diff --git a/cores/arduino/delay.h b/cores/arduino/delay.h
index 9809fc3753f56b3f2a17be392119c8a8bd0e2854..854617869e94b4deb1be4ae1fba15c89f11ff390 100644
--- a/cores/arduino/delay.h
+++ b/cores/arduino/delay.h
@@ -60,39 +60,42 @@ extern void delay( uint32_t dwMs ) ;
  * \param dwUs the number of microseconds to pause (uint32_t)
-static inline void delayMicroseconds(uint32_t) __attribute__((always_inline, unused));
-static inline void delayMicroseconds(uint32_t usec){
-    if (usec == 0) return;
-    uint32_t n = usec * (VARIANT_MCK / 3000000);
-#if 0
-    __asm__ volatile(
-        "L_%=_delayMicroseconds:"       "\n\t"
-        "subs   %0, %0, #1"                 "\n\t"
-        "bne    L_%=_delayMicroseconds" "\n"
-        : "+r" (n) :
-    );
-  for ( ; n != 0 ; n-- )
+static __inline__ void delayMicroseconds( uint32_t ) __attribute__((always_inline, unused)) ;
+static __inline__ void delayMicroseconds( uint32_t usec )
+  if ( usec == 0 )
+    return ;
-__attribute__((naked)) static void delay_loop(unsigned n)
-	__asm volatile ("1: subs r0, r0, #1");
-	__asm volatile (" bne 1b");
-	__asm volatile (" bx lr");
+  /*
+   *  The following loop:
+   *
+   *    for (; ul; ul--) {
+   *      __asm__ volatile("");
+   *    }
+   *
+   *  produce the following assembly code:
+   *
+   *    loop:
+   *      subs r3, #1        // 1 Core cycle
+   *      bne.n loop         // 1 Core cycle + 1 if branch is taken
+   */
-void delay_microseconds(unsigned n)
-	// Bogus assumption:
-	// Assume 8 cycles/iteration and running at 80MHz
-	delay_loop(n * 10);
+  // VARIANT_MCK / 1000000 == cycles needed to delay 1uS
+  //                     3 == cycles used in a loop
+  uint32_t n = usec * (VARIANT_MCK / 1000000) / 3;
+  __asm__ __volatile__(
+    "1:              \n"
+    "   sub %0, #1   \n" // substract 1 from %0 (n)
+    "   bne 1b       \n" // if result is not 0 jump to 1
+    : "+r" (n)           // '%0' is n variable with RW constraints
+    :                    // no input
+    :                    // no clobber
+  );
+  // https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Extended-Asm.html
+  // https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Extended-Asm.html#Volatile
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/cores/arduino/wiring.c b/cores/arduino/wiring.c
index ba40e23f9bbdeaf779195ebcea65ebdcd42e5f84..02158b7da49c9542cd899928c4c5cfac506cb85c 100644
--- a/cores/arduino/wiring.c
+++ b/cores/arduino/wiring.c
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-//#include "Arduino.h"
 #include "variant.h"
-//#include "wiring_constants.h"
+#include "wiring_analog.h"
 #include "wiring_digital.h"
 #include "wiring.h"
@@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ extern "C" {
- * System Core Clock is at 1MHz at Reset.
+ * System Core Clock is at 1MHz (8MHz/8) at Reset.
  * It is switched to 48MHz in the Reset Handler (startup.c)
 uint32_t SystemCoreClock=1000000ul ;
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ void init( void )
   // Clock TC/TCC for Pulse and Analog
   // Clock ADC/DAC for Analog
@@ -114,10 +113,7 @@ void init( void )
   ADC->AVGCTRL.reg = ADC_AVGCTRL_SAMPLENUM_64 |    // 64 samples
                      ADC_AVGCTRL_ADJRES(0x04ul);   // Adjusting result by 4
-  while( ADC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1 );          // Wait for synchronization of registers between the clock domains
+  analogReference( AR_DEFAULT ) ; // Analog Reference is AREF pin (3.3v)
   // Initialize DAC
   // Setting clock
diff --git a/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.c b/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.c
index dd3f4d3fcdc7f293e762492d79014c50ec9895ac..7d0e780e9ca763d585a3e103b85623a157c187d3 100644
--- a/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.c
+++ b/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.c
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
 #include "wiring_analog.h"
 #include "wiring_digital.h"
+#include "variant.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
 static int _readResolution = 10;
-static int _writeResolution = 8;
+static int _writeResolution = 10;
 void analogReadResolution( int res )
@@ -68,6 +69,12 @@ static inline uint32_t mapResolution( uint32_t value, uint32_t from, uint32_t to
+ * Internal Reference is at 1.0v
+ * External Reference should be between 1v and VDDANA-0.6v=2.7v
+ *
+ * Warning : On Arduino Zero board the input/output voltage for SAMD21G18 is 3.3 volts maximum
+ */
 void analogReference( eAnalogReference ulMode )
   while ( ADC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1 );
@@ -106,7 +113,12 @@ uint32_t analogRead( uint32_t ulPin )
   uint32_t valueRead = 0;
-  if (ulPin < A0) ulPin += A0;
+  if ( ulPin < A0 )
+  {
+    ulPin += A0 ;
+  }
+  pinPeripheral(ulPin, g_APinDescription[ulPin].ulPinType);
   if (ulPin == A0) // Disable DAC, if analogWrite(A0,dval) used previously the DAC is enabled
@@ -134,7 +146,7 @@ uint32_t analogRead( uint32_t ulPin )
   // Control A
-   * Bit 1 – ENABLE: Enable
+   * Bit 1 ENABLE: Enable
    *   0: The ADC is disabled.
