# $Id$

# possible options

# Lapack++
LAPACKPP_CPPFLAGS = -I/home/haile/sander/lapack++-inst/include/lapackpp
LAPACKPP_LDFLAGS  = -L/home/haile/sander/lapack++-inst/lib -llapackpp

# Include and linker paths to the old fortran IPOpt library
#IPOPT_DIR = /home/haile/sander/COIN/Ipopt
#IPOPT_LDADD    = -L$(IPOPT_DIR)/lib -lipopt -llapack -lblas -lg2c

# Include and linker paths to the new C++ IPOpt library
IPOPT_CPP_DIR  = /home/haile/sander/CoinIpopt/build
IPOPT_LDADD    = -L$(IPOPT_CPP_DIR)/lib -lipopt -llapack -lblas -lgfortran

# Hack around the insufficient build system: add to references
# to ag-common by hand
AM_CPPFLAGS += -I../../dune/ag-common

noinst_PROGRAMS = staticrod staticrod2 rod3d dirneucoupling

staticrod_SOURCES = staticrod.cc
staticrod2_SOURCES = staticrod2.cc
rod3d_SOURCES = rod3d.cc

dirneucoupling_SOURCES  = dirneucoupling.cc
                          $(IPOPT_LDADD) $(LAPACKPP_LDFLAGS)

# don't follow the full GNU-standard
# we need automake 1.5
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.5