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Commit bd634196 authored by Praetorius, Simon's avatar Praetorius, Simon
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Merge branch 'issue/cleanup_observer' into 'master'

Simplify observer

See merge request !131
parents bbc64e6b dd8d79c9
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1 merge request!131Simplify observer
......@@ -27,27 +27,6 @@
namespace AMDiS
namespace event
/** Event generated from an AdaptiveGrid when calling preAdapt(). It contains the return value
* of preAdapt() as its 'mightCoarsen' member and is passed to registered observers after
* calling preAdapt on the underlying grid.
struct preAdapt { bool mightCoarsen; };
/** Event generated from an AdaptiveGrid when calling adapt(). Its 'adapted' member contains the
* value true if either preAdapt() or adapt() returned true. This event is passed to registered
* observers after calling adapt on the underlying grid.
struct adapt { bool adapted; };
/** Event generated from an AdaptiveGrid when calling postAdapt().This event is passed to
* registered observers after calling postAdapt on the underlying grid.
struct postAdapt {};
// forward declaration
template <class HostGrid>
class AdaptiveGridFamily;
......@@ -65,7 +44,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
class AdaptiveGrid
: public Dune::GridDefaultImplementation<
HG::dimension, HG::dimensionworld, typename HG::ctype, AdaptiveGridFamily<HG> >
, public Signals<event::preAdapt, event::adapt, event::postAdapt>
, public Notifier<event::preAdapt, event::adapt, event::postAdapt>
using Self = AdaptiveGrid<HG>;
......@@ -28,12 +28,6 @@ namespace AMDiS
template <class PB>
class ParallelGlobalBasis;
namespace event
struct preAdapt;
struct postAdapt;
template <class B> struct basisUpdate;
/// \brief The basic container that stores a base vector and a corresponding basis
......@@ -43,11 +37,12 @@ namespace AMDiS
template <class GB, class T = double>
class DOFVector
: public VectorBase<GB, VectorBackend<BackendTraits<GB,T>>>
, public Observer<GB, event::preAdapt, event::basisUpdate<GB>, event::postAdapt>
, private Observer<event::preAdapt>
, private Observer<event::adapt>
, private Observer<event::postAdapt>
using Self = DOFVector;
using Super = VectorBase<GB, VectorBackend<BackendTraits<GB,T>>>;
using Obs = Observer<GB, event::preAdapt, event::basisUpdate<GB>, event::postAdapt>;
using Backend = VectorBackend<BackendTraits<GB,T>>;
......@@ -68,7 +63,9 @@ namespace AMDiS
DOFVector(std::shared_ptr<GB> const& basis,
DataTransferOperation op = DataTransferOperation::INTERPOLATE)
: Super(basis)
, Obs(basis)
, Observer<event::preAdapt>(basis->gridView().grid())
, Observer<event::adapt>(*basis)
, Observer<event::postAdapt>(basis->gridView().grid())
, dataTransfer_(op, basis)
, basis_(basis)
......@@ -165,24 +162,27 @@ namespace AMDiS
setDataTransfer(newDataTransfer(op, basis_));
/// Override of Observer update(event::preAdapt) method. Redirects to preAdapt method of the
/// \ref DataTransfer object.
void update(event::preAdapt const& e) override
void updateImpl(event::preAdapt e) override
dataTransfer_.preAdapt(*this, e.mightCoarsen);
dataTransfer_.preAdapt(*this, e.value);
/// Override of Observer update(event::adapt) method. Redirects to adapt method of the
/// \ref DataTransfer object.
void update(event::basisUpdate<GB> const&) override
void updateImpl(event::adapt e) override
/// Override of Observer update(event::postAdapt) method. Redirects to postAdapt method of the
/// \ref DataTransfer object.
void update(event::postAdapt const&) override
void updateImpl(event::postAdapt) override
......@@ -12,158 +12,34 @@
namespace AMDiS
namespace Impl
namespace event
// forward declaration
template <class Event>
class ObserverInterface;
* An event that is signaled before the actual adaption happens. Example: grid.preAdapt().
