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// Software License for AMDiS
// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology 
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
// This file is part of AMDiS
// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.

/** \file VtkVectorWriter.hh */


#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "DOFVector.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

#include <mpi.h>

#include "DataCollector.h"
#include "SurfaceRegion_ED.h"
#include "ElementRegion_ED.h"

namespace AMDiS {

  template<typename S>
  int VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeFile(std::string name)

    boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream file;
    switch (compress) {
    case GZIP:
    case BZIP2:

      std::ofstream swapfile(name.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
	("Cannot open file %s for writing!\n", name.c_str());

    file.push(boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink(name, std::ios::trunc));

    return 0;

  template<typename S>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeParallelFile(std::string name, int nRanks,
				    std::string fnPrefix, std::string fnPostfix)

    boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream file;
      std::ofstream swapfile(name.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
	("Cannot open file %s for writing!\n", name.c_str());
    file.push(boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink(name, std::ios::trunc));

    file << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
    file << "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\">\n";
    file << "  <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n";
    file << "    <PPoints>\n"
	 << "      <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n"
	 << "    </PPoints>\n";
    file << "    <PCells>\n"
	 << "      <PDataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\"/>\n"
	 << "      <PDataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\"/>\n"
	 << "      <PDataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\"/>\n"
	 << "    </PCells>\n";
    file << "    <PPointData>\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(dataCollector->size()); i++)
      file << "      <PDataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"value"
	   << i << "\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n";

    file << "    </PPointData>\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < nRanks; i++) {
      std::stringstream oss;
      oss << fnPrefix << "-p" << i << "-" << fnPostfix;
      boost::filesystem::path filepath(oss.str());
      file << "    <Piece Source=\""
	   << boost::filesystem::basename(filepath)
	   << boost::filesystem::extension(filepath) << "\"/>\n";


    file << "  </PUnstructuredGrid>\n";
    file << "</VTKFile>\n";

  template<typename S> template<typename T>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeFileToStream(T &file)
    int nVertices = (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberVertices();
    int nElements = (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberElements();
    int vertices = (*dataCollector)[0]->getMesh()->getGeo(VERTEX);

    if ((dim == 2) && (degree == 2)) {
      nVertices += (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberInterpPoints();
      nElements *= 4;
    } else if ((dim == 2) && (degree == 3)) {
      nVertices += (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberInterpPoints();
      nElements *= 9;
    } else if ((dim == 2) && (degree == 4)) {
      nVertices += (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberInterpPoints();
      nElements *= 16;
    file << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
    file << "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n";
    file << "  <UnstructuredGrid>\n";
    file << "    <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"" << nVertices 
	 << "\" NumberOfCells=\"" << nElements << "\">\n";
    file << "      <Points>\n";
    file << "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">\n";
    file << "        </DataArray>\n";
    file << "      </Points>\n";
    file << "      <Cells>\n";
    file << "        <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\">\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < nElements; i++)
      file << " " << (i + 1) * vertices << "\n";

    file << "        </DataArray>\n";
    file << "        <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\">\n";

    for (int i = 0; i < nElements; i++) {
      switch (vertices) {
      case 2:
	file << " 3\n";
      case 3: 
	file << " 5\n";
      case 4:
	file << " 10\n";

    file << "        </DataArray>\n";
    file << "        <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\">\n";

    file << "        </DataArray>\n";    
    file << "      </Cells>\n";
    file << "      <PointData>\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(dataCollector->size()); i++) {
      S temp = (*((*dataCollector)[i]->getValues()))[0];
      int numComponent = num_rows(temp);
Praetorius, Simon's avatar
Praetorius, Simon committed
      std::string name = (*dataCollector)[i]->getValues()->getName();
      if (name.find_first_not_of(" \n\r\t") == std::string::npos)
	name = "value" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i);
      file << "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\""
Praetorius, Simon's avatar
Praetorius, Simon committed
	   << name
	   << "\" format=\"ascii\"" << (numComponent > 1 ? " NumberOfComponents=\"" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(numComponent) + "\"" : "") << ">\n";

      writeVertexValues(file, i);
      file << "        </DataArray>\n";
    file << "      </PointData>\n";
    file << "    </Piece>\n";
    file << "  </UnstructuredGrid>\n";
    file << "</VTKFile>\n";
  } //  

  template<typename S> template<typename T>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeVertexCoords(T &file)
    DOFVector< std::list<VertexInfo> > *vertexInfos = 
    DOFVector< std::list<VertexInfo> >::Iterator it(vertexInfos, USED_DOFS);
    int counter = 0;

    // For all DOFs of vertices, write the coordinates.
    for (it.reset(); !it.end(); ++it) {
      // for all vertex infos of this DOF
      for (std::list<VertexInfo>::iterator it2 = it->begin(); it2 != it->end(); ++it2) {
	it2->outputIndex = counter++;
	writeCoord(file, it2->coords);

