- Jun 07, 2023
Jonathan Schöbel authored
The demo program now uses some of the new functionality.
- Jan 05, 2023
Jonathan Schöbel authored
- Nov 15, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
Instead of the trivial structure SH_Error, SH_Status is used. The name was chosen, because error/status is set independently whether an error has occurred. Beside the error type, it also contains the associated errno and an error message. The error message is also printed, when it is set. Generating error messages with variadic arguments is now also supported. There are also macros to check for a set status. The exception handling was removed for the *_free methods, because they can't fail predictably during runtime. Unfortunately the compiler reports, that inside the macro set_status printf may be called with NULL [printf (NULL)], although, this is explicitly debarred.
- Oct 17, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
The make process was restructured to create a library. For this libtool is used to provide both static and dynamic linking. Also header inclusion guards were introduced, to prevent clients of the library to include some single file without including others. The types were exported with forward declarations for better abstraction. When compiling the library, the macro LIB_SEFHT_COMPILATION is defined and symbol declarations are exported fully. For compiling the tests this macro is also defined, as the tests not only tests the API, but also the internal state, because a lot of errors couldn't be detected otherwise.
- Oct 16, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
The method SH_Text_print just prints the whole string to stdout.
- Oct 15, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
The function SH_Text_get_string returns a substring of text beginning at index and of length offset. If index is out of bounds, NULL is returned and an error is set. If offset is out of bounds, the existent part is returned. Also the length of the returned string can be set (optionally) to the out parameter length. If the original behaviour of SH_Text_get_string is achieved, SH_Text_get_string (text, length, error) has to be changed to SH_Text_get_string (text, 0, SIZE_MAX, length, error). The only difference will be that the function won't fail, when the text is longer than SIZE_MAX, because it is told to stop there. A text that is longer than SIZE_MAX is not possible to be returned, but that wasn't possible at anytime. Also I don't think handling char[] longer than SIZE_MAX is possible with the standard C library. Those in this case the text can only be returned in parts (By now only possible till 2*SIZE_MAX-1 with calling SH_Text_get_string (text, SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX, length, error)) or has to be manipulated using the appropiate SH_Text methods, which are not implemented yet.
Jonathan Schöbel authored
A method was added, that returns the generated text.
- Sep 20, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
- Sep 18, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
This renaming is neccessary, as the future Fragmment will be the base class to all Fragment types.
- Sep 08, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
When the wrap mode is used, after each tag a newline is started. Also the html is indented, which can be configured by the parameters indent_base, indent_base, indent_char. The parameter indent_base specifies the width the first tag should be indented with, while indent_step specifies the increment of the indent when switching to a child tag. The character, that is used for indenting is taken from indent_char. (It could also be a string longer than a single character). This aguments can't be set by the user, but are hardcoded (by now).
- Sep 04, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
A Fragment can contain childs. When building the html, the childs html is generated where appropiate.
- Jun 21, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
Error handling is done by passing an Error structure as inout parameter to functions that can fail on runtime predictable. This parameter is always the last one. Methods, where this is not the case, doesn't have an error parameter. When an Error is detected, also an ERROR is passed to the log. Because this isn't implemented yet, it is replaced by a nop. The macro EXIT becomes now useless. It was used earlier in case of an error, to terminate the program in the first place. This behaviour is not userfriendly, but it can't be decided on the library's side, whether there is an option to inform the user, something must be cleaned up or even that recovering is possible at all. Often these recognized errors are a non-working malloc or an over-/underflow. Error handling can be ignored by the caller by passing NULL to the Error parameter. Whether an error had occured, is also always possible to be determined, by examining the return value. If the error occours in a function returning a pointer, NULL will be returned. If it returns an value, a special error value of that type is returned, i.e. PAGE_ERR in SH_Data_register_page. If the return type would be void, a boolean is returned, which tells, whether the method has succeeded. (False means, that an error has occured.) The error may have occured in an intern method and is passed upwards (the stack). Internally errors are handled by an enum, but this must be considered an implementation detail and can be changed in later versions. It is in the responsibility of the caller to recover gracefully. It has to be assumed that the requested operation have neither worked, nor actually took place. Those the operation can be retried (hopefully).
- Jun 20, 2022
Jonathan Schöbel authored
Pages are hold by Data, CMS passes trough the call(s).
Jonathan Schöbel authored
cms will be the base "object", that performs all neccessary actions.
Jonathan Schöbel authored