    *   1: The ADC is enabled.
    * Due to synchronization, there is a delay from writing CTRLA.ENABLE until the peripheral is enabled/disabled. The
diff --git a/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.h b/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.h
index 70dcee89a4b8f46f459959e2be3d4e067e8cd607..787f711be4c01bd0193bb06fca9875563801ae44 100644
--- a/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.h
+++ b/cores/arduino/wiring_analog.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #ifndef _WIRING_ANALOG_
 #define _WIRING_ANALOG_
-#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
diff --git a/cores/validation/validation_firmata/build_as6/test.atsln b/cores/validation/validation_firmata/build_as6/test.atsln
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Printable.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Printable.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Reset.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Reset.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Reset.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Reset.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\RingBuffer.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\RingBuffer.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\RingBuffer.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\RingBuffer.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\SERCOM.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\SERCOM.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\SERCOM.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\SERCOM.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Server.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Server.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\startup.c">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\startup.c</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Stream.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Stream.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Stream.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Stream.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Tone.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Tone.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Uart.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Uart.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Uart.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Uart.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\Udp.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\Udp.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WCharacter.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WCharacter.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WInterrupts.c">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WInterrupts.c</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WInterrupts.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WInterrupts.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring.c">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring.c</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_analog.c">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_analog.c</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_analog.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_analog.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_constants.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_constants.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_digital.c">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_digital.c</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_digital.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_digital.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_private.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_private.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_pulse.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_pulse.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_shift.c">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_shift.c</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\wiring_shift.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\wiring_shift.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WMath.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WMath.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WMath.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WMath.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WString.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WString.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WString.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WString.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\..\..\arduino\WVariant.h">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>core\WVariant.h</Link>
+    </Compile>
+    <Compile Include="..\test.cpp">
+      <SubType>compile</SubType>
+      <Link>test.cpp</Link>
+    </Compile>
+  </ItemGroup>
+  <Import Project="$(AVRSTUDIO_EXE_PATH)\\Vs\\Compiler.targets" />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cores/validation/validation_firmata/test.cpp b/cores/validation/validation_firmata/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d3ba59281565d03f060ce16b0a53a5458e3a0c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cores/validation/validation_firmata/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+  Copyright (c) 2014 Arduino.  All right reserved.
+  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+#include "Arduino.h"
+ * Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers
+ * from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with
+ * any host computer software package.
+ *
+ * To download a host software package, please clink on the following link
+ * to open the download page in your default browser.
+ *
+ * http://firmata.org/wiki/Download
+ */
+  Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner.  All rights reserved.
+  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Paul Stoffregen.  All rights reserved.
+  Copyright (C) 2009 Shigeru Kobayashi.  All rights reserved.
+  Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Jeff Hoefs.  All rights reserved.
+  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+  See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+  formatted using the GNU C formatting and indenting
+ * TODO: use Program Control to load stored profiles from EEPROM
+ */
+//#include <Servo.h>
+#include <Wire.h>
+#include <Firmata.h>
+// move the following defines to Firmata.h?
