From 749002e0837a65df6626ab156fe5216d811defff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Koishi <> Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 14:19:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] adding initial commit of repository --- | 94 +------- | 402 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 4 + | 5 + 4 files changed, 415 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100755 diff --git a/ b/ index eb3c5d3..c021426 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,93 +1,7 @@ # dune-python-tnnmg +## Goal of this Repository - -## Getting started - -To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. - -Already a pro? Just edit this and make it your own. Want to make it easy? 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You can also make an explicit request for maintainers. +* An Easy Show of implementing the TNNMG Algorithm on similar examples (hopefully) +* currently working on primal plasticity +* also shows some capabilities of dune-functions on the python side. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6db527b --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@ +import numpy as np + +from dune.grid import cartesianDomain, gridFunction +from dune.alugrid import aluConformGrid as grid +from dune.alugrid import aluCubeGrid as cubeGrid +from dune.geometry import quadratureRule + +from dune.istl import BuildMode, bcrsMatrix, blockVector, CGSolver, SeqJacobi +import dune.geometry +import dune.grid +import dune.functions as functions +from dune.functions import defaultGlobalBasis, subspaceBasis, Lagrange, Power, Composite + + + +# Wie viele Dimensionen? +dim = 2 +# Wie viele plastic Strains? +plastic_dim = 2 +# Was für eine Belastung? +def force(directionNum,position): + if directionNum == 0: + return 0 + if directionNum == 1: # Y-Richtung + return 9.81 + +# Basis der Plastic Strains: +# Ist eine Basis der symmetrischen spurfreien (dim x dim) Matrizen +# Hier für dim = 2 +def plastic_strain_basis(num_basis): + scale = 1.0/np.sqrt(2) + b = np.zeros((dim,dim)) + if num_basis == 0: + b[0,0] = 1 + b[1,1] = -1 + if num_basis == 1: + b[0,1] = 1 + b[1,0] = 1 + return scale * b + + +###### Hilfsfunktionen + +# von elastischen Dehnungen zu Spannungen (mittels Materialgesetz) +def stresses(elasStrainTensor,firstLameConstant,secondLameConstant): + + # druckanteil herausgerechnet + pressure = np.trace(elasStrainTensor) + + # die spannungen + stresses = np.zeros((dim,dim)) + + # Kugelanteil + np.fill_diagonal(stresses,pressure*firstLameConstant) + + # Deviatoranteil + stresses = stresses + 2.0 * secondLameConstant * elasStrainTensor + + return stresses + +# Compute Strains +def strains(directionNum,node,shapeGradient): + + real_strains = np.zeros((dim,dim)) + if directionNum == 0: + real_strains[0,0] = shapeGradient[node][0] + real_strains[0,1] = 0.5*(shapeGradient[node][0] + shapeGradient[node][1]) + if directionNum == 1: + real_strains[1,0] = 0.5*(shapeGradient[node][1] + shapeGradient[node][0]) + real_strains[1,1] = shapeGradient[node][1] + + return real_strains + + + + +# Encapsulation of the local stiffnesses +def local_assembler_elasticity(element,localDisplacementTree): + #help(localView) + n = len(localDisplacementTree) + + #help(localDisplacementTree[0].localIndex(0)) + # Der ist hier, weil local functions keine Bäume auf der Python Seite zulassen. + # num_local_dofs = 2 + + print(n) + #help(localBasis) + + quadOrder = 2 + + # TODO Local Matrix assemblieren + + localStiffnessMatrix = np.zeros((n,n)) + + for gaussPoint in quadratureRule(elem.type, quadOrder): + x = gaussPoint.position + w = gaussPoint.weight + #help(x) + + jacobianInverseTransposed = elem.geometry.jacobianInverseTransposed(x) + # Wert