* The \ref value might indicate whether any pre-processing is necessary.
struct preAdapt { bool value = true; };
template <class Event>
class SignalBase
/// Attaches an observer to this class. This method will be called by all observers with
/// with themselves as argument.
void attachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) const
/// Detaches an observer to this class. This method will be called by all observers with
/// with themselves as argument.
void detachObserver(ObserverInterface<Event>* o) const
auto it = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), o);
if (it != observers_.end())
/// Notify all observers that have called attachObserver but have not called detachObserver
void notify(Event const& e) const
for (ObserverInterface<Event>* o : observers_)
/// List of observers that need to be notified in case of an event
// NOTE: this list is mutable, since the notification list itself is not part
// of the internal state of the object signaling the event.
mutable std::list<ObserverInterface<Event>*> observers_;
template <class Event>
class ObserverInterface
virtual ~ObserverInterface() = default;
/// Attach the observer to a subject. It will then receive notifications from the subject when
/// an event of type Event it triggered.
void attach(std::shared_ptr<SignalBase<Event> const> const& subject)
if (bool(subject))
/// Detach the observer from the subject. It will then no longer receive notifications. This
/// must be called before the observer is deleted.
void detach(std::shared_ptr<SignalBase<Event> const> const& subject)
if (bool(subject))
/// This method will be called by the subject when triggering the event.
virtual void update(Event const&)
error_exit("Method must be overridden by derived class");
template <class Event>
class ObserverBase
: virtual public ObserverInterface<Event>
using Self = ObserverBase;
ObserverBase() = default;
// use subject if Event is handled directly
template <class S,
REQUIRES(std::is_base_of<SignalBase<Event>, S>::value)>
ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<S const> subject, Dune::PriorityTag<2>)
: subject_(std::move(subject))
// get next subject in hierarchy if Event is not handled
template <class Observer,
class = void_t<decltype(std::declval<Observer>().subject_)> >
ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<Observer const> const& o, Dune::PriorityTag<1>)
: ObserverBase(o->subject_)
// non-observable type
template <class T>
ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<T const> const& other, Dune::PriorityTag<0>)
/* fallback implementation */
template <class T>
ObserverBase(std::shared_ptr<T const> const& arg)
: ObserverBase(arg, Dune::PriorityTag<42>{})
/// Copy constructor
ObserverBase(Self const& that)
: subject_(that.subject_)
/// Move constructor
ObserverBase(Self&& that)
swap(*this, that);
/// Destructor. Detaches observer from the subject
~ObserverBase() override
/// Copy/Move assignment
Self& operator=(Self that)
swap(*this, that);
return *this;
/// Swaps the contents of lhs and rhs
friend void swap(Self& lhs, Self& rhs)
using std::swap;
swap(lhs.subject_, rhs.subject_);
/// The observed subject
std::shared_ptr<SignalBase<Event> const> subject_ = nullptr;
} // end namespace Impl
* An event that is called directly of the adaption. Example: grid.adapt().
* The \ref value indicates whether something is changed during adaption.
struct adapt { bool value = true; };
* An event that is called after adaption to indicate the start of a clean-up phase.
struct postAdapt {};
template <class Event>
class ObserverInterface
virtual ~ObserverInterface() = default;
virtual void update(Event e) = 0;
/// \brief Mixin for signaling of certain events.
......@@ -176,57 +52,110 @@ namespace AMDiS
* to the instance of T (see Observer)
template <class Event, class... Events>
class Signals
: public Impl::SignalBase<Event>
, public Signals<Events...>
class Notifier
: public Notifier<Event>
, public Notifier<Events...>
using Impl::SignalBase<Event>::notify;
using Signals<Events...>::notify;
using Notifier<Event>::notify;
using Notifier<Events...>::notify;
template <class Event>
class Signals<Event>
: public Impl::SignalBase<Event>
class Notifier<Event>
using Impl::SignalBase<Event>::notify;
/// Call the \ref update method on all attached observers.
void notify(Event const& e)
for (ObserverInterface<Event>* o : observers_)
/// Attach a new observer that gets called on \ref notify
void attach(ObserverInterface<Event>* o)
/// Detaches the passed observer from the list, if stored.
void detach(ObserverInterface<Event>* o)
auto it = std::find(observers_.begin(), observers_.end(), o);
if (it != observers_.end())
std::list<ObserverInterface<Event>*> observers_;
/// \brief Mixin for reacting to certain events.
