diff --git a/simplecoupling.cc b/simplecoupling.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index f50ee2ef73136f136444b668d789289ec0551ca0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/simplecoupling.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-#include <config.h>
-//#define HAVE_IPOPT
-#include <dune/grid/onedgrid.hh>
-#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
-#include <dune/disc/elasticity/linearelasticityassembler.hh>
-#include <dune/disc/operators/p1operator.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/io.hh>
-#include <dune/grid/io/file/amirameshreader.hh>
-#include <dune/grid/io/file/amirameshwriter.hh>
-#include <dune/common/bitfield.hh>
-#include <dune/common/configparser.hh>
-#include "../contact/src/contactmmgstep.hh"
-#include "../solver/iterativesolver.hh"
-#include "../common/projectedblockgsstep.hh"
-#include "../common/geomestimator.hh"
-#include "../common/readbitfield.hh"
-#include "../common/energynorm.hh"
-#include "../common/boundarypatch.hh"
-#include "../common/prolongboundarypatch.hh"
-#include "src/quaternion.hh"
-#include "src/rodassembler.hh"
-#include "src/configuration.hh"
-#include "src/rodcoupling.hh"
-#include "src/rodwriter.hh"
-// Number of degrees of freedom of a correction for a rod configuration
-// 6 (x, y, z, v_1, v_2, v_3) for a spatial rod
-const int blocksize = 6;
-// Space dimension
-const int dim = 3;
-using namespace Dune;
-using std::string;
-void setTrustRegionObstacles(double trustRegionRadius,
-                             SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<dim> >& trustRegionObstacles,
-                             const BitField& dirichletNodes)
-    for (int i=0; i<trustRegionObstacles.size(); i++) {
-        for (int k=0; k<dim; k++) {
-           if (dirichletNodes[i*dim+k])
-                continue;
-            trustRegionObstacles[i].val[2*k]   = -trustRegionRadius;
-            trustRegionObstacles[i].val[2*k+1] =  trustRegionRadius;
-        }
-    }
-    //std::cout << trustRegionObstacles << std::endl;
-//     exit(0);
-int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
-    // Some types that I need
-    typedef BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double, dim, dim> >             MatrixType;
-    typedef BlockVector<FieldVector<double, dim> >                 VectorType;
-    typedef BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double, blocksize, blocksize> > RodMatrixType;
-    typedef BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >           RodCorrectionType;
-    typedef std::vector<Configuration>                               RodSolutionType;
-    // parse data file
-    ConfigParser parameterSet;
-    parameterSet.parseFile("simplecoupling.parset");
-    // read solver settings
-    const int minLevel            = parameterSet.get("minLevel", int(0));
-    const int maxLevel            = parameterSet.get("maxLevel", int(0));
-    const int maxTrustRegionSteps = parameterSet.get("maxTrustRegionSteps", int(0));
-    const int numIt            = parameterSet.get("numIt", int(0));
-    const int nu1              = parameterSet.get("nu1", int(0));
-    const int nu2              = parameterSet.get("nu2", int(0));
-    const int mu               = parameterSet.get("mu", int(0));
-    const int baseIt           = parameterSet.get("baseIt", int(0));
-    const double tolerance     = parameterSet.get("tolerance", double(0));
-    const double baseTolerance = parameterSet.get("baseTolerance", double(0));
-    const bool paramBoundaries = parameterSet.get("paramBoundaries", int(0));
-    // Problem settings
-    std::string path = parameterSet.get("path", "xyz");
-    std::string objectName = parameterSet.get("gridFile", "xyz");
-    std::string parFile             = parameterSet.get("parFile", "xyz");
-    std::string dirichletNodesFile  = parameterSet.get("dirichletNodes", "xyz");
-    std::string dirichletValuesFile = parameterSet.get("dirichletValues", "xyz");
-    const int numRodBaseElements = parameterSet.get("numRodBaseElements", int(0));
-    // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    //    Create the rod grid
-    // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef OneDGrid<1,1> RodGridType;
-    RodGridType rodGrid(numRodBaseElements, 0, 5);
-    // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    //    Create the grid for the 3d object
-    // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef UGGrid<dim,dim> GridType;
-    GridType grid;
-    grid.setRefinementType(GridType::COPY);
-    if (paramBoundaries) {
-        AmiraMeshReader<GridType>::read(grid, path + objectName, path + parFile);
-    } else {