der Jacobi Determinante? + determinant = elem.geometry.integrationElement(x) + + # Funktionswerte und Ableitungen der Basisfunktionen + #phi = localBasis.evaluateFunction(x) + + #phiRefGradient = localBasis.evaluateJacobian(x) + # Das sind die Ableitungen der Shape Functions in Globalen Koordinaten + #phiGradient = [, np.array(g)[0]) for g in phiRefGradient ] + # Welche jetzt für x und y verwendet werden + # Berechnen der Dehnungen () + posGlobal = element.geometry.toGlobal(x) + + help(localDisplacementTree.child(0).finiteElement(localDisplacementTree)) + + # Jaap Paper, Equation 20 + # In welchem Block befinden wir uns? -> [(x,x),(x,y)],[(y,x),(y,y)] + # Das fühlt sich immens ineffizient an, aber naja. + for i in range(dim): + localRealBasis = localDisplacementTree.child(i).finiteElement.localBasis + #help(localRealBasis) + + # Local Shape Functions + phi = localRealBasis.evaluateFunction(x) + phiRefGradient = localRealBasis.evaluateJacobian(x) + # Das sind die Ableitungen der Shape Functions in Globalen Koordinaten + phiGradient = [, np.array(g)[0]) for g in phiRefGradient ] + + for j in range(dim): + localVirtBasis = localDisplacementTree.child(j).finiteElement.localBasis + #help(localRealBasis) + + # Local Shape Functions + phiVirt = localVirtBasis.evaluateFunction(x) + phiVirtRefGradient = localVirtBasis.evaluateJacobian(x) + # Das sind die Ableitungen der Shape Functions in Globalen Koordinaten + phiVirtGradient = [, np.array(g)[0]) for g in phiVirtRefGradient ] + + for k in range(len(localRealBasis)): + localRealIndex = localDisplacementTree.child(i).localIndex(k) + # Strains + Stresses + realStrains = strains(directionNum=i,node=k,shapeGradient=phiGradient) + realStresses = stresses(elasStrainTensor=realStrains,firstLameConstant=1e7,secondLameConstant=6.5e6) + for l in range(len(localVirtBasis)): + localVirtIndex = localDisplacementTree.child(j).localIndex(l) + + virtStrains = strains(directionNum=j,node=l,shapeGradient=phiVirtGradient) + + #print(localRealIndex,localVirtIndex) + + #here we will assemble! + localStiffnessMatrix[localRealIndex,localVirtIndex] += determinant * np.tensordot(realStresses,virtStrains) * w + + print(localStiffnessMatrix) + return localStiffnessMatrix + +# Interaktionsterme (Jaap Gleichung ) +# +def local_assembler_elasticity_plasticity_interaction(element,localBasisDisp,localBasisPlastic): + + nDisp = len(localBasisDisp) + nPlast = len(localBasisPlastic) + + quadOrder = 2 + # Local Interaction Matrix + # Without isotropic hardening (else it would be ((dim_plastic+1)*nPlast) ) + local_interaction_matrix = np.zeros((dim*nDisp,plastic_dim*nPlast)) + + # Starting the Integration Loop + for gaussPoint in quadratureRule(elem.type, quadOrder): + x = gaussPoint.position + w = gaussPoint.weight + + phiDisp = localBasisDisp.evaluateFunction(x) + phiDispRefGradient = localBasisDisp.evaluateJacobian(x) + jacobianInverseTransposed = elem.geometry.jacobianInverseTransposed(x) + # Betrag der Jacobi Determinante? + determinant = elem.geometry.integrationElement(x) + + # Das sind die Ableitungen der Shape Functions in Globalen Koordinaten + phiDispGradient = [, np.array(g)[0]) for g in phiDispRefGradient ] + # Jetzt noch die Basis der plastischen Strains + + thetaStrain = localBasisPlastic.evaluateFunction(x) + + # Welche jetzt für x und y verwendet werden + # posGlobal = element.geometry.toGlobal(x) + # Welcher reale Freiheitsgrad? + for i in range(nDisp): + # Welche reale Richtung? + for k in range(dim): + real_strains = strains(k,i,phiDispGradient) + + stress = stresses(real_strains, lamb, mu) + # Jetzt die Frage, welche plastic Strains verwendet werden. + # Wie viele n-plastische? + for j in range(nPlast): + # wie viele plastische basen? + for l in