    // For the second dim case, write also the interpolation points.
    if ((dim == 2) && (degree > 1)) {
      DOFVector< std::list< WorldVector<double> > > *interpPointCoords = (*dataCollector)[0]->getInterpPointCoords();
      DOFVector< std::list< WorldVector<double> > >::Iterator pointIt(interpPointCoords, USED_DOFS);
      counter = 0;
      for (pointIt.reset(); !pointIt.end(); ++pointIt) {
	for (std::list< WorldVector<double> >::iterator it2 = pointIt->begin(); 
	     it2 != pointIt->end(); ++it2) {
	  writeCoord(file, *it2);

  template<typename S> template<typename T>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeVertexValues(T &file, int componentNo)
    DOFVector<int> *interpPointInd = (*dataCollector)[componentNo]->getInterpPointInd();
    DOFVector<S> *values = (*dataCollector)[componentNo]->getValues();
    DOFVector< std::list<WorldVector<double> > > *dofCoords = (*dataCollector)[componentNo]->getDofCoords();

    DOFVector<int>::Iterator intPointIt(interpPointInd, USED_DOFS);
    typename DOFVector<S>::Iterator valueIt(values, USED_DOFS);
    DOFVector< std::list<WorldVector<double> > >::Iterator coordIt(dofCoords, USED_DOFS);

    file << std::scientific;
    // Write the values for all vertex DOFs.
    for (intPointIt.reset(), valueIt.reset(), coordIt.reset();
	 ++intPointIt, ++valueIt, ++coordIt) {

      if (*intPointIt == -2) 
	for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(coordIt->size()); i++) {
	  file << " " ;
	  file << "\n";

    // For the second dim case, write also the values of the interpolation points.
    if ((dim == 2) && (degree > 1)) {
      DOFVector< std::list<WorldVector<double> > >::Iterator 
	interpCoordIt((*dataCollector)[componentNo]->getInterpPointCoords(), USED_DOFS);
      for (intPointIt.reset(), valueIt.reset(), interpCoordIt.reset();
	   ++intPointIt, ++valueIt, ++interpCoordIt) {      
	if (*intPointIt >= 0) {
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < interpCoordIt->size(); i++) {
	    file << " ";
	    file << "\n";

  template<typename S> template<typename T>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeConnectivity(T &file)
    // For the second dim case, and if higher order Lagrange elements are used,
    // write the connectivity by extra functions.
    if ((dim == 2) && (degree == 2)) {
    } else if ((dim == 2) && (degree == 3)) {
    } else if ((dim == 2) && (degree == 4)) {
    } else {
      std::list<ElementInfo> *elements = (*dataCollector)[0]->getElementInfos();
      std::list<ElementInfo>::iterator elementIt;
      int vertices = (*dataCollector)[0]->getMesh()->getGeo(VERTEX);
      for (elementIt = elements->begin(); elementIt != elements->end(); ++elementIt) {
	// for all vertices
	for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
	  file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[i]->outputIndex;
	file << "\n";

  template<typename S> template<typename T>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeConnectivity_dim2_degree2(T &file)
    std::list<ElementInfo> *elements = (*dataCollector)[0]->getElementInfos();
    std::list<ElementInfo>::iterator elementIt;

    std::vector< std::vector<int> > *interpPoints = (*dataCollector)[0]->getInterpPoints();
    std::vector< std::vector<int> >::iterator pointIt;

    int nVertices = (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberVertices();

    for (pointIt = interpPoints->begin(), elementIt = elements->begin(); 
	 pointIt != interpPoints->end(); 
	 ++pointIt, ++elementIt) {
      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[0]->outputIndex
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[2]->outputIndex 
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[1]->outputIndex
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices 
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices << "\n";

  template<typename S> template<typename T>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeConnectivity_dim2_degree3(T &file)
    std::list<ElementInfo> *elements = (*dataCollector)[0]->getElementInfos();
    std::list<ElementInfo>::iterator elementIt;

    std::vector< std::vector<int> > *interpPoints = (*dataCollector)[0]->getInterpPoints();
    std::vector< std::vector<int> >::iterator pointIt;

    int nVertices = (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberVertices();

    for (pointIt = interpPoints->begin(), elementIt = elements->begin(); 
	 pointIt != interpPoints->end(); 
	 ++pointIt, ++elementIt) {
      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[0]->outputIndex
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[3] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[4] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[4] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[5] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[3] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[4] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[3] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[1]->outputIndex
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[5] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[5] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[2]->outputIndex 
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices << "\n";

  template<typename S> template<typename T>
  void VtkVectorWriter::Impl<S>::writeConnectivity_dim2_degree4(T &file)
    std::list<ElementInfo> *elements = (*dataCollector)[0]->getElementInfos();
    std::list<ElementInfo>::iterator elementIt;

    std::vector< std::vector<int> > *interpPoints = (*dataCollector)[0]->getInterpPoints();
    std::vector< std::vector<int> >::iterator pointIt;

    int nVertices = (*dataCollector)[0]->getNumberVertices();

    for (pointIt = interpPoints->begin(), elementIt = elements->begin(); 
	 pointIt != interpPoints->end(); 
	 ++pointIt, ++elementIt) {

      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[0]->outputIndex 
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[5] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[5] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[9] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[6] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[7] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[9] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[7] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[9] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[10] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[7] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[8] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[10] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[8] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[10] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[1]->outputIndex 
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[8] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[4] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[5] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[9] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[4] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[9] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[11] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[9] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[10] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[11] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[10] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[11] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[0] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[10] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[3] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[4] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[11] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[3] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[11] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << (*pointIt)[1] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[11] + nVertices << "\n";

      file << " " << elementIt->vertexInfo[2]->outputIndex 
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[2] + nVertices
	   << " " << (*pointIt)[3] + nVertices << "\n";

