diff --git a/locking_testsuite/cosserat-continuum.parset b/locking_testsuite/cosserat-continuum.parset
deleted file mode 100644
index a90cec4ba1ead1600da0d488113a92718bae5fc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/locking_testsuite/cosserat-continuum.parset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Number of grid levels
-numLevels = 2
-# Number of homotopy steps for the Dirichlet boundary conditions
-numHomotopySteps = 1
-# Tolerance of the trust region solver
-tolerance = 1e-8
-# Max number of steps of the trust region solver
-maxTrustRegionSteps = 3000
-# Initial trust-region radius
-initialTrustRegionRadius = 1
-# Number of multigrid iterations per trust-region step
-numIt = 200
-# Number of presmoothing steps
-nu1 = 3
-# Number of postsmoothing steps
-nu2 = 3
-# Number of coarse grid corrections
-mu = 1
-# Number of base solver iterations
-baseIt = 100
-# Tolerance of the multigrid solver
-mgTolerance = 1e-7
-# Tolerance of the base grid solver
-baseTolerance = 1e-8
-# Measure convergence
-instrumented = 0
-#   Problem specifications
-# shell thickness
-thickness = 0.05
-# Lame parameters
-# corresponds to E = 1e6, nu=0.3
-mu = 3.8462e+05
-lambda = 2.7149e+05
-#mu = 1
-#lambda = 1
-# Cosserat couple modulus
-mu_c = 0
-#mu_c = 3.8462e+05
-# Length scale parameter
-#L_c = 0.05
-L_c = 0.1
-# Curvature exponent
-q = 2
-# Shear correction factor
-kappa = 0.1
-# 2d problem
-#path = /home/haile/sander/data/richards/twosquares/
-#gridFile = twosquares0.grid
-# 3d problem
-path = /home/haile/sander/data/contact/tetracubes/
-gridFile = tetracube0.grid