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  • dev
  • feature/ch_alignment
  • feature/dirichlet_bc
  • feature/new_cmake_structure
  • feature/parallel_rosenbrock
  • master default protected
  • release/v1.2
8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Feb15141312111098542129Jan2827262522211918171514128654331Dec2827262118171615141110987432130Nov292726252423222120171614131211109765432130Oct2928272623222120191615141387652130Sep2928252423222118171615141110987432131Aug2827251918171413121110765431Jul302928272321201615109873129Jun2625242322191817161512111098543229May2827262522201918141312117529Apr282723212017161514873231Mar27262524231196226Feb201819Dec1210932126Nov24201210630Oct2321151410921interpol between different DOFVectors failed if coords of DOF identical,\n thus rule to decide if point is in element is relaxedAdded composite FEM library to AMDiS Makefile.moved the x...Removed tests.parsing corrected and scalar stationary tests are fine now, operator insertion will be next stepReorganized xml binding generator, now the language generation stuff is detached from XSD readingSmall modification in GridWriter.Several bugfixes. Now, parallelization should also work in 2d.fixed errors in binding generator, now classes get generatedSmall bugfix for 2d domain decomposition.Ups, I did it again.New debug functions.Removed debug code for ParallelDomainBase to the new class ParallelDomainDbg.New class structure in parallel code.Bugfix in parallel code.Added matlab output functions for matrices and vectors.Added matlab output functions for matrices and vectors.Some changes in source directory structure, part 3.Some changes in source directory structure, part 2.Some changes in source directory structure.reorganized tree_generation_actions.h, fixed some parser testsBugfix in parallel code.Added some debug information and functions.Removed mpi calls in sequential code.Some small changes made by Simon.began support for maps in xml binding generatorremoved tests from source and added project testRevision of parallel domain decomposition code.New Makefile for Reinit library.Added new debug function.Added more tests (in debug mode) for reading macros.really added ellipt testprojectadded elliptFixed bug in openmp parallelization.Work on 3d parallelization.Fixed some small bugs in 3d parallelization.some comments on the operatorterm creation addedSolved edge interior boundary problem in domain parallelization, part 2.Solved edge interior boundary problem in domain parallelization.Updated Reinit library to some changes in AMDiS.