+#define I2C_WRITE B00000000
+#define I2C_READ B00001000
+#define I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY B00010000
+#define I2C_STOP_READING B00011000
+#define I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK B00011000
+#define I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK B00100000
+#define MAX_QUERIES 8
+ *============================================================================*/
+/* analog inputs */
+int analogInputsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting
+/* digital input ports */
+byte reportPINs[TOTAL_PORTS];       // 1 = report this port, 0 = silence
+byte previousPINs[TOTAL_PORTS];     // previous 8 bits sent
+/* pins configuration */
+byte pinConfig[TOTAL_PINS];         // configuration of every pin
+byte portConfigInputs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // each bit: 1 = pin in INPUT, 0 = anything else
+int pinState[TOTAL_PINS];           // any value that has been written
+/* timer variables */
+unsigned long currentMillis;        // store the current value from millis()
+unsigned long previousMillis;       // for comparison with currentMillis
+int samplingInterval = 19;          // how often to run the main loop (in ms)
+/* i2c data */
+struct i2c_device_info {
+  byte addr;
+  byte reg;
+  byte bytes;
+/* for i2c read continuous more */
+i2c_device_info query[MAX_QUERIES];
+byte i2cRxData[32];
+boolean isI2CEnabled = false;
+signed char queryIndex = -1;
+unsigned int i2cReadDelayTime = 0;  // default delay time between i2c read request and Wire.requestFrom()
+//Servo servos[MAX_SERVOS];
+ *============================================================================*/
+void readAndReportData(byte address, int theRegister, byte numBytes) {
+  // allow I2C requests that don't require a register read
+  // for example, some devices using an interrupt pin to signify new data available
+  // do not always require the register read so upon interrupt you call Wire.requestFrom()
+  if (theRegister != REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
+    Wire.beginTransmission(address);
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+    Wire.write((byte)theRegister);
+    Wire.send((byte)theRegister);
+    Wire.endTransmission();
+    // do not set a value of 0
+    if (i2cReadDelayTime > 0) {
+      // delay is necessary for some devices such as WiiNunchuck
+      delayMicroseconds(i2cReadDelayTime);
+    }
+  } else {
+    theRegister = 0;  // fill the register with a dummy value
+  }
+  Wire.requestFrom(address, numBytes);  // all bytes are returned in requestFrom
+  // check to be sure correct number of bytes were returned by slave
+  if (numBytes == Wire.available()) {
+    i2cRxData[0] = address;
+    i2cRxData[1] = theRegister;
+    for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) {
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+      i2cRxData[2 + i] = Wire.read();
+      i2cRxData[2 + i] = Wire.receive();
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    if (numBytes > Wire.available()) {
+      Firmata.sendString("I2C Read Error: Too many bytes received");
+    } else {
+      Firmata.sendString("I2C Read Error: Too few bytes received");
+    }
+  }
+  // send slave address, register and received bytes
+  Firmata.sendSysex(SYSEX_I2C_REPLY, numBytes + 2, i2cRxData);
+void outputPort(byte portNumber, byte portValue, byte forceSend)
+  // pins not configured as INPUT are cleared to zeros
+  portValue = portValue & portConfigInputs[portNumber];
+  // only send if the value is different than previously sent
+  if (forceSend || previousPINs[portNumber] != portValue) {
+    Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue);
+    previousPINs[portNumber] = portValue;
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
+ * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
+void checkDigitalInputs(void)
+  /* Using non-looping code allows constants to be given to readPort().
+   * The compiler will apply substantial optimizations if the inputs
+   * to readPort() are compile-time constants. */
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 0 && reportPINs[0]) outputPort(0, readPort(0, portConfigInputs[0]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 1 && reportPINs[1]) outputPort(1, readPort(1, portConfigInputs[1]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 2 && reportPINs[2]) outputPort(2, readPort(2, portConfigInputs[2]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 3 && reportPINs[3]) outputPort(3, readPort(3, portConfigInputs[3]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 4 && reportPINs[4]) outputPort(4, readPort(4, portConfigInputs[4]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 5 && reportPINs[5]) outputPort(5, readPort(5, portConfigInputs[5]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 6 && reportPINs[6]) outputPort(6, readPort(6, portConfigInputs[6]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 7 && reportPINs[7]) outputPort(7, readPort(7, portConfigInputs[7]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 8 && reportPINs[8]) outputPort(8, readPort(8, portConfigInputs[8]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 9 && reportPINs[9]) outputPort(9, readPort(9, portConfigInputs[9]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 10 && reportPINs[10]) outputPort(10, readPort(10, portConfigInputs[10]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 11 && reportPINs[11]) outputPort(11, readPort(11, portConfigInputs[11]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 12 && reportPINs[12]) outputPort(12, readPort(12, portConfigInputs[12]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 13 && reportPINs[13]) outputPort(13, readPort(13, portConfigInputs[13]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 14 && reportPINs[14]) outputPort(14, readPort(14, portConfigInputs[14]), false);
+  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 15 && reportPINs[15]) outputPort(15, readPort(15, portConfigInputs[15]), false);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
+ * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
+ */
+void setPinModeCallback(byte pin, int mode)
+  if (pinConfig[pin] == I2C && isI2CEnabled && mode != I2C) {
