diff --git a/dirneucoupling.cc b/dirneucoupling.cc
index 399f627fc94c1cc6b953d6b7547373ea21810745..3ac1eb753d4b5607858a142fe7e7e9773ea4387d 100644
--- a/dirneucoupling.cc
+++ b/dirneucoupling.cc
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 #include <config.h>
+#define HAVE_IPOPT
 #include <dune/grid/onedgrid.hh>
 #include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
@@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
 #include "../common/multigridstep.hh"
 #include "../solver/iterativesolver.hh"
 #include "../common/projectedblockgsstep.hh"
+#include "../common/linearipopt.hh"
 #include "../common/readbitfield.hh"
 #include "../common/energynorm.hh"
 #include "../common/boundarypatch.hh"
@@ -73,13 +76,13 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
     //    Create the rod grid
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef OneDGrid<1,1> RodGridType;
+    typedef OneDGrid RodGridType;
     RodGridType rodGrid(numRodBaseElements, 0, 5);
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
     //    Create the grid for the 3d object
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef UGGrid<dim,dim> GridType;
+    typedef UGGrid<dim> GridType;
     GridType grid;
@@ -202,15 +205,9 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     // ////////////////////////////////
     // First create a gauss-seidel base solver
-    BlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolverStep;
-    EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> baseEnergyNorm(baseSolverStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolver(&baseSolverStep,
-                                                       baseIterations,
-                                                       baseTolerance,
-                                                       &baseEnergyNorm,
-                                                       Solver::QUIET);
+    LinearIPOptSolver<VectorType> baseSolver;
+    baseSolver.verbosity_ = NumProc::QUIET;
+    baseSolver.tolerance_ = baseTolerance;
     // Make pre and postsmoothers
     BlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> presmoother, postsmoother;
@@ -329,8 +326,8 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     // //////////////////////////////
     //   Output result
     // //////////////////////////////
-    AmiraMeshWriter<GridType>::writeGrid(grid, "grid.result");
-    AmiraMeshWriter<GridType>::writeBlockVector(grid, x3d, "grid.sol");
+    LeafAmiraMeshWriter<GridType>::writeGrid(grid, "grid.result");
+    LeafAmiraMeshWriter<GridType>::writeBlockVector(grid, x3d, "grid.sol");
     writeRod(rodX, "rod3d.result");
     for (int i=0; i<rodX.size(); i++)
diff --git a/rod3d.cc b/rod3d.cc
index 289f13958881939dd9ce67f2c69dcb02592a3e8d..225dea78a0a017eff24d2086794a01e8109114c4 100644
--- a/rod3d.cc
+++ b/rod3d.cc
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 #include "src/quaternion.hh"
 #include "src/rodassembler.hh"
-#include "../common/trustregiongsstep.hh"
-#include "../contact/src/contactmmgstep.hh"
+#include "src/rodsolver.hh"
 #include "../solver/iterativesolver.hh"
@@ -28,111 +27,37 @@ const int blocksize = 6;
 using namespace Dune;
 using std::string;
-void setTrustRegionObstacles(double trustRegionRadius,
-                             SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trustRegionObstacles)
-    for (int j=0; j<trustRegionObstacles.size(); j++) {
-        for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) {
-//             if (totalDirichletNodes[j*dim+k])
-//                 continue;
-            trustRegionObstacles[j].val[2*k]   = -trustRegionRadius;
-            trustRegionObstacles[j].val[2*k+1] =  trustRegionRadius;
-        }
-    }
-    //std::cout << trustRegionObstacles << std::endl;
-//     exit(0);
 int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
-    // Some types that I need
-    typedef BCRSMatrix<FieldMatrix<double, blocksize, blocksize> > MatrixType;
-    typedef BlockVector<FieldVector<double, blocksize> >           CorrectionType;
-    typedef std::vector<Configuration>                              SolutionType;
+    typedef std::vector<Configuration> SolutionType;
