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AMDiS (Adaptive MultiDimensional Simulations) is a C++ library to solve a broad class of partial differential equations (PDEs) using adaptive finite elements. Here you can find some information and tutorials about AMDiS usage/installation/extension...


The AMDiS library uses CMake to build. To configure with CMake we suggest to create a build directory, and run:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../AMDiS


To install the library you may provide an installation directory, by calling CMake with the additional argument:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=[install_dir] .

and just run the install target:

cmake --build . --target install


Some demo programs using the AMDiS library are implemented in the subdirectory demo. To configure and build run CMake again, with the AMDiS installation directory specified:

mkdir demo/build && cd demo/build
cmake -DAMDIS_DIR:PATH=[install_dir]/share/amdis [-DCOMPONENT=(SEQUENTIAL|PARALLEL)] ..
cmake --build . --target all

The optional COMPONENT parameter set the variant of AMDiS to be used, i.e. sequential or parallel AMDiS. All AMDiS-dependent programs can be configured using a CMakeLists.txt file similar to the following:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)


add_executable(mytarget src/
target_include_directories(mytarget PRIVATE ${AMDIS_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_compile_options(mytarget PRIVATE ${AMDIS_COMPILEFLAGS})
target_link_libraries(mytarget ${AMDIS_LIBRARIES})


The tests are implemented in the subdirectory test and can be built and run by using the CMake:

mkdir test/build && cd test/build
cmake -DAMDIS_DIR:PATH=[install_dir]/share/amdis ..
cmake --build . --target all


The documentation is built using Doxygen. Simply run the command in the doc subdirectory:

cd AMDiS/doc

Then html documentation is then generated in the doc/html folder.

System requirements

AMDiS can be build with various c++ compilers, e.g.

  • gcc, version >= 4.6
  • clang, version >= 3.1
  • intel, version >= 2013
  • MSVC, version >= 11.0

A detailed overview about compiler compatibility is listed in the wiki-page Compatibility.

We assume the following libraries to be found in standard location:

  • boost (modules: system, iostreams, filesystem, program_options, and date_time), version >= 1.48
  • CMake, version >= 3.1

For the parallel AMDiS we require additionally

When PETSc is configured with ParMETIS, the version from PETSc can be used directly.

CMake options

When configuring AMDiS several options can be modified. For an interactive gui, use either ccmake, or cmake-gui.

Option Type Description
ENABLE_UMFPACK BOOL Compile with support for suitesparse UMFPack library
ENABLE_COMPRESSION BOOL Allow compressed output of .vtk and .arh files. Need development files of zlib and libbz2 to be installed on the system.
ENABLE_PARALLEL_DOMAIN BOOL Switch to parallel AMDiS. Needs PETSc and ParMETIS to be installed.
PETSC_DIR PATH Path to the PETSc root directory, containing the lib/ and include/ subdirectories.
PARMETIS_DIR PATH Path to the ParMETIS root directory, containing the lib/ and include/ subdirectories.
ENABLE_ZOLTAN BOOL Compile support for graph paritioning library Zoltan.
ZOLTAN_DIR PATH PAth to the Zoltan root directory, containing lib/ and include/ subdirectories.
ENABLE_EXTENSIONS BOOL Add additional features, not yet part of the standard AMDiS. Experimental! Should be used with care.