diff --git a/skript-mehrgitter-sander.bib b/skript-mehrgitter-sander.bib
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 note = {(English translation available)},
 year = {2013}
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- publisher = {Springer},
- year = {2008},
- author = {Wolfgang Dahmen and Arnold Reusken}
- title = {Iterative Solution of Large Sparse Systems of Equations},
- publisher = {Springer},
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- author = {Wolfgang Hackbusch}
- title = {Theory and Practice of Finite Elements},
- publisher = {Springer},
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- author = {Alexandre Ern and Jean-Luc Guermond}
- title = {Funktionalanalysis},
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- author = {Dirk Werner},
- edition = {7.\ Auflage}
- title = {Functional Analysis},
- publisher = {Springer},
- year = {1980},
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- edition = {6.\ Auflage}
-  author = {P. Bastian and M. Blatt and A. Dedner and C. Engwer and R. Kl\"ofkorn and M. Ohlberger and O. Sander},
-  title = {A Generic Interface for Parallel and Adaptive Scientific Computing. {Part~I}: Abstract Framework},
-  journal = {Computing},
-  year = {2008},
-  volume = {82},
-  number = {2-3},
-  pages = {103--119}
- author = {Rüdiger Verfürth},
- title = {Finite Element Methoden für Navier-Stokes Gleichungen},
- institution = {Fakultät für Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum},
- year = {2019},
- type = {Vorlesungsskriptum},
- author = {Rüdiger Verfürth},
- title = {Error estimates for a mixed finite element approximation of the {S}tokes equations},
- journal = {RAIRO -- Analyse numérique},
- year = {1984},
- volume = {18},
- number = {2},
- pages = {175--182}
- author = {Michel Bercovier and Olivier Pironneau},
- title = {Error Estimates for Finite Element Method Solution of the {S}tokes Problem in the Primitive Variables},
- journal = {Numer. Math.},
- year = {1979},
- volume = {33},
- pages = {211--224}
- author = {M. Cecilia Rivara},
- title = {Mesh Refinement Processes Based on the Generalized Bisection of Simplices},
- journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
- year = {1984},
- volume = {21},
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- pages = {604--613}
- author = {Willy D\"orfler},
- title = {A Convergent Adaptive Algorithm for {P}oisson's Equation},
- journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.},
- year = {1996},
- volume = {33},
- number = {3},
- pages = {1106--1124},
- author = {Ricardo H. Nochetto and Kunibert G. Siebert and Andreas Veeser},
- title = {Theory of adaptive finite element methods: {A}n introduction},
- booktitle = {Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation},
- pages = {409--542},
- publisher = {Springer},
- year = {2009},
- editor = {Ronald DeVore and Angela Kunoth},
- doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-03413-8_12},
- title = {Numerische Mathematik 3 --- Adaptive Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen},
- publisher = {De Gruyter},
- year = {2020},
- author = {Peter Deuflhard and Martin Weiser},
- OPTdoi = {10.1515/9783110689655},
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- title = {Some Refinement Algorithms and Data Structures for Regular Local Mesh Refinement},
- booktitle = {Scientific Computing. Applications of Mathematics and Computing to the Physical Sciences},
- pages = {3--17},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- year = {1983},
- editor = {R.S. Stepleman}
- author = {Hans Freudenthal},
- title = {Simplizialzerlegungen von beschr\"ankter {F}lachheit},
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- title = {Tetrahedral Grid Refinement},
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- author = {Eymard, R. and Henry, G. and Herbin, R. and Hubert, F. and Kl{\"o}fkorn, R. and Manzini, G.},
- affiliation = {Université Paris-Est, Paris, France},
- title = {{3D Benchmark on Discretization Schemes for Anisotropic Diffusion Problems on General Grids}},
- booktitle = {Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI Problems \& Perspectives},
- series = {Springer Proceedings in Mathematics},
- editor = {Fort, J. and F{\"u}rst, J. and Halama, J. and Herbin, R. and Hubert, F.},
- publisher = {Springer},
- pages = {895--930},
- volume = {4},
- doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-20671-9_89},
- year = {2011}
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-\newcommand{\CR}{\text{CR}}  % The Crouzeix-Raviart finite element space
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-{\Huge Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen}
+{\Huge Mehrgitterverfahren}
 {\Large Oliver Sander}