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  • dev
  • feature/ch_alignment
  • feature/dirichlet_bc
  • feature/new_cmake_structure
  • feature/parallel_rosenbrock
  • master default protected
  • release/v1.2
8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Jun16822May211920Apr1424Mar1918171693210Feb34Dec3111Nov1065430Oct20161317Sep18Aug1514118764130Jul2915May129829Apr9118Mar11514Feb131211106131Jan3029282723161513621Dec1828Nov27262120191615141187542129Oct242316223Sep201918126526Aug2317228Jul1913Jun3123May222116874229Apr261812918Mar526Feb252120191817151285129Jan21151076319Dec1311875330Nov292722211917161510987652131Oct3029272625242322212019181716151110985428Sep27262524191776530Aug292827242322212017161514109876432131Jul3029262423221817121110543229Jun282726252221181413121174130May25242322211615141110987432mtl4 included in svn tree and patch for umfpack addedUMFPACK solver updatedsmall changecorrection of ProblemStat, i.e. an intermediate layer for standardProblemIteration addedarh3.0 finished with test_suit test_arh_3.0merge parallel multimesh branch to the trunktest_suite updatedsome bugs fixed in the extensions/demosMatrixVector correctedmeshconv v3.0some compiler switches updated in expressionsmatrix*vector in expressions allowedadded default value: p in second line of METAARH formatadded one more constructor in CouplingBaseProblem.h to couple more than 5 (or 10) base problemssmall workaround for mtl dense_vector 'bug' when using const value_typeCompilerBug 'Workaround'problems with swap() solvedremoved const_cast in operations/product and normremoved const_cast in operations/product and normsome small changes related to last AMDiS updateMatrix, Vector and FixVec now follow the copy-and-swap idiomsome minor correction to eliminate warnings and pedantic errorsextensions extended by unit-vector/-matrix; FixVec,Vector and Matrix corrected and extended; lots of other changesmerge from linearAlg-branch. my parallelization needed a slightly more general linear solver interface and uses the pvd-naming scheme from the petsc-parallelizationDocumentation of Arh2 file format ver. 3.0 addedDocumentation of Arh2 file format ver. 3.0 addedDocumentation of Arh2 file format ver. 3.0 addedDocumentation of Arh2 file format ver. 3.0 addedDocumentation of Arh2 file format ver. 3.0 addedCompositeFEM gets a consistent namespaceadded expressions with 4 and 5 Termsexit for not convergent iterative solver only if relative AND absolute tolerance not reachedgradientOf(DV<WorldVector>) correctedExpressions test extendedExpressions for gradientOf(vector-values-DOFVector) and trans(matrix) addedPfc preconditioner updated for petsc>3.5some small corrections in DOFVector addedsmall changeremoved some warnings and minor errors in the codeA lot of changes in the solver interface