Cristian Maglie authoredCristian Maglie authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
SAMD CORE 1.6.12 2017.02.07
* Fixed type conflict of utoa function. Thanks @kbumsik
* Fixed pinMode(pin, OUTPUT) not working after analogRead(pin)
* Reenabled support for Tian
* Fixed signature for Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board
* Added CMSIS headers for SAML21 chip series. Thanks @aethaniel
SAMD CORE 1.6.11 2016.12.23
* Temporarily disabled support for Arduino Tian until an upload issue is fixed
SAMD CORE 1.6.10 2016.12.23
* Added .org boards
* Fixed MKRZero `build.board` property
* linker: .data section is now aligned to 16 bytes address
* Added support for CRYSTALLESS configurations (thanks @ladyada)
* Added Circuits Playground board
* Added method to automatically retrieve sketch start via linker variable
(see https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-samd/pull/185)
* Fixed USBDevice.epBank1EnableTransferComplete method
* Adapted bootloader source code to CMSIS 4.5
SAMD CORE 1.6.9 2016.12.12
* MKR1000: Enabled PWM on pin 11, it is shared with pin A4
* SPI: Optimized SPI.transfer(...)
* Added linker flags for the ARM Math library
* Added new I2S library
* Bootloader: Check sketch vectors before waiting for double tap
* Upgraded CMSIS version to 4.5.0, and use new CMSIS-Atmel package
* Added Arduino MKRZero board.
SAMD CORE 1.6.8 2016.10.12
* Fixed regression on analogWrite. Thanks @bose-mdellisanti!
* Fixed regression on SerialUSB.available()
* C++ global constructors (if any) are now run after hardware initalization.
SAMD CORE 1.6.7 2016.09.28
* Fixed Serial.flush() blocking before any writes. Thanks @hangmoh
* Added snprintf_P to avr/pgmspace.h stub. Thanks @jantje
* Another small fix to String iterators. Thanks @Ivan-Perez @Chris--A
* Fixes SerialUSB.write(...) returning 0 instead of byte written
* Added Uart::availableForWrite()
* Added defines for RAMSTART, RAMSIZE, RAMEND
* Fixed writing LOW to a digital input pin blocking subsequent digitalRead attempts
* Fixed digitalWrite() unnecessarily activating the pull-up resistor
* Wire: Slave writes now use TX buffer
* Added getTimeout() method to Stream.
* Fixed glitch in PWM generation that may happen when calling analogWrite()
* PWM frequency is now 732.4Hz (before it was 187500.0Hz)
* Fixed PWM/analogwrite() not working on pin 13 on the Zero
* Improved reliability of SerialUSB under heavy load (this should solve
all issues with MKR1000/WiFi101 firmware updater on MacOSX)
* Improved SerialUSB.read() performance
* Added String::toDouble()
* Bootloader: LED now pulses and USB TX/RX blink on transfer (like Leonardo)
* Bootloader: enabled USB string descriptors
SAMD CORE 1.6.6 2016.05.19
* Fixed digitalPinToInterrupt() macro, now it works as documented.
* Added analogInputToDigitalPin macro
* Fixed NUM_DIGITAL_PINS for Zero Board.
* On-board RX-TX LEDs now blinks when there is activity on the native USB port
* Fixed platform.txt, the core now compiles again with Arduino IDE <=1.6.5. Thanks @per1234
* Fixed Wire.write(0x00) "ambiguos method" error
* String class now supports iterators. Thanks @Chris--A
* Remove enabling bootloader protection when burning bootloader. This enables WDT, so sketches do not work.
* Added remote upload for Yun-Shield
SAMD CORE 1.6.5 2016.04.02
* Added Arduino/Genuino MKR1000 board
* Set NVMCTRL.MANW bit to 1 (default is 0). This prevents accidental writes on program memory.
* Bootloader: Fixed wrong UART speed (regression)
* Fixed incorrect return value from Wire.available() when the receive buffer is not fully read.
* Added DAC0 definition in Arduino/Genuino Zero variant file.
* Enabled bootloader protection after "Burn bootloader".
SAMD CORE 1.6.4 2016.02.19
* Fixed Wire address setup when running as slave.
* Fixed String constructor when using floating point numbers.
* USBHost: fixed blocking USBHost.Task(). Thanks @bbx10
* USBHost: fixed some ASCII Control codes in keyboard controller. Thanks @bbx10
* USBHost: ported some minor fix from upstream UHS2. Thanks @bbx10
* USBHost: fixed wrong library initialization. Thanks @bbx10 @ladyada
* better interrupt handling in Serial::accept()
SAMD CORE 1.6.3 2016.02.15
* Added drivers for Arduino/Genuino MKR1000 board
* Fixed Wire master repeated start behaviour
* Added SerialUSB methods: readBreak(), baud(), stopbits(), paritytype(), numbits(), dtr(), rts()
* Added SPI.transfer16(..) method
* Bugfix: added missing Serial.begin(baud, config) method. Thanks @tuxedo0801
* Fixed Serial baudrate calculations for 1200bps. Thanks @TomKeddie
* Fixed Serial.flush() that now waits until the last bit has been sent. Thanks @TomKeddie
* Fixed Serial configuration for data-bit. Thanks @TomKeddie
* Bootloader: 32Khz external oscillator is now used, improves USB clock. Thanks @aethaniel
* Bootloader: Clean up of makefiles and file organization. Thanks @aethaniel
* Added PWM capability to pins A1/A2 of Arduino Zero.
* variant.h/cpp: PWM capability is now determined by PIN_ATTR_PWM combined with
PIN_ATTR_TIMER or PIN_ATTR_TIMER_ALT for timer selection.
* Small fix to USBHost example "USB_desc.ino". Thanks @bbx10
* USBHost: USB-Keyboard right shift key was ignored. Thanks @bbx10
* Wire library now support multiple instances in variant. Thanks @spiderkeys
* Ported some SerialUSB API (readBreak(), baud(), stopbits(), paritytype(), numbits(), dtr(), rts())
SAMD CORE 1.6.2 2015.11.03
* Fixed bug in delay calculations
* Fixed deadlock conditions in Wire. Thanks Erin Tomson
* Print not aborting on write() failure. Thanks @stickbreaker
* SPI can now be configured in variants. Thanks @aethaniel
* Implemented Wire.end
* Fixed external interrupt for pin 8 and 9
* Implemented Wire.setClock. Thanks @PaoloP74
* Wire: allow scanning bus via beginTransmission-endTransmission
* USB Device: big refactoring and bug fix
* USB Device: added PluggableUSB interface
* updated bossac to version 1.6.1-arduino
SAMD CORE 1.6.1 2015.07.21
* Added missing ATN pin definition
* Added missing bootloader key/value pair in boards.txt (this allows to burn bootloader with Sam-ICE too)
* Fixed min/max functions
* Fixed hooks for Cortex-M RTOS
* Fixed acknowledge of UART errors
* Enabled C11/C++11
* Fixed initialization in USB Device
* Updated bossac to version 1.6-arduino
SAMD CORE 1.6.0 2015.06.15
* First public release.