     // parse data file
     ConfigParser parameterSet;
     // read solver settings
-    const int minLevel         = parameterSet.get("minLevel", int(0));
-    const int maxLevel         = parameterSet.get("maxLevel", int(0));
-    const int maxNewtonSteps   = parameterSet.get("maxNewtonSteps", int(0));
-    const int numIt            = parameterSet.get("numIt", int(0));
+    const int numLevels        = parameterSet.get("numLevels", int(1));
+    const int maxTrustRegionSteps   = parameterSet.get("maxNewtonSteps", int(0));
+    const int multigridIterations   = parameterSet.get("numIt", int(0));
     const int nu1              = parameterSet.get("nu1", int(0));
     const int nu2              = parameterSet.get("nu2", int(0));
     const int mu               = parameterSet.get("mu", int(0));
-    const int baseIt           = parameterSet.get("baseIt", int(0));
-    const double tolerance     = parameterSet.get("tolerance", double(0));
-    const double baseTolerance = parameterSet.get("baseTolerance", double(0));
-    // Problem settings
+    const int baseIterations      = parameterSet.get("baseIt", int(0));
+    const double mgTolerance        = parameterSet.get("tolerance", double(0));
+    const double baseTolerance    = parameterSet.get("baseTolerance", double(0));
+    const double initialTrustRegionRadius = parameterSet.get("initialTrustRegionRadius", double(1));
     const int numRodBaseElements = parameterSet.get("numRodBaseElements", int(0));
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
     //    Create the grid
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef OneDGrid<1,1> GridType;
+    typedef OneDGrid GridType;
     GridType grid(numRodBaseElements, 0, 1);
-    grid.globalRefine(minLevel);
+    grid.globalRefine(numLevels-1);
-    Array<SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> > > trustRegionObstacles(1);
-    Array<BitField> hasObstacle(1);
     std::vector<BitField> dirichletNodes(1);
-    // ////////////////////////////////
-    //   Create a multigrid solver
-    // ////////////////////////////////
-    // First create a gauss-seidel base solver
-    TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType> baseSolverStep;
-    EnergyNorm<MatrixType, CorrectionType> baseEnergyNorm(baseSolverStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, CorrectionType> baseSolver;
-    baseSolver.iterationStep = &baseSolverStep;
-    baseSolver.numIt = baseIt;
-    baseSolver.verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET;
-    baseSolver.errorNorm_ = &baseEnergyNorm;
-    baseSolver.tolerance_ = baseTolerance;
-    // Make pre and postsmoothers
-    TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType> presmoother;
-    TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType> postsmoother;
-    ContactMMGStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType> contactMMGStep(1);
-    contactMMGStep.setMGType(mu, nu1, nu2);
-    contactMMGStep.dirichletNodes_    = &dirichletNodes;
-    contactMMGStep.basesolver_        = &baseSolver;
-    contactMMGStep.presmoother_       = &presmoother;
-    contactMMGStep.postsmoother_      = &postsmoother;    
-    contactMMGStep.hasObstacle_       = &hasObstacle;
-    contactMMGStep.obstacles_         = &trustRegionObstacles;
-    contactMMGStep.verbosity_         = Solver::FULL;
-    EnergyNorm<MatrixType, CorrectionType> energyNorm(contactMMGStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, CorrectionType> solver;
-    solver.iterationStep = &contactMMGStep;
-    solver.numIt = numIt;
-    solver.verbosity_ = Solver::FULL;
-    solver.errorNorm_ = &energyNorm;
-    solver.tolerance_ = tolerance;
-    double trustRegionRadius = 1;
     SolutionType x(grid.size(grid.maxLevel(),1));
     // //////////////////////////
@@ -169,210 +94,56 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     //x[0].r[2] = -1;
-    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    //   Refinement Loop
-    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    for (int toplevel=minLevel; toplevel<=maxLevel; toplevel++) {
