File reader and writer for the VTK Format
Provides structured and unstructured file writers for the VTK XML File Formats that can be opened in the popular ParaView visualization application. Additionally a file reader is provided to import VTK files into Dune grid and data objects.
For the management of the grids the dune-grid
module is required. Additionally
for the data evaluation, the dune-functions
module is used.
Optional modules
For tests and examples dune-spgrid
and dune-polygongrid
are suggested, that
support structured grid data or special element types.
The VTK writer works similar to the dune-grid VTKWriter
. It needs to be bound
to a GridView and then data can be added to the points or cells in the grid.
Points are not necessarily grid vertices, but any coordinates places inside the
grid cells, so the data must be provided as GridViewFunction to allow the local
evaluation in arbitrary local coordinates.
Grid grid = ...;
VtkWriter<typename Grid::LeafGridView> vtkWriter(grid.leafGridView());
auto fct = makeAnalyticGridViewFunction([](auto const& x) {
return std::sin(x[0]);
vtkWriter.addPointData(fct, "u_points");
vtkWriter.addCellData(fct, "u_cells");
vtkWriter.write("filename.vtu", Vtk::ASCII);
See also the src/
directory for more examples.
Comparison with Dune::VTKWriter
In Dune-Grid there is a VTK writer available, that is a bit different from the proposed one. A comparions:
*Property | Dune-Grid | Dune-Vtk |
VTK version | 0.1 | 1.0 |
UnstructuredGrid | x | x |
PolyData | x | - |
StructuredGrid | - | x |
RectilinearGrid | - | x |
ImageData | - | x |
ASCII | x | x |
BASE64 | x | - |
APPENDED_RAW | x | x |
APPENDED_BASE64 | x | - |
Parallel files | x | x |