#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
#include <dune/common/referencehelper.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgrid/datahandle.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgrid/declaration.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgrid/indexsets.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgrid/intersection.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgrid/intersectioniterator.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgrid/iterator.hh>
#include <dune/curvedgrid/utility/optionalnocopy.hh>
#include <dune/grid/common/gridview.hh>
namespace Dune {
namespace Curved {
// Internal Forward Declarations
// -----------------------------
template <class HGV, class GF, bool useInterpolation>
// GridViewTraits
// --------------
template <class HGV, class GF, bool useInterpolation>
friend class GridView<HGV, GF, useInterpolation>;
using HostGridView = HGV;
using GridFunction = Dune::ResolveRef_t<GF>;
using HostGrid = typename HostGridView::Grid;
using HostIntersection = typename HostGridView::Intersection;
using HostIntersectionIterator = typename HostGridView::IntersectionIterator;
using GridViewImp = GridView<HostGridView, GF, useInterpolation>;
using Grid = Dune::CurvedGrid<HostGrid, GF, useInterpolation>;
using IndexSet = Curved::IndexSet<const Grid, typename HostGridView::IndexSet>;
using Intersection = Dune::Intersection<const Grid, Curved::Intersection<const Grid, HostIntersection>>;
using IntersectionIterator
= Dune::IntersectionIterator<const Grid,
Curved::IntersectionIterator<const Grid, HostIntersectionIterator>,
Curved::Intersection<const Grid, HostIntersection>>;
using CollectiveCommunication = typename HostGridView::CollectiveCommunication;
template <int codim>
struct Codim
using IteratorImp = Curved::Iterator<HostGridView, codim, All_Partition, const Grid>;
using Iterator = Dune::EntityIterator<codim, const Grid, IteratorImp>;
using Entity = typename Grid::Traits::template Codim<codim>::Entity;
using Geometry = typename Grid::template Codim<codim>::Geometry;
using LocalGeometry = typename Grid::template Codim<codim>::LocalGeometry;
template <PartitionIteratorType pit>
struct Partition
using IteratorImp = Curved::Iterator<HostGridView, codim, pit, const Grid>;
using Iterator = Dune::EntityIterator<codim, const Grid, IteratorImp>;
static const bool conforming = HostGridView::conforming;
template <class HGV, class GF, bool useInterpolation>
class GridView
using Self = GridView;
using Traits = GridViewTraits<HGV, GF, useInterpolation>;
using HostGridView = typename Traits::HostGridView;
using Grid = typename Traits::Grid;
using GridFunction = Dune::ResolveRef_t<GF>;
using IndexSet = typename Traits::IndexSet;
using Intersection = typename Traits::Intersection;
using IntersectionIterator = typename Traits::IntersectionIterator;
using CollectiveCommunication = typename Traits::CollectiveCommunication;
template <int codim>
struct Codim
: public Traits::template Codim<codim>
static const bool conforming = Traits::conforming;
/// \brief construct the GridView from a hostGridView
GridView (const Grid* grid, const HostGridView& hostGridView)
: grid_(grid)
, hostGridView_(hostGridView)
/// \brief return a const reference to the CurvedGrid
const Grid& grid () const
/// \brief return the geometry mapping of the grid
const GridFunction& gridFunction () const
return grid().gridFunction();
/// \brief obtain the index set
* The lifetime of the returned index set is bound to the lifetime of the
* grid view. Keep a copy of the grid view to prevent the index set from
* becoming a dangling reference.
const IndexSet& indexSet () const
if (!indexSet_)
return *indexSet_;
/// \brief obtain number of entities in a given codimension in the hostGridView.
int size (int codim) const
return hostGridView().size(codim);
/// \brief obtain number of entities with a given geometry type in the hostGridView.
int size (const GeometryType& type) const
return hostGridView().size(type);
/// \brief return whether the hostEntity associated to `e` is contained in the hostGridView.
template<class EntityType>
bool contains (const EntityType& e) const
return hostGridView().contains(e.impl().hostEntity());
/// \brief obtain begin iterator for this view.
template <int codim, PartitionIteratorType pit = All_Partition>
typename Codim<codim>::template Partition<pit>::Iterator begin () const
using IteratorImp = typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<pit>::IteratorImp;
return IteratorImp::begin(gridFunction(), hostGridView(), grid().order());
/// \brief obtain end iterator for this view.
template <int codim, PartitionIteratorType pit = All_Partition>
typename Codim<codim>::template Partition<pit>::Iterator end () const
using IteratorImp = typename Traits::template Codim<codim>::template Partition<pit>::IteratorImp;
return IteratorImp::end(gridFunction(), hostGridView(), grid().order());
/// \brief return begin intersection iterator with respect to this view
IntersectionIterator ibegin (const typename Codim<0>::Entity& entity) const
using IteratorImpl = Curved::IntersectionIterator<const Grid, typename HostGridView::IntersectionIterator>;
return IteratorImpl(entity, hostGridView().ibegin(entity.impl().hostEntity()), grid().order());
/// \brief return end intersection iterator with respect to this view
IntersectionIterator iend (const typename Codim<0>::Entity& entity) const
using IteratorImpl = Curved::IntersectionIterator<const Grid, typename HostGridView::IntersectionIterator>;
return IteratorImpl(entity, hostGridView().iend(entity.impl().hostEntity()), grid().order());
/// \brief obtain collective communication object of the hostGridView.
const CollectiveCommunication& comm () const
return hostGridView().comm();
///\brief return the size of the overlap region of the hostGridView.
int overlapSize (int codim) const
return hostGridView().overlapSize(codim);
///\brief return the size of the ghost region of the hostGridView.
int ghostSize (int codim) const
return hostGridView().ghostSize(codim);
/// \brief communicate via the hostGridView communication method using a wrapped dataHandle.
template <class DataHandle, class Data>
void communicate (CommDataHandleIF<DataHandle, Data>& dataHandle,
InterfaceType interface,
CommunicationDirection direction) const
using DataHandleIF = CommDataHandleIF<DataHandle, Data>;
using WrappedDataHandle = Curved::CommDataHandle<Grid, DataHandleIF>;
WrappedDataHandle wrappedDataHandle(grid(), dataHandle);
hostGridView().communicate(wrappedDataHandle, interface, direction);
/// \brief return the GridView of the hostGrid.
const HostGridView& hostGridView () const { return hostGridView_; }
HostGridView hostGridView_;
mutable OptionalNoCopy<IndexSet> indexSet_;
} // end namespace Curved
} // end namespace Dune