Müller, Felix authoredMüller, Felix authored
DiscreteFunctionTest.cpp 3.30 KiB
// -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <amdis/AMDiS.hpp>
#include <amdis/ProblemStat.hpp>
#include <amdis/gridfunctions/DiscreteFunction.hpp>
#include <amdis/gridfunctions/DOFVectorView.hpp>
#include <amdis/utility/TreePath.hpp>
#include "Tests.hpp"
using namespace AMDiS;
using ElliptParam = YaspGridBasis<2, 2>;
using ElliptProblem = ProblemStat<ElliptParam>;
template <class GB, class T>
bool comp(DOFVector<GB,T> const& U, DOFVector<GB,T> const& V)
if (U.size() != V.size())
return false;
using Int = typename DOFVector<GB,T>::size_type;
for (Int i = 0; i < U.size(); ++i) {
if (U[i] != V[i])
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
AMDiS::init(argc, argv);
using namespace Dune::Indices;
ElliptProblem prob("ellipt");
// create 3 copies of the solution vector
auto U0 = prob.solutionVector();
auto U1 = prob.solutionVector();
auto U2 = prob.solutionVector();
auto u0 = makeDOFVectorView(U0);
auto u1 = makeDOFVectorView(U1);
auto u2 = makeDOFVectorView(U2);
auto expr = [](auto const& x) { return 1 + x[0] + x[1]; };
u2 << expr;
AMDIS_TEST( comp(U0, U1) );
AMDIS_TEST( comp(U0, U2) );
auto expr2 = [](auto const& x) { return 1 + 2*x[0] - 3*x[1]; };
u0.interpolate_noalias(u2 + expr2);
u1.interpolate(u1 + expr2);
u2 += expr2;
AMDIS_TEST( comp(U0, U1) );
AMDIS_TEST( comp(U0, U2) );
auto expr3 = [](auto const& x) { return 1 - 0.5*x[0] - 2*x[1]; };
u0.interpolate_noalias(u2 - expr3);
u1.interpolate(u1 - expr3);
u2 -= expr3;
AMDIS_TEST( comp(U0, U1) );
AMDIS_TEST( comp(U0, U2) );
auto du0 = derivative(u0);
auto localFct = localFunction(u0);
auto dlocalFct = derivative(localFct);
for (auto const& e : elements(prob.gridView()))
auto geo = e.geometry();
auto local = referenceElement(geo).position(0,0);
auto y0 = localFct(local);
auto y1 = u0(geo.global(local));
AMDIS_TEST(std::abs(y0 - y1) < 1.e-10);
auto g0 = dlocalFct(local);
auto g1 = du0(geo.global(local));
AMDIS_TEST(two_norm(g0 - g1) < 1.e-10);
auto V0 = makeDOFVector<float>(prob.globalBasis());
auto v0 = makeDOFVectorView(V0);
v0 << expr;
// test makeDiscreteFunction
int preTP1 = 0;
std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0> preTP2;
auto tp = treepath(preTP1);
auto W0 = prob.solutionVector();
auto W1 = prob.solutionVector();
auto W2 = prob.solutionVector();
auto w0 = makeDiscreteFunction(W0, preTP1);
auto w1 = makeDiscreteFunction(W1, preTP2);
auto w2 = makeDiscreteFunction(W2, tp);
// test makeDOFVectorView with (pre)treepath argument
auto W3 = prob.solutionVector();
auto W4 = prob.solutionVector();
auto W5 = prob.solutionVector();
auto w3 = makeDOFVectorView(W3, preTP1);
auto w4 = makeDOFVectorView(W4, preTP2);
auto w5 = makeDOFVectorView(W5, tp);
auto w6 = prob.solution(tp);
auto& W6 = prob.solutionVector();
w3 << expr;
w4 << expr;
w5 << expr;
w6 << expr;
AMDIS_TEST( comp(W3, W4) );
AMDIS_TEST( comp(W3, W5) );
AMDIS_TEST( comp(W3, W6) );
return 0;