-        AmiraMeshReader<GridType>::read(grid, path + objectName);
-    }
-    Array<SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<dim> > > trustRegionObstacles(1);
-    Array<BitField> hasObstacle(1);
-    Array<BitField> dirichletNodes(1);
-    double trustRegionRadius = 0.1;
-    RodSolutionType rodX(rodGrid.size(0,1));
-    // //////////////////////////
-    //   Initial solution
-    // //////////////////////////
-    for (int i=0; i<rodX.size(); i++) {
-        rodX[i].r = 0.5;
-        rodX[i].r[2] = i+5;
-        rodX[i].q = Quaternion<double>::identity();
-    }
-    rodX[rodX.size()-1].r[0] = 0.5;
-    rodX[rodX.size()-1].r[1] = 0.5;
-    rodX[rodX.size()-1].r[2] = 11;
-//     rodX[rodX.size()-1].q[0] = 0;
-//     rodX[rodX.size()-1].q[1] = 0;
-//     rodX[rodX.size()-1].q[2] = 1/sqrt(2);
-//     rodX[rodX.size()-1].q[3] = 1/sqrt(2);
-//     std::cout << "Left boundary orientation:" << std::endl;
-//     std::cout << "director 0:  " << rodX[0].q.director(0) << std::endl;
-//     std::cout << "director 1:  " << rodX[0].q.director(1) << std::endl;
-//     std::cout << "director 2:  " << rodX[0].q.director(2) << std::endl;
-//     std::cout << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Right boundary orientation:" << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "director 0:  " << rodX[rodX.size()-1].q.director(0) << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "director 1:  " << rodX[rodX.size()-1].q.director(1) << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "director 2:  " << rodX[rodX.size()-1].q.director(2) << std::endl;
-//     exit(0);
-    int toplevel = rodGrid.maxLevel();
-    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Determine the Dirichlet nodes
-    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    Array<VectorType> dirichletValues;
-    dirichletValues.resize(toplevel+1);
-    dirichletValues[0].resize(grid.size(0, dim));
-    AmiraMeshReader<int>::readFunction(dirichletValues[0], path + dirichletValuesFile);
-    Array<BoundaryPatch<GridType> > dirichletBoundary;
-    dirichletBoundary.resize(maxLevel+1);
-    dirichletBoundary[0].setup(grid, 0);
-    readBoundaryPatch(dirichletBoundary[0], path + dirichletNodesFile);
-    prolongBoundaryPatch(dirichletBoundary);
-    dirichletNodes.resize(toplevel+1);
-    for (int i=0; i<=toplevel; i++) {
-        dirichletNodes[i].resize( dim*grid.size(i,dim) + blocksize * rodGrid.size(i,1));
-        dirichletNodes[i].unsetAll();
-        for (int j=0; j<grid.size(i,dim); j++)
-            for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
-                dirichletNodes[i][j*dim+k] = dirichletBoundary[i].containsVertex(j);
-        for (int j=0; j<blocksize; j++)
-            dirichletNodes[i][dirichletNodes[i].size()-1-j] = true;
-    }
-    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //    Create solution and rhs vectors
-    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    VectorType totalRhs, totalCorr;
-    totalRhs.resize(grid.size(toplevel,dim) + 2*rodGrid.size(toplevel,1));
-    totalCorr.resize(grid.size(toplevel,dim) + 2*rodGrid.size(toplevel,1));
-    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Create and set up assembler for the separate problems
-    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    RodMatrixType rodHessian;
-    RodAssembler<RodGridType> rodAssembler(rodGrid);
-    //std::cout << "Energy: " << rodAssembler.computeEnergy(rodX) << std::endl;
-    MatrixIndexSet indices(rodGrid.size(toplevel,1), rodGrid.size(toplevel,1));
-    rodAssembler.getNeighborsPerVertex(indices);
-    indices.exportIdx(rodHessian);
-    RodCorrectionType rodRhs, rodCorr;
-    // //////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Assemble 3d linear elasticity problem
-    // //////////////////////////////////////////
-    LeafP1Function<GridType,double,dim> u(grid),f(grid);
-    LinearElasticityLocalStiffness<GridType,double> lstiff(2.5e5, 0.3);
-    LeafP1OperatorAssembler<GridType,double,dim> hessian3d(grid);
-    hessian3d.assemble(lstiff,u,f);
-    VectorType x3d(grid.size(toplevel,dim));
-    VectorType corr3d(grid.size(toplevel,dim));
-    VectorType rhs3d(grid.size(toplevel,dim));
-    // No external forces
-    rhs3d = 0;
-    // Set initial solution
-    x3d = 0;
-    for (int i=0; i<x3d.size(); i++) 
-        for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
-            if (dirichletNodes[toplevel][i*dim+j])
-                x3d[i][j] = dirichletValues[toplevel][i][j];
-    // ///////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Set up the total matrix
-    // ///////////////////////////////////////////
-    MatrixType totalHessian;