+    // disable i2c so pins can be used for other functions
+    // the following if statements should reconfigure the pins properly
+    disableI2CPins();
+  }
+  if (IS_PIN_SERVO(pin) && mode != SERVO && servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].attached()) {
+    servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].detach();
+  }
+  if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+    reportAnalogCallback(PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin), mode == ANALOG ? 1 : 0); // turn on/off reporting
+  }
+  if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+    if (mode == INPUT) {
+      portConfigInputs[pin / 8] |= (1 << (pin & 7));
+    } else {
+      portConfigInputs[pin / 8] &= ~(1 << (pin & 7));
+    }
+  }
+  pinState[pin] = 0;
+  switch (mode) {
+    case ANALOG:
+      if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+          pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+          digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+        }
+        pinConfig[pin] = ANALOG;
+      }
+      break;
+    case INPUT:
+      if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+        pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT); // disable output driver
+        digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
+        pinConfig[pin] = INPUT;
+      }
+      break;
+    case OUTPUT:
+      if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+        digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable PWM
+        pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), OUTPUT);
+        pinConfig[pin] = OUTPUT;
+      }
+      break;
+    case PWM:
+      if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+        pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), OUTPUT);
+        analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), 0);
+        pinConfig[pin] = PWM;
+      }
+      break;
+    case SERVO:
+      if (IS_PIN_SERVO(pin)) {
+        pinConfig[pin] = SERVO;
+        if (!servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].attached()) {
+          servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin));
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case I2C:
+      if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+        // mark the pin as i2c
+        // the user must call I2C_CONFIG to enable I2C for a device
+        pinConfig[pin] = I2C;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      Firmata.sendString("Unknown pin mode"); // TODO: put error msgs in EEPROM
+  }
+  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value)
+  if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+    switch (pinConfig[pin]) {
+      case SERVO:
+        if (IS_PIN_SERVO(pin))
+          servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].write(value);
+        pinState[pin] = value;
+        break;
+      case PWM:
+        if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
+          analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);
+        pinState[pin] = value;
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+void digitalWriteCallback(byte port, int value)
+  byte pin, lastPin, mask = 1, pinWriteMask = 0;
+  if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+    // create a mask of the pins on this port that are writable.
+    lastPin = port * 8 + 8;
+    if (lastPin > TOTAL_PINS) lastPin = TOTAL_PINS;
+    for (pin = port * 8; pin < lastPin; pin++) {
+      // do not disturb non-digital pins (eg, Rx & Tx)
+      if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+        // only write to OUTPUT and INPUT (enables pullup)
+        // do not touch pins in PWM, ANALOG, SERVO or other modes
+        if (pinConfig[pin] == OUTPUT || pinConfig[pin] == INPUT) {
+          pinWriteMask |= mask;
+          pinState[pin] = ((byte)value & mask) ? 1 : 0;
+        }
+      }
+      mask = mask << 1;
+    }
+    writePort(port, (byte)value, pinWriteMask);
+  }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
+ */
+//void FirmataClass::setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
+void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value)
+  if (analogPin < TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS) {
+    if (value == 0) {
+      analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport &~ (1 << analogPin);
+    } else {
+      analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport | (1 << analogPin);
+    }
+  }
+  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed
+void reportDigitalCallback(byte port, int value)
+  if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
+    reportPINs[port] = (byte)value;
+  }
+  // do not disable analog reporting on these 8 pins, to allow some
+  // pins used for digital, others analog.  Instead, allow both types
+  // of reporting to be enabled, but check if the pin is configured
+  // as analog when sampling the analog inputs.  Likewise, while
+  // scanning digital pins, portConfigInputs will mask off values from any
+  // pins configured as analog
+ * SYSEX-BASED commands
+ *============================================================================*/
+void sysexCallback(byte command, byte argc, byte *argv)
+  byte mode;
+  byte slaveAddress;
+  byte slaveRegister;
+  byte data;
+  unsigned int delayTime;
+  switch (command) {
+    case I2C_REQUEST:
+      mode = argv[1] & I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK;
+      if (argv[1] & I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK) {
+        Firmata.sendString("10-bit addressing mode is not yet supported");
+        return;
+      }
+      else {
+        slaveAddress = argv[0];
+      }
+      switch (mode) {
+        case I2C_WRITE:
+          Wire.beginTransmission(slaveAddress);
+          for (byte i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) {
+            data = argv[i] + (argv[i + 1] << 7);
+#if ARDUINO >= 100
+            Wire.write(data);
+            Wire.send(data);
+          }
+          Wire.endTransmission();
+          delayMicroseconds(70);
+          break;
+        case I2C_READ:
+          if (argc == 6) {