range(plastic_dim): + plastic_strain = plastic_strain_basis(l) # basis abholen + + local_interaction_matrix[i*dim+k,j*plastic_dim+l] += - determinant * np.tensordot(stress,plastic_strain*thetaStrain) * w + + #print(local_interaction_matrix) + return local_interaction_matrix + +def local_assembler_plasticity(element,localBasisPlastic): + + nPlast = len(localBasisPlastic) + + quadOrder = 2 + # Local Interaction Matrix + # Without isotropic hardening (else it would be ((dim_plastic+1)*nPlast) ) + local_plastic_matrix = np.zeros((plastic_dim*nPlast,plastic_dim*nPlast)) + + # Starting the Integration Loop + for gaussPoint in quadratureRule(elem.type, quadOrder): + x = gaussPoint.position + w = gaussPoint.weight + + phiDisp = localBasisDisp.evaluateFunction(x) + # phiDispRefGradient = localBasisDisp.evaluateJacobian(x) + # jacobianInverseTransposed = elem.geometry.jacobianInverseTransposed(x) + # Betrag der Jacobi Determinante? + determinant = elem.geometry.integrationElement(x) + + # Das sind die Ableitungen der Shape Functions in Globalen Koordinaten + # phiDispGradient = [, np.array(g)[0]) for g in phiDispRefGradient ] + # Jetzt noch die Basis der plastischen Strains + + thetaStrain = localBasisPlastic.evaluateFunction(x) + + # Welche jetzt für x und y verwendet werden + # posGlobal = element.geometry.toGlobal(x) + # Welcher reale Freiheitsgrad? + for i in range(nPlast): + # Welche reale Richtung? + for k in range(plastic_dim): + plastic_strain = plastic_strain_basis(k) + + stress = stresses(plastic_strain, lamb, mu) + # Jetzt die Frage, welche plastic Strains verwendet werden. + # Wie viele n-plastische? + for j in range(nPlast): + # wie viele plastische basen? + for l in range(plastic_dim): + plastic_strain = plastic_strain_basis(l) # basis abholen + + local_plastic_matrix[i*plastic_dim+k,j*plastic_dim+l] += determinant * np.tensordot(stress,plastic_strain*thetaStrain) * w + + #print(local_plastic_matrix) + return local_plastic_matrix + + + +###### Hilfsfunktionen Ende + + +# + +# Gebe mir ein Gitter +domain = {'vertices': np.array([(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0)]), 'simplices': np.array([(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3)])} +gridView = grid(domain) +gridView.hierarchicalGrid.globalRefine(0) + +# Und eine Basis (Da der Dune-Functions Baum auf der Python Seite nicht traversierbar ist, werden 2 Bäume verwendet.) +# lagBasis_displacement = Lagrange(order = 1, dimRange = 2) +lagBasis_displacement = Power(Lagrange(order = 1),exponent=dim) # Verschiebungen (Die n Dimensionen werden manuell gemacht) +lagBasis_plasticStrains = Power(Lagrange(order = 0),exponent=plastic_dim) # Plastische Dehnungen (Die k Dimensionen werde manuell gemacht) + +lagBasis = Composite(lagBasis_displacement,lagBasis_plasticStrains) + +# Lamé Konstanten +lamb = 1e7 +mu = 6.5e6 + +# Und jetzt besitzen wir eine Globale Basis auf dem Gitter +# in diesem Fall eine LagrangeBasis +# Gitter und Basis sind jetzt verheiratet +globalBasis = defaultGlobalBasis(gridView,lagBasis) +globalBasisDisplacement = defaultGlobalBasis(gridView,lagBasis_displacement) +globalBasisPlasticStrains = defaultGlobalBasis(gridView,lagBasis_plasticStrains) +#print(globalBasis) +#help(globalBasis) + +localView = globalBasis.localView() +localViewDisplacement = globalBasisDisplacement.localView() +localViewPlastic = globalBasisPlasticStrains.localView() +#help(localView) +# + +#help(gridView.grid) +# Jetzt erstmal die globale Steifigkeitsmatrix +numNodes = len(globalBasis) +numNodesDisp = len(globalBasisDisplacement) +numNodesPlast = len(globalBasisPlasticStrains) +print(globalBasis.dimRange) +print(numNodes,numNodesDisp,numNodesPlast) + +# Frage: Globale Steifigkeit für alle Teilmatrizen? Direkt