#include "omp.h" #include <dune/common/bitsetvector.hh> #include <dune/common/timer.hh> #include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh> #include <dune/istl/io.hh> #include <dune/fufem/functionspacebases/p1nodalbasis.hh> #include <dune/fufem/assemblers/operatorassembler.hh> #include <dune/fufem/assemblers/localassemblers/laplaceassembler.hh> #include <dune/fufem/assemblers/localassemblers/massassembler.hh> // Using a monotone multigrid as the inner solver #include <dune/solvers/iterationsteps/trustregiongsstep.hh> #include <dune/solvers/iterationsteps/mmgstep.hh> #include <dune/solvers/transferoperators/truncatedcompressedmgtransfer.hh> #if defined THIRD_ORDER || defined SECOND_ORDER #include <dune/gfe/pktop1mgtransfer.hh> #endif #include <dune/solvers/transferoperators/mandelobsrestrictor.hh> #include <dune/solvers/solvers/iterativesolver.hh> #include "maxnormtrustregion.hh" #include <dune/solvers/norms/energynorm.hh> #include <dune/solvers/norms/h1seminorm.hh> #include <dune/gfe/parallel/matrixcommunicator.hh> #include <dune/gfe/parallel/vectorcommunicator.hh> template <class GridType, class TargetSpace> void RiemannianTrustRegionSolver<GridType,TargetSpace>:: setup(const GridType& grid, const GeodesicFEAssembler<BasisType, TargetSpace>* assembler, const SolutionType& x, const Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>& dirichletNodes, double tolerance, int maxTrustRegionSteps, double initialTrustRegionRadius, int multigridIterations, double mgTolerance, int mu, int nu1, int nu2, int baseIterations, double baseTolerance, bool instrumented) { int argc = 0; char** argv; Dune::MPIHelper& mpiHelper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc,argv); int rank = mpiHelper.rank(); grid_ = &grid; assembler_ = assembler; x_ = x; this->tolerance_ = tolerance; maxTrustRegionSteps_ = maxTrustRegionSteps; initialTrustRegionRadius_ = initialTrustRegionRadius; innerIterations_ = multigridIterations; innerTolerance_ = mgTolerance; instrumented_ = instrumented; ignoreNodes_ = &dirichletNodes; int numLevels = grid_->maxLevel()+1; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create global numbering for matrix and vector transfer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// guIndex_ = std::unique_ptr<GUIndex>(new GUIndex(grid_->leafGridView())); // //////////////////////////////// // Create a multigrid solver // //////////////////////////////// #ifdef HAVE_IPOPT // First create an IPOpt base solver QuadraticIPOptSolver<MatrixType, CorrectionType>* baseSolver = new QuadraticIPOptSolver<MatrixType,CorrectionType>; baseSolver->verbosity_ = NumProc::QUIET; baseSolver->tolerance_ = baseTolerance; #else #warning IPOpt not installed -- falling back onto a Gauss-Seidel base solver // First create a Gauss-seidel base solver TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>* baseSolverStep = new TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>; EnergyNorm<MatrixType, CorrectionType>* baseEnergyNorm = new EnergyNorm<MatrixType, CorrectionType>(*baseSolverStep,1e-3); ::LoopSolver<CorrectionType>* baseSolver = new ::LoopSolver<CorrectionType>(baseSolverStep, baseIterations, baseTolerance, baseEnergyNorm, Solver::QUIET); #endif // Transfer all Dirichlet data to the master processor VectorCommunicator<GUIndex, Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize> > vectorComm(*guIndex_, 0); Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>* globalDirichletNodes = NULL; globalDirichletNodes = new Dune::BitSetVector<blocksize>(vectorComm.reduceCopy(dirichletNodes)); // Make pre and postsmoothers TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>* presmoother = new TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>; TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>* postsmoother = new TrustRegionGSStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>; MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>* mmgStep = new MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType, CorrectionType>; mmgStep->setMGType(mu, nu1, nu2); if (mpiHelper.size()==1) mmgStep->ignoreNodes_ = &dirichletNodes; else mmgStep->ignoreNodes_ = globalDirichletNodes; mmgStep->basesolver_ = baseSolver; mmgStep->setSmoother(presmoother, postsmoother); mmgStep->obstacleRestrictor_= new MandelObstacleRestrictor<CorrectionType>(); mmgStep->hasObstacle_ = &hasObstacle_; mmgStep->verbosity_ = Solver::QUIET; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Assemble a Laplace matrix to create a norm that's equivalent to the H1-norm // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef