diff --git a/dune/gfe/parallel/globalindex.hh b/dune/gfe/parallel/globalindex.hh
index ba633db5db57a83f9e6142a728bb5b97043e4045..4833e02e24f070d1a2c30d1d2cc1a96859a211be 100644
--- a/dune/gfe/parallel/globalindex.hh
+++ b/dune/gfe/parallel/globalindex.hh
@@ -35,29 +35,29 @@
 *  \attention globally unique indices are ONLY provided for entities of the
 *             InteriorBorder_Partition type, NOT for the Ghost_Partition type !!!
 /** \brief Include standard header files. */
 #include <vector>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <map>
 #include <utility>
 /** include base class functionality for the communication interface */
 #include <dune/grid/common/datahandleif.hh>
 // Include proprietary header files.
 #include "uniqueentitypartition.hh"
 /** include parallel capability */
   #include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
 /* calculate globally unique index over all processes in a Dune grid that is distributed     */
 /* over all the processes in a distributed memory parallel environment, for all entities     */
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ class GlobalUniqueIndex
   /** define data types */
   typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
   typedef typename GridView::Grid::GlobalIdSet GlobalIdSet;
   typedef typename GridView::Grid::GlobalIdSet::IdType IdType;
   typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<CODIM>::Iterator Iterator;
   typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<CODIM>::Entity Entity;
   /** define data type related to collective communication */
   typedef typename Dune::template CollectiveCommunication<MPI_Comm> CollectiveCommunication;
@@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ private:
   typedef typename Grid::CollectiveCommunication CollectiveCommunication;
-  typedef std::map<IdType,int> MapId2Index; 
+  typedef std::map<IdType,int> MapId2Index;
   typedef std::map<int,int>    IndexMap;
   typedef UniqueEntityPartition<GridView,CODIM> UniqueEntityPartitionType;
   /* A DataHandle class to communicate the global index from the
    * owning to the non-owning entity; the class is based on the MinimumExchange
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ private:
     //! returns true if size per entity of given dim and codim is a constant
     bool fixedsize (int dim, int codim) const
     /*! how many objects of type DataType have to be sent for a given entity
      *  Note: Only the sender side needs to know this size. */
@@ -118,18 +118,18 @@ private:
     /*! pack data from user to message buffer */
     template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
     void gather (MessageBuffer& buff, const EntityType& e) const
       IdType id=globalidset_.id(e);
     /*! unpack data from message buffer to user
       n is the number of objects sent by the sender
     template<class MessageBuffer, class EntityType>
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ private:
       ValueType x;
       /** only if the incoming index is a valid one,
 	  i.e. if it is greater than zero, will it be
 	  inserted as the global index; it is made
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ private:
 	  globalLocalMap_[x]      = lindex;
     //! constructor
     IndexExchange (const GlobalIdSet& globalidset, Map& mapid2entity, int &rank,
 		   const typename GridView::IndexSet& localIndexSet, IndexMap& localGlobal, IndexMap& globalLocal)
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ private:
     const GlobalIdSet& globalidset_;
     Map& mapid2entity_;
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ private:
     IndexMap& localGlobalMap_;
     IndexMap& globalLocalMap_;
   /* \brief class constructor - when the class is instantiated by passing a const reference to a GridView object,       */
@@ -189,58 +189,49 @@ public:
   GlobalUniqueIndex(const GridView& gridview)
     :       gridview_(gridview),
-	    rank_(gridview.comm().rank()),
+    int rank = gridview.comm().rank();
+    int size = gridview.comm().size();
     for(Iterator iter = gridview_.template begin<CODIM>();iter!=gridview_.template end<CODIM>(); ++iter)
-      {
 	if(uniqueEntityPartition_.owner((*iter)) == true)
-	  {
-	  }
-      }
     /** compute the global, non-redundant number of entities, i.e. the number of entities in the set
      *  without double, aka. redundant entities, on the interprocessor boundary via global reduce. */
     const CollectiveCommunication& collective = gridview_.comm();
     nGlobalEntity_ = collective.template sum<int>(nLocalEntity_);
     /** communicate the number of locally owned entities to all other processes so that the respective offset
      *  can be calculated on the respective processor; we use the Dune mpi collective communication facility
      *  for this; first, we gather the number of locally owned entities on the root process and, second, we
      *  broadcast the array to all processes where the respective offset can be calculated. */
-    int offset[size_];
-    for(int ii=0;ii<size_;ii++)
-      {
+    int offset[size];
+    for(int ii=0;ii<size;ii++)
-      }
     /** gather number of locally owned entities on root process */
     collective.template gather<int>(&nLocalEntity_,offset,1,0);
     /** broadcast the array containing the number of locally owned entities to all processes */
     collective.template broadcast<int>(offset,size_,0);
-    indexOffset_.resize(size_,0);
+    indexOffset_.resize(size,0);
     for(unsigned int ii=0; ii<indexOffset_.size(); ++ii)
-      {
 	for(unsigned int jj=0; jj < ii; ++jj)
-	  {
 	    indexOffset_[ii] += offset[jj];
-	  }
-      }
     /** compute globally unique index over all processes; the idea of the algorithm is as follows: if
      *  an entity is owned by the process, it is assigned an index that is the addition of the offset
      *  specific for this process and a consecutively incremented counter; if the entity is not owned
@@ -255,25 +246,26 @@ public:
      *      from the owning entity to the non-owning entity.
