Thomas Witkowski authoredThomas Witkowski authored
Debug.h 7.24 KiB
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// == AMDiS - Adaptive multidimensional simulations ==
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// Software License for AMDiS
// Copyright (c) 2010 Dresden University of Technology
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: Simon Vey, Thomas Witkowski et al.
// This file is part of AMDiS
// See also license.opensource.txt in the distribution.
/** \file Debug.h */
#include <set>
#include "AMDiS_fwd.h"
#include "Global.h"
namespace AMDiS {
namespace debug {
struct DofPtrSortFct {
bool operator() (const DegreeOfFreedom *dof0, const DegreeOfFreedom *dof1)
return (*dof0 < *dof1);
typedef std::map<int, DofContainer> ElementIdxToDofs;
void writeLocalElementDofs(int rank, int elIdx, FiniteElemSpace *feSpace);
void writeMesh(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, int rank, std::string filename);
/** \brief
* Writes a vtu file with the mesh, where all DOFs are set to zero, and only
* one given DOF is set to one. This can be used to easily identify DOFs in
* a mesh.
* \param[in] rank If set to -1, the vtu files are written on all ranks.
* Otherwise, only on the given rank the mesh is written.
* \param[in] dof Defines the DOF, which value is set to one in the mesh file.
* \param[in] feSpace The FE space to be used.
void writeDofMesh(int rank, DegreeOfFreedom dof, FiniteElemSpace *feSpace);
/** \brief
* Create a vtu file with name 'dofindex.vtu'. All nodes in the mesh are colored
* by the global DOF index.
* \param[in] feSpace The FE space to be used.
void writeDofIndexMesh(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace);
void colorEdgeInMesh(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace,
Element *el,
int localEdgeNo,
std::string filename);
/** \brief
* Creates a vtu file where all elements in the mesh are colored by the global
* element indices.
* \param[in] feSpace The FE space to be used.
* \param[in] filename Name of the file.
* \param[in] level If level is -1, all leaf elements will be put to the
* output file, otherwise the elements with the given level.
void writeElementIndexMesh(Mesh *mesh, std::string filename, int level = -1);
void highlightElementIndexMesh(Mesh *mesh, int idx, std::string filename);
void colorMeshByMacroIndex(Mesh *mesh, std::string filename);
void colorDofVectorByLocalElementDofs(DOFVector<double>& vec, Element *el);
bool colorDofVectorByLocalElementDofs(DOFVector<double>& vec,
Mesh *mesh,
int elIndex);
Element* getDofIndexElement(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, DegreeOfFreedom dof);
Element* getLevel0ParentElement(Mesh *mesh, Element *el);
Element* getLevel0ParentElement(Mesh *mesh, int elIndex);
Element* getParentElement(Mesh *mesh, Element *el);
Element* getParentElement(Mesh *mesh, int elIndex);
Element* getElement(Mesh *mesh, int elIndex);
void printElementInfo(Element *el);
void printElementCoords(const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, Element *el);
void printInfoByDof(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, DegreeOfFreedom dof);
void printMatValuesStatistics(Matrix<DOFMatrix*> *mat);
void printAllDofCoords(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace);
void getAllDofs(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, std::set<const DegreeOfFreedom*>& dofs);
/** \brief
* Creates a text file storing the value of a sparse matrix. Each line of the file
* has three columns:
* row col value
* This file can be used in Matlab using the command "spconvert".
* \param[in] mat The matrix which is used the write the text file.
* \param[in] filename Name of the file to be created.
void writeMatlabMatrix(DOFMatrix &mat, std::string filename);
/** \brief
* Creates a text file storing the value of a sparse matrix. Each line of the file
* has three columns:
* row col value
* This file can be used in Matlab using the command "spconvert". The function
* works only for a matrix of DOFMatrices, that are all defined from the same
* FE spaces.
* \param[in] mat The matrix which is used the write the text file.
* \param[in] filename Name of the file to be created.
void writeMatlabMatrix(Matrix<DOFMatrix*> &mat, std::string filename);
/** \brief
void writeMatlabVector(DOFVector<double> &vec, std::string filename);
void writeMatlabVector(SystemVector &vec, std::string filename);
void writeCoordsFile(const FiniteElemSpace *feSpace, std::string filename);
void printElementHierarchie(Mesh *mesh, int elIndex);
void printElementRefinementSequence(Mesh *mesh, Element *el);
int getLocalNeighbourIndex(Mesh *mesh, int elIndex, int neighIndex);
void importDofVectorByCoords(DOFVector<double>* vec, std::string filename);
void exportDofVectorByCoords(const DOFVector<double>* vec,
std::string filename);
/** \brief
* Traverse a mesh and store for each element all its vertex DOFs in local sorted
* order (by values).
* \param[in] mesh Mesh to be traversed.
* \param[out] elMap Stores to each element the vertex DOFs in sorted order.
void createSortedDofs(Mesh *mesh, ElementIdxToDofs &elMap);
/** \brief
* Takes a map from element indices to lists of DOFs. Checks, if for each element
* in the mesh the vertex value order is still valid.
* The element index map must be created by the function \createSortedDofs. Using
* both functions it can be checked if a renumbering of dofs does not changes the
* local vertex value order (which is required by AMDiS to be always equal on each
* element).
* If the test fails, the function prints some debug information to screen and
* terminates the programm.
* \param[in] mesh Mesh to be traversed.
* \param[in] elMap Map from element indices to lists of DOFs. It is used to check
* the validaty as described above.
void testSortedDofs(Mesh *mesh, ElementIdxToDofs &elMap);
/// Takes tree dofs and returns a list with the dofs sorted by their values.
void sortDofs(const DegreeOfFreedom* dof0,
const DegreeOfFreedom* dof1,
const DegreeOfFreedom* dof2,
DofContainer &vec);
/// Takes four dofs and returns a list with the dofs sorted by their values.
void sortDofs(const DegreeOfFreedom* dof0,
const DegreeOfFreedom* dof1,
const DegreeOfFreedom* dof2,
const DegreeOfFreedom* dof3,
DofContainer &vec);
void testDofsByCoords(FiniteElemSpace *feSpace,
DofContainer &dofs0, DofContainer &dofs1);