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  • dev
  • feature/ch_alignment
  • feature/dirichlet_bc
  • feature/new_cmake_structure
  • feature/parallel_rosenbrock
  • master default protected
  • release/v1.2
8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.09Feb8763131Jan3027262524201918171614131210643222Dec16151211952130Nov2928252321151412118714Oct117515Sep1497125Aug16151312230Jul272522212015108727Jun2624232216151098763131May30252321191815146542129Apr27262423211918151311876531Mar29282524231918171615141211109543127Feb242221171110983128Jan2726252421201918171514121076526Dec2322212016151413109863130Nov2926252423221918171615121110931Oct302928272625242214130Sep292726252423212019181716151411976526Aug171613111096432131Jul3029282726232221201918161514131298652130Jun29282726transformDOF extendedFileWriter.hh addedFixed problem for repartitioning with periodic boundary conditions.transformDOF and forEachDOF implementedtransformDOF and forEachDOF implementedFileWriter templatedSmall changes and code refactoring in parallel AMDiS.ArhReader modified to read specific valuesNew feature in cmpParallelMatrix to compare different parallel matrices.small error corrected in DofTransformerror corrected in VtkVectorWriterStarting point to make FETI-DP work with mixed finite elements.Fixed FETI-DP problem related to last changes in MeshDistributorVecAtQP_SOT with NULL-Pointer fctVecAtQP_SOT with NULL-Pointer fctPng Reader/Writer includedRename interior boundary object in mesh distributor.Bugfix in element residual estimation, thanks to Katharina.Set sebastian mode in mesh distributor to handle dirichlet and periodic boundaries in a proper way. Must be DOFtransform formatnew DOFtransform formatnew Refinement Classnew Refinement Classconsistent interface for ArhWritercmpParallelMatrix toolwork on cmpParallelMatrix tool.corrections in VtkVectorWritercorrections in VtkVectorWriterChanged names of some variables and functions in MeshDistributor to have a more consistant naming.Refactoring of using periodic DOF mapping in parallel computations.Refactoring of using periodic DOF mapping in parallel computations.Fixed problem in which grid refinement on partition domains (parallel) keptsome new features in baseProblemssome new features in baseProblemssome new features in baseProblemssome error correctionsgeneral integrate function and getDOFidxAtPoint implementedSome changes in PETSc global matrix solver.evalAtPoint, and just removed one commentevalAtPoint