIONS PETSC_MPIEXEC PETSC_EXECUTABLE_RUNS) endif () include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args (PETSc "PETSc could not be found. Be sure to set PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH." PETSC_INCLUDES PETSC_LIBRARIES PETSC_EXECUTABLE_RUNS)