-        std::cout << "####################################################" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "      Solving on level: " << toplevel << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "####################################################" << std::endl;
-        dirichletNodes.resize(toplevel+1);
-        for (int i=0; i<=toplevel; i++) {
-            dirichletNodes[i].resize( blocksize * grid.size(i,1), false );
-            for (int j=0; j<blocksize; j++) {
-                dirichletNodes[i][j] = true;
-                dirichletNodes[i][dirichletNodes[i].size()-1-j] = true;
-            }
-        }
-        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //    Create solution and rhs vectors
-        // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        MatrixType hessianMatrix;
-        RodAssembler<GridType> rodAssembler(grid);
-        rodAssembler.setShapeAndMaterial(0.01, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.5e5, 0.3);
-        std::cout << "Energy: " << rodAssembler.computeEnergy(x) << std::endl;
-        MatrixIndexSet indices(grid.size(toplevel,1), grid.size(toplevel,1));
-        rodAssembler.getNeighborsPerVertex(indices);
-        indices.exportIdx(hessianMatrix);
-        CorrectionType rhs, corr;
-        rhs.resize(grid.size(toplevel,1));
-        corr.resize(grid.size(toplevel,1));
-        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   Create obstacles
-        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        hasObstacle.resize(toplevel+1);
-        for (int i=0; i<hasObstacle.size(); i++) {
-            hasObstacle[i].resize(grid.size(i, 1));
-            hasObstacle[i].setAll();
-        }
+    dirichletNodes.resize(numLevels);
+    for (int i=0; i<numLevels; i++) {
-        trustRegionObstacles.resize(toplevel+1);
+        dirichletNodes[i].resize( blocksize * grid.size(i,1), false );
-        for (int i=0; i<toplevel+1; i++) {
-            trustRegionObstacles[i].resize(grid.size(i,1));
+        for (int j=0; j<blocksize; j++) {
+            dirichletNodes[i][j] = true;
+            dirichletNodes[i][dirichletNodes[i].size()-1-j] = true;
-        trustRegionObstacles.resize(toplevel+1);
-        for (int i=0; i<=toplevel; i++)
-            trustRegionObstacles[i].resize(grid.size(i, 1));
-        // ////////////////////////////////////
-        //   Create the transfer operators
-        // ////////////////////////////////////
-        for (int k=0; k<contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_.size(); k++)
-            delete(contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_[k]);
-        contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_.resize(toplevel);
-        for (int i=0; i<contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_.size(); i++){
-            TruncatedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>* newTransferOp = new TruncatedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>;
-            newTransferOp->setup(grid,i,i+1);
-            contactMMGStep.mgTransfer_[i] = newTransferOp;
-        }
-        // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        //   Trust-Region Solver
-        // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-        for (int i=0; i<maxNewtonSteps; i++) {
-            std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "      Trust-Region Step Number: " << i << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "### Trust-Region Radius: " << trustRegionRadius << " ###" << std::endl;
-            rhs = 0;
-            corr = 0;
-            rodAssembler.assembleGradient(x, rhs);
-            rodAssembler.assembleMatrix(x, hessianMatrix);
-            rhs *= -1;
-            // Create trust-region obstacle on maxlevel
-            setTrustRegionObstacles(trustRegionRadius,
-                                    trustRegionObstacles[toplevel]);
-            dynamic_cast<MultigridStep<MatrixType,CorrectionType>*>(solver.iterationStep)->setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs, toplevel+1);
-            solver.preprocess();
-            contactMMGStep.preprocess();
-            // /////////////////////////////
-            //    Solve !