     /** 1st stage of global index calculation: calculate global index for owned entities */
-    globalIndex_.clear();   /** intialize map that stores an entity's global index via it's globally unique id as key */
+     /** intialize map that stores an entity's global index via it's globally unique id as key */
+    MapId2Index globalIndex;
     const typename GridView::IndexSet& indexSet = gridview.indexSet();
     const GlobalIdSet &globalIdSet=gridview_.grid().globalIdSet();  /** retrieve globally unique Id set */
-    int myoffset=indexOffset_[rank_];
+    int myoffset=indexOffset_[rank];
     int globalcontrib=0;    /** initialize contribution for the global index */
     for(Iterator iter = gridview_.template begin<CODIM>();iter!=gridview_.template end<CODIM>(); ++iter)
-	IdType id=globalIdSet.id((*iter));                 /** retrieve the entity's id */
+	IdType id=globalIdSet.id(*iter);                 /** retrieve the entity's id */
-	if(uniqueEntityPartition_.owner((*iter)) == true)  /** if the entity is owned by the process, go ahead with computing the global index */
+	if(uniqueEntityPartition_.owner(*iter) == true)  /** if the entity is owned by the process, go ahead with computing the global index */
 	    const int gindex = myoffset + globalcontrib;    /** compute global index */
-	    globalIndex_.insert(std::make_pair(id,gindex)); /** insert pair (key, dataum) into the map */
+	    globalIndex.insert(std::make_pair(id,gindex)); /** insert pair (key, dataum) into the map */
 	    const int lindex = indexSet.index(*iter);
 	    localGlobalMap_[lindex] = gindex;
@@ -283,18 +275,18 @@ public:
 	else /** if entity is not owned, insert -1 to signal not yet calculated global index */
-	    globalIndex_.insert(std::make_pair(id,-1));
+	    globalIndex.insert(std::make_pair(id,-1));
     /** 2nd stage of global index calculation: communicate global index for non-owned entities */
     // Create the data handle and communicate.
-    IndexExchange<GlobalIdSet,IdType,MapId2Index,int> dataHandle(globalIdSet,globalIndex_,rank_,indexSet,localGlobalMap_,globalLocalMap_);
+    IndexExchange<GlobalIdSet,IdType,MapId2Index,int> dataHandle(globalIdSet,globalIndex,rank,indexSet,localGlobalMap_,globalLocalMap_);
     gridview_.communicate(dataHandle, Dune::All_All_Interface, Dune::ForwardCommunication);
   /** \brief Given a local index, retrieve its index globally unique over all processes. */
   int globalIndex(const int& localIndex) const {
     return localGlobalMap_.find(localIndex)->second;
@@ -303,12 +295,12 @@ public:
   int localIndex(const int& globalIndex) const {
     return globalLocalMap_.find(globalIndex)->second;
   inline unsigned int nGlobalEntity() const
   inline unsigned int nOwnedLocalEntity() const
@@ -317,20 +309,17 @@ public:
   const GridView& getGridView() const {
     return gridview_;
   /** store data members */
   const GridView gridview_;                                                       /** store a const reference to a gridview */
   UniqueEntityPartitionType uniqueEntityPartition_;
-  int rank_;                                                                                      /** process rank */
-  int size_;                                                                                      /** number of processes in mpi communicator */
   int nLocalEntity_;                                                      /** store number of entities that are owned by the local */
   int nGlobalEntity_;                                             /** store global number of entities, i.e. number of entities without rendundant entities on interprocessor boundaries */
   std::vector<int> indexOffset_;                          /** store offset of entity index on every process */
-  MapId2Index globalIndex_;
   IndexMap localGlobalMap_;
   IndexMap globalLocalMap_;