* Derived classes can react to events by implementing the functions `update(Event)` for
* all Events specified in the template parameter list, whose origin is an instance of class
* `Subject` specified in the constructor to Observer and any indirectly observed class instances.
* Observed instances may include:
* - the instance of class `Subject` passed to the constructor
* - the instance passed to the constructor of `Subject::Observer<S>` if Subject inherits from
* \ref Observer<S>
* - all other instances indirectly accessible in the above way
* For each event E the first object in the above hierarchy that implements \ref Signals<Es...> with E
* included in Es... will be observed by this class.
template <class Subject, class... Events>
/// Implementation of the \ref ObserverInterface
template <class Event, class... Tags>
class Observer
: public Impl::ObserverBase<Events>...
: public ObserverInterface<Event>
template <class E>
friend class Impl::ObserverBase;
Observer(std::shared_ptr<Subject const> const& s)
: Impl::ObserverBase<Events>(s)...
, subject_(std::move(s))
template <class Notifier>
Observer(Notifier const& notifier)
: notifier_(const_cast<Notifier*>(&notifier))
/// Destructor, detaches from the notifier
virtual ~Observer()
/// Copy constructor. Attaches this to the copied notifier
Observer(Observer const& other)
: notifier_(other.notifier_)
/// Copy-assignment operator, copies the notifier and attaches this.
Observer& operator=(Observer const& other)
notifier_ = other.notifier_;
return *this;
/// Move assignment operator, implemented in terms of the move
/// assignment operator
Observer(Observer&& other)
*this = std::move(other);
/// Move-assignment operator, copies the notifier and attaches this.
Observer& operator=(Observer&& other)
notifier_ = other.notifier_;
return *this;
/// Implementation of the interface method \ref ObserverInterface::update.
/// Redirects to the \ref updateImpl method with additional \ref Tags parameters
void update(Event e) final
updateImpl(e, Tags{}...);
Observer(std::shared_ptr<Subject> const& s)
: Observer(std::const_pointer_cast<Subject const>(s))
/// \brief Implementation of the update method in derived class
// NOTE: The additional `Tags...` arguments can be used to distinguish
// between multiple observers of the same event.
virtual void updateImpl(Event e, Tags...) = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Subject const> subject_ = nullptr;
Notifier<Event>* notifier_ = nullptr;
} // end namespace AMDiS
......@@ -45,16 +45,6 @@ namespace Dune
namespace AMDiS
namespace event
template <class B>
struct basisUpdate
using Basis = B;
Basis const& basis;
* \brief Parallel global basis defined on a (sequential) pre-basis
......@@ -65,15 +55,11 @@ namespace AMDiS
template <class PB>
class ParallelGlobalBasis
: public Observer<typename PB::GridView::Grid, event::adapt>
, public Signals<event::basisUpdate<ParallelGlobalBasis<PB>>>
: public Notifier<event::adapt>
, private Observer<event::adapt>
using Subject = typename PB::GridView::Grid;
using Super = Observer<Subject, event::adapt>;
using Self = ParallelGlobalBasis<PB>;
struct DummyImpl {};
/// Pre-basis providing the implementation details
......@@ -109,6 +95,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
/// Type of the communicator
using Comm = typename BackendTraits<Self>::Comm;
struct DummyImpl {};
using ADH = Dune::AdaptDataHandle<Grid, DummyImpl>;
......@@ -124,7 +111,7 @@ namespace AMDiS
template <class... Args,
Dune::Functions::enableIfConstructible<PreBasis, Args...> = 0>
ParallelGlobalBasis(std::string const& name, Grid const& grid, Args&&... args)
: Super(Dune::stackobject_to_shared_ptr(grid))
: Observer<event::adapt>(grid)
, preBasis_(FWD(args)...)
static_assert(Dune::models<Dune::Functions::Concept::PreBasis<GridView>, PreBasis>(),
......@@ -172,16 +159,6 @@ namespace AMDiS
return preBasis_;
/// Updates the underlying basis when event::adapt is triggered by the observed grid
void update(event::adapt const& e) override
if (e.adapted) {
event::basisUpdate<Self> eNew{*this};
/// \brief Update the stored grid view
* This will update the indexing information of the global basis as well as the communicator.