-            // /////////////////////////////
-             solver.solve();
-             corr = contactMMGStep.getSol();
-             //std::cout << "Correction: " << std::endl << corr << std::endl;
-             printf("infinity norm of the correction: %g\n", corr.infinity_norm());
-             if (corr.infinity_norm() < 1e-5) {
-                 std::cout << "CORRECTION IS SMALL ENOUGH" << std::endl;
-                 break;
-             }
-             // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-             //   Check whether trust-region step can be accepted
-             // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-             SolutionType newIterate = x;
-             for (int j=0; j<newIterate.size(); j++) {
-                 // Add translational correction
-                 for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
-                     newIterate[j].r[k] += corr[j][k];
-                 // Add rotational correction
-                 Quaternion<double> qCorr = Quaternion<double>::exp(corr[j][3], corr[j][4], corr[j][5]);
-                 newIterate[j].q = newIterate[j].q.mult(qCorr);
-             }
-#if 0
-             std::cout << "newIterate: \n";
-             for (int j=0; j<newIterate.size(); j++)
-                 printf("%d:  (%g %g %g)  (%g %g %g %g)\n", j,
-                        newIterate[j].r[0],newIterate[j].r[1],newIterate[j].r[2],
-                        newIterate[j].q[0],newIterate[j].q[1],newIterate[j].q[2],newIterate[j].q[3]);
-             /** \todo Don't always recompute oldEnergy */
-             double oldEnergy = rodAssembler.computeEnergy(x); 
-             double energy    = rodAssembler.computeEnergy(newIterate); 
-             // compute the model decrease
-             // It is $ m(x) - m(x+s) = -<g,s> - 0.5 <s, Hs>
-             // Note that rhs = -g
-             CorrectionType tmp(corr.size());
-             tmp = 0;
-             hessianMatrix.mmv(corr, tmp);
-             double modelDecrease = (rhs*corr) - 0.5 * (corr*tmp);
-             std::cout << "Model decrease: " << modelDecrease 
-                       << ",  functional decrease: " << oldEnergy - energy << std::endl;
-             assert(modelDecrease >= 0);
-             if (energy >= oldEnergy) {
-                 printf("Richtung ist keine Abstiegsrichtung!\n");
-//                  std::cout << "corr[0]\n" << corr[0] << std::endl;
-                 //exit(0);
-             }
-             // //////////////////////////////////////////////
-             //   Check for acceptance of the step
-             // //////////////////////////////////////////////
-             if ( (oldEnergy-energy) / modelDecrease > 0.9) {
-                 // very successful iteration
-                  x = newIterate;
-                  trustRegionRadius *= 2;
-             } else if ( (oldEnergy-energy) / modelDecrease > 0.01) {
-                 // successful iteration
-                  x = newIterate;
-             } else {
-                 // unsuccessful iteration
-                 trustRegionRadius /= 2;
-                 std::cout << "Unsuccessful iteration!" << std::endl;
-             }
-             //  Write current energy
-             std::cout << "--- Current energy: " << energy << " ---" << std::endl;
-        }
-        // //////////////////////////////
-        //   Output result
-        // //////////////////////////////
-        writeRod(x, "rod3d.result");
-        BlockVector<FieldVector<double, 6> > strain(x.size()-1);
-        rodAssembler.getStrain(x,strain);
-        //std::cout << strain << std::endl;
-        //exit(0);
-        writeRod(x, strain, "rod3d.strain");
+    // ///////////////////////////////////////////
+    //   Create a solver for the rod problem
+    // ///////////////////////////////////////////
+    RodAssembler<GridType> rodAssembler(grid);
+    rodAssembler.setShapeAndMaterial(0.01, 0.0001, 0.0001, 2.5e5, 0.3);
+    RodSolver<GridType> rodSolver;
+    rodSolver.setup(grid, 
+                    &rodAssembler,
+                    x,
+                    maxTrustRegionSteps,
+                    initialTrustRegionRadius,
+                    multigridIterations,
+                    mgTolerance,
+                    mu, nu1, nu2,
+                    baseIterations,
+                    baseTolerance);
+    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //   Solve!
