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Commit ddcf1bf8 authored by Thomas Witkowski's avatar Thomas Witkowski
Browse files

Removed unnecessay files.

parent fe07ee86
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dimension of world: 2
couple->adapt->tolerance: 1e-8
couple->adapt->max iteration: 10
couple->adapt->refine bisections: 2
coupleMesh->macro file name: ./macro/macro.stand.2d
coupleMesh->global refinements: 0
problem1->mesh: coupleMesh
problem1->dim: 2
problem1->polynomial degree: 1
problem1->solver: cg
problem1->solver->max iteration: 1000
problem1->solver->tolerance: 1.e-8
problem1->solver->left precon: diag
problem1->estimator: residual
problem1->estimator->C0: 0.1 % constant of element residual
problem1->estimator->C1: 0.1 % constant of jump residual
problem1->marker->strategy: 2 % 0: no adaption 1: GR 2: MS 3: ES 4:GERS
problem1->marker->MSGamma: 0.5
problem1->output->filename: output/problem1
problem1->output->ParaView format: 1
problem1->output->AMDiS format: 0
problem1->output->AMDiS mesh ext: .mesh
problem1->output->AMDiS data ext: .dat
problem2->dim: 2
problem2->polynomial degree: 1
problem2->solver: cg
problem2->solver->max iteration: 1000
problem2->solver->tolerance: 1.e-8
problem2->solver->left precon: diag
problem2->estimator: 0
problem2->marker->strategy: 0
problem2->output->filename: output/problem2
problem2->output->ParaView format: 1
problem2->output->AMDiS format: 0
problem2->output->AMDiS mesh ext: .mesh
problem2->output->AMDiS data ext: .dat
dimension of world: 2
elliptMesh->macro file name: ./macro/macro.stand.2d
elliptMesh->global refinements: 4
ellipt->mesh: elliptMesh
ellipt->dim: 2
ellipt->polynomial degree: 1
ellipt->parallel->upper part threshold: 2
ellipt->parallel->lower part threshold: 0.5
ellipt->parallel->global coarse grid level: 0
ellipt->parallel->local coarse grid level: 4
ellipt->parallel->global refinements: 0
ellipt->solver: cg
ellipt->solver->max iteration: 10000
ellipt->solver->tolerance: 1.e-8
ellipt->solver->info: 2
ellipt->solver->left precon: diag
ellipt->solver->right precon: no
ellipt->estimator: residual
ellipt->estimator->error norm: 1 % 1: H1_NORM, 2: L2_NORM
ellipt->estimator->C0: 0.1 % constant of element residual
ellipt->estimator->C1: 0.0 % constant of jump residual
ellipt->marker->strategy: 2 % 0: no adaption 1: GR 2: MS 3: ES 4:GERS
ellipt->marker->MSGamma: 0.5
ellipt->adapt->tolerance: 1e-3
ellipt->adapt->max iteration: 8
ellipt->adapt->refine bisections: 2
ellipt->output->filename: output/ellipt
ellipt->output->ParaView format: 1
ellipt->output->TecPlot format: 0
ellipt->output->TecPlot ext: .plt
ellipt->output->AMDiS format: 0
ellipt->output->AMDiS mesh ext: .mesh
ellipt->output->AMDiS data ext: .dat
ellipt->output->append index: 0
ellipt->output->index length: 6
ellipt->output->index decimals: 3
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Parameters for PartitionMesh
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
partitionMesh->number of partitions: 4
partitionMesh->size of overlap: 1
partitionMesh->result->output->filename: output/partition.dat
partition->output->filename: output/partition
partition->output->ParaView format: 1
partition->output->TecPlot format: 0
partition->output->TecPlot ext: .plt
partition->output->AMDiS format: 0
partition->output->AMDiS mesh-dat ext: .elem.mesh
partition->output->append index: 0
partition->output->index length: 1
partition->output->index decimals: 0