-    RodCoupling<MatrixType, VectorType, RodMatrixType, RodCorrectionType> coupling;
-    coupling.setUpMatrix(totalHessian, *hessian3d, rodHessian);
-    coupling.insert3dPart(totalHessian, *hessian3d);
-    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Create obstacles
-    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    hasObstacle.resize(toplevel+1);
-    for (int i=0; i<hasObstacle.size(); i++) {
-        hasObstacle[i].resize(grid.size(i, dim) + 2*rodGrid.size(i,1));
-        hasObstacle[i].setAll();
-    }
-    trustRegionObstacles.resize(toplevel+1);
-    for (int i=0; i<toplevel+1; i++) {
-        trustRegionObstacles[i].resize(grid.size(i,dim) + 2*rodGrid.size(i,1));
-    }
-    // ////////////////////////////////
-    //   Create a multigrid solver
-    // ////////////////////////////////
-    // First create a gauss-seidel base solver
-    ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolverStep;
-    EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> baseEnergyNorm(baseSolverStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolver;
-    baseSolver.iterationStep = &baseSolverStep;
-    baseSolver.numIt = baseIt;
-    baseSolver.verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET;
-    baseSolver.errorNorm_ = &baseEnergyNorm;
-    baseSolver.tolerance_ = baseTolerance;
-    // Make pre and postsmoothers
-    ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> presmoother, postsmoother;
-    ContactMMGStep<MatrixType, VectorType> contactMMGStep(totalHessian, totalCorr, totalRhs, 1);
-    contactMMGStep.setMGType(mu, nu1, nu2);
-    contactMMGStep.dirichletNodes_    = &dirichletNodes;
-    contactMMGStep.basesolver_        = &baseSolver;
-    contactMMGStep.presmoother_       = &presmoother;
-    contactMMGStep.postsmoother_      = &postsmoother;    
-    contactMMGStep.hasObstacle_       = &hasObstacle;
-    contactMMGStep.obstacles_         = &trustRegionObstacles;
-    contactMMGStep.verbosity_         = Solver::QUIET;
-    EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> energyNorm(contactMMGStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> solver;
-    solver.iterationStep = &contactMMGStep;
-    solver.numIt = numIt;
-    solver.verbosity_ = Solver::FULL;
-    solver.errorNorm_ = &energyNorm;
-    solver.tolerance_ = tolerance;
-    // ////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Create the transfer operators
-    // ////////////////////////////////////
-    for (int k=0; k<contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_.size(); k++)
-        delete(contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_[k]);
-    contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_.resize(toplevel);
-    for (int i=0; i<contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_.size(); i++){
-        TruncatedMGTransfer<VectorType>* newTransferOp = new TruncatedMGTransfer<VectorType>;
-        newTransferOp->setup(grid,i,i+1);
-        contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_[i] = newTransferOp;
-    }
-    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Trust-Region Solver
-    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    for (int i=0; i<maxTrustRegionSteps; i++) {
-        std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "      Trust-Region Step Number: " << i << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "### Trust-Region Radius: " << trustRegionRadius << " ###" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << " --  Rod energy: " << rodAssembler.computeEnergy(rodX) << " --" << std::endl;
-        VectorType tmp3d(x3d.size());
-        tmp3d = 0;
-        (*hessian3d).umv(x3d, tmp3d);
-        double energy3d = 0.5 * (x3d*tmp3d);
-        std::cout << " --  3d energy: " << energy3d << " --" << std::endl;
-        totalCorr = 0;
-        totalRhs  = 0;
-        // Update the 3d part of the right hand side
-        rhs3d = 0;  // The zero here is the true right hand side
-        (*hessian3d).mmv(x3d, rhs3d);
-        coupling.insert3dPart(totalRhs, rhs3d);
-        // Update the rod part of the total Hessian and right hand side
-        rodRhs = 0;
-        rodAssembler.assembleGradient(rodX, rodRhs);
-        rodRhs *= -1;
-        rodAssembler.assembleMatrix(rodX, rodHessian);
-        coupling.insertRodPart(totalHessian, rodHessian);
-        coupling.insertRodPart(totalRhs, rodRhs);
-        // Create trust-region obstacles
-        setTrustRegionObstacles(trustRegionRadius,
-                                trustRegionObstacles[toplevel],
-                                dirichletNodes[toplevel]);
-        // /////////////////////////////
-        //    Solve !