P1NodalBasis<typename GridType::LeafGridView,double> P1Basis; P1Basis p1Basis(grid.leafGridView()); OperatorAssembler<P1Basis,P1Basis> operatorAssembler(p1Basis, p1Basis); LaplaceAssembler<GridType, typename P1Basis::LocalFiniteElement, typename P1Basis::LocalFiniteElement> laplaceStiffness; typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<Dune::FieldMatrix<double,1,1> > ScalarMatrixType; ScalarMatrixType* A = new ScalarMatrixType; operatorAssembler.assemble(laplaceStiffness, *A); if (h1SemiNorm_) delete h1SemiNorm_; h1SemiNorm_ = new H1SemiNorm<CorrectionType>(*A); innerSolver_ = std::shared_ptr<LoopSolver<CorrectionType> >(new ::LoopSolver<CorrectionType>(mmgStep, innerIterations_, innerTolerance_, h1SemiNorm_, Solver::QUIET)); // Write all intermediate solutions, if requested if (instrumented_ && dynamic_cast<IterativeSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get())) dynamic_cast<IterativeSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get())->historyBuffer_ = "tmp/mgHistory"; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create Hessian matrix and its occupation structure // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hessianMatrix_ = std::auto_ptr<MatrixType>(new MatrixType); Dune::MatrixIndexSet indices(grid_->size(1), grid_->size(1)); assembler_->getNeighborsPerVertex(indices); indices.exportIdx(*hessianMatrix_); // //////////////////////////////////// // Create the transfer operators // //////////////////////////////////// BasisType basis(grid_->leafGridView()); for (size_t k=0; k<mmgStep->mgTransfer_.size(); k++) delete(mmgStep->mgTransfer_[k]); mmgStep->mgTransfer_.resize(numLevels-1); #if defined THIRD_ORDER || defined SECOND_ORDER if (numLevels>1) { P1NodalBasis<typename GridType::LeafGridView,double> p1Basis(grid_->leafGridView()); PKtoP1MGTransfer<CorrectionType>* topTransferOp = new PKtoP1MGTransfer<CorrectionType>; topTransferOp->setup(basis,p1Basis); mmgStep->mgTransfer_.back() = topTransferOp; for (int i=0; i<mmgStep->mgTransfer_.size()-1; i++){ TruncatedCompressedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>* newTransferOp = new TruncatedCompressedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>; newTransferOp->setup(*grid_,i+1,i+2); mmgStep->mgTransfer_[i] = newTransferOp; } } #else for (size_t i=0; i<mmgStep->mgTransfer_.size(); i++){ // Construct the local multigrid transfer matrix TruncatedCompressedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>* newTransferOp = new TruncatedCompressedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>; newTransferOp->setup(*grid_,i,i+1); // If we are on more than 1 processors, join all local transfer matrices on rank 0, // and construct a single global transfer operator there. typedef GlobalUniqueIndex<typename GridType::LevelGridView, gridDim> LevelGUIndex; LevelGUIndex fineGUIndex(grid_->levelGridView(i+1)); LevelGUIndex coarseGUIndex(grid_->levelGridView(i)); typedef typename TruncatedCompressedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>::TransferOperatorType TransferOperatorType; MatrixCommunicator<LevelGUIndex, TransferOperatorType> matrixComm(fineGUIndex, coarseGUIndex, 0); matrixComm.transferMatrix(newTransferOp->getMatrix()); if (rank==0) { mmgStep->mgTransfer_[i] = new TruncatedCompressedMGTransfer<CorrectionType> (Dune::make_shared<TransferOperatorType>(matrixComm.copyIntoGlobalMatrix())); } } #endif // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create obstacles // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (rank==0) { hasObstacle_.resize(numLevels); #if defined THIRD_ORDER || defined SECOND_ORDER // This does not work in parallel hasObstacle_.back().resize(basis.size(), true); #else // This does not work for higher-order FE hasObstacle_.back().resize(guIndex_->nGlobalEntity(), true); #endif // If there is more than one level use the transfer operators to determine the correct coarse level system sizes for (int i=0; i<hasObstacle_.size()-1; i++) hasObstacle_[i].resize(dynamic_cast<TruncatedCompressedMGTransfer<CorrectionType>* >(mmgStep->mgTransfer_[i])->getMatrix().M(),true); } } template <class GridType, class TargetSpace> void RiemannianTrustRegionSolver<GridType,TargetSpace>::solve() { int argc = 0; char** argv; Dune::MPIHelper& mpiHelper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc,argv); int rank = mpiHelper.rank(); MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType,CorrectionType>* mgStep = NULL; // if the inner solver is a monotone multigrid set up a max-norm trust-region if (dynamic_cast<LoopSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get())) { mgStep = dynamic_cast<MonotoneMGStep<MatrixType,CorrectionType>*>(dynamic_cast<LoopSolver<CorrectionType>*>(innerSolver_.get())->iterationStep_); } MaxNormTrustRegion<blocksize> trustRegion(guIndex_->nGlobalEntity(), initialTrustRegionRadius_); std::vector<std::vector<BoxConstraint<field_type,blocksize> > > trustRegionObstacles((mgStep) ? mgStep->numLevels() : 0); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set up the log file, if requested // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// FILE* fp = nullptr; if (instrumented_) { fp = fopen("statistics", "w"); if (!fp) DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Couldn't open statistics file for writing!"); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Trust-Region Solver // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// double oldEnergy = assembler_->computeEnergy(x_); oldEnergy = mpiHelper.getCollectiveCommunication().sum(oldEnergy); bool recomputeGradientHessian = true; CorrectionType rhs; MatrixType stiffnessMatrix; CorrectionType rhs_global; VectorCommunicator<GUIndex, CorrectionType> vectorComm(*guIndex_, 0); MatrixCommunicator<GUIndex, MatrixType> matrixComm(*guIndex_, 0); for (int i=0; i<maxTrustRegionSteps_; i++) { /* std::cout << "current iterate:\n"; for (size_t j=0; j<x_.size(); j++) std::cout << x_[j] << std::endl;*/ Dune::Timer totalTimer; if (this->verbosity_ == Solver::FULL and rank==0) { std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << " Trust-Region Step Number: " << i << ", radius: " << trustRegion.radius() << ", energy: " << oldEnergy << std::endl; std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; } CorrectionType corr(x_.size()); corr = 0; Dune::Timer gradientTimer; if (recomputeGradientHessian) { assembler_->assembleGradientAndHessian(x_, rhs, *hessianMatrix_, i==0 // assemble occupation pattern only for the first call ); rhs *= -1; // The right hand side is the _negative_ gradient //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modify matrix and right-hand side to account for Dirichlet values //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef typename MatrixType::row_type::Iterator ColumnIterator; for (size_t j=0; j<ignoreNodes_->size(); j++) { if (ignoreNodes_->operator[](j).count() > 0) { // make matrix row an identity row ColumnIterator cIt = (*hessianMatrix_)[j].begin(); ColumnIterator cEndIt = (*hessianMatrix_)[j].end(); for (; cIt!=cEndIt; ++cIt) { for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) { if (ignoreNodes_->operator[](j)[k]) { (*cIt)[k] = 0; if (j==cIt.index()) (*cIt)[k][k] = 1; } } } // Dirichlet value. Zero, because we are solving defect problems for (int k=0; k<blocksize; k++) if (ignoreNodes_->operator[](j)[k]) rhs[j][k] = 0; } } if (this->verbosity_ == Solver::FULL) std::cout << "Assembly took " << gradientTimer.elapsed() << " sec." << std::endl; // Transfer matrix data matrixComm.transferMatrix(*hessianMatrix_); // Transfer vector data rhs_global = vectorComm.reduceAdd(rhs); if (rank ==0) { // Create global stiffnessMatrix stiffnessMatrix = matrixComm.createGlobalMatrix(); } recomputeGradientHessian = false; } CorrectionType corr_global(rhs_global.size()); corr_global = 0; if (rank==0) { mgStep->setProblem(stiffnessMatrix, corr_global, rhs_global); trustRegionObstacles.back() = trustRegion.obstacles(); mgStep->obstacles_ = &trustRegionObstacles; innerSolver_->preprocess(); /////////////////////////////// // Solve ! /////////////////////////////// std::cout << "Solve quadratic problem..." << std::endl; innerSolver_->solve(); if (mgStep) corr_global = mgStep->getSol(); //std::cout << "Correction: " << std::endl << corr_global << std::endl; } // Distribute solution if (mpiHelper.size()>1 and rank==0) std::cout << "Transfer solution back to root process ..." << std::endl; corr = vectorComm.scatter(corr_global); if (instrumented_) { fprintf(fp, "Trust-region step: %d, trust-region radius: %g\n", i, trustRegion.radius()); // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Compute and measure progress against the exact solution // for each trust region step // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CorrectionType exactSolution = corr; // Start from 0 double oldError = 0; double totalConvRate = 1; double convRate = 1; // Write statistics of the initial solution // Compute the energy norm oldError = h1SemiNorm_->operator()(exactSolution); for (int j=0; j<innerIterations_; j++) { // read iteration from file CorrectionType intermediateSol(grid_->size(gridDim)); intermediateSol = 0; char