import subprocess for order in range(1,4): minLevel = 5 + 1 - order; maxLevel = 10 + 1 - order; processList = [] for numLevels in range(minLevel,maxLevel+1):["echo", "foo"]) LOGFILE = "./harmonicmaps_" + str(order) + "_" + str(numLevels) + ".log" ## run the actual simulation executable = "./harmonicmaps-" + str(order) p = subprocess.Popen([executable, "harmonicmaps-skyrmions-hexagon.parset", "-numLevels", str(numLevels)]) processList.append(p) exit_codes = [p.wait() for p in processList]["echo", "Now measuring errors"]) for numLevels in range(minLevel,maxLevel+1): # Measure the discretization errors against the solution on the finest grid LOGFILE = "./compute-disc-error_" + str(order) + "_" + str(numLevels) + ".log" subprocess.Popen(["../build-cmake/src/compute-disc-error", "compute-disc-error-skyrmions-hexagon.parset", "-order", str(order), "-numLevels", str(numLevels), "-numReferenceLevels", str(maxLevel), "-simulationData", "harmonicmaps-result-" + str(order) + "-" + str(numLevels) + ".data", "-referenceData", "harmonicmaps-result-" + str(order) + "-" + str(maxLevel) + ".data"])