+    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    std::cout << "Energy: " << rodAssembler.computeEnergy(x) << std::endl;
+    rodSolver.setInitialSolution(x);
+    rodSolver.solve();
+    x = rodSolver.getSol();
+    // //////////////////////////////
+    //   Output result
+    // //////////////////////////////
+    writeRod(x, "rod3d.result");
+    BlockVector<FieldVector<double, 6> > strain(x.size()-1);
+    rodAssembler.getStrain(x,strain);
+    //std::cout << strain << std::endl;
+    //exit(0);
+    writeRod(x, strain, "rod3d.strain");
  } catch (Exception e) {
diff --git a/staticrod.cc b/staticrod.cc
index d5f472fae351c1ad735aceeca919581fea8a3ef7..46190399f1cd14d1402ec5949d60f90af787a1ab 100644
--- a/staticrod.cc
+++ b/staticrod.cc
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ using namespace Dune;
 using std::string;
 void setTrustRegionObstacles(double trustRegionRadius,
-                             SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trustRegionObstacles,
-                             const SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trueObstacles,
+                             std::vector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trustRegionObstacles,
+                             const std::vector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trueObstacles,
                              const BitField& dirichletNodes)
     //std::cout << "True obstacles\n" << trueObstacles << std::endl;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
     //    Create the two grids
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef OneDGrid<1,1> RodGridType;
+    typedef OneDGrid RodGridType;
     RodGridType rod(numRodBaseElements, 0, 1);
     // refine uniformly until maxLevel
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     int numRodElements = rod.size(maxlevel, 0);
-    Array<BitField> dirichletNodes;
+    std::vector<BitField> dirichletNodes;
     for (int i=0; i<=maxlevel; i++) {
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
-    Array<SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<3> > > trueObstacles(maxlevel+1);
-    Array<SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<3> > > trustRegionObstacles(maxlevel+1);
+    Array<std::vector<BoxConstraint<3> > > trueObstacles(maxlevel+1);
+    Array<std::vector<BoxConstraint<3> > > trustRegionObstacles(maxlevel+1);
     for (int i=0; i<maxlevel+1; i++) {
@@ -179,12 +179,11 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> baseEnergyNorm(baseSolverStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolver;
-    baseSolver.iterationStep = &baseSolverStep;
-    baseSolver.numIt = baseIt;
-    baseSolver.verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET;
-    baseSolver.errorNorm_ = &baseEnergyNorm;
-    baseSolver.tolerance_ = baseTolerance;
+    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolver(&baseSolverStep,
+                                                       baseIt,
+                                                       baseTolerance,
+                                                       &baseEnergyNorm,
+                                                       Solver::QUIET);
     // Make pre and postsmoothers
     ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> presmoother;
@@ -210,12 +209,11 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> energyNorm(contactMMGStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> solver;
-    solver.iterationStep = &contactMMGStep;
-    solver.numIt = numIt;
-    solver.verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET;
-    solver.errorNorm_ = &energyNorm;
-    solver.tolerance_ = tolerance;
+    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> solver(&contactMMGStep,
+                                                   numIt,
+                                                   tolerance,
+                                                   &energyNorm,
+                                                   Solver::QUIET);
     // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
     //   Do a homotopy of the material parameters
@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
             //std::cout << "Trust Region obstacles:" << std::endl;
             //std::cout << (*contactMMGStep.obstacles_)[maxlevel] << std::endl;
-            solver.iterationStep->setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs);
+            solver.iterationStep_->setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs);
diff --git a/staticrod2.cc b/staticrod2.cc
index 48dbbce8c8a9c0fd3dea9ca94529d6b44bbe2421..0143b22c8b75e9cc645eea73f6cce06c0e709ebd 100644
--- a/staticrod2.cc
+++ b/staticrod2.cc
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
 #include <config.h>
+#include <dune/common/bitfield.hh>
 #include <dune/grid/onedgrid.hh>
