Thomas Witkowski authoredThomas Witkowski authored
Error.h 3.77 KiB
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// Software License for AMDiS
// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
// This file is part of AMDiS
// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.
/** \file Error.h */
#include "Global.h"
#include "Mesh.h"
#include "AMDiS_fwd.h"
namespace AMDiS {
/** \ingroup Common
* \brief
* True error calculator
template<typename T>
class Error
static void setWriteLeafData()
writeInLeafData = true;
static void unsetWriteLeafData()
writeInLeafData = false;
static bool writeLeafData()
return writeInLeafData;
static double maxErrAtQp(const AbstractFunction<T, WorldVector<double> >& u,
const DOFVector<T>& uh,
const Quadrature* q);
static double H1Err(const AbstractFunction<WorldVector<T>, WorldVector<double> >& grdU,
const DOFVector<T>& uh,
int relErr,
double* max,
bool writeLeafData = false,
int comp = 0);
static double L2Err(const AbstractFunction<T, WorldVector<double> >& u,
const DOFVector<T>& uh,
int relErr,
double* max,
bool writeLeafData = false,
int comp = 0);
static T errUFct(const DimVec<double>& lambda);
static WorldVector<T> grdErrUFct(const DimVec<double>& lambda);
class AbstrFctErrU : public AbstractFunction<T, DimVec<double> >
AbstrFctErrU() : AbstractFunction<T, DimVec<double> >(0) {}
inline T operator()(const DimVec<double> & x) const
return Error<T>::errUFct(x);
static AbstrFctErrU errU;
class AbstrFctGrdErrU : public AbstractFunction<WorldVector<T>, DimVec<double> >
AbstrFctGrdErrU() : AbstractFunction<WorldVector<T>, DimVec<double> >(0) {}
inline WorldVector<T> operator()(const DimVec<double> & x) const
return Error<T>::grdErrUFct(x);
static AbstrFctGrdErrU grdErrU;
static ElInfo* elinfo;
/* static const Parametric* el_parametric; */
static const FastQuadrature* quadFast;
static const AbstractFunction<T, WorldVector<double> >* pU;
static const AbstractFunction<WorldVector<T>, WorldVector<double> >* pGrdU;
static const BasisFunction* basFct;
static const DOFVector<T>* errUh;
static bool writeInLeafData;
static int component;
template<typename T> ElInfo* Error<T>::elinfo = NULL;
template<typename T> const FastQuadrature* Error<T>::quadFast = NULL;
template<typename T> const AbstractFunction<T, WorldVector<double> >* Error<T>::pU = NULL;
template<typename T> const AbstractFunction<WorldVector<T>, WorldVector<double> >* Error<T>::pGrdU = NULL;
template<typename T> const BasisFunction* Error<T>::basFct = NULL;
template<typename T> const DOFVector<T>* Error<T>::errUh = NULL;
template<typename T> typename Error<T>::AbstrFctErrU Error<T>::errU;
template<typename T> typename Error<T>::AbstrFctGrdErrU Error<T>::grdErrU;
template<typename T> bool Error<T>::writeInLeafData = false;
template<typename T> int Error<T>::component = 0;
#include "Error.hh"
#endif // AMDIS_ERROR_H