-        // /////////////////////////////
-        dynamic_cast<MultigridStep<MatrixType,VectorType>*>(solver.iterationStep)->setProblem(totalHessian, totalCorr, totalRhs, toplevel+1);
-        solver.preprocess();
-        contactMMGStep.preprocess();
-        solver.solve();
-        totalCorr = contactMMGStep.getSol();
-        //std::cout << "Correction: " << std::endl << totalCorr << std::endl;
-        printf("infinity norm of the correction: %g\n", totalCorr.infinity_norm());
-        if (totalCorr.infinity_norm() < 1e-5) {
-            std::cout << "CORRECTION IS SMALL ENOUGH" << std::endl;
-            break;
-        }
-        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   Split overall correction into its separate parts
-        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        coupling.get3dPart(totalCorr, corr3d);
-        coupling.getRodPart(totalCorr, rodCorr);
-        std::cout << "3ddCorrection: " << std::endl << corr3d << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "RodCorrection: " << std::endl << rodCorr << std::endl;
-        //exit(0);
-        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   Check whether trust-region step can be accepted
-        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        RodSolutionType newRodIterate = rodX;
-        for (int j=0; j<rodX.size(); j++) {
-            // Add translational correction
-            for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
-                newRodIterate[j].r[k] += rodCorr[j][k];
-            // Add rotational correction
-            newRodIterate[j].q = newRodIterate[j].q.mult(Quaternion<double>::exp(rodCorr[j][3], rodCorr[j][4], rodCorr[j][5]));
-        }
-        VectorType new3dIterate = x3d;
-        new3dIterate += corr3d;
-//         std::cout << "newIterate: \n";
-//         for (int j=0; j<newIterate.size(); j++)
-//             printf("%d:  (%g %g %g)  (%g %g %g %g)\n", j,
-//                    newIterate[j].r[0],newIterate[j].r[1],newIterate[j].r[2],
-//                    newIterate[j].q[0],newIterate[j].q[1],newIterate[j].q[2],newIterate[j].q[3]);
-        /** \todo Don't always recompute old energy */
-        double oldRodEnergy = rodAssembler.computeEnergy(rodX); 
-        double rodEnergy    = rodAssembler.computeEnergy(newRodIterate);
-        // compute the model decrease for the 3d part
-        // It is $ m(x) - m(x+s) = -<g,s> - 0.5 <s, Hs>
-        // Note that rhs = -g
-        tmp3d = 0;
-        (*hessian3d).umv(corr3d, tmp3d);
-        double modelDecrease3d = (rhs3d*corr3d) - 0.5 * (corr3d*tmp3d);
-        // compute the model decrease for the rod
-        // It is $ m(x) - m(x+s) = -<g,s> - 0.5 <s, Hs>
-        // Note that rhs = -g
-        RodCorrectionType tmp(rodCorr.size());
-        tmp = 0;
-        rodHessian.mmv(rodCorr, tmp);
-        double rodModelDecrease = (rodRhs*rodCorr) - 0.5 * (rodCorr*tmp);
-        std::cout << "Rod model decrease: " << rodModelDecrease 
-                       << ",  rod functional decrease: " << oldRodEnergy - rodEnergy << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "3d decrease: " << modelDecrease3d << std::endl;
-        if (rodEnergy >= oldRodEnergy) {
-            printf("Richtung ist keine Abstiegsrichtung!\n");
-            //                  std::cout << "corr[0]\n" << corr[0] << std::endl;
-            exit(0);
-        }
-        //  Add correction to the current solution
-        rodX = newRodIterate;
-        x3d  = new3dIterate;
-    }
-    // //////////////////////////////
-    //   Output result
-    // //////////////////////////////
-    AmiraMeshWriter<GridType>::writeGrid(grid, "grid.result");
-    AmiraMeshWriter<GridType>::writeBlockVector(grid, x3d, "grid.sol");
-    writeRod(rodX, "rod3d.result");
- } catch (Exception e) {
-    std::cout << e << std::endl;
- }