+            // a slave register is specified
+            slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+            data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7);  // bytes to read
+            readAndReportData(slaveAddress, (int)slaveRegister, data);
+          }
+          else {
+            // a slave register is NOT specified
+            data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);  // bytes to read
+            readAndReportData(slaveAddress, (int)REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED, data);
+          }
+          break;
+        case I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY:
+          if ((queryIndex + 1) >= MAX_QUERIES) {
+            // too many queries, just ignore
+            Firmata.sendString("too many queries");
+            break;
+          }
+          queryIndex++;
+          query[queryIndex].addr = slaveAddress;
+          query[queryIndex].reg = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
+          query[queryIndex].bytes = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7);
+          break;
+        case I2C_STOP_READING:
+          byte queryIndexToSkip;
+          // if read continuous mode is enabled for only 1 i2c device, disable
+          // read continuous reporting for that device
+          if (queryIndex <= 0) {
+            queryIndex = -1;
+          } else {
+            // if read continuous mode is enabled for multiple devices,
+            // determine which device to stop reading and remove it's data from
+            // the array, shifiting other array data to fill the space
+            for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+              if (query[i].addr = slaveAddress) {
+                queryIndexToSkip = i;
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+            for (byte i = queryIndexToSkip; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+              if (i < MAX_QUERIES) {
+                query[i].addr = query[i + 1].addr;
+                query[i].reg = query[i + 1].addr;
+                query[i].bytes = query[i + 1].bytes;
+              }
+            }
+            queryIndex--;
+          }
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+      break;
+    case I2C_CONFIG:
+      delayTime = (argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7));
+      if (delayTime > 0) {
+        i2cReadDelayTime = delayTime;
+      }
+      if (!isI2CEnabled) {
+        enableI2CPins();
+      }
+      break;
+    case SERVO_CONFIG:
+      if (argc > 4) {
+        // these vars are here for clarity, they'll optimized away by the compiler
+        byte pin = argv[0];
+        int minPulse = argv[1] + (argv[2] << 7);
+        int maxPulse = argv[3] + (argv[4] << 7);
+        if (IS_PIN_SERVO(pin)) {
+          if (servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].attached())
+            servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].detach();
+          servos[PIN_TO_SERVO(pin)].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), minPulse, maxPulse);
+          setPinModeCallback(pin, SERVO);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      if (argc > 1) {
+        samplingInterval = argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7);
+        if (samplingInterval < MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) {
+          samplingInterval = MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL;
+        }
+      } else {
+        //Firmata.sendString("Not enough data");
+      }
+      break;
+      if (argc > 1) {
+        int val = argv[1];
+        if (argc > 2) val |= (argv[2] << 7);
+        if (argc > 3) val |= (argv[3] << 14);
+        analogWriteCallback(argv[0], val);
+      }
+      break;
+      Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+      Firmata.write(CAPABILITY_RESPONSE);
+      for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
+          Firmata.write((byte)INPUT);
+          Firmata.write(1);
+          Firmata.write((byte)OUTPUT);
+          Firmata.write(1);
+        }
+        if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
+          Firmata.write(ANALOG);
+          Firmata.write(10);
+        }
+        if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
+          Firmata.write(PWM);
+          Firmata.write(8);
+        }
+        if (IS_PIN_SERVO(pin)) {
+          Firmata.write(SERVO);
+          Firmata.write(14);
+        }
+        if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
+          Firmata.write(I2C);
+          Firmata.write(1);  // to do: determine appropriate value
+        }
+        Firmata.write(127);
+      }
+      Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+      break;
+    case PIN_STATE_QUERY:
+      if (argc > 0) {
+        byte pin = argv[0];
+        Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+        Firmata.write(PIN_STATE_RESPONSE);
+        Firmata.write(pin);
+        if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
+          Firmata.write((byte)pinConfig[pin]);
+          Firmata.write((byte)pinState[pin] & 0x7F);
+          if (pinState[pin] & 0xFF80) Firmata.write((byte)(pinState[pin] >> 7) & 0x7F);
+          if (pinState[pin] & 0xC000) Firmata.write((byte)(pinState[pin] >> 14) & 0x7F);
+        }
+        Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+      }
+      break;
+      Firmata.write(START_SYSEX);
+      Firmata.write(ANALOG_MAPPING_RESPONSE);
+      for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+        Firmata.write(IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) ? PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin) : 127);
+      }
+      Firmata.write(END_SYSEX);
+      break;
+  }
+void enableI2CPins()
+  byte i;
+  // is there a faster way to do this? would probaby require importing
+  // Arduino.h to get SCL and SDA pins
+  for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+    if (IS_PIN_I2C(i)) {
+      // mark pins as i2c so they are ignore in non i2c data requests
+      setPinModeCallback(i, I2C);
+    }
+  }
+  isI2CEnabled = true;
+  // is there enough time before the first I2C request to call this here?
