From 56c096bd6af1df3d303a5d1b9f86e9d6260af72e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cristian Maglie <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:30:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH]  Fixed delayMicrosecond for non-constant case.

 cores/arduino/delay.h | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cores/arduino/delay.h b/cores/arduino/delay.h
index 527bf464..85461786 100644
--- a/cores/arduino/delay.h
+++ b/cores/arduino/delay.h
@@ -61,40 +61,40 @@ extern void delay( uint32_t dwMs ) ;
  * \param dwUs the number of microseconds to pause (uint32_t)
 static __inline__ void delayMicroseconds( uint32_t ) __attribute__((always_inline, unused)) ;
-static __inline__ void delayMicroseconds( uint32_t ul_usec )
+static __inline__ void delayMicroseconds( uint32_t usec )
-  if ( ul_usec == 0 )
+  if ( usec == 0 )
     return ;
-  uint32_t ul = ul_usec * (VARIANT_MCK / 3000000); // = ul_usec * 16 with VARIANT_MCK @ 48MHz
-/* following 'for' loop will generate this:
- * loop:
- * subs r3, #1 // 1 Core cycle
- * bne.n loop // 1 or 2 Core cycles, depends on pipeline break (50/50?)
-  for ( ; ul != 0 ; ul-- )
-  {
-    __asm__ volatile("");
-  }
- * __asm__ [__volatile__] ( AssemblerTemplate : [OutputOperands] [ : [InputOperands] [ : [Clobbers] ] ] )
- *
- * __asm__ documentation for GCC:
- * __volatile__ documentation for GCC:
- *
- */
-  __asm__ __volatile__( "1:      \n"
-                        "sub %0, #1              \n" /* substract 1 from %0 (ul) */
-                        "bne 1b   \n"
-                        : /* no outputs */
-                        : "r" (ul) /* 'ul' variable is '%0', '+' means R/W constraint on this variable/register, 'r' means 'register' (versus 'm' for 'memory' */
-                        : /* no clobber, ie nothing should be damaged by this asm code */
-                      ) ;
+  /*
+   *  The following loop:
+   *
+   *    for (; ul; ul--) {
+   *      __asm__ volatile("");
+   *    }
+   *
+   *  produce the following assembly code:
+   *
+   *    loop:
+   *      subs r3, #1        // 1 Core cycle
+   *      bne.n loop         // 1 Core cycle + 1 if branch is taken
+   */
+  // VARIANT_MCK / 1000000 == cycles needed to delay 1uS
+  //                     3 == cycles used in a loop
+  uint32_t n = usec * (VARIANT_MCK / 1000000) / 3;
+  __asm__ __volatile__(
+    "1:              \n"
+    "   sub %0, #1   \n" // substract 1 from %0 (n)
+    "   bne 1b       \n" // if result is not 0 jump to 1
+    : "+r" (n)           // '%0' is n variable with RW constraints
+    :                    // no input
+    :                    // no clobber
+  );
+  //
+  //
 #ifdef __cplusplus