den E, C und P Block aufschreiben? +globalStiffness = np.zeros((numNodesDisp*dim+numNodesPlast*plastic_dim,numNodesDisp*dim+numNodesPlast*plastic_dim)) + +for elem in gridView.elements: + # Hier komm ein Typ raus + # print(elem.type) + + # Hier verbinden wir die lokale Ansicht des Baums mit der Geometrischen Information + # Erst ab hier können wir shape functions und ähnliches abfragen + localView.bind(elem) + localViewDisplacement.bind(elem) + localViewPlastic.bind(elem) + #help(localViewDisplacement) + + localViewTree = localView.tree() + + #help(localViewTree) + + localViewDispTree = localViewTree.child(0) + localViewPlastTree = localViewTree.child(1) + + #help(localViewDispTree) + print(len(localView.tree())) + print(len(localViewDispTree),len(localViewPlastTree)) + + print(localViewDispTree.localIndex(1)) + + for i in range(len(localView)): + multiIndex = localView.index(i)[0] # in der liste steht der globale index der zum lokalen gehört + print("G - L:",multiIndex, i) + + for i in range(len(localViewDispTree)): + indexQuestion = localViewDispTree.localIndex(i) # Die lokalen Verschiebungsfreiheitsgrade gehören zu den lokalen FE Freiheitsgraden + print("L - D:",indexQuestion,i) + + for i in range(len(localViewPlastTree)): + indexQuestion = localViewPlastTree.localIndex(i) # genauso wie hier. + print("L - P:",indexQuestion,i) + + #localViewDispTree[0].finiteElement + + #help(localViewDispTree) + + # das funktioniert irgendwie??? + localStiffnessMatrix = local_assembler_elasticity(element=elem,localDisplacementTree=localViewDispTree) + + #print(localStiffnessMatrix) + + #help(localViewDispTree[0].finiteElement) + + #localViewDisplacement.tree() + + localBasisDisp = localViewDisplacement.tree()[0].finiteElement + + #help(localBasisDisp) + localBasisStrain = localViewPlastic.tree()[0].finiteElement.localBasis + + localN = len(localBasisDisp) + # E Matrix + #localStiffnessMatrix = local_assembler_elasticity(element=elem,localBasis=localBasisDisp) + # print(localStiffnessMatrix) + # C Matrix + #localInteractionMatrix = local_assembler_elasticity_plasticity_interaction(element=elem,localBasisDisp=localBasisDisp,localBasisPlastic=localBasisStrain) + + # P Matrix + #localPlasticityMatrix = local_assembler_plasticity(element=elem,localBasisPlastic=localBasisStrain) + + #print("---") + for i in range(localN): + + #print(localViewDisplacement.index(i)) + gi = localViewDisplacement.index(i)[0] + + #help(localBasis) + # Das Geometry object: + # elemgeom = elem.geometry + # elemtype = elem.type + + #print(refElement) + # über das ding was aus quadratureRule rauskommt kann ich nur iterieren, + # scheint kein Objekt zu sein + # for p in quadratureRule(elemtype, 2): + # x = p.position + # + +#print(globalStiffness) + +''' +print("Assembling...") +matrix, rhs = assemble(gridView, lambda v: sum(2.0 * x * (1 - x) for x in v)) + +print("Solving...") +u = blockVector(gridView.indexSet.size(2)) +CGSolver(matrix.asLinearOperator(), SeqJacobi(matrix), 1e-10)(u, rhs) + +print("Visualizing...") +dim = gridView.dimension +basis = P1ShapeFunctionSet(dim) +@gridFunction(gridView,"u_h") +def u_h(e, x): + return [sum(phi.evaluate(x) * u[i][0] for phi, i in zip(basis, gridView.indexSet.subIndices(e, dim)))] +gridView.writeVTK("fem2d", pointdata=[u_h]) +''' diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af88850 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# An Engineers Guide to DUNE + +## Python-DUNE + diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0511554 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# python3 -m venv ~/dune-env +#.${HOME}/dune-modules/dune-common/build-cmake/run-in-dune-env python +source ../dune-common/build-cmake/dune-env/bin/activate -- GitLab