+  Wire.begin();
+/* disable the i2c pins so they can be used for other functions */
+void disableI2CPins() {
+  isI2CEnabled = false;
+  // disable read continuous mode for all devices
+  queryIndex = -1;
+  // uncomment the following if or when the end() method is added to Wire library
+  // Wire.end();
+ * SETUP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void systemResetCallback()
+  // initialize a defalt state
+  // TODO: option to load config from EEPROM instead of default
+  if (isI2CEnabled) {
+    disableI2CPins();
+  }
+  for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+    reportPINs[i] = false;      // by default, reporting off
+    portConfigInputs[i] = 0;	// until activated
+    previousPINs[i] = 0;
+  }
+  // pins with analog capability default to analog input
+  // otherwise, pins default to digital output
+  for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
+    if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(i)) {
+      // turns off pullup, configures everything
+      setPinModeCallback(i, ANALOG);
+    } else {
+      // sets the output to 0, configures portConfigInputs
+      setPinModeCallback(i, OUTPUT);
+    }
+  }
+  // by default, do not report any analog inputs
+  analogInputsToReport = 0;
+  /* send digital inputs to set the initial state on the host computer,
+   * since once in the loop(), this firmware will only send on change */
+  /*
+  TODO: this can never execute, since no pins default to digital input
+        but it will be needed when/if we support EEPROM stored config
+  for (byte i=0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
+    outputPort(i, readPort(i, portConfigInputs[i]), true);
+  }
+  */
+void setup()
+  Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
+  Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
+  Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
+  Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
+  Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);
+  Firmata.attach(START_SYSEX, sysexCallback);
+  Firmata.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, systemResetCallback);
+  Firmata.begin(57600);
+  systemResetCallback();  // reset to default config
+ * LOOP()
+ *============================================================================*/
+void loop()
+  byte pin, analogPin;
+  /* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
+   * FTDI buffer using Serial.print()  */
+  checkDigitalInputs();
+  /* SERIALREAD - processing incoming messagse as soon as possible, while still
+   * checking digital inputs.  */
+  while (Firmata.available())
+    Firmata.processInput();
+  /* SEND FTDI WRITE BUFFER - make sure that the FTDI buffer doesn't go over
+   * 60 bytes. use a timer to sending an event character every 4 ms to
+   * trigger the buffer to dump. */
+  currentMillis = millis();
+  if (currentMillis - previousMillis > samplingInterval) {
+    previousMillis += samplingInterval;
+    /* ANALOGREAD - do all analogReads() at the configured sampling interval */
+    for (pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
+      if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) && pinConfig[pin] == ANALOG) {
+        analogPin = PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin);
+        if (analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin)) {
+          Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // report i2c data for all device with read continuous mode enabled
+    if (queryIndex > -1) {
+      for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
+        readAndReportData(query[i].addr, query[i].reg, query[i].bytes);
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/variants/arduino_zero/variant.cpp b/variants/arduino_zero/variant.cpp
index d63648e9742a180a92cf9ef680a787951d58f41c..699969a286dbbdee903a38be99e5b447cdc62f20 100644
--- a/variants/arduino_zero/variant.cpp
+++ b/variants/arduino_zero/variant.cpp
@@ -22,52 +22,47 @@
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * |            | Digital Low      |        |                 |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * | 0          | 0 -> RX          |  PA10  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[10] ADC/AIN[18] PTC/X[2] *SERCOM0/PAD[2] TCC1/WO[0] TCC0/WO[2]
- * | 1          | 1 <- TX          |  PA11  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[11] ADC/AIN[19] PTC/X[3] *SERCOM0/PAD[3] SERCOM2/PAD[3] TCC1/WO[1] TCC0/WO[3]
- * | 2          | ~2               |  PA08  |                 | EIC/NMI ADC/AIN[16] PTC/X[0] SERCOM0/PAD[0] SERCOM2/PAD[0] *TCC0/WO[0] TCC1/WO[2]
- * | 3          | ~3               |  PA09  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[9] ADC/AIN[17] PTC/X[1] SERCOM0/PAD[1] SERCOM2/PAD[1] *TCC0/WO[1] TCC1/WO[3]