......@@ -245,6 +222,17 @@ namespace AMDiS
return ADH{};
/// Updates the underlying basis when event::adapt is triggered by the observed grid
void updateImpl(event::adapt e) override
if (e.value) {
PreBasis preBasis_;
PrefixPath prefixPath_ = {};
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include "Tests.hpp"
using namespace AMDiS;
namespace AMDiS {
namespace event {
struct fooEvent {};
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ namespace event {
struct bazEvent {};
} // end namespace AMDiS
std::string testValue = "";
bool checkAndResetTestValue(std::string testName, std::string ref, std::string refOpt = "X")
......@@ -23,8 +25,10 @@ bool checkAndResetTestValue(std::string testName, std::string ref, std::string r
return result;
using namespace AMDiS;
class A
: public Signals<event::fooEvent, event::barEvent, event::bazEvent>
: public Notifier<event::fooEvent, event::barEvent, event::bazEvent>
void foo()
......@@ -53,43 +57,52 @@ public:
class B
: public Observer<A, event::fooEvent, event::bazEvent>
, public Signals<event::bazEvent>
: private Observer<event::fooEvent>
, private Observer<event::bazEvent>
, public Notifier<event::bazEvent>
B(std::shared_ptr<A> a)
: Observer<A, event::fooEvent, event::bazEvent>(a)
: Observer<event::fooEvent>(*a)
, Observer<event::bazEvent>(*a)
, a_(a)
void update(event::fooEvent const& e) override
void updateImpl(event::fooEvent) override
std::cout << "B::update(foo)\n";
testValue += " ";
void update(event::bazEvent const& e) override
void updateImpl(event::bazEvent e) override
std::cout << "B::update(baz)\n";
testValue += "B.baz ";
std::shared_ptr<A> const& a() const { return a_; }
std::shared_ptr<A> a_;
class C
: public Observer<B, event::barEvent, event::bazEvent>
: private Observer<event::barEvent>
, private Observer<event::bazEvent>
C(std::shared_ptr<B> b)
: Observer<B, event::barEvent, event::bazEvent>(b)
: Observer<event::barEvent>(*b->a())
, Observer<event::bazEvent>(*b)
void update(event::barEvent const& e) override
void updateImpl(event::barEvent) override
std::cout << "C::update(bar)\n";
testValue += " ";
void update(event::bazEvent const& e) override
void updateImpl(event::bazEvent) override
std::cout << "C::update(baz)\n";
testValue += "C.baz ";
......@@ -97,7 +110,7 @@ public:
class D
: public Signals<event::barEvent>
: public Notifier<event::barEvent>
void bar()
......@@ -110,22 +123,22 @@ public:
class E
: public Observer<A, event::fooEvent>
, public Observer<D, event::barEvent>
: public Observer<event::fooEvent>
, public Observer<event::barEvent>
E(std::shared_ptr<A> a, std::shared_ptr<D> d)
: Observer<A, event::fooEvent>(a)
, Observer<D, event::barEvent>(d)
: Observer<event::fooEvent>(*a)
, Observer<event::barEvent>(*d)
void update(event::fooEvent const& e) override
void updateImpl(event::fooEvent) override
std::cout << "E::update(foo)\n";
testValue += " ";
void update(event::barEvent const& e) override
void updateImpl(event::barEvent) override
std::cout << "E::update(bar)\n";
testValue += " ";
......@@ -152,6 +165,8 @@ public:
int main()
using namespace AMDiS;
auto a = std::make_shared<A>();
auto b = std::make_shared<B>(a);
auto c = std::make_shared<C>(b);
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