 #include <dune/istl/io.hh>
+#include <dune/disc/operators/p1operator.hh>
 #include "../common/boundarypatch.hh"
-#include <dune/common/bitfield.hh>
-#include "src/rodassembler.hh"
+#include "src/planarrodassembler.hh"
 #include "../common/projectedblockgsstep.hh"
 #include "../contact/src/contactmmgstep.hh"
-#include <dune/solver/iterativesolver.hh>
+#include "../solver/iterativesolver.hh"
 #include "../common/geomestimator.hh"
-#include "../common/refinegrid.hh"
 #include "../common/energynorm.hh"
 #include "src/rodwriter.hh"
@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@ using namespace Dune;
 using std::string;
 void setTrustRegionObstacles(double trustRegionRadius,
-                             SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trustRegionObstacles,
+                             std::vector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trustRegionObstacles,
                              const SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<blocksize> >& trueObstacles,
                              const BitField& dirichletNodes)
@@ -95,12 +97,12 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
     //    Create the two grids
     // ///////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef OneDGrid<1,1> GridType;
+    typedef OneDGrid GridType;
     GridType grid(numRodBaseElements, 0, 1);
-    Array<SimpleVector<BoxConstraint<3> > > trustRegionObstacles(1);
+    Array<std::vector<BoxConstraint<3> > > trustRegionObstacles(1);
     Array<BitField> hasObstacle(1);
-    Array<BitField> dirichletNodes(1);
+    std::vector<BitField> dirichletNodes(1);
     // ////////////////////////////////
     //   Create a multigrid solver
@@ -111,18 +113,17 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> baseEnergyNorm(baseSolverStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolver;
-    baseSolver.iterationStep = &baseSolverStep;
-    baseSolver.numIt = baseIt;
-    baseSolver.verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET;
-    baseSolver.errorNorm_ = &baseEnergyNorm;
-    baseSolver.tolerance_ = baseTolerance;
+    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> baseSolver(&baseSolverStep,
+                                                       baseIt,
+                                                       baseTolerance,
+                                                       &baseEnergyNorm,
+                                                       Solver::QUIET);
     // Make pre and postsmoothers
     ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> presmoother;
     ProjectedBlockGSStep<MatrixType, VectorType> postsmoother;
-    ContactMMGStep<MatrixType, VectorType, GridType > contactMMGStep(1);
+    ContactMMGStep<MatrixType, VectorType> contactMMGStep(1);
     contactMMGStep.setMGType(mu, nu1, nu2);
     contactMMGStep.dirichletNodes_    = &dirichletNodes;
@@ -137,12 +138,11 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     EnergyNorm<MatrixType, VectorType> energyNorm(contactMMGStep);
-    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> solver;
-    solver.iterationStep = &contactMMGStep;
-    solver.numIt = numIt;
-    solver.verbosity_ = Solver::FULL;
-    solver.errorNorm_ = &energyNorm;
-    solver.tolerance_ = tolerance;
+    IterativeSolver<MatrixType, VectorType> solver(&contactMMGStep,
+                                                   numIt,
+                                                   tolerance,
+                                                   &energyNorm,
+                                                   Solver::FULL);
     double trustRegionRadius = 0.1;
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
         MatrixType hessianMatrix;
-        RodAssembler<GridType,4> rodAssembler(grid);
+        PlanarRodAssembler<GridType,4> rodAssembler(grid);
         rodAssembler.setParameters(1, 350000, 350000);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
-            dynamic_cast<MultigridStep<MatrixType,VectorType,GridType>*>(solver.iterationStep)->setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs, toplevel+1);
+            dynamic_cast<MultigridStep<MatrixType,VectorType>*>(solver.iterationStep_)->setProblem(hessianMatrix, corr, rhs, toplevel+1);
@@ -334,8 +334,20 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
         GeometricEstimator<GridType> estimator;
         estimator.estimate(grid, (toplevel<=minLevel) ? refineAll : refineCondition);
-        refineGridAndTransferFunction(grid, x);
+        P1FunctionManager<GridType,double> functionManager(grid);
+        LeafP1Function<GridType,double,blocksize> sol(grid);
+        *sol = x;
+        grid.preAdapt();
+        sol.preAdapt();
+        grid.adapt();
+        sol.postAdapt(functionManager);
+        grid.postAdapt();
+        x = *sol;
         //writeRod(x, "solutions/rod_1.result");