iSolFilename[100]; sprintf(iSolFilename, "tmp/mgHistory/intermediatesolution_%04d", j); FILE* fpInt = fopen(iSolFilename, "rb"); if (!fpInt) DUNE_THROW(Dune::IOError, "Couldn't open intermediate solution"); for (size_t k=0; k<intermediateSol.size(); k++) for (int l=0; l<blocksize; l++) fread(&intermediateSol[k][l], sizeof(double), 1, fpInt); fclose(fpInt); //std::cout << "intermediateSol\n" << intermediateSol << std::endl; // Compute errors intermediateSol -= exactSolution; //std::cout << "error\n" << intermediateSol << std::endl; // Compute the H1 norm double error = h1SemiNorm_->operator()(intermediateSol); convRate = error / oldError; totalConvRate *= convRate; if (error < 1e-12) break; std::cout << "Iteration: " << j << " "; std::cout << "Errors: error " << error << ", convergence rate: " << convRate << ", total conv rate " << pow(totalConvRate, 1/((double)j+1)) << std::endl; fprintf(fp, "%d %g %g %g\n", j+1, error, convRate, pow(totalConvRate, 1/((double)j+1))); oldError = error; } } if (this->verbosity_ == NumProc::FULL) std::cout << "Infinity norm of the correction: " << corr.infinity_norm() << std::endl; if (corr.infinity_norm() < this->tolerance_) { if (this->verbosity_ == NumProc::FULL and rank==0) std::cout << "CORRECTION IS SMALL ENOUGH" << std::endl; if (this->verbosity_ != NumProc::QUIET and rank==0) std::cout << i+1 << " trust-region steps were taken." << std::endl; break; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check whether trust-region step can be accepted // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// SolutionType newIterate = x_; for (size_t j=0; j<newIterate.size(); j++) newIterate[j] = TargetSpace::exp(newIterate[j], corr[j]); double energy = assembler_->computeEnergy(newIterate); energy = mpiHelper.getCollectiveCommunication().sum(energy); // compute the model decrease // It is $ m(x) - m(x+s) = -<g,s> - 0.5 <s, Hs> // Note that rhs = -g CorrectionType tmp(corr.size()); tmp = 0; hessianMatrix_->umv(corr, tmp); double modelDecrease = (rhs*corr) - 0.5 * (corr*tmp); modelDecrease = mpiHelper.getCollectiveCommunication().sum(modelDecrease); double relativeModelDecrease = modelDecrease / std::fabs(energy); if (this->verbosity_ == NumProc::FULL and rank==0) { std::cout << "Absolute model decrease: " << modelDecrease << ", functional decrease: " << oldEnergy - energy << std::endl; std::cout << "Relative model decrease: " << relativeModelDecrease << ", functional decrease: " << (oldEnergy - energy)/energy << std::endl; } assert(modelDecrease >= 0); if (energy >= oldEnergy and rank==0) { if (this->verbosity_ == NumProc::FULL) printf("Richtung ist keine Abstiegsrichtung!\n"); } if (energy >= oldEnergy && (std::abs(oldEnergy-energy)/energy < 1e-9 || relativeModelDecrease < 1e-9)) { if (this->verbosity_ == NumProc::FULL and rank==0) std::cout << "Suspecting rounding problems" << std::endl; if (this->verbosity_ != NumProc::QUIET and rank==0) std::cout << i+1 << " trust-region steps were taken." << std::endl; x_ = newIterate; break; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check for acceptance of the step // ////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( (oldEnergy-energy) / modelDecrease > 0.9) { // very successful iteration x_ = newIterate; trustRegion.scale(2); // current energy becomes 'oldEnergy' for the next iteration oldEnergy = energy; recomputeGradientHessian = true; } else if ( (oldEnergy-energy) / modelDecrease > 0.01 || std::abs(oldEnergy-energy) < 1e-12) { // successful iteration x_ = newIterate; // current energy becomes 'oldEnergy' for the next iteration oldEnergy = energy; recomputeGradientHessian = true; } else { // unsuccessful iteration // Decrease the trust-region radius trustRegion.scale(0.5); if (this->verbosity_ == NumProc::FULL and rank==0) std::cout << "Unsuccessful iteration!" << std::endl; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write the iterate to disk for later convergence rate measurement // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (instrumented_) { char iFilename[100]; sprintf(iFilename, "tmp/intermediateSolution_%04d", i); FILE* fpIterate = fopen(iFilename, "wb"); if (!fpIterate) DUNE_THROW(SolverError, "Couldn't open file " << iFilename << " for writing"); for (size_t j=0; j<x_.size(); j++) fwrite(&x_[j], sizeof(TargetSpace), 1, fpIterate); fclose(fpIterate); } if (rank==0) std::cout << "iteration took " << totalTimer.elapsed() << " sec." << std::endl; } // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Close logfile // ////////////////////////////////////////////// if (instrumented_) fclose(fp); }