diff --git a/problems/gradient-flow-curve-shortening.parset b/problems/gradient-flow-curve-shortening.parset
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0eccf12e79723a6e58897744c7916294ecd1b9ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/problems/gradient-flow-curve-shortening.parset
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#  Grid parameters
+structuredGrid = true
+lower = 0
+upper =  1
+elements = 1
+# Number of grid levels
+numLevels = 1
+#  Solver parameters
+# Tolerance of the trust region solver
+tolerance = 1e-12
+# Max number of steps of the trust region solver
+maxTrustRegionSteps = 0
+# Initial trust-region radius
+initialTrustRegionRadius = 1
+# Number of multigrid iterations per trust-region step
+numIt = 200
+# Number of presmoothing steps
+nu1 = 3
+# Number of postsmoothing steps
+nu2 = 3
+# Number of coarse grid corrections
+mu = 1
+# Number of base solver iterations
+baseIt = 100
+# Tolerance of the multigrid solver
+mgTolerance = 1e-10
+# Tolerance of the base grid solver
+baseTolerance = 1e-8
+#   Problem specifications
+# Type of energy we are minimizing
+energy = harmonic
+# Inverse stereographic projection
+initialIterate = initial-curve
diff --git a/problems/initial-curve.py b/problems/initial-curve.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..538f40c14de17b1a3e272f13b114e28f44f36b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/problems/initial-curve.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import math
+# Wiggly initial curve on the sphere in R^3 for a curve-shortening flow simulation
+def f(x):
+    return [math.sin(0.5*math.pi*x[0]), math.cos(0.5*math.pi*x[0]), 0]
diff --git a/src/gradient-flow.cc b/src/gradient-flow.cc
index 5f722f12a3d27905e0f6b4e8ff924b86019fead0..58536e58fd7ae6af7d53730163f562f641ae4565 100644
--- a/src/gradient-flow.cc
+++ b/src/gradient-flow.cc
@@ -152,10 +152,10 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
   // Read initial iterate into a PythonFunction
-  typedef VirtualDifferentiableFunction<FieldVector<double, dim>, TargetSpace::CoordinateType> FBase;
+  typedef PythonFunction<FieldVector<double, dim>, TargetSpace::CoordinateType> FBase;
   Python::Module module = Python::import(parameterSet.get<std::string>("initialIterate"));
-  auto pythonInitialIterate = module.get("fdf").toC<std::shared_ptr<FBase>>();
+  auto pythonInitialIterate = module.get("f").toC<std::shared_ptr<FBase>>();
   std::vector<TargetSpace::CoordinateType> v;
   ::Functions::interpolate(fufemFeBasis, v, *pythonInitialIterate);
@@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
   SubsamplingVTKWriter<GridType::LeafGridView> vtkWriter(grid->leafGridView(),0);
   vtkWriter.addVertexData(xFunction, VTK::FieldInfo("orientation", VTK::FieldInfo::Type::scalar, xEmbedded[0].size()));