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  • dev
  • feature/ch_alignment
  • feature/dirichlet_bc
  • feature/new_cmake_structure
  • feature/parallel_rosenbrock
  • master default protected
  • release/v1.2
8 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.07Nov65432130Oct2928272623222120191615141387652130Sep2928252423222118171615141110987432131Aug2827251918171413121110765431Jul302928272321201615109873129Jun2625242322191817161512111098543229May2827262522201918141312117529Apr282723212017161514873231Mar27262524231196226Feb201819Dec1210932126Nov24201210630Oct232115141092129Sep26242322191098543229Aug28262521191815131275428Jul1098732127Jun262524232017121110928May2320729Apr28242118161514919Mar185325Feb221915deleted dependence on qmake, changed to cmakeOperatorReader test addedrestructed XML-treefixed a bug in NewProjectWidget(dimension); progress in UservariablesWidgetZOT.xml: order changed, some new tests for operator decisionShift standard definitions in Makefile needed to compile AMDiS userShift standard definitions in Makefile needed to compile AMDiS userchanged readmefixed includepaths because of boost removal; added cmake files(not yet working)test for Operatordecider implementedboundary condition now working; added xml binding generator(early stuff);corrected some testscorrected missing x-dependencetests boosted ;-) Fixed serialization-deserialization problem for periodic boundaries.New Makefile because of removed boost. SMI demo removed.Removed boost from AMDiS repository.OperatorReader deleted in generatoroperatorReader movedboundary conditions now correctly loading; added some parser tests; minor fixesBugfix for OpenMP parallelization when using interpolFct on dof vectors.more boundary conditions possible; moved initial condition widget to own tabCornelius version of minres solver.finds usefull operators nowprogress on Meshwidgetmeshwidget: now boundary edges get loaded and are selectablechecks for reducing the tree and operatormapping implemented, needs to fix the mul-reduce-meSmall bugfix.decider added (something went wrong)fixed zooming behaviour in matrixwidgetcreating new projects now workingadded NewProjectWidget(not yet fully working); some utility functions and tests for theserestructured to use only one OperatorTree-descriptionupdated parser; added testcasesproject willmore should have the name willmore...error with strlen corrected. (cstring included)TreeWriter introduced, counting test with numbers in const deletedFixed a bug when using openmp parallelization for assemlbing matrices.Fixed a bug when using openmp parallelization for assemlbing matrices.Test