- * | 4          | ~4               |  PA14  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[14] SERCOM2/PAD[2] SERCOM4/PAD[2] *TC3/WO[0] TCC0/WO[4]
- * | 5          | ~5               |  PA15  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[15] SERCOM2/PAD[3] SERCOM4/PAD[3] *TC3/WO[1] TCC0/WO[5]
- * | 6          | ~6               |  PA20  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[4] PTC/X[8] SERCOM5/PAD[2] SERCOM3/PAD[2] *TCC0/WO[6]
- * | 7          | ~7               |  PA21  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[5] PTC/X[9] SERCOM5/PAD[3] SERCOM3/PAD[3] *TCC0/WO[7]
+ * | 0          | 0 -> RX          |  PA10  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[10] ADC/AIN[18] PTC/X[2] *SERCOM0/PAD[2]                  TCC1/WO[0]  TCC0/WO[2]
+ * | 1          | 1 <- TX          |  PA11  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[11] ADC/AIN[19] PTC/X[3] *SERCOM0/PAD[3]  SERCOM2/PAD[3]  TCC1/WO[1]  TCC0/WO[3]
+ * | 2          | ~2               |  PA08  |                 | EIC/NMI        ADC/AIN[16] PTC/X[0]  SERCOM0/PAD[0]  SERCOM2/PAD[0] *TCC0/WO[0]  TCC1/WO[2]
+ * | 3          | ~3               |  PA09  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[9]  ADC/AIN[17] PTC/X[1]  SERCOM0/PAD[1]  SERCOM2/PAD[1] *TCC0/WO[1]  TCC1/WO[3]
+ * | 4          | ~4               |  PA14  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[14]                       SERCOM2/PAD[2]  SERCOM4/PAD[2] *TC3/WO[0]   TCC0/WO[4]
+ * | 5          | ~5               |  PA15  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[15]                       SERCOM2/PAD[3]  SERCOM4/PAD[3] *TC3/WO[1]   TCC0/WO[5]
+ * | 6          | ~6               |  PA20  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[4]              PTC/X[8]  SERCOM5/PAD[2]  SERCOM3/PAD[2] -           *TCC0/WO[6]
+ * | 7          | ~7               |  PA21  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[5]              PTC/X[9]  SERCOM5/PAD[3]  SERCOM3/PAD[3] -           *TCC0/WO[7]
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * |            | Digital High     |        |                 |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * | 8          | ~8               |  PA06  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[6] PTC/Y[4] ADC/AIN[6] AC/AIN[2] SERCOM0/PAD[2] *TCC1/WO[0]
- * | 9          | ~9               |  PA07  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[7] PTC/Y[5] DC/AIN[7] AC/AIN[3] SERCOM0/PAD[3] *TCC1/WO[1]
- * | 10         | ~10              |  PA18  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[2] PTC/X[6] SERCOM1/PAD[2] SERCOM3/PAD[2] TC3/WO[0] *TCC0/WO[2]
- * | 11         | ~11              |  PA16  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[0] PTC/X[4] SERCOM1/PAD[0] SERCOM3/PAD[0] *TCC2/WO[0] TCC0/WO[6]
- * | 12         | ~12              |  PA19  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[3] PTC/X[7] SERCOM1/PAD[3] SERCOM3/PAD[3] TC3/WO[1] *TCC0/WO[3]
- * | 13         | ~13              |  PA17  | LED             | EIC/EXTINT[1] PTC/X[5] SERCOM1/PAD[1] SERCOM3/PAD[1] *TCC2/WO[1] TCC0/WO[7]
+ * | 8          | ~8               |  PA06  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[6] PTC/Y[4] ADC/AIN[6] AC/AIN[2] SERCOM0/PAD[2]                *TCC1/WO[0]
+ * | 9          | ~9               |  PA07  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[7] PTC/Y[5] ADC/AIN[7] AC/AIN[3] SERCOM0/PAD[3]                *TCC1/WO[1]
+ * | 10         | ~10              |  PA18  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[2] PTC/X[6]                      SERCOM1/PAD[2] SERCOM3/PAD[2]  TC3/WO[0]   *TCC0/WO[2]
+ * | 11         | ~11              |  PA16  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[0] PTC/X[4]                      SERCOM1/PAD[0] SERCOM3/PAD[0] *TCC2/WO[0]   TCC0/WO[6]
+ * | 12         | ~12              |  PA19  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[3] PTC/X[7]                      SERCOM1/PAD[3] SERCOM3/PAD[3]  TC3/WO[1]   *TCC0/WO[3]
+ * | 13         | ~13              |  PA17  | LED             | EIC/EXTINT[1] PTC/X[5]                      SERCOM1/PAD[1] SERCOM3/PAD[1] *TCC2/WO[1]   TCC0/WO[7]
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * |            |                  |        |                 |
+ * |            | Analog Connector |        |                 |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * |            | GND              |        |                 |
- * | 42         | AREF             |  PA03  |                 | *DAC/VREFP PTC/Y[1]
+ * | 14         | A0               |  PA02  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[2] *ADC/AIN[0] PTC/Y[0] DAC/VOUT
