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  • dev
  • feature/ch_alignment
  • feature/dirichlet_bc
  • feature/new_cmake_structure
  • feature/parallel_rosenbrock
  • master default protected
  • release/v1.2
8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.029Sep28252423222118171615141110987432131Aug2827251918171413121110765431Jul302928272321201615109873129Jun2625242322191817161512111098543229May2827262522201918141312117529Apr282723212017161514873231Mar27262524231196226Feb201819Dec1210932126Nov24201210630Oct232115141092129Sep26242322191098543229Aug28262521191815131275428Jul1098732127Jun262524232017121110928May2320729Apr28242118161514919Mar185325Feb221915Serialization and deserialization of parallel domain problems should now work correctly.Modified Serializer for parallel serialization.Moved debugging functions in ProblemVec to a new class ProblemVecDbg.fixed a formulaFix a small bug in tfqmr solver integration.Added one missing bracket.Changed introduction comments.Work on serialization and deserialization of parallel problems.cleaned up stuff, still mouseover problems in variable selectorUpdated to MTL4 r6861.change init of ell from 1 to OEMSolver::max_iterWork on serialization of parallel problems.Fix some bugs which makes petsc assembling a little bit slow.added popup widget to selected variablesmeshconv: new feature: added vtu-writerimplicitMesh: added feature: inverted phasefieldsvariable inserting, fixesParallel paraview output.added another testproject with more operators, stuffremoved old formula rendering codeBetter output format for parallel computations.fixed rendering of bracesWork on debugging functions wihtin ProblemVec, part 2.Work on debugging functions wihtin ProblemVecimage updating problemsnew renderer works mostly; fixesSmall bugfix for periodic boundary conditions.Fixed dirichlet boundary conditions.meshconv:fixed rendering bugs in matrices, progress on new renderer, fixed python vtu loadingslight change.update guidirichlet boundary condition corrected by zeroing the corresponding rowsMatrixausschriften als Kommentare; Iterationszahlen und Fehlercode können abgefragt werden.fixed stuff; new formula rendererEmpty one slot during insertion.Print slots during insertion.fixes, uservariables inserta bunch of new features! see readme.txtamdis path in demoproject makefile reset to relative