elementSort->output->filename: output/elementSort
elementSort->output->ParaView format: 1
elementSort->output->TecPlot format: 0
elementSort->output->TecPlot ext: .plt
elementSort->output->AMDiS format: 0
elementSort->output->AMDiS mesh-dat ext: .elem.mesh
elementSort->output->append index: 1
elementSort->output->index length: 2
elementSort->output->index decimals: 1
H1Error->output->filename: output/H1Error
H1Error->output->ParaView format: 1
H1Error->output->TecPlot format: 0
H1Error->output->TecPlot ext: .plt
H1Error->output->AMDiS format: 0
H1Error->output->AMDiS mesh-dat ext: .elem.mesh
H1Error->output->append index: 0
H1Error->output->index length: 1
H1Error->output->index decimals: 0
%% --> parameters which need not to be set (default values exist)
partitionMesh->use weighted dual laplacian: 0 % 0|1 (default: 0)
partitionMesh->use error vector: 1 % 0|1 (default: 1)
partitionMesh->use LAPACK for eigenvalue calculation: 1 % 0|1
% (default: 1)
partitionMesh->unconnected domains->use sign cut: 0 % 0|1
% (default: 0)
partitionMesh->info: 2 % 0 - print nothing
% 2 - print partitioning result
% 5 - print short comments on
% partitioning process
% 10 - print detailed information on
% partitioning process
% (default: 2)
partitionMesh->print detailed partitioning data to files: 0 % 0|1
% prints dual laplacian matrix, partitionVec, fiedler vector,
% ... to files
% (default: 0)
partitionMesh->print details->output dir: output % (default: output)
Fiedler vector->info: 2 % 0 - print nothing
% 10 - print details on eigenvalue
% calculation
% (default: 2)
dimension of world: 2
heatMesh->macro file name: ./macro/macro.stand.2d
heatMesh->global refinements: 6
heat->space->polynomial degree: 1
heat->space->mesh: heatMesh
heat->parallel->upper part threshold: 1.0
heat->parallel->lower part threshold: 1.0
heat->parallel->adaptive thresholds: 0
heat->parallel->threshold inc factor: 2.0
heat->parallel->threshold dec factor: 0.5
heat->parallel->repart time factor: 10.0
heat->parallel->global coarse grid level: 0
heat->parallel->local coarse grid level: 4
heat->parallel->global refinements: 0
heat->space->solver: cg
heat->space->solver->use galerkin operator: 1
heat->space->solver->max iteration: 1000
heat->space->solver->tolerance: 1.e-8
heat->space->solver->info: 8
heat->space->solver->left precon: diag
heat->space->solver->right precon: no
heat->space->estimator: residual
heat->space->estimator->C0: 1.0
heat->space->estimator->C1: 0.0
heat->space->estimator->C3: 0.0
heat->adapt->timestep: 0.1
heat->adapt->min timestep: 0.1
heat->adapt->max timestep: 0.1
heat->adapt->start time: 0.0
heat->adapt->end time: 1.0
heat->adapt->rel space error: 1.0
heat->adapt->rel time error: 1.0
heat->adapt->strategy: 1 % 0=explicit, 1=implicit
heat->adapt->max iteration: 1000
heat->adapt->tolerance: 1e-3
heat->adapt->info: 8
heat->space->dim: 2
heat->adapt->coarsen allowed: 1 % 0|1
heat->adapt->refine bisections: 2
heat->adapt->coarsen bisections: 2
heat->space->marker->strategy: 2 % 0=none, 1=GR, 2=MS, 3=ES, 4=GERS
heat->space->marker->MSGamma: 0.5
heat->space->marker->MSGammaC: 0.1
heat->space->output->filename: output/heat
heat->space->output->ParaView format: 1
heat->space->output->AMDiS format: 0
heat->space->output->AMDiS mesh ext: .mesh
heat->space->output->AMDiS data ext: .dat
heat->space->output->write every i-th timestep: 1
heat->space->output->append index: 1
heat->space->output->index length: 6
heat->space->output->index decimals: 3
partition->output->filename: output/partition
