AMDiS (Adaptive MultiDimensional Simulations) is a C++ library to solve a broad class of partial differential equations (PDE) using adaptive finite elements.
AMDiS (Adaptive MultiDimensional Simulations) is a C++ library to solve a broad class of partial differential equations (PDEs) using adaptive finite elements. Here you will find some information and tutorials about AMDiS usage/installation/extension...
Install AMDiS by using cmake:
## Installation of AMDiS (Linux)
The buildsystem of AMDiS is based on [CMake]( For an installation with default parameters, create a build directory and call cmake:
where `[install_dir]` is some directory the files should be installed in. There, subdirectories `lib/amdis/`, `include/amdis/` and `share/amdis/` are created and filled. Here, we assume that `../AMDiS` (relative to the build directory) contains the file `CMakeLists.txt` that configures the build process.
### System requirements
AMDiS build with c++ compilers supporting the c++11 standard, e.g.
- gcc, version >= 4.7
- clang, version >= 3.1
- intel, version >= 2013
We assume the following libraries to be found in standard location:
-[boost]( system, iostreams, filesystem, program_options, and date_time), version >= 1.48
-[CMake](, version >= 3.1
For the parallel AMDiS we require additionally
-[ParMETIS](, version >= 4.0
-[PETSc](, version >= 3.3
When PETSc is configured with ParMETIS, the version from PETSc can be used directly.
### CMake options
When configuring AMDiS several options can be modified. For an interactive gui, use either `ccmake`, or `cmake-gui`.
| Option | Type | Description |
| -------------- | ---- | ----------- |
| ENABLE_UMFPACK | BOOL | Compile with support for suitesparse UMFPack library |
| ENABLE_COMPRESSION | BOOL | Allow compressed output of .vtk and .arh files. Need zlib and libbz2 to be installed on the system. |
| ENABLE_PARALLEL_DOMAIN | BOOL | Switch to parallel AMDiS. Needs PETSc and ParMETIS to be installed. |
| PETSC_DIR | PATH | Path to the PETSc root directory, containing the lib/ and include/ subdirectories. |
| PARMETIS_DIR | PATH | Path to the ParMETIS root directory, containing the lib/ and include/ subdirectories. |
| ENABLE_EXTENSIONS | BOOL | Add additional features, not yet part of the standard AMDiS. Experimental! Should be used with care. |