@@ -5,29 +5,10 @@ for Atmel's SAMD21 processor (used on the Arduino Zero board).
## Installation on Arduino IDE
This core is available as a package in the Arduino IDE cores manager.
Just open the "Boards Manager" and install the package called:
Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+)
## Hourly builds
This repository is under a CI system that every hour checks if there are updates and
builds a release for testing (the so called "Hourly builds").
The hourly builds are available through Boards Manager. If you want to install them:
1. Open the **Preferences** of the Arduino IDE.
2. Add this URL `http://downloads.arduino.cc/Hourly/samd/package_samd-hourly-build_index.json` in the **Additional Boards Manager URLs** field, and click OK.
3. Open the **Boards Manager** (menu Tools->Board->Board Manager...)
4. Install **Arduino SAMD core - Hourly build**
5. Select one of the boards under **SAMD Hourly build XX** in Tools->Board menu
6. Compile/Upload as usual
If you already installed an hourly build and you want to update it with the latest:
1. Open the **Boards Manager** (menu Tools->Board->Board Manager...)
2. Remove **Arduino SAMD core - Hourly build**
3. Install again **Arduino SAMD core - Hourly build**, the Board Manager will download the latest build replacing the old one.
"Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+)"
## Support
@@ -49,6 +30,24 @@ to avoid duplicates.
Contributions are always welcome. The preferred way to receive code cotribution is by submitting a
Pull Request on github.
## Hourly builds
This repository is under a Continuos Integration system that every hour checks if there are updates and
builds a release for testing (the so called "Hourly builds").
The hourly builds are available through Boards Manager. If you want to install them:
1. Open the **Preferences** of the Arduino IDE.
2. Add this URL `http://downloads.arduino.cc/Hourly/samd/package_samd-hourly-build_index.json` in the **Additional Boards Manager URLs** field, and click OK.
3. Open the **Boards Manager** (menu Tools->Board->Board Manager...)
4. Install **Arduino SAMD core - Hourly build**
5. Select one of the boards under **SAMD Hourly build XX** in Tools->Board menu
6. Compile/Upload as usual
If you already installed an hourly build and you want to update it with the latest:
1. Open the **Boards Manager** (menu Tools->Board->Board Manager...)
2. Remove **Arduino SAMD core - Hourly build**
3. Install again **Arduino SAMD core - Hourly build**, the Board Manager will download the latest build replacing the old one.
## License and credits
This core has been developed by Arduino LLC in collaboration with Atmel.