partition->output->ParaView format: 0
partition->output->TecPlot format: 0
partition->output->TecPlot ext: .plt
partition->output->AMDiS format: 0
partition->output->AMDiS mesh-dat ext: .elem.mesh
partition->output->append index: 0
partition->output->index length: 1
partition->output->index decimals: 0
dimension of world: 2
AMDiS mesh file extension: .mesh
AMDiS value file extension: .dat
TecPlot file extension: .tec
time index length: 7
time index decimals: 3
vecelliptMesh->macro file name: ./macro/macro.stand.2d
vecelliptMesh->global refinements: 6
vecellipt->mesh: vecelliptMesh
vecellipt->dim: 2
vecellipt->parallel->upper part threshold: 2.0
vecellipt->parallel->lower part threshold: 0.5
vecellipt->components: 2
vecellipt->refinement sets: 1
vecellipt->refinement set[0]->name: refinementSet0
vecellipt->refinement set[0]->output->AMDiS: 1
vecellipt->refinement set[0]->output->TecPlot: 1
vecellipt->refinement set[0]->output->append time index: 1
vecellipt->refinement set of component[0]: 0
vecellipt->refinement set of component[1]: 0
vecellipt->polynomial degree[0]: 1
vecellipt->polynomial degree[1]: 1
vecellipt->refinement set[0]: 1
vecellipt->refinement set[1]: 1
vecellipt->parallelizer->initial max iterations: 6
vecellipt->parallelizer->initial tolerance: 1e-8
vecellipt->parallelizer->estimator: cond % cond, prob, ...
vecellipt->parallelizer->estimator->error norm: 1
vecellipt->parallelizer->estimator->C0: 0.1
vecellipt->parallelizer->estimator->C1: 0.0
vecellipt->parallelizer->marker strategy: 5 % 5:condES, 6:problems marker
vecellipt->parallelizer->marker->MSGamma: 0.5
vecellipt->parallelizer->marker->max partition DOFs: 0
vecellipt->solver: bicgstab
vecellipt->solver->smoother: gs
vecellipt->solver->smoother->omega: 1.0
vecellipt->solver->coarse level smoothing steps: 1
vecellipt->solver->pre smoothing steps: 1
vecellipt->solver->post smoothing steps: 1
vecellipt->solver->max iteration: 100
vecellipt->solver->tolerance: 1.e-8
vecellipt->solver->info: 2
vecellipt->solver->left precon: diag
vecellipt->solver->right precon: no
vecellipt->estimator[0]: residual
vecellipt->estimator[0]->error norm: 1 % 1: H1_NORM, 2: L2_NORM
vecellipt->estimator[0]->C0: 0.1 % constant of element residual
vecellipt->estimator[0]->C1: 0.1 % constant of jump residual
vecellipt->marker[0]->strategy: 2 % 0: no adaption 1: GR 2: MS 3: ES 4:GERS
vecellipt->marker[0]->MSGamma: 0.5
vecellipt->estimator[1]: residual
vecellipt->estimator[1]->error norm: 1 % 1: H1_NORM, 2: L2_NORM
vecellipt->estimator[1]->C0: 0.1 % constant of element residual
vecellipt->estimator[1]->C1: 0.1 % constant of jump residual
vecellipt->marker[1]->strategy: 2 % 0: no adaption 1: GR 2: MS 3: ES 4:GERS
vecellipt->marker[1]->MSGamma: 0.5
vecellipt->adapt->max iteration: 2
vecellipt->adapt->info: 8
vecellipt->adapt[0]->refine bisections: 2
vecellipt->adapt[1]->refine bisections: 2
vecellipt->adapt[0]->tolerance: 1e-4
vecellipt->adapt[1]->tolerance: 1e-4
vecellipt->output->filename: output/vecellipt
vecellipt->output->ParaView format: 1
vecellipt->info: 8
partition->output->filename: output/partition
partition->output->ParaView format: 1
partition->output->TecPlot format: 0
partition->output->TecPlot ext: .plt
partition->output->AMDiS format: 0
partition->output->AMDiS mesh-dat ext: .elem.mesh
partition->output->append index: 0
partition->output->index length: 1
partition->output->index decimals: 0
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