From eca64c9339854d54c98433c7ee6c34dba5c77c90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Oliver Sander <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 20:33:37 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Read the initial iterate from a Python string, instead of
 hardcoding it

This is much more flexible and *much* easier to use.

Along the way, this patch scraps several old hard-coded Dirichlet boundary
values.  I don't even remember what they were good for.  If they are needed
again they should also be reimplemented in Python.

[[Imported from SVN: r10007]]
 src/ | 73 ++++++---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9f089b8b..9d0697b8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
 #include <dune/fufem/functions/vtkbasisgridfunction.hh>
+#include <dune/fufem/functiontools/basisinterpolator.hh>
 #include <dune/fufem/dunepython.hh>
 #include <dune/solvers/solvers/iterativesolver.hh>
@@ -164,71 +165,17 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     //   Initial iterate
     // //////////////////////////
-    FieldVector<double,3> yAxis(0);
-    yAxis[1] = 1;
-    GridType::LeafGridView::Codim<dim>::Iterator vIt    = grid.leafbegin<dim>();
-    GridType::LeafGridView::Codim<dim>::Iterator vEndIt = grid.leafend<dim>();
-    for (; vIt!=vEndIt; ++vIt) {
-        int idx = grid.leafIndexSet().index(*vIt);
+    typedef P1NodalBasis<typename GridType::LeafGridView,double> FEBasis;
+    FEBasis feBasis(grid.leafGridView());
-        TargetSpace::CoordinateType v;
+    std::string lambda = std::string("lambda x: (") + parameterSet.get<std::string>("initialIterate") + std::string(")");
+    PythonFunction<FieldVector<double,dim>, TargetSpace::CoordinateType > pythonInitialIterate(Python::evaluate(lambda));
-        FieldVector<double,dim> pos = vIt->geometry().corner(0);
-        FieldVector<double,3> axis;
-        axis[0] = pos[0];  axis[1] = pos[1]; axis[2] = 1;
-        Rotation<double,3> rotation(axis, pos.two_norm()*M_PI*1.5);
+    std::vector<TargetSpace::CoordinateType> v;
+    Functions::interpolate(feBasis, v, pythonInitialIterate);
-        //dirichletNodes[idx] = pos[0]<0.01 || pos[0] > 0.99;
-        if (dirichletNodes[idx][0]) {
-//             FieldMatrix<double,3,3> rMat;
-//             rotation.matrix(rMat);
-//             v = rMat[2];
-            v[0] = std::sin(pos[0]*M_PI);
-            v[1] = 0;
-            v[2] = std::cos(pos[0]*M_PI);
-            v[0] = 1;
-            v[1] = 0;
-            v[2] = 0;
-#if defined UNITVECTOR4 || defined ROTATION3
-            FieldMatrix<double,3,3> rMat;
-            rotation.matrix(rMat);
-            v[0] = rMat[2][0];
-            v[1] = rMat[2][1];
-            v[2] = rMat[2][2];
-            v[3] = 0;
-            v[0] = std::sin(pos[0]*M_PI);
-            v[1] = std::cos(pos[0]*M_PI);
-#if defined ROTATION2 || defined REALTUPLE1
-            v[0] = pos[0]/*M_PI*/;
-        } else {
-#if defined UNITVECTOR2 || defined UNITVECTOR3 || defined UNITVECTOR4 || defined ROTATION3
-            v = 0;
-            v[0] = 1;
-#if defined ROTATION2 || defined REALTUPLE1
-            v[0] = 0.5*M_PI;
-        }
-#if defined UNITVECTOR2 || defined UNITVECTOR3 || defined UNITVECTOR4 || defined ROTATION3 || defined REALTUPLE1
-        x[idx] = TargetSpace(v);
-#if defined ROTATION2
-        x[idx] = v[0];
-    }
+    for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); i++)
+      x[i] = v[i];
     // backup for error measurement later
     SolutionType initialIterate = x;
@@ -236,8 +183,6 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) try
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     //   Create an assembler for the Harmonic Energy Functional
     // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    typedef P1NodalBasis<typename GridType::LeafGridView,double> FEBasis;
-    FEBasis feBasis(grid.leafGridView());
     GFE::ChiralSkyrmionEnergy<GridType::LeafGridView, FEBasis::LocalFiniteElement, double> chiralSkyrmionEnergy;
     HarmonicEnergyLocalStiffness<GridType::LeafGridView, FEBasis::LocalFiniteElement, TargetSpace> harmonicEnergyLocalStiffness;