############################################# # Grid parameters ############################################# structuredGrid = true lower = 0 0 upper = 0.38 0.128 elements = 15 5 # Number of grid levels numLevels = 1 ############################################# # Solver parameters ############################################# # Number of homotopy steps for the Dirichlet boundary conditions numHomotopySteps = 1 # Tolerance of the trust region solver tolerance = 1e-8 # Max number of steps of the trust region solver maxTrustRegionSteps = 200 # Initial trust-region radius initialTrustRegionRadius = 0.001 # Number of multigrid iterations per trust-region step numIt = 200 # Number of presmoothing steps nu1 = 3 # Number of postsmoothing steps nu2 = 3 # Number of coarse grid corrections mu = 1 # Number of base solver iterations baseIt = 100 # Tolerance of the multigrid solver mgTolerance = 1e-7 # Tolerance of the base grid solver baseTolerance = 1e-8 # Measure convergence instrumented = 0 ############################ # Material parameters ############################ # Parameters for the shearing/wrinkling example from Wong/Pellegrino 2006 # We use 'meters' as the length unit [materialParameters] # shell thickness thickness = 2.5e-5 # Lame parameters # corresponds to E = 3.5GPa, nu=0.31 mu = 5.6452e+09 lambda = 2.1796e+09 # Cosserat couple modulus mu_c = 0 # Length scale parameter L_c = 2.5e-5 # Curvature exponent q = 2 # Shear correction factor kappa = 1 [] ############################################# # Boundary values ############################################# problem = wong-pellegrino ### Python predicate specifying all Dirichlet grid vertices # x is the vertex coordinate dirichletVerticesPredicate = "x[1] < 0.0001 or x[1] > 0.128 - 0.0001" # Initial deformation initialDeformation = "[x[0] + 0.003*x[1] / 0.128, x[1], 0.002*math.cos(1e4*x[0])]"