# Number of grid levels numLevels = 1 # Tolerance of the trust region solver tolerance = 1e-12 # Max number of steps of the trust region solver maxTrustRegionSteps = 200 # Initial trust-region radius initialTrustRegionRadius = 1 # Number of multigrid iterations per trust-region step numIt = 200 # Number of base solver iterations baseIt = 100 # Tolerance of the inner solver innerTolerance = 1e-5 # Tolerance of the base grid solver baseTolerance = -1 ############################ # Problem specifications ############################ gridType = unstructured gridFile = /home/sander/data/liquidcrystals/ellipsoid/ellipsoid.grid # Number of elements of the structured grid per dimension numBaseElements = 4 # Bounding box lowerLeft = -2 -1 upperRight = 2 1