+ * | 15         | A1               |  PB08  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[8] *ADC/AIN[2] PTC/Y[14] SERCOM4/PAD[0] TC4/WO[0]
+ * | 16         | A2               |  PB09  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[9] *ADC/AIN[3] PTC/Y[15] SERCOM4/PAD[1] TC4/WO[1]
+ * | 17         | A3               |  PA04  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[4] *ADC/AIN[4] AC/AIN[0] PTC/Y[2] SERCOM0/PAD[0] TCC0/WO[0]
+ * | 18         | A4               |  PA05  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[5] *ADC/AIN[5] AC/AIN[1] PTC/Y[5] SERCOM0/PAD[1] TCC0/WO[1]
+ * | 19         | A5               |  PB02  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[2] *ADC/AIN[10] PTC/Y[8] SERCOM5/PAD[0]
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * |            | Wire             |        |                 |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * | 16         | SDA              |  PA22  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[6] PTC/X[10] *SERCOM3/PAD[0] SERCOM5/PAD[0] TC4/WO[0] TCC0/WO[4]
- * | 17         | SCL              |  PA23  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[7] PTC/X[11] *SERCOM3/PAD[1] SERCOM5/PAD[1] TC4/WO[1] TCC0/WO[5]
+ * | 20         | SDA              |  PA22  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[6] PTC/X[10] *SERCOM3/PAD[0] SERCOM5/PAD[0] TC4/WO[0] TCC0/WO[4]
+ * | 21         | SCL              |  PA23  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[7] PTC/X[11] *SERCOM3/PAD[1] SERCOM5/PAD[1] TC4/WO[1] TCC0/WO[5]
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * |            |SPI (Legacy ICSP) |        |                 |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * | 18         | 1                |  PA12  | MISO            | EIC/EXTINT[12] SERCOM2/PAD[0] *SERCOM4/PAD[0] TCC2/WO[0] TCC0/WO[6]
+ * | 22         | 1                |  PA12  | MISO            | EIC/EXTINT[12] SERCOM2/PAD[0] *SERCOM4/PAD[0] TCC2/WO[0] TCC0/WO[6]
  * |            | 2                |        | 5V0             |
- * | 20         | 3                |  PB11  | SCK             | EIC/EXTINT[11]                *SERCOM4/PAD[3] TC5/WO[1] TCC0/WO[5]
- * | 21         | 4                |  PB10  | MOSI            | EIC/EXTINT[10]                *SERCOM4/PAD[2] TC5/WO[0] TCC0/WO[4]
+ * | 23         | 3                |  PB11  | SCK             | EIC/EXTINT[11]                *SERCOM4/PAD[3] TC5/WO[1] TCC0/WO[5]
+ * | 24         | 4                |  PB10  | MOSI            | EIC/EXTINT[10]                *SERCOM4/PAD[2] TC5/WO[0] TCC0/WO[4]
  * |            | 5                |        | RESET           |
  * |            | 6                |        | GND             |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * |            | Analog Connector |        |                 |
- * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
- * | 14         | A0               |  PA02  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[2] *ADC/AIN[0] PTC/Y[0] DAC/VOUT
- * | 15         | A1               |  PB08  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[8] *ADC/AIN[2] PTC/Y[14] SERCOM4/PAD[0] TC4/WO[0]
- * | 16         | A2               |  PB09  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[9] *ADC/AIN[3] PTC/Y[15] SERCOM4/PAD[1] TC4/WO[1]
- * | 17         | A3               |  PA04  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[4] *ADC/AIN[4] AC/AIN[0] PTC/Y[2] SERCOM0/PAD[0] TCC0/WO[0]
- * | 18         | A4               |  PA05  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[5] *ADC/AIN[5] AC/AIN[1] PTC/Y[5] SERCOM0/PAD[1] TCC0/WO[1]
- * | 19         | A5               |  PB02  |                 | EIC/EXTINT[2] *ADC/AIN[10] PTC/Y[8] SERCOM5/PAD[0]
- * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * |            | LEDs             |        |                 |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * | 25         |                  |  PB03  | RX              |
@@ -97,6 +92,11 @@
  * | 40         |                  |  PA06  | EDBG_GPIO2      | Pin 8
  * | 41         |                  |  PA07  | EDBG_GPIO3      | Pin 9
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
+ * |            |                  |        |                 |
+ * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
+ * |            | GND              |        |                 |
+ * | 42         | AREF             |  PA03  |                 | EXTINT[3] *ADC+DAC/VREFA PTC/Y[1]
+ * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * |            |32.768KHz Crystal |        |                 |
  * +------------+------------------+--------+-----------------+------------------------------
  * |            |                  |  PA00  | XIN32           | EXTINT[0] SERCOM1/PAD[0] TCC2/WO[0]