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  • dev
  • feature/ch_alignment
  • feature/dirichlet_bc
  • feature/new_cmake_structure
  • feature/parallel_rosenbrock
  • master default protected
  • release/v1.2
8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.023May22211615141110987432130Apr2725232018171613121110543231Mar302827222016151413129765128Feb27242322201614131098763131Jan3027262524201918171614131210643222Dec16151211952130Nov2928252321151412118714Oct117515Sep1497125Aug16151312230Jul272522212015108727Jun2624232216151098763131May30252321191815146542129Apr27262423211918151311876531Mar29282524231918171615141211109543127Feb242221171110983128Jan2726252421201918171514121076526Dec2322212016151413109863130Nov2926252423221918171615121110Work on parallel jump residual estimator.New function for traversing sub boundaries.getComponentName() addedFixed problem for 3D mesh redistribution.Fix bug for multi mesh usage.Added FETI-DP timings.Small bugfixBlub, go home.And removed SubDomain solver files.Small bugfix.Replaces subdomain solver in FETI-DP to be a general PetscSolver.Before merging SubDomainSolver and PetscSolver together.Fixed problem with memory usage in FETI-DP.Uhuhu, der Bug ist weg....BaseProblem updatedBaseProblem updatedOn the way to a bug free AMDiSBlub, here and now.Blub, teil 2BlubFirst update of matrix checking tool for multilevel matrices.Vector_FOT with factorperiodic boundary conditionsperiodic boundary conditionsperiodic boundary conditionsRemoved SolutionDataStorage, was never used.Fixed Lagrange computation problem for multilevle FETI-DP.Fixed compilation problem on atlas with gcc.periodic boundary conditionsperiodic boundary conditionsperiodic boundary conditionsAnd found a bug in multilevel FETI-DP, now have to fix it ....Fixed interior subdomain mapping problem for 2 level domain decomposition.error in evalAtPoint correctedAnd some small bugfix for the weekend.Removed level hierarchie in parallel dof mapping, is not necessary.Checkpoint for code refactoring in parallel multilevel methods.Add test for multilevel interior boundaries and dof communicators.And fixed the bug with